
The Girl and The Wolf (Mate)
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Exo: Growl (Chinese Ver.)


After another restless sleep, Danji woke up to face Monday, the dreaded start of her nightmare. Sluggishly, she pulled herself out of bed and prepared for school. She tied her hair into a loose ponytail.

For a long time, she just sat in front of the vanity mirror and stared at herself. Her eyes dropped to the paw necklace around her neck. *Oh yeah…I forgot about this.*

Danji reached behind her neck to unclasp it. But something made her stop. She couldn’t bring herself to take it off. *It won’t hurt to leave this on.* Danji dropped her hands back into her lap.

“Danji.” Her grandfather called.

“Coming.” She grabbed her backpack and left the bedroom. He eyed her, “Are you feeling all right?”

Danji nodded, “Yeah.”

Her grandfather frowned slightly, “Are you sure? You still look pale.” He put a hand against her forehead. She didn’t know why her eyes watered at that. Truthfully, Danji wanted to embrace him and cry. She wanted someone to vent to and tell her horror story to. However, she knew if her grandfather ever found out about this event, he would either think she was insane or go into shock.

“Your forehead feels a little warm, too,” His face softened, “Maybe you should go back to class. I’ll call the school for you.”

“No, I can go. I’m fine, really.” Danji assured.

“Okay then…call me if you ever want to come home. I’ll come pick you up.” Her grandfather promised.

Danji nodded. She said goodbye to him and left for school.

As she came closer and closer to school, her steps felt heavier. Danji stopped abruptly. Nonplussed, she gazed at the road ahead of her.

*I don’t want to go. I hate this. Why me? I don’t even believe in fairy tales. I once did, but that was when I was five. After mom and dad died, I don’t believe in those things anymore.*

Danji spun around, ready to go back home and hide under the covers. But she couldn’t bring herself to go on. Danji closed her eyes as she took a deep breath to calm her crackling nerves. If she hid now, she would have to hide forever.

Why should I? A bold thought crossed her mind. She had done nothing wrong.

If these so-called “coyotes” really had conflict with the wolves, then they should be after them not her. She would not be included in their business.

Danji opened her eyes and nodded in determination. *This is my town, and I’m going to my school. They can solve their fantasy issues someplace else.* She turned back around and marched towards school.

Her confidence slightly wavered, however, when she arrived at Malhwa High School.

Danji clenched her fists. *Come on, Choi Danji! You can do this! You can overcome your nightmare!*

“Danji!” Minyoung dashed towards her and caught her in a tight hug. “Where the hell have you been?! Do you know how worried I was when you didn’t show up at my house?!”

Danji softened. Friends really were the best. *Thank you, Minyoung. I needed that.* She hugged her friend back. “I went to your house, but got sick, so I came back home. I should have called you. I’m sorry.”

Minyoung pulled back with a shake of her head, “No, don’t be. Are you okay now though?” Danji nodded. “Good. Come on.” Minyoung put an arm around her and led her inside.

The two of them went into the classroom. Danji stopped short when she spotted Luhan at his desk. He looked so normal, but now, she knew his secret. She knew what kind of a beast he actually was.

“Go on. I’ll see you during break.” Minyoung patted her shoulder and went to her desk. Danji swallowed hard. She felt eyes on her and turned her head. Swiftly, Kris, Lay, Tao, Chen, and Xiumin looked away. *You’re all the same.*

Danji walked past them and went to her seat. She finally sat down, but did not even acknowledge Luhan. He turned towards her with a soft gaze. *She hates me.* His heart sank. Luhan turned towards her and opened his mouth to speak when the teacher came in.

“Didn’t you hear the bell ring already? Everyone to your seats.”

Glumly, Luhan faced forward. He was dying to talk to her and resolve this issue once and for all. It made him mad that he had to wait until break time to do so.

Teacher Han scanned the class. “Okay, a couple of announcements before we start our warm-up exercise. One, don’t forget that our midterm is next week-“ That elicited a few groans from the class. He shot them a glare that shot laser, and they shut up. “And we have new students with us today.”

Everyone perked up at that. Luhan grew suspicious. *New students?*

He looked back and locked eyes with Kris, who shook his head. Something was up.

“Wow. We’ve been getting a lot of transfers lately. Surprisingly, they’re all juniors, too.” Teacher Han shrugged.

Luhan furrowed his eyebrows. *What does that mean?*

“Okay, come in.” Teacher Han waved his hand.

The seven boys piled in. Instantly, the wolves stiffened. They recognized the boys at once.

*. I know them. They’re the Bangtan Boys.* Kris narrowed his eyes.

Tao clenched his jaw tightly and balled his hand into a fist.

*. Coyotes.* Luhan growled in his mind. His anxious eyes flitted to Danji at once. Her face was as white as a sheet. She looked terrorized. No, it’s them, she thought. The boy who had once hid his face with an awfully frightening mask locked eyes with her. A nasty smirk crossed his face, and he gave her a not-so-friendly wink.

Luhan growled lowly. The boy’s eyes snapped in his direction. His smirk just grew broader. I’ll kill you, pretty prince. You and your mate right there. This time, I’m not letting you dirty wolves get away.

Luhan noticed Danji’s hands shaking. She was trying so hard not to tremble, but she seemed to have completely lost control of her body. Luhan wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to hide her in his arms and whisper words of comfort in her ears. But seeing how she had reacted to his confession last night, he was not sure she wanted to be held by him anytime soon.

Luhan clenched his fists and glared daggers at the coyotes. *I’ll never let you get near her.*

“Introduce yourselves, please.” Teacher Han requested.

“Namjoon.” The boy with the sunglasses said in his dark voice. Teacher Han raised an eyebrow, “Uh-huh…can you take your sunglasses off, please?” A few girls giggled. “No can do. Medical condition.” The boy shrugged carelessly.

Before Teacher Han could demand him again, the next boy said, “Yoongi.”

“Taehyung.” A boy with dirty blonde hair responded.

“Jimin…” The boy with the hat whispered with a blank expression.

The scary boy with the dirty smir

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"The Girl And The Wolf" is available again! Enjoy reading!
I will unlock the next series soon :)


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thank you for the story!
jayzie #3
Chapter 1: omg! i really miss this story!! thank u for bringing it back <3
750 streak #4
Chapter 51: So glad I ran across your story, I can’t believe it was written so very long ago. It’s timeless and literally could have been written now. I love Paranormal Romance and this one did not disappoint. Thank you for sharing it with us and I am really looking forward to reading the sequel.
Chapter 51: ! THE ENDING !
i may or may not have cried when they were reunited

thank you so much for writing this story !! i love werewolf fics so much :') i do not regret ditching school work to binge read this book haha
Chapter 35: oh god that was so unexpected,, i'm now even more excited to read the next chapters !
OMOOOOOOO having you open your stories again for us to read is really a blessing! thank you so much for opening these stories to us author-nim! I missed all of your stories, I always go here in AFF when I feel like I need to release some stress, and having you back is really amazing OTL ahhhhh you're one of the reasons why I decided to create an account and not be a silent reader huehue
Chapter 51: Great story
Li5erally my fav story all time