Internet Love

Taeyeon groaned as she felt her phone vibrating under her pillow. She answered the phone without checking out who it was.


"taetae are you still sleeping? You know you have to wake up earlier because I'm not fetching you. "

"Fany???!! Why are you up so early?" Taeyeon immediately woke up after hearing Tiffany's voice.

"yes taetae. So that I can call you and listen to your voice and wake you up. " Tiffany giggled.

"fany then won't you be tired if you wake up so early? Taeyeon pouted.

"No baby. After listening to your voice I will be energetic. It's even better than coffee. And stop pouting alright?"

"Hmmpft. How did you know that I'm pouting?" Taeyeon puffed her cheeks.

"because you're my wife and I know you best. Taetae time to get off bed already okay? And send me a picture of you later~ I miss you. "

Taeyeon blushed at what Tiffany said to her. " hmm okay. Anything that you say. " Taeyeon said cutely.

"and don't keep breakfast alright? If not you're gonna have gastric pain. "

"mmm okay. Byebye fany. "

"bye baby. "





Taeyeon then went to get ready. Brush her teeth , bathe , change into her uniform and ate her breakfast and suddenly remembered that her girlfriend wanted her to send a picture over. She then took out her phone and took a picture of herself and send it over. minutes later she received a reply

[[ mmm I love you. Can't wait to see you again babyyy. <3]]





"Hey have you guys heard that Hyuna likes someone??" Taeyeon heard the students gossiping when she entered the class.

"Really??? Who is that lucky guy??"

"not sure though. But heard that the person is attached. But Hyuna is going to win him over. "

"wow. That lucky guy. How I wish that the person is me. Ohoh. Her Hyuna comes. "





Taeyeon sighed and rested her head on the table lazily. Tiffany was overseas and she suddenly remembered that Jessica was also going back to the US for a week. She was going to be all alone.





"hey cutie pie. " Hyuna smiled to Taeyeon and patted her head when she entered the class.

Taeyeon then looked up and smiled weakly at Hyuna and then rested her head on the table again.

"wassup cutie pie? Why so sad. " Hyuna asked as she sat down beside Taeyeon.

"that lucky girl. " Taeyeon could hear people whispering.

"Jessi gone for a week and I'm all alone. " Taeyeon mumbled.

Hyuna smirked slightly and replied ," then I'll accompany you. "

" huh ? But if you accompany me , I think your fans are going to bash me up. "

"taeyeon ah are you rejecting me?" Hyuna placed her hands on Taeyeon thighs and looked into her eyes sadly.

"harr? Ani ani. " Taeyeon shook her hands.

"Hmm thats good!" Hyuna smiled as she started unpacking her stuffs.





"taeyeon can you accompany me to the mall? " Hyuna asked Taeyeon as their remedial class ended.

"Hmm okay. " Taeyeon agreed as she had nothing to do either. Because Jessica and Tiffany were both overseas.





"ohmy. This hoodie is cute , right???" Hyuna exclaimed as she picked it up. They have been in the mall for more than 2hours and Hyuna has been doing all the shopping. "you should get one too. Then we'll have the same hoodie!!" Hyuna said and brought 2 hoodies over to the cashier even before Taeyeon could stop her.





"you know , you don't have to get that hoodie for me. " Taeyeon said as she chewed her food. After Hyuna was done with her shopping , she insisted and dragged Taeyeon to have dinner with her before returning home.

"taeyeon , are you rejecting me again? We're friends right? So why can't I gift my friend a hoodie?"

"Aish .. Okay..." Taeyeon replied and Hyuna smiled back.





"Taeyeon ah. Thanks for sending me back. " Hyuna said as she hugged Taeyeon.

"You're...." Taeyeon stopped when Hyuna started her neck.

"Nghh. Hy... Hyuna....." Taeyeon whimpered and pulled Hyuna away. But Hyuna just smiled innocently at her. "goodnight cutie pie. " she winked and went into her house.





At home , Taeyeon kept thinking of why Hyuna was her neck. She was thinking so hard that she hadn't noticed that she was connected with her girlfriend on skype. Tiffany then continued to watched Taeyeon silently for a few minutes before speaking up.

"Baby what are you thinking about that you didn't noticed that we're connected?"

"Ohh. Fany ah. Nothing much. " Taeyeon grinned dorkily

"hais baby I'm so tired. I wish that I could fly back right now and join you. I miss you~"

"Mmm Fany I miss you too. Did you eat the chocolate???"

"ah yes. They taste just as sweet as you. ~ Hehe. Eh? Taetae you're still in your uniform? You just got home?" Tiffany asked as she noticed it.

" ah yes. I went to the mall just now. "

"yah Kim Taeyeon. I was just gone for a day and here you are cheating on me. Who did you go with?" Tiffany asked sounding very jealous.

"Ani~ fany I'm already your wifeeee. I won't cheat on youuuu. I went with jessi" Taeyeon whined and lied about who she went with. She didn't want to get another scolding from Tiffany for hanging out with Hyuna.

"Glad you know it taetae. " tiffany smiled at Taeyeon's reply. " I have to go off for another meeting now. I love you taetae. "

" I love you too~"





With Hyuna,

"Ahhhh. That's right baby. " Hyuna moaned.

"Nghhh TAEYEON AHHHHH. " she screamed and cummed.

"T... Taeyeon you have no idea how wet you make me feel. " Hyuna panted.












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1120 streak #1
Chapter 44: Authy pls come back 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Lol Tae even dreamt of Fany.
taeyeon92 #3
Chapter 44: Please come backkk
1120 streak #4
Chapter 44: Glad to see you come back even if it's not and update authour😁😁😁
Chapter 44: back :)
Chapter 43: Ohmygod. You’re comeback! Thank you. I will be waiting for your update :)
Bellove #7
Chapter 44: U r very great! Ur story is the best! Hopfully u will cont. update...okay..
Waiting for ur next chptr..🙏👍👍👍
Chapter 44: I have the same thoughts that SNSD will be the longest lasting Kpop girl group . No matter what , SNSD will always hold a special space in my heart . Forever it's Girls Generation
kimNamkinh #9
Chapter 42: well here i am... 2019 re-reading this again...
my last comment before was 2015!! XD
did i still having hope for this story to update? ;D
Chapter 44: yooohooo........