Leader Imnida

TS Angels

Stage Name: Hyomin
Real Name: Nichole Choi, Choi Hyo Min
Age:  19
Debut:  N/A
Main occupation: Singer
Bloodtype: AB
Marital-status: Single
Languages: Korean, English
Family:  Older brother Yong Sook (Aaron - 8 year difference)
Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, USA
Height:  170 cm
Weight:  51 kg
Favorite-food: Rice, grapes, samgyetang
Favorite-color: Purple, black and red
Favorite-music:  Apink, Big Bang, Teen Top, Jay Park, BAP
Favorite-series: Coffee Prince, You're Beautiful, Hana Yori Dango
Favorite-movies: How to Date an Otaku
Ideal-men: Daehyun from BAP
Most-loved-things: Cats, books, mp3 player
Favorite-motto: Always move forward
Weak-point: Shy, not confident
Hobbies:  Sleeping, Reading
Personality: Shy, Childish
Strong-point: Dancing, Modeling/Poses
Specialties: Dancing


TS released a public profile announcing the forming of a new girl group. Band names and member numbers were not mentioned, only one member has been announced thus far. Choi Hyomin was announced as the leader of this new girl group. The leader posted a message on her SNS recieving her even more attention as top idols commented such as Chunji of Teen Top and solo artist Jay Park.

NicholeChoi27 I'm offically an idol now! Goodbye trainee days~

teen_top  Awesome! But you have to work harder now KeKeKe

JAYBUMAOM You'll miss those days once you really get started

NicholeChoi27 T-T Not supportive at all

JAYBUMAOM HyoMin fighting!

teen_top  FIGHTING!

The rookie is said to also be recieving a lot of attention for her cover of Jay Park's Just Want to Know Your Name. She has yet to sit down for an interview but everyone is waiting to hear what she has to say after listening to her rapping and singing.


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Chapter 29: I hope the Wings doesn't bash Yongguk for kissing Alyssa
Chapter 27: now... her dream came true. Yongguk-ah, you're so sweet... pulling some strings for Alyssa so that she could have her 1st solo album.
I hope the rest of Angel could show their biggest support for their maknae's solo debut.
Chapter 25: Wow...
That's hilarious.... XDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 27: Alyssa's still shy when she's with Yongguk, but it seem like she's trying to get rid of her shyness. And Daehyun noticed that she's waving at Yongguk. Hmm... I wonder what's going on with those two.
And Alyssa found out what happened, and I bet she's worried about Ken and Melly....
Chapter 24: nice~ the kids obey BAP than Jaesuk..kkk ^^
Chapter 24: It looks like the maknae wins again. \^.^/
Daehyun-ah, don't be sad...
Chapter 23: Woah~ there's also GD and Beast's members to help~ ^^
Chapter 22: lol JStar and Zelo seem really close, but Allysa and Yongguk are still shy and awkward~ kkk