Trainee Troubles pt 1

TS Angels

Most of the six girls of Angel sat around their dorm enjoying a day off, Alyssa seemed invested in her cell phone as did Ling. Jayee was busy messing wih Hyomin who lay on the floor trying to sleep. J-Star was working on a melody to accompany the lyrics Alyssa had written. Alex was sitting on he couch ignoring te television as she read a book. Alyssa smiles hurrying to sit next to Hyomin and Jayee talking at a rapid speed that only an excited teenager could do. The older girls stare at her waiting for her to breath before trying to get her to repeat herself at a slower speed.

"My friends got accepted at JTune Camp", Alyssa smiles.

"Jinja? Wow!"

"Can we go visit them?", Alyssa uses her super maknae powers.

"It's....but um....."

"Jebal Unni", Alyssa continues.

Hyomin crumbles hugging her, "Neh! Whatever you want"

"Doesn't this mean we have to buy gifts?", Jayee smiles.

" many friends?", Hyomin asks.

"I have two friends but we should probably get enough for their members", Alyssa nods.

"How many all together?", Ling asks.

"Eight I think Unni said"

"Eight girls....sounds too much", Alex comments.

"Not eight girls, three girls five guys"

"It's Co-ed?", Hyomin thinks about it.

Jayee pokes Hyomin's side, "You got Daehyun behave"

"....I wish", Hyomin pouts.

"I can grant that wish", Alyssa smiles.

"Wait, wait, wait!", Hyomin blushes.

Jayee holds Hyomin back as Alyssa starts to dial Daehyun's number on her phone but blushes herself as Ling puts her own phone to Alyssa's ear winking at Hyomin. Jayee and Hyomin watch interested due to Alyssa's reaction to the person on the other end of the phone call. Ling mouthes Bang Yongguk making the others smile as they watch their maknae talk to Yongguk. Her ideal type. Alyssa covers her face making Jayee and Hyomin dive for the phone to figure out what he said. Ling takes the phone away talking to Yongguk for awhile with the remaining members trying to get the answer out of Alyssa. She quickly dials her trainee friends to distract herself from what Yongguk said.

"Maknae ah, make sure you know who these other members are", Jayee pats Alyssa head.

"Oh! What happens if we get the wrong thing for one of them?", Hyomin looks at Ling.

"They'll have to deal", Alex closes her book.

"They should be honored we're visiting them", J-Star jokes.

"Unni sent me a picture of her with some of them", Alyssa shows them.

"Omo! They're cute"

The girls fawn over the pictures of the five guys before they finally head out to buy presents. Alyssa quickly buys two presents letting her unnis figure out what to buy the other six. While the others shopped the maknae recieved a message correcting the number of people in the group from eight to eleven. She quickly shows Hyomin who tells her to make Ling buy the extra presents earning a quickly scolding from Jayee. The six rookies finish buying the presents hurrying to the JTune Camp building ready to meet the trainees that their precious maknae were friends with.

"What are they like?"

"Like we were in our trainee days most likely", Hyomin nods.

"You can't compare us and them", Alex sighs.

"But I did", Hyomin blinks.

"What did you get them?", Ling looks at Hyomin's bag.

"Looks like sweets"

"You got them sweets?", everyone looks at her.

"Oh! He's calling!", Ling laughs.

Ling gets the others to be quiet as she answers her phone putting it on speaker so everyone could hear the conversation. Everyone desecends on Alyssa as Bang Yongguk's voice emerges from the phone.

"Where are you guys? Were you serious?"

"Neh Yongguk Oppa.....I'm taking Alyssa to a men's dorm"

".....Who's dorm?"

"New group, don't know anything about them except they have nice bodies"

"What?", Yongguk coughs.

"I'll send you pictures when we get there"

"Where are you going?", Yongguk asks quickly.


"Tell me where"

"Waeyo?", Ling smiles.


"Tell me why Yongguk ah"

".......She's my ideal type"

Hyomin tries to help keep the others quiet so Yongguk wouldn't hear while several cover to silence her annoying noises.

"Just your ideal type?"

"Ling ah what do you want me to say?", Yongguk laughs nervously.

"What you told me eariler"

Yongguk sighs giving in, ".....I like her"

"I guess I could send you the address", Ling smiles at Alyssa.

Ling ends the call emailing Yongguk directs from her smartphone as they pull up to the building. Alyssa sticks close to Ling after the phone call leading them all inside the practice room. They are greeted by shouting voices and several guys pulling one out of the room. Angel stands watching the scene unfold like a train wreck.



GHE NOTES       And now my bands meet for the first time. Enjoy~

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I'm in the process of making a poster for the story as well


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Chapter 29: I hope the Wings doesn't bash Yongguk for kissing Alyssa
Chapter 27: now... her dream came true. Yongguk-ah, you're so sweet... pulling some strings for Alyssa so that she could have her 1st solo album.
I hope the rest of Angel could show their biggest support for their maknae's solo debut.
Chapter 25: Wow...
That's hilarious.... XDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 27: Alyssa's still shy when she's with Yongguk, but it seem like she's trying to get rid of her shyness. And Daehyun noticed that she's waving at Yongguk. Hmm... I wonder what's going on with those two.
And Alyssa found out what happened, and I bet she's worried about Ken and Melly....
Chapter 24: nice~ the kids obey BAP than Jaesuk..kkk ^^
Chapter 24: It looks like the maknae wins again. \^.^/
Daehyun-ah, don't be sad...
Chapter 23: Woah~ there's also GD and Beast's members to help~ ^^
Chapter 22: lol JStar and Zelo seem really close, but Allysa and Yongguk are still shy and awkward~ kkk