I found you

The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Tamra Island OST: Your Tears


After studying at Minyoung’s house for a couple hours, Danji returned to her home that was right at the edge of the woods. It was an old cabin that had never been remodeled since her grandfather had been a little boy. The only thing that had changed since then was that there was a working toilet and bathtub now along with lights to brighten the nights.

It was an old, run-down place with a roof leak, but she loved it a lot. It was her home, and there was nothing she would change about it.

“I’m home!” Danji declared as she shut the door behind her. There was no answer.

“Grandpa?” She asked warily and glanced around the cabin.

“Grandpa? Are you home?” Danji called again. *Strange. He should be here. Don’t tell me he’s working again.* Rolling her eyes, she dropped her backpack on the floor and went to the back studio room.

Danji opened the door and saw her grandfather carving a peacock out of wood. *I knew it.* She sighed and shook her head while pursing her lips into a thin, unhappy line. *Stubborn old man.*

“I know you just cursed me in your head. I heard it!” Her grandfather accused out loud while keeping his gaze firmly on his art project.

“Of course you did.” Danji rolled her eyes again and came closer. Her grandfather was now approaching his eighties. He was unlike other warm, happy grandfathers. He was always busy with his crafts, and he never failed to tease Danji about her temper.

“What are you doing out here? I thought you were sick.” She plunked down on a tall stool.

“You’re delusional.” He snorted.

Danji gave him what he called the “wicked eye”. “Grandpa, I saw you in bed coughing with a fever this morning.”

“Leave me alone. Can’t an old man get some peace around here?” He shaved wood off of the carving.

Danji looked downward, and dropped wide open. “Grandpa!” The floor was covered with wood shavings. “You’re making a mess! Who is going to clean all this later?!”

“That’s a very obvious question. Either you’re stupid or just forgetful. Of course it’s you, you impudent girl.” Her grandfather stated.

“Oh my god.” Danji shook her head.

“There. All done.” He smiled then broke into a coughing fit.

Concern crossed her face. Although the spirited old man annoyed her to death, she also cared and loved him. He was the only family she had. “Are you all right?” Danji asked.

“Never better.” Her grandfather croaked. He stood up and took the heavy carving.

Danji quickly stood up and took the sculpture from him. “I’ll put it away. I’m taller than you anyways.”

“Be careful! I worry about your butter fingers!” Her grandfather coughed into his handkerchief.

Danji rolled her eyes and made her way to the shelf. Carefully, she wedged the carving between his other two creations. “Seriously, grandpa. You need to rest. Don’t you get money from your retirement funds? You need to stop working so hard. Nobody buys these things anymore anyways-“

Danji spun around and caught her grandfather smoking a cigar. “Grandpa!” She shrieked. He blinked innocently. “What?”

Shaking her head, she stormed over and yanked the cigar away. “You need to quit smoking, too. And drinking. And eating red meat. Otherwise, you won’t live for very long.” Danji walked out of the studio.

“How old do you expect me to live anyways? Nobody lives forever!” Her grandfather hollered.

*I expect you to live for a long, long time. You’re the only family I have who is alive, grandpa. I can’t bear to lose you.* Danji threw the cigar away and picked up the cushions from the floor.

Her grandfather came into the living room. “Did you throw my cigar away?! Really?!”

“It’s bad for your health.” Danji shot him a look. She picked up her backpack, but the broken zipper got stuck on the popped out wire, and all the contents spilled out. “Darn it.” Danji sighed and bent down to pick up her belongings.

“You need a new backpack. What do you do with the allowance I give you? Feed the raccoons with it?” Her grandfather mused as he bent down and picked up her sketchbook. He opened up to a random page. When he saw her latest drawing of a fearsome wolf, his face paled and grew serious.

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
740 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time