Internet Love






"What if I say no?" Tiffany replied.

"Ani~ it's just a craft shop~" Taeyeon whined.

"Darling! Can you be sure that she doesn't have any feelings for you? If I haven't arrive in time at the party the other time god knows what she might have done to you ! Now is the craft shop , who knows where she might bring you next!!!" Tiffany shouted.

Taeyeon just sulked and cross her arms and answered, " I'm not a baby anymore. "





Aish. Pabo tiffanyhwang. Why did you raise your voice at your own girlfriend! Tiffany scolded herself.

"Darling , please? I'm just worried for you. At least let me come with you alright?" Tiffany pleaded as she held Taeyeon's hand.


"Thankyou tae... ttae? Taetae? Hehehe. Sounds cute can I call you taetae instead, darling?" Tiffany giggled.

Taeyeon gave Tiffany a weird look.

Cute right!! Taetae taetae taetae taetae taetae !" Tiffany repeated many times.



Taeyeon face palmed herself and said , " fany are you really 25years old?".

One minute Tiffany can be all angry and the other minute she could be so cheerful and hyper.

"Heh. But taetae IS really cute!! I shall call you taetae then!!!" Tiffany chirped.

"... Anything. I really have to go now fany. If not I'll be late for class..."

"Okay. Byebye taetae!!! I'll be here later!" Tiffany kissed Taeyeon.






"Taeyeonnie! Why are you later than me today? It's rare you know!" Jessica cling on Taeyeon's arm as she saw her.

"Aish... Long story..." Taeyeon shook her head.

"Your girlfriend kidnapped you and didn't let you off the car?" Jessica giggled.

"Something like this. " Taeyeon smiled to Jessica.





"Hey cutie pie, so we're going to the crafts shop later on right?" hyuna said as she walked over to Taeyeon.

"Er yeah. Bu... But..." Taeyeon didn't know how to explain to hyuna that her girlfriend is coming along.

"But what , cutie pie?" hyuna asked as she remove Jessica's hand arm from Taeyeon and then stood very close to Taeyeon.

" gi...girlfriend wants to come along." Taeyeon suttured. Because she was nervous that hyuna was standing such a close distance to her.

"Oh... Okay..." hyuna answered as she stepped back and saw a group of students crowding.

"Yah. What are all of you looking at? " hyuna shouted. And then the students hurriedly went away. And then she walked away without bidding goodbye to taeyeon.






"Wow. What's wrong with her? And since when the two of you got so close?" Jessica eyed Taeyeon.

" I don't know. We aren't really that close. You're my best friend jessi!! You know meeee! She just came over the other day and asked me to go to the crafts shop together with her. " Taeyeon explained.

"Okokok I got it. Thats weird. Out of so many people she chose you? Hah. She likes you uh taeyeonnie." Jessica smirked.

"yah jessi! Don't say things anyhow!" Taeyeon said as she lightly smacked Jessica.

"yayaya. Fineeee. Lets go to class now" Jessica said as she dragged Taeyeon to class.





[[ 1 more hour to see you , taetae!!!! <3. Muacks. ]]



Finally school ended and Jessica had to go off to meet her sister and Taeyeon was slowly strolling out of the school.

"Mmm d...taetae!" Tiffany held Taeyeon by her waist and pulled her closer and then peck her forehead.

"hey. Taeyeon. " hyuna suddenly appeared.

"Let's gooo!" Taeyeon said to prevent any awkwardness.




At the craft shop, hyuna kept snatching. No not snatching. Hyuna kept asking Taeyeon for help with choosing the materials she needed. Tiffany just followed her girlfriend closely.  




After hyuna had bought the materials she wanted she then left and taeny went for their lunch.


Tiffany then noticed that her girlfriend have not been eating much.

"taetae what's wrong?" Tiffany asked worriedly.

"I don't know... I feel so giddy and tired..." Taeyeon answered weakly and rested her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

"Taetae??? Are you okay?? Don't care me you know!!!" Tiffany started to panic a little.

" I want to go home..."

"No tae no. We're going to the doctor's"

"Ani~ I don't want...." Taeyeon whined.

"Aish tae. How can I send you home when you're looking this weak. Come on. Let's go to the doctor's" with that , Tiffany brought her girlfriend to the doctor.





" Ms Kim was just too tired and had a slightly lower blood sugar level so that was why she felt giddy. I will issue her some vitamins for that. But Ms Kim says that recently she has trouble falling asleep at night and she automatically wakes up very early in the day. For that I will issue her sleeping pills and hopefully it could help. " the doctor explained to Tiffany.







"Taetae... You okay?" Tiffany caress Taeyeon's face as she entered the room Taeyeon was resting at. "Come, let's go home. I've collected your medicine already. " Tiffany said as she helped Taeyeon to her car and went home.

" taetae you know I'm going to move in and sleep with you at night. " Tiffany said as she sat on Taeyeon's bed and watched her eat her vitamins.











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1131 streak #1
Chapter 44: Authy pls come back 😭😭😭
Chapter 1: Lol Tae even dreamt of Fany.
taeyeon92 #3
Chapter 44: Please come backkk
1131 streak #4
Chapter 44: Glad to see you come back even if it's not and update authour😁😁😁
Chapter 44: back :)
Chapter 43: Ohmygod. You’re comeback! Thank you. I will be waiting for your update :)
Bellove #7
Chapter 44: U r very great! Ur story is the best! Hopfully u will cont. update...okay..
Waiting for ur next chptr..🙏👍👍👍
Chapter 44: I have the same thoughts that SNSD will be the longest lasting Kpop girl group . No matter what , SNSD will always hold a special space in my heart . Forever it's Girls Generation
kimNamkinh #9
Chapter 42: well here i am... 2019 re-reading this again...
my last comment before was 2015!! XD
did i still having hope for this story to update? ;D
Chapter 44: yooohooo........