
The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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T-ara: Don't Leave


One nerve-wrecked week had passed. There was still no sign of coyotes.

Either they were really gone…or they were waiting for the perfect moment to do something horrifying.

No matter how much Danji speculated, she still could not figure out what those unruly Bangtan Boys were up to. She just hoped they were gone for good.

Danji woke up one morning to the sound of bags zipping. Rubbing her drowsy eyes, she padded bare feet to the living room. Her grandfather zipped up his bag and placed the last carving in the basket.

“Where are you going?” She asked. “Seoul.” He replied.

Danji dropped her hand with a concerned frown, “You went there two weeks ago.”

“Yes, but the furniture cost took a large bite out of my bank account.” Her grandfather joked.

Danji sighed, “Must you really go?”

“Yes, I must, fair lady.” He teased. She shook her head but smiled. “I’ll make you a sandwich. You can eat it on the bus.”

Danji went to the kitchen and pulled out some ingredients. She made the sandwich and wrapped it up in plastic. “Here you go, grandpa.” Danji held it out. Her grandfather placed it in the pocket of his old leather bag.

“You should buy a new bag.” She said. “No, that’s you. Until when will you use that tattered school backpack, huh?” He asked.

“Until I graduate.” Danji shrugged. Her grandfather shook his head, “You’re too thrifty.”

“It’s not bad to be careful with money.” She chuckled. He smiled and patted the top of her head, “Keep the house locked while I’m gone. Better yet, go stay at Minyoung’s for the day.”

*Don’t worry. I have six wolves protecting me.* “I will.” Danji nodded. She walked her grandfather to the door. He tied the laces of the shoes she had bought him for Christmas.

“I’ll be back by night.” Her grandfather promised.

Danji smiled and nodded, “Okay. Have a safe trip!” She waved. He waved back and went on his way.

Danji closed the door, locked it, and went to wash. She had just dressed into shorts and a sweater when the window started to open. Danji spun around and stared at the window with a guarded expression. When she saw a flash of silver hair, she relaxed.

Luhan hopped inside and walked towards her. He put a hand on her back and planted a kiss on her lips. “How are you?”

“Good.” Danji smiled.

“Where is your grandpa?” Luhan lowered his voice.

“He left to Seoul.” Danji answered.

“Oh.” Luhan relaxed.

“He’ll be back by night though.” She said. “Okay then. We’ll stay at my place until then.” He took her hand.

Danji nodded in agreement. Together, they headed to the wolves’ cabin.

When she walked in, everyone greeted her.

Tao slung an arm around her neck. “Are you okay, mei-mei?”

“I’m doing better.” Danji replied with a smile.

“Still worrying about the coyotes?” Xiumin asked sympathetically.

Danji tried to be casual, “No, I’m okay. I just wonder sometimes where they are.”

“I don’t think you have to worry anymore. They seem long gone. I doubt they’ll come back.” Kris touched her head before leaving the living room.

“Yeah, and even if they do return, we’ll protect you.” Tao puffed out his chest.

Danji meekly smiled, grateful for their vows to keep her safe. She couldn’t shake off the unsettling feeling though that somehow, someway, the coyotes would do something else to torment her.


That evening, Danji’s grandfather arrived back in Malhwa.

He was in a good mood. He had managed to sell every one of his carvings today.

With that bonus, he had bought a brand new backpack for his granddaughter. He held it up to the faint moonlight and smiled widely. *I hope she likes it. I bought red, but maybe I should have chosen blue. I can get her the blue backpack next time.*

Out of nowhere, a dark shadow swept past the trees.

Her grandfather froze. His eyes flickered around. There was no movement.

*Okay…maybe I imagined it.* Cautiously, he started to walk again.

Another shadow moved along. A snap of a twig could be heard.

Her grandfather froze. He had definitely seen correct this time.

“Who is out there?!” He barked in a gruff voice, hoping to appear challenging.

Someone ran by behind him, and he spun around. He clenched his fist as his pulse rang in his ears. Someone out there was ambushing him.

Her grandfather grabbed a rock from the ground. His hand shook, but he managed to tightly grasp the rick. The shadow ran by again, and he threw the rock. It hit the tree and landed on the ground. Her grandfather doubled over and panted. He had grown too old for this.

“Wow. You lost your skills, haven’t you?” A voice asked.

Her grandfather spun around. Out of the shadows came six boys dressed in black. He gave them a quizzical look, “Who are you?”

The tall boy with the sunglasses smirked, “I’m surprised you don’t recognize us anymore. You really lost your hunting skills, haven’t you?”

Her grandfather paled. *It couldn’t be. No. There is no way that the creatures could have come here. Even if they did…how could they recognize me?*

Then it hit him. They were the ones who had broken into his house.

They saw my badge! He froze.

Her grandfather swallowed hard but tried to remain his stance, “W-what do you want? I-I’m not a Hunter anymore. I stopped years ago.”

“That doesn’t matter to us. You probably killed a lot of lives while you were a Hunter,” The captain strode forward, “And that gives us enough reason to end your life.”

Her grandfather stepped back, “Stay back.”

The coyotes smirked at each other. Like we would listen to a hunter, they thought.

“I think karma got you back, old man. A damn wolf has claimed your precious granddaughter as a mate.” The captain slid his finger over his bottom lip.

Her grandfather stopped moving. Eyes round, he asked, “What do you mean? What are you talking about?”

“Oh,” The captain feigned pity, “She didn’t have the guts to tell you.”

“TELL ME WHAT! WHAT ABOUT DANJI BEING A MATE?!” Her grandfather roared.

The captain clutched his throat, and he began to choke. “Don’t raise your voice at me, old man. It’s not wise, considering the situation you are in.” The captain released him. Her grandfather stepped back with a stunned expression.

“Your granddaughter knows about us.” The captain announced. Her grandfather stared at him in shock. “She knows about coyotes. She knows about wolves. But what she doe

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
740 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time