The Nation's Angels Prepare

TS Angels

The six girls sigh crowding around the monitor in their dorm, three of them were stuck in scandals. Hyomin spent most her time practicing where ever she could while the others tried to come up with a plan. The five drag Hyomin to the TS building hoping if they practiced then maybe when they debuted the rumors would be forgotten overshadowed by their raw talent. The so called leader just sat quietly waiting for them to arrive at the building. Jayee and Ling chatted with Hyesu trying to figure out just what they could do about the scandals. Hyesu tells them to ignore it as it was being taken care of. Jayee and Ling pouts trying to lighten the mood for the six as the car pulls in front of the building.

"Hyomin ah, you'll show the others the dance?"

Hyomin nods.

"Minnie~", Ling pokes her.

"Remember Chunji ssi said she gets like this when she's mad"

"I'd be mad too"

"We'll make them forget when we perform", J-Star smiles.

"Cheer up Unni", Alyssa smiles.

"Will the dance be fun?"

"Neh", Hyomin laughs.

The six enter the building laughing and happy with their gloomy thoughts of scandals gone and only thoughts of proving themselves to be as one radio station had called them the Nation's Angels. Hyomin runs after J-Star who had poked her sensitive sides the two freeze seeing the familar five men waiting outside the practice room. Hyesu pushes past the girls hurrying to greet the nervous men of BAP. Hyesu leads the five inside ignoring the six girls she manages who look at each other confused. They were trying to prove that they weren't in relationships with these men yet Hyesu wanted them around each other. Hyomin was the first of the girls to edge closer to the door only to have Hyesu poke her head out the door shouting at the six to get in the room. Hyomin finds herself trying to teach her members the dance with BAP watching.

"Hyomin ah use BAP in your dance", Hyesu orders.

Hyomin has a complete mental collaspe.

"Gwenchanna! Just show us", Daehyun attempts.

Hyomin arranges the members in a v shape showing them the dance slowly picking up the speed once everyone got it. Hyesu added in BAP making the five stand around like props which made things awkward for both groups. Jayee grabs Hyomin as an idea comes to her, the two girls demostrate a version of the dance that added BAP into it. Jayee danced around Hyomin who acted glued to the spot.

"Why like that?"

"The lyrics"

"Your Angel. Here to help you through the good and bad. I'll always be here unseen", Alyssa sings.

"Oh! I got a better idea!"

Hyomin arranges BAP in a v shape leaving an empty spot where Himchan would stand then guides her members to stand behind a member of BAP. Alyssa behind Yongguk, J-Star behind Zelo, Alex behind Jong Up, Ling behind Young Jae, Jayee stood where Himchan would be while Hyomin took her spot behind Daehyun. The five girls peek out from their marks watching Hyomin dance. Each one like her idea for their enterance, once they finish their part the BAP member moves in front of them hiding them. Hyesu left the eleven happy they all forgot the scandal together as the were busy with these last minute changes to their dance routine. Once finished the girls rushed off to the salon to get dressed up back in the overly white outfits. Hyesu rushes and rushes them leading the girls to see everything as a blur. Angel finds themselves on the stage getting ready to run through rehearsal.

"First the debut single then Alyssa...."


"Yongguk asked if you'd like to do a cover of Going Crazy"

"With....Yongguk sunbaenim?"

"Yes with him", Hyesu sighs, "Yes, no, maybe so?"

Alyssa nods shyly.

"Hyomin ah wants to do a cover of One Shot", Hyesu informs the other five.

"That dance is hard!"

"PRI dance? Ani....was that a bad idea?"

"How about No Mercy?", Ling smiles.

"That dance is easy and fun", Jayee laughs.

"Then it's settled you guys will cover No Mercy"

"I take it then the other song was too much"

"You can do the other, if you want"

"Another cover?"

Hyomin nods.

"So that's the schedule"

"Just three performances?"

"No, we have BAP here to perform as well"

"Just them?"

"Secret too"

"Will Jieun sunbaenim be okay will me doing a cover?"

"Only if you sing it better than she did", J-Star smiles.

Hyomin tilts her head, "That would be weird..."

"It would", J-Star nods.

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I'm in the process of making a poster for the story as well


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Chapter 29: I hope the Wings doesn't bash Yongguk for kissing Alyssa
Chapter 27: now... her dream came true. Yongguk-ah, you're so sweet... pulling some strings for Alyssa so that she could have her 1st solo album.
I hope the rest of Angel could show their biggest support for their maknae's solo debut.
Chapter 25: Wow...
That's hilarious.... XDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 27: Alyssa's still shy when she's with Yongguk, but it seem like she's trying to get rid of her shyness. And Daehyun noticed that she's waving at Yongguk. Hmm... I wonder what's going on with those two.
And Alyssa found out what happened, and I bet she's worried about Ken and Melly....
Chapter 24: nice~ the kids obey BAP than Jaesuk..kkk ^^
Chapter 24: It looks like the maknae wins again. \^.^/
Daehyun-ah, don't be sad...
Chapter 23: Woah~ there's also GD and Beast's members to help~ ^^
Chapter 22: lol JStar and Zelo seem really close, but Allysa and Yongguk are still shy and awkward~ kkk