♕ One Chance ♕

♕ The Princess Protection Program ♕
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After Taeyeon her little fight with Miyoung and according to her won, the Shorty headed out the kitchen. When she opens the refrigerator she notice there was almost nothing to eat. "Oh Man no food~"-Taeyeon pouted.


"Taengoo are you hungry?"-Taeyeon's dorky father was coming in the house with his hands and cloth dirty. "Yes but there is nothing dad"


Kim started to clean his hands while thinking for a little bit."How about Pizza?"-He asked Taeyeon.


"YAY! Yes Pizza I'll order.........pepperoni right?"-Taeyeon jumped up and down while getting her phone to deal the pizza place for a delivery.             


"Anything you want Princess"-Mr. Kim smirk knowing her daughter would get annoyed and he was right. "YAH! Don't call me that!"-Taeyeon glared at her father.


"Okay princess"-He said walking to Taeyeon's room; Taeyeon could only glare at her dorky evil father because the pizza place had already answered her called.




Kim went into Taeyeon's room where Tiffany was still on the place she had not moved at all just staring out the window."Hey how you doing princess Tiffany?"-Mr. Kim stood in front of her.


"*sigh* I think I had made a wrong choice Mr. Song Kim"-Tiffany said thinking about everything that had happen between the dorky girl and her just today. She couldn't imagine how things will go in the days to come. 


"What do you mean?"-Kim sat besides Tiffany who seem like she was about to cry. Tiffany covers her face not wanting the mad to see her.


"I think I should have chosen to get send to the middle of nowhere, instead of coming and bother you Mr. Kim"-Tiffany pouted.


Kim cross both his hands "Why would you say that?-He asked."Because she doesn't want me here at all. And I understand that I know I am an intruder and I shouldn't be here-- "-Tiffany almost let some tears escape her eyes.


Kim furrows his eye brows knowing Taeyeon had done this." Look princess I'm sure whatever Taeyeon said she didn't mean it. I'm sure as the days past she will warm up to you."-Mr. Kim assured her.


"Yeah she sure looks like it......sure she will~"-Tiffany said sarcastically."*chuckle* She can be harsh sometimes but she has a good heart........I will talk to her, she is not use to having company over so much.....especially since she thinks you are a male."-Song laughs along Tiffany.


"I guess she feels even more uncomfortable with this situation. I girl and a 'boy' sharing a room must be strange for her.......but she doesn't have to be so mean to me."-Tiffany said disappointed at Taeyeon's behavior towards her.


"I will talk to her about it okay"-Mr. Kim was about to get off when Tiffany grabbed his hand making the man confused. "Wait won't she get even more mad at me after she knows I told you what happen and hate me even more?"-The poor princess asked worried.

"Don't worry Princess Tiffany...that won't happen. She has no reason to treat anyone bad especially our guest *smile*.......... Now food will be here in a few. Are you hungry princess?"-Mr. Kim asked the girl trying to make her feel like at home.


Even though Mr. Kim said that everything would be okay she was still worried Taeyeon would get even more mad at her. She didn't know why but it hurt her a lot whenever the Shorty would insult her. "No not really...... no thank you"-Tiffany finally answer.


"You sure? We order Pizza today"-Mr. Kim sounded cheerful. "I am sure"-Tiffany answer not giving it a second thought. "Okay but just in case Taeyeon will check on you later okay?"-Tiffany didn't want Taeyeon especially to come and check on her but she didn't want to be rude to Mr. Kim so she just nodded.


Tiffany returns to her original sitting position after Mr. Kim was almost out the door. Mr. Kim stopped to look at Tiffany worried, after a few seconds he finally exit the room closing the door then headed out towards the kitchen.




"Taeyeon!"-Mr. Kim calls for his daughter who was in the kitchen waiting for the pizza delivery guy to get there since she was ‘starving to death’. Taeyeon turn around to look at her father. "Yes dad?"-She answers innocently.


"I hear about you and Miyoung .....I thought I said to help him out and make him feel at home not the other way around Taeyeon. I thought you would help me out with this"-Mr. Kim said disappointed.


"*sigh* I'm sorry is just god dad if you would have heard the things he kept saying what a 'princess' seriously I'm already annoyed of him. I don’t know how I will survive his stay here.”-Taeyeon

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Chapter 18: Nice. I read this while picturing the movie in my head. So nice....^^
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 1: I know this movie.. Tiffany played the role as demi lovato right? Haha I miss this movie/story ^-^
I had read this twice haha.. XD
Really love taeny and yulsic here...
Stephano its really funny... i agree when Tiff said its supposed to be stephan ~
Author jjang^^v
Mariabelen13 #6
ala no puedo traducir esta historia en google chrome me pide suscribirme lo hago pero no se me traduce que hago la quiero leer :(
Chapter 18: i want a sequel!~ this story can have a future dramatic plot[x like can society accept tae cuz she's only a commoner who's with the queen? how bout the king(dunno if theres one since it's untold) dunno just a thought? :o?
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 18: this story is so awesome just like a fairy tale :D
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 18: i think you need a sequel here author ssi? :D do you have pdf file? can i have a copy? tnx a lot :]