OU: Ep. 1 pt 1

TS Angels
The children appear on camera sneaking into Angel's dorm, Eunjin looked very pleased while Jinwoo was expressionless. They enter the dorm with a caption stating the time as six in the morning. The six white clad idols had been informed this was their day off. The two children spilt up looking into the bedrooms both entering Alex and Hyomin's room making Hyomin their first target. A caption and graphic of a bulleye on Hyomin say target locked on. Eunjin tries to shake Hyomin but it doesn't wake her. Jinwoo pulls her pillow out from under her getting a slight reaction. He hits her with the pillow till she sits up half asleep. Eunjin laughs as Hyomin tries to cover her bare face making sure the camera couldn't see her without make-up. Jinwoo disappears into J-Star and Alyssa's room still holding Hyomin's pillow while Eunjin tries to get Alex up. After Eunjin shouting and Jinwoo beating them all six girls wake up baring their natural faces to the cameras.
Hyomin grabbs the red envelope from the PD nearly falling on her way back to the others. The mission was to determine the two children's favorite food using the musical hints to guide them. The six still half asleep stare questionably at the crew before them. Jinwoo and Eunjin move away from the six messing with their stuff. The PD repeats the instructions; Using the musical hints guess what the child's favorite food is. A short clip of a deep voice plays but only one person seems to reconigze it.
"Challenge", Jayee says.
"What is the food?"
"Which child?"
"W-what? But pasta is right...that was Himchan Oppa and he likes pasta"
"Challenge!", Alyssa says.
The music plays.
"Eunjinie, pasta"
"Ding dong dang! Maknae ah has earn the choice to either compete in today's big mission or stay home"
"Jun Hee! Don't abandon us", Hyomin whines.
"Can we abandon her?", Alex gestures to Hyomin.
J-Star laughs nodding, "Maybe Jinwoo would open up more if we did"
As if on cue Jinwoo tosses the pillow he took from Hyomin at her before she could start whining again. The game continues with ironic as the others joked Hyomin won and hurried back to her bed to sleep while Alyssa decided to help her older members. After the game finishes the five get dressed up putting on their faces all the while their children harass trying to sleep Hyomin. The five mothers head to the TS entertainment building with their children being a handful as usual. Waiting for them in the practice room was another mission; Without leaving the building each member must get five idols to sign a mission card. However you can not get the same idol.
"So any five idols as long as they're in the building and a different five each time?"
"Maknae ah!", J-Star hugs Alyssa.
"Alyssa won the game so instead of playing she should be the ref, right?", Ling smiles.
"Name the babies favorite band", the PD says quickly.
"Angel?", Jayee smiles.
"Is it the same company?", Alyssa asks.
"BAP?", Ling tries.
"Ling will be ref"
"Then Alyssa and I will take to Team Eunjin!", J-Star hugs Alyssa.
"Team Jinwoo?", Jayee looks at Alex.
The two teams set out each with a card and a pen but only Alyssa and J-Star put a system in place to ensure that they wouldn't get the same five. If they got an idol to sign they told them what was happening so they would be sure to question the next person who asked them to sign something. However the side effect trickled down to Team Jinwoo as they found the idols themselves. Alyssa and J-Star capture the attention of passing members of their sunbae BAP. Yongguk and Zelo. Both guys smile instantly at the sight of the two girls. The pairing of J-Star and Zelo act as well as look very close on camera in place of Yongguk and Alyssa who look very awkward but very interested in one another.
"Hey, I need you to sign this but if you see Alex Unni or Jayee Unni don't do whatever they ask you to", J-Star says in one breath to Zelo.
"Which show is this?", Zelo asks as he signs the card.
"Operation Umma...we have to take care of kids", J-Star bounces where she stands.
"Are they cute?", Zelo smiles.
"Ugh! That's so...ugh! They're like half your age. Tsk tsk! What are they teaching you?", J-Star teases.
"Did you need me to sign yours, Alyssa?", Yongguk smiles.
Alyssa blushes nodding handing him the card and pen. She jumps when their hands touch.
"It's so cute....do you think they'll always be like that?", J-Star smiles.
"Do you guys need more signatures? I could go get hyung", Zelo offers.
"Just need two....is Secret sunbae here?"
"Yeah but they said they knew you were here", Zelo warns.
"Shoot...they got em first", J-Star sighs.
"Wait what were the rules?", Yongguk looks at Alyssa talking to J-Star.
"We couldn't leave the building and can't have the same idol sign", J-Star answers.
"I'll go see if hyung has met the others", Zelo turns.
"I'll come with maybe I can mess with Daehyun oppa"
Zelo looks at her quickly, "What?"
"Hyomin Unni opted out to playing", J-Star laughs.
"Oh....", Zelo sighs in relief.
"Don't worry I like jello not cheesecake", J-Star laughs running ahead of Zelo.
The camera points at Yongguk and Alyssa who both were slightly blushing and not really looking at each other.
BD NOTES:           Hopefully I used the food references correctly. Whenever I find fandom pictures of Daehyun he's talking about cheesecake. And Zelo is jello so there....
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I'm in the process of making a poster for the story as well


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Chapter 29: I hope the Wings doesn't bash Yongguk for kissing Alyssa
Chapter 27: now... her dream came true. Yongguk-ah, you're so sweet... pulling some strings for Alyssa so that she could have her 1st solo album.
I hope the rest of Angel could show their biggest support for their maknae's solo debut.
Chapter 25: Wow...
That's hilarious.... XDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 27: Alyssa's still shy when she's with Yongguk, but it seem like she's trying to get rid of her shyness. And Daehyun noticed that she's waving at Yongguk. Hmm... I wonder what's going on with those two.
And Alyssa found out what happened, and I bet she's worried about Ken and Melly....
Chapter 24: nice~ the kids obey BAP than Jaesuk..kkk ^^
Chapter 24: It looks like the maknae wins again. \^.^/
Daehyun-ah, don't be sad...
Chapter 23: Woah~ there's also GD and Beast's members to help~ ^^
Chapter 22: lol JStar and Zelo seem really close, but Allysa and Yongguk are still shy and awkward~ kkk