Running Man pt 2

TS Angels

The two teams move to another location with Angel praising their maknae for winning the game. Hyomin turns leadership over to Alex as Alyssa tries to explain what they'd have to do in the second half. Aaron sighs hitting his sister's head softly scolding her for giving up so easily. She pouts sulking in her seat as her members accept Alex taking the lead. Aaron continues to scold his sister who ignores him turning on the radio. The six girls smile brightly as playing on the radio was their song. They sing along the rest of the ride turning the sour attitude into a positive one.

"So anyone you want to get in particular?", Alex looks around.

"Haha!", Alyssa nods.

"Save him for last", J-Star smiles, "I think it would be more fun that way"

"Oppa, what do you think?", several girls look at Aaron.

"Kwangsoo hyung seems the easiest", Aaron shrugs.

Ling laughs, "Let's leave him last then! He'll have a hard time with whatever they make him do"

"Okay so, ignore Kwangsoo and get everyone else", Alex orders.

The girls enter the building first greeted by Kim Jonghyun with Jonghyun's arrival so is the departure of Aaron. He waves leaving to go work letting the kids play their game. The seven introduce themselves to Alex's brother then gear up ready to throughly beat the Running Man team. The game officially begins once the Running Man team enters the large building. Alyssa paired off with Hyomin as she clings to the maknae. The camera pans between the members of Angel showing each hard at work trying to find the Running Man team. Quickly the seven start capturing the Running Man team ripping off name tags unlike as Alex planned Jihyo is left as the last member.

"Unni, Oppa...check under desks", Alyssa says in her walkie.


"Jihyo Unni could be under a desk"

The seven start checking under desks looking for Jihyo scattering out farther hearing the speaker system sound off; 'Mission 20% complete'. Hyomin tries to corner Jihyo as she spots her but she escapes only to run into Alex who rips her name tag off as Jihyo runs by. The teams gather in the building's main entrance to close the show. The Running Man team awards the seven with personalized name tags. Hyomin suggests the six perform a bit for the seven 'hoping to cheer them up' while her members knew it was to promote their album. They sing and rap earning applause from the Running Man team who praises them for their sportmanship.






GHE NOTES:     I guess I could have put this on chapter thirteen but whatever....okay they have gone on television so now love delevopment shall begin!  Although Ling and G-Dragon are already further than anyone his phone number. To support my fellow shy peeps you go first which means MAKNAE AH! X3

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I'm in the process of making a poster for the story as well


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Chapter 29: I hope the Wings doesn't bash Yongguk for kissing Alyssa
Chapter 27: now... her dream came true. Yongguk-ah, you're so sweet... pulling some strings for Alyssa so that she could have her 1st solo album.
I hope the rest of Angel could show their biggest support for their maknae's solo debut.
Chapter 25: Wow...
That's hilarious.... XDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 27: Alyssa's still shy when she's with Yongguk, but it seem like she's trying to get rid of her shyness. And Daehyun noticed that she's waving at Yongguk. Hmm... I wonder what's going on with those two.
And Alyssa found out what happened, and I bet she's worried about Ken and Melly....
Chapter 24: nice~ the kids obey BAP than Jaesuk..kkk ^^
Chapter 24: It looks like the maknae wins again. \^.^/
Daehyun-ah, don't be sad...
Chapter 23: Woah~ there's also GD and Beast's members to help~ ^^
Chapter 22: lol JStar and Zelo seem really close, but Allysa and Yongguk are still shy and awkward~ kkk