Chapter 1

We Belong Together



In the waiting room of the hospital


"Shhh~ Shhh~" a mother rocked her baby back and forth.


"Are you a first time mother?" A mother with sleeping baby in her car seat asked.


The mom nodded.


"Here let me. May I?" The crying baby's mom nodded. The crying baby then began to quiet down.


"Wow how did you do that?"


"Well this is my third child. So I'm pretty experienced."


"Oh, by the way I'm Julia Jung and this is my daughter Jessica Sooyeon Jung."


"Rebecca Hwang and this is my second daughter Stephanie Miyoung Hwang. I prefer Tiffany though. Her father wanted to name her Stephanie."


"Either way they're both beautiful names."




"Come on Sooyeon! Let's go play!"


"No I want to sleep."


"But you've been sleeping all day. I want to pla- WHOA!"


Sooyeon had dragged Miyoung down on the bed with her wrapped her arms around Miyoung tightly.


"Yah Jung Sooyeon!"


"Miyoung if you sleep with me then I'll play wit you."


"Fine!" Miyoung snuggled into Sooyeon's chest, closed her eyes and slept.





"Joohyun-ah! Let's go!"


"Okay mommy! Bye Yong oppa! Bye Yoong unnie!" Joohyun waved and ran to her mom. "Guess what mommy!" Joohyun happily said to her mother.


"What is it Hyunnie?"


"Yong oppa bought me a keroro!" Joohyun lifted the small stuffed frog up for her mom to see.


"Wow! Did you say thank you?"


"Mmhm!"the little girl nodded her head happily, "Yoong unnie got mad because Hyunnie kissed oppa's cheek."


"Hehe Yoona got mad? Was she jealous?"


"Mommy what's jeeelllos?"


"Not jellos." Her mother chuckled, "it's jea-lous."




"Yes good! Being jealous is wishing you had what someone else got or envying someone. For example, your Yoona unnie got mad because she was jealous that you kissed your oppa's cheek right?" Joohyun nodded, "It was because she wished you kissed her instead. You got it?"


"Oooh~ so is it like when Hyunnie gets mad because Yoong unnie always plays with Yuri unnie and not Hyunnie?"


"That's right! Jealousy usually comes when you like the other person and they do things with other people, but not you."


"So was mommy jealous when daddy did other things with someone besides mommy?"


'Aish! Why is this girl so smart?'


"Ye-yeah, but it's okay now because mommy has moved on. You know what Joohyun-ah! Let's go get some ice cream and eat hamburgers!"


"Yah!! Ice cream!! But no hamburgers mommy!"


"Why~" her mom whined.


"Because you're going to die if you eat it."


"And where did you learn this?"


"From a book!"


"Ayy~ no wonder you're so smart! Okay just ice cream then!"






It was a day just like every other day. A cold aura entered the building. The usual employees did not mind for they were used to their cold boss, but the newer ones were always scared of her. The girl entered the building and walk to the elevator then straight to the confess room. Although she was a big part of the meeting she, like always, was spacing out. After the meeting her sister Krystal caught up with her and began to talk.




"What is it?" She lazily said.


"Let's go out and eat tonight!!"


"Why tonight? I have plans."


"Because I want to! An plus your plans are trying to make Taeyeon unnie fall for you. Which, will never happen."


"You never know." She mumbled and pouted.


"Come on Jessi unnie!" Krystal whined.


"Fine, fine. Where and you're paying!"


"Urgh! Fine I'll pay. It's called All Around. It's a new restaurant that has all different kinds of food from all over the world. It's the grand opening tonight and we get free dessert."


"Okay. Come get me when you're done with work. I'll be sleeping in my office." Jessica put her sunglasses on head  towards her office.


"AISH! That unnie!" Krystal shook her head.








"Are you sleeping again?"


"Taeyeon? No I'm not." The sleeping girl was now awake.


"Well since you're not let's go out to lunch. What to say? I won't take no as an answer."


"And why is that?"


"Because I'm already here!" Taeyeon opened the door to Jessica's office as she said that.


"When did you?"


"Come on lazy let's go!"


"Okay hold on let me use the restroom then we can go."


Jessica hurried into her little private bathroom in her office and quickly fixed her hair and reapplied her makeup before going out and headed to lunch with Taeyeon.




"Yeah! I can't eat too much though Krystal's taking me out tonight." Jessica was out trying to put her jacket clumsily.


"Alright!" Taeyeon chuckled.




"Hey Sica!" Taeyeon said.


"Hmm?" Jessica hummed as she at her food.


"You know that one girl I talked about that I really liked?"


"Hmmm…you mean that Tiffany girl? Isn't she the one you met, but she had a wife."


"Yeah that girl! Well I found out she doesn't have one anymore! She got divorced!"


"And…that's something to be happy about?"


"For me yes. For her maybe no."


"Wow Tae…how did you find this out?"


"I ran into her at the market and then we went to a cafè and caught up with each other."


"That's cool." Jessica just shrugged it off.


"Come on! Show some emotions Sica! Be happy for me I might have a chance with this girl."


"Yay~" Jessica sarcastically said and meronged.




"Mommy! Mommy! What are we doing tonight?" Little Joohyun asked.


"Well your Hyoyeon imo (auntie) is coming to watch you while I go to work."


"Aw why? Mommy always goes to work!"


"I'm sorry baby, but mommy needs to earn money to pay for all your Keroros okay?"


"Okay." Joohyun frowned.




"That must be Hyoyeon imo! I'll go get the door."


Joohyun sighed and took heavy steps into the living room of their apartment.


'Mommy always has to work to buy me Keroro stuff? Maybe I don't need more Keroro stuff. I love Keroro, but I love mommy more.' She thought.


"Joohyun-ah!!" Hyoyeon shouted.


Joohyun didn't respond and sat on the couch staring off into space.


"Joohyun-ah!" Hyoyeon shouted again and again the girl did not respond. "What's wrong with her?"


"I don't know. She was fine when we got home. Don't worry she'll lighten up since you're here. I have to go. Watch over my baby okay? Don't destroy the house please."


"Okay, okay now go you're gonna be late."




A/N: I have so many fanfics to finish up, but I could not get this out of my head so here it is. I hope you guys like it so far. If you do give me some feed back and I'll continue on with the fic! ^__^ Thanks!!



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Chapter 16: Beautiful jeti story ❤️
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 16: Reread this cute story again
Chapter 16: Ahhh sweet u add yoonhyun at the end of story....thanks for ur story thornim
Chapter 8: Uhhh...goodnight kisses☺️
Chapter 2: Ahhh joohyun's mommy is tiffany??i'm so curious..
bfewuibd #6
Chapter 16: Ah this would the the first time i write a commentbhere. But i already re read this for the 4-5th time. Its just too good. Thank you for making fanfiction to read whenever i can't sleep!!!
Chapter 16: This was a very simple and wholesome fanfic yet it elicited various feelings. It also did not drag too long to be able to induce rainbow vomit because of all the fluff. Good job!
Chapter 16: This is good.. ^^
Chapter 16: I love it ♡
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 16: This is so sweet i love it!