Unwelcome Visit

The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Lee Sang Gon: Love Hurts


On Sunday, the rain clouds gathered. The sky was gray, and there was no sign of the sun or moon anywhere.

The wolves actually liked rainy days. It meant that the clouds would cover up the moon, and they would be spared from a possible night of pain and exhaustion.

Luhan asked Danji to come over for a cuddle session, but she had promised to spend time with Minyoung, so she swore she would come later that evening.

In the late morning, Minyoung and Danji met up at the bus and went to the Sun Walk. After watching a movie, shopping, and eating, they came back to Malhwa.

“Up for some manicure session?” Minyoung grinned.

“As long as you don’t paint them rainbow.” Danji wiggled her fingers.

Laughing, they headed to her house. The two of them spent hours doing each other’s nails and watching romantic dramas that eventually led Minyoung to tear up. Danji looked at the time. It was almost approaching five o’clock.

*Luhan will be waiting up for me.* “I should go.” She grabbed her beige leather bag and stood up.

Minyoung pouted, “You should stay for dinner. You never stay for dinner anymore.”

“I’ll stay next time, but today I need to go see someone.” Danji put her shoes on.

“Who?” Minyoung asked, puzzled. Then a knowing smile spread on her lips. “Oh, I see. Boyfriend, right?”

“No one else.” Danji confirmed.

“Lucky you. Okay, go have fun. Don’t let me keep you from your lover boy.” Minyoung made kissy noises.

Danji playfully shoved her. “I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” With a wave, she left. She had just gotten onto the stony path when the rain started to fall. *Oh, no. Why now? I didn’t even bring an umbrella.*

Danji covered her head and wondered what she should do.

Go back to Minyoung’s? Just run forward?

But the rain fell harder, and she decided to go under the nearest tree.

Danji sprinted quickly into the forest and came across a large tree with thick branches. She stepped under the tree and froze.

Someone had already claimed a spot under there.

We need to stop meeting like this, Danji thought.


Jin had fallen asleep. After hours of trailing after Danji in the Sun Walk and making sure that the members of his pack did not harm her, he collapsed underneath a broad tree and fell asleep out pure exhaustion. He both cursed and thanked Luhan for not having followed his mate around.

Jin felt a drop of water in his nose. His eyebrows crinkled in distaste.

What was waking him up from such a delicious dream? He had been hoping to meet Danji in his dreams again, but he had been so rudely interrupted by mere water.

Jin opened his eyes. He saw a pair of legs in ripped, balck skinny jeans and stiffened immediately.

Who was standing there watching him sleep?

Jin lifted his gaze upward. Mild surprise crossed his face. *We keep bumping into each other like this in the same area.*

Danji stared back. She seemed equally shocked to see him.

Slowly, Jin pulled the earphones out from his ears.

“What are you doing here?” Danji asked warily.

*Keeping an eye on you.* That answer would not settle with her or her mate very well. “Didn’t you see me? I was taking a nap. Thanks for waking me up.” Jin snapped, trying not to let his voice waver with emotions.

“Well, sorry to ruin your precious nap. I’ll go find another place to stay until the rain stops.” Danji grumbled and turned to go.

*Stop her, you idiot! This might be one of the rare moments where you can be alone with her!* His heart screamed. “Danji!” Jin cried out.

She paused and looked back with a skeptical frown. “Did you want to yell at me for something I didn’t do again?”

He looked away, “D-Don’t be ridiculous. Just stay. There are no other trees around that can cover you better.”

Danji didn’t move. “I’ll…be all right. You can stay.” Jin said, softer this time.

She should have left.

She should have stayed away from the coyote.

But he sounded rather sincere, and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

So, Danji came over and sat a couple feet away from him. She put her bag down and looked up at the pouring rain. Danji sighed, “I wonder when the rain would stop.”

Jin took a careful glimpse at her. His eyes softened, and he watched as she gazed up at the sky. *Hopefully never.*

Danji turned her head towards him, and Jin looked away, pretending as if he hadn’t been googling her this entire time. “Do you usually fall asleep under trees?” She asked randomly.

“Does it matter?” He muttered.

“No. I’m just making small talk.” Danji shrugged. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her arms on top of them. Danji rested her chin on top of her arms and just sat there in awkward silence. Then suddenly, she chuckled.

Jin gave her an odd look, “Why are you laughing?”

“It’s just…strange. I never thought I would be sitting under a tree waiting for the rain to stop with a coyote. I mean, you’re trying to get rid of me.” Danji laughed at the irony.

“I’m not.” Jin whispered. *Why would I want to get rid of my Other Half, you babo?* She stopped laughing and gazed at him. His expression was serious. “I told you. I’m not interested in getting revenge from you. I have no reason to hate you. I don’t like wasting my time…with useless things.”

Danji softened, “Yeah, you did tell me that.” She paused then spoke his name with a gentle whisper, “Jin?”

His eyes flapped close, and he clenched his fist. *Please don’t say my name like that.*

“You’re really not like the other coyotes.” Danji said.

Jin opened his eyes and looked at her. “How is that?”

She smiled, causing a thousand butterflies to explode from his heart, “You’re good.”


It was only one simple word, but it made his heart melt into a puddle.

“Good?” He whispered.

“Yeah, good,” Danji nodded, “You’re a good coyote. Now there’s an oxymoron, huh?” She burst into laughter.

Jin softened and almost smiled in front of her.

Half an hour of silence passed by. The rain did not stop falling down. Jin checked on Danji to see what she was up to. He was surprised to see her asleep. Her head was slumped forward, and her hands lay limp in her lap. Jin softened in worry. *She looks so uncomfortable.* He glanced around.

Not sensing any other presence, he shifted closer to her until he was sitting right next to her.

Jin reached out and carefully cupped the opposite side of her head. Then gently, he rolled her head onto his shoulder. Her head lightly bounced on his shoulder and swayed forward. Jin straightened her head and brushed the hair from her eyes. When she didn’t move, he breathed out.

Safe, Jin smiled. He looked down at her wrist and saw her bracelet. Carefully, Jin picked up her hand and held out her wrist so that he could take a better look at her bracelet. His snowflake charm was dangling off of it. His smile deepened. *She still wore it.*

Jin placed her hand back in her lap. He looked up at the gray sky with a sigh of content. *Let me just stay like this for thirty more minutes. I won’t ask for more.* Jin put one earphone back in his ear, played his ipod, and shut his eyes.


Danji startled awake. When she opened her eyes, she was still under the tree. Droplets of rain fell from the tree leaves, but the rain had stopped for now. Danji sat up and looked around.

Jin was gone. She was alone, and the sun was just about to dip down the horizon.

*Oh my gosh. How long have I been here? Luhan!* Danji got up, snatched her bag, and started to run. Her legs grew weary, but she only paused once while running to the wolves’ cabin.

Danji dashed up the house and knocked on it. There was no answer.

She knocked again, but no one opened the door for her.

Danji twisted open the doorknob and poked her head inside. “Hello? Is anyone home? Luhan?” No lights were on, and no one replied back either. *Where did they all go?* Danji let herself inside and shut the door behind her. She treaded into the living room and glanced around. All was silent.

Danji went to each room in search of any sign of the wolves. When sh

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
750 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time