♕ Who Is That? ♕

♕ The Princess Protection Program ♕
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"So does this means we are together?"-Jessica was not sure what their status was at the moment. "I guess so."-Yuri answer not knowing herself where to go from there.


"What do you mean? "I guess so" Are we or are we not?"-She waited for a better answer from the girl. Yuri just smile at her. "Well you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend so.....No."-Yuri turn her back at Jessica.


"Oh......should I?"-Jessica smile shyly like a little kid. "I don't know, do you want to?"-Yuri buried her face in her hands. Is like they were back in the third grade because they were acting like if they were.


"Yes, I do."-Jessica answers. "Good, then do you want to be my girlfriend?"-Yuri turn around to face her again. "I thought I was going to ask you?"-Jessica pouted a little upset.


"Does it matter who asks who?"-Yuri ask. Jessica scratched the back of her head. "Yes."-She simply answer. "Okay.... then you're my girlfriend."-Yuri smirks when she saw Jessica's facial expression after she realize she had fallen for the girl's trap.


"YAH! You tricked me."-Jessica started laughing along with Yuri. "I know, it was definitely worth it."-Yuri lean close and kiss Jessica on the lips for the third time that day. They separated and smile to each other."I better get you home, it's getting late."-Yuri stood up and grabbed Jessica's hand. They started walking back to the car.




"I will see you around Jessica"-Yuri said with a dark expression. "Why you say it like that?"-Jessica asked her being concern for her girlfriend. "You can't tell Tiffany we are together, so we have to keep pretending like everything is like before Taeyeon and I or anyone knew about you two being girls."-Yuri sighs. "That , so I guess I'm stuck with Uee and Krystal for a little bit longer. "-Jessica pouted.

"I'll be worth it all at the end, I rather be away from you at least two more weeks than be without you forever. But you better not let Uee abuse you, because then we will have a problem."-Yuri chuckle along with Jessica. "She's not really my type, it's all Tiffany's fault she got me into this. She asked me to the dance and  well Tiffany answer for me and the rest is history."


"So it wasn't you who asked her?"-Yuri smiles. "No of course not, why would you think that?"-Jessica smile sweetly back at her. "Because she told everyone you did so."-Yuri chuckle with Jessica.


"Well I didn't. I was actually thinking of asking someone else, but.....you're not dating Taeyeon right?"-Jessica couldn't help it anymore and asked her that question even though after what happen it was a really stupid thing to ask. "Ewww what? She's my sister why would you think I was dating Taeyeon?"


"I'm such a , I saw you and her hugging I thought you two were dating. I even told Tiffany about what I saw."-Jessica face palm herself. "*chuckle* Why would--- Now way Tiffany likes Taeyeon too?"


"Too? No way! I knew it! I told her to tell Taeyeon she was a girl but she just won't listen, I swear this girl can be so stubborn sometimes."-Jessica got off the car. "For now is better to keep this between us though, Tiffany will kill me if she knows I told you, besides I rather they tell each other when the times comes."-Jessica kiss Yuri's cheek.


"Okay. I'll see you around stranger, bye."-Yuri got back inside the car after waving goodbye to her girl, then drove off to her house. Meanwhile Jessica went inside the Kim's house to look for Tiffany and see how she was doing.




"So how was your date?"-Tiffany came from behind Jessica who was drinking a glass of water while smiling like an idiot. Jessica turns around. "Oh, I didn't go actually. Yuri came and we talked, it turns out I have to...... help with the prom stuff. I told Uee we would go another time. After the talk we went back to not talking, it was awkward."-Jessica knew she couldn't really lie because Krystal would probably tell her after Uee told her.


"So are you okay?"-Tiffany patted her back. "Yeah, so where 's Taeyeon?"-Jessica asked. "I called her dad he said that Taeyeon called him to tell him that she is going to stay at Yuri's like usually."-Tiffany smile sadly. "Hey, cheer up~"-Jessica came closer to Tiffany.


"Today Taeyeon talk to me again, we try to cook food we almost burn the place down. I went to clean up, I came back down and just like that she became mean again.

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Chapter 18: Nice. I read this while picturing the movie in my head. So nice....^^
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 1: I know this movie.. Tiffany played the role as demi lovato right? Haha I miss this movie/story ^-^
I had read this twice haha.. XD
Really love taeny and yulsic here...
Stephano its really funny... i agree when Tiff said its supposed to be stephan ~
Author jjang^^v
Mariabelen13 #6
ala no puedo traducir esta historia en google chrome me pide suscribirme lo hago pero no se me traduce que hago la quiero leer :(
Chapter 18: i want a sequel!~ this story can have a future dramatic plot[x like can society accept tae cuz she's only a commoner who's with the queen? how bout the king(dunno if theres one since it's untold) dunno just a thought? :o?
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 18: this story is so awesome just like a fairy tale :D
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 18: i think you need a sequel here author ssi? :D do you have pdf file? can i have a copy? tnx a lot :]