Internet Love



" My name is Kim Taeyeon and I am 17 this year. I have a best friend called Jessica Jung who is of same age as me and we study in the same school. She is my childhood friend and therefore I trust her a lot..."

Posted at: 00:00AM



"I always thought that love is always like fairytales where the Princess would always end up together with her Prince Charming. Well... at the least, in a relationship, a guy would make her girl feel like she is the one and only princess in the world. But... I was wrong about it..."

Posted at: 01:00AM



"He was such a jerk. Used to text me everyday and says that he misses me. After getting together, he text me even lesser. Doesn't even send me good morning/night texts. He even adds other girls and talks to them??! And he even expects me to trust him?! During our first meeting, he kept hugging me and wanting skinship. I told him i wasn't used to it. I told him to slow down a little bit. All he said was that he wants to cherist every single minute we have together. I kept stopping him and in the end he got pissed off... and left..left me all alone by myself... He said that he loved me. Did he?"

Posted at: 02:00AM



"He never did contacted me again... Not even once. Did he really loved me? I guess not. Lucky jessi was always there for me. He was really such a jerk, a nightmare that I should forget about. But he is my first love. He is my boyfriend. Or should I say, was?"

Posted at: 02:15AM



"Is there really a true love story like what happened in fairy tales? Or all those fairy tales are just full of ? I don't know either. I ought to be sleeping now. If not jessi is gonna murder me tomorrow in school. Goodnight to whoever that is out there..."

Posted at: 02:30AM








"Yah! Kim Taeyeon walk faster! If not we are gonna be late for class the third time this week! Jessica yelled as she pulled Taeyeon along with her.




"Taeyeonnie where are you going later on? Jessica asked as she sat on Taeyeon's table as she watched Taeyeon pack up her stuffs.

"Er home? Wanna come?" Taeyeon replied as she finished packing and looked up to face Jessica.

"Okay! Let's go!" Jessica said as she linked her arms with Taeyeon and walked off.






Later that night, after Jessica had left, Taeyeon was doing her usually stuffs again. The online chatroom.


+ [[ One new friend request ]]


-- Friend request accepted.


Taeyeon's new online friend then started chatting with her till it was nearly midnight. She then suggested Taeyeon to go to bed as she had school the next day and would chat tomorrow.



"Tipanni...." Taeyeon mumbled as she drifted off to dreamland.












kekeke. how's this new ff? please do comment and subsribe. yeah?

Actually the part about Taeyeon's ex.. im actually talking about my ex! HAHAHA. yeah....
he acutally did that to me.... ohwell!

I think this writing style is kinda different from my first ff uh.

please check out my first ff here : 
its about to be completed.

Ask me questions at:

and my twitter @idunnowhattasay mention for a followback





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1120 streak #1
Chapter 44: Authy pls come back 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Lol Tae even dreamt of Fany.
taeyeon92 #3
Chapter 44: Please come backkk
1120 streak #4
Chapter 44: Glad to see you come back even if it's not and update authour😁😁😁
Chapter 44: back :)
Chapter 43: Ohmygod. You’re comeback! Thank you. I will be waiting for your update :)
Bellove #7
Chapter 44: U r very great! Ur story is the best! Hopfully u will cont. update...okay..
Waiting for ur next chptr..🙏👍👍👍
Chapter 44: I have the same thoughts that SNSD will be the longest lasting Kpop girl group . No matter what , SNSD will always hold a special space in my heart . Forever it's Girls Generation
kimNamkinh #9
Chapter 42: well here i am... 2019 re-reading this again...
my last comment before was 2015!! XD
did i still having hope for this story to update? ;D
Chapter 44: yooohooo........