A small gift

The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Yozoh- Again and Again


Clothes were spread out on the bed. A few rejected jackets and tops were piled on the floor.

For two hours now, Danji had been trying to decide on an outfit for tonight’s movie adventure with her new entourage. After scarfing down her sandwich as quickly as possible, she had invaded her closet and pulled out every outfit she could get her hands on.

Danji held up a denim skirt with rhinestones and a purple v-neck shirt to her body and looked in the mirror. Her bottom lip jutted out in dissatisfaction. *No. The skirt is too shirt. I don’t know how I let Minyoung convince me to buy that one.*

Danji tossed the discarded skirt and top onto the ground. She turned to her bed full of clothes and put her hands on her hips with a sigh. Danji tapped her lower lip with her finger and tilted her head in thought. She picked up a sky blue dress and then wrinkled her nose in distaste.

There was a knock on the door. Distracted, Danji called, “Come in.”

Her grandfather opened the door, and his eyes almost popped out. “What on earth is going on?! How did your room become in such a state?!”

“I’m trying to look for something.” Danji mumbled.

“Like what? You raided your entire closet!” He yelped in disbelief.

“It’s complicated,” She scratched her head and then looked back. “Did you need something, grandpa?”

“I was just going to ask if you wanted ice cream.” He jabbed a thumb towards the kitchen. “I bought a new carton of blueberry mango ice cream, if you want some.”

“Not right now, but thanks.” Danji sighed and picked up the rest of her clothes from the ground.

Her grandfather leaned against the doorway and studied his granddaughter who was acting unusual. “Is something going on tonight that is causing you to mess up your room like this?”

“I’m just going out with my friends.” Danji replied.

“Which friends?” Her grandfather raised an eyebrow.

“The usual crowd…” *And then some.* Danji did not say that part out loud though.

Her grandfather rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay, well…don’t get too carried away now. It’s best if you go as yourself. Just relax. Breathe. Everything is fine.” He closed the door before leaving.

Danji stopped rummaging around. She looked at herself in the mirror and touched her light golden brown hair. “Myself…”

*Grandpa is right, once again. Why am I freaking out? This isn’t a date. I’m just going to the movies with friends. There’s no reason for me to do all this.*

Danji took her grandfather’s advice. She took a couple breaths and exhaled. Danji dug through the pile of scattered clothes. She finally pulled out what she would wear. After changing, Danji looked at herself in the mirror. Wearing a plaid top with light black skinny jeans and gray tennis shoes, she looked normal and pretty. Satisfied, Danji spun around and checked her back. *Okay. I look effortless and casual. It seems like I took only two seconds to choose what to wear. That’s good. I just need to be myself.*

Just for her benefit though, she added a layer of lip gloss to her lips.

After braiding her hair into one, she was ready to go. Danji swung her leather bag over her shoulder and hurried towards the front door. She checked the time and hastened. *I promised to meet Minyoung and Uishik at the bus stop by 5:30. I’m going to be late!* “I’m leaving now, grandpa! I made kimchi stew so make sure to eat that! Bye!” Danji hurriedly left. *I’m glad I’m wearing sneakers. I can actually run!*

By the time she arrived at the bus stop, she was breathless.

Minyoung and Uishik were already there. She tapped her watch with a look. “You’re five minutes late.”

“I’m sorry,” Danji apologized. “The bus didn’t come yet, right?”

“You’re good.” Uishik assured.

She looked him up and down and smiled widely. “Wow, Uishik. Nice fashion. You look nice in jeans. Is that shirt new?” He sheepishly scratched his head. “Yeah.”

“Looks good.” Danji put two thumbs up. Uishik smiled, pleased, “Thanks.”

The bus came, and they all hopped on. “I’m looking forward to this!” Minyoung clapped her hands excitedly. Even Uishik seemed a big eager. Danji smiled, feeling completely relaxed and joyful. It was nice to be out with good friends.

The bus came to Sun Walk, and the three of them got off.

“Where are we meeting the guys?” Uishik asked.

A coil of nervousness sprang up in Danji’s stomach. *Oh yeah…they were coming, too.*

“In front of the theater,” Minyoung replied. “Come on!”

Uishik automatically followed. Danji hung back a bit to catch her breath. After exhaling, she went with them. They went to the theater, but the boys weren’t there yet.

“Where are they?” Minyoung wondered.

“Maybe they went inside?” Uishik guessed.

*Or maybe they were just messing with us when they said they would tag along.* Danji didn’t know whether to feel relived or annoyed if her assumption was true.

“Hello!” A loud voice greeted them.

The three of them spun around.

*What do you know? They actually stuck to their word.* Danji gulped.

The six boys were standing there with smirks and grins. They looked even more handsome in their casual clothes. A lot of girls did double takes as they passed by. Danji met eyes with Luhan. His smile broadened. She gave him a timid smile but kept her embarrassed gaze glued on the cement floor. Her fingers tightened around the strap of her purse. *Don’t be stupid! Just be your normal self! Smile! Talk! Do something besides standing there just awkwardly!*

“Sorry we came late!” Tao grinned.

“N-no problem.” Minyoung stammered, still captivated by their good lucks.

“So…do we go in or what?” Chen raised an eyebrow.

“Of course. This way.” Minyoung led the way. Everyone followed after her.

Luhan hung back to walk with Danji. “You look cute.” He commented.

She flushed. “Not really.” She murmured.

“You don’t think so?” Luhan asked. “Because I think so.”

Danji turned red and walked faster. Luhan smirked. *Don’t be so shy, my mate.* He quickened his steps to catch up to her.

“We’re going to watch that.” Minyoung pointed to the comedy.

“Okay!” Tao wholeheartedly agreed. “Don’t worry about the tickets everyone! Our generous oldest brother said he would pay for everyone!” He pointed at Kris whose shocked expression told Danji that the idea had not been discussed previously.

“I’m going to do what?” Kris asked, still stunned.

“Everybody thank him!” Tao grinned.

“Thank you, Kris.” Everyone chimed.

Now he had no choice. He had to buy the tickets, or he would end up looking like a real jerk.

Cursing Tao under his breath, Kris went up to the ticket stand.

“Let’s go get some snacks.” Minyoung beamed. Uishik followed her to the snack stand and paid for whatever she wanted to eat, which made her fall in love with him even more.

“Do you want anything?” Luhan asked.

Tao appeared out of thin air. “Why, yes I do! How about peanuts and popcorn-“

Luhan smacked his face away with his eyes on Danji. “What do you want to eat?” He asked gently.

“Um, I’ll just have lemonade and caramel popcorn.” Danji fumbled with her bag to take out her wallet.

“No need. My treat.” Luhan left.

Tao hurried after him. “What about me- yow!”

Xiumin yanked on his ear and then slung an arm around him. “I’ll buy yours, Tao.”

“Treat me, too.” Lay beamed and followed them. “I don’t want anything.” Chen huffed.

Luhan bought the snacks and came back to Danji. “Thanks. You didn’t have to buy me anything though.” She said. “I usually don’t do things because I have to do them. I do them because I want to.” He shrugged and sipped his cola. Danji chuckled and bit her straw.

“The movie is starting! Let’s go!” Minyoung giddily pointed.

Kris handed everyone their tickets.

“Thanks…I’ll pay you back.” Danji promised.

“No need. Luhan will pay for your sh

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
740 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time