♕ The Princess Protection Program ♕
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"Princess wake up"-A sweet voice filled the silence in the room.


"hhmmm~"-A angel moan in her sleep.


"Are you ......? YAH! You ert!"-The sweet voice girl took a pillow and smacks the heck of the poor sleeping girl.


"YAH!"-The sleeping girl yells still with her eyes close. She massages the spot where she got hit while pouting.


"HAHAHA......is a pillow not a rock.....now get up you have the ceremony rehearsal today at *looks at the clock* 10 am to be exact."-The sweet voice girl said.


"It's today? OMO....I forgot....now I regret having that sleep over"-The angel said.


"It was awesome don't lie"-The sweet voice girl said


"HAHAHA.....I know but now I'm tired....and wait its only 7:34 am why can't I sleep more?"-The angel asked


"Tiffany stop being lazy you're a princess you have to be awake up early every morning....no slacking off Princess"-The girl said


"*giggle* Look who's Taking Lazy girl~~"-Tiffany tease


"YAH!!"-The girl pushed Tiffany on the bed and got on top of her.


Once she was there she smirk seeing the confused face on the princess. The girl started tickling her making the princess move on the bed like a crazy person trying to get away from the girl ticking her.


"YAH! HAHAHAHAHAHA....stop! Please Jessica!!! I'm going to kiss you if you don't STOP!!!!"-Tiffany threaten


Jessica stop tickling Tiffany and lean down close to her, Jessica had a small smile on her face. "You wouldn't dare"-With that said Jessica started tickling Tiffany again.


After a few more minutes of ticking the poor princess Jessica finally stopped, Tiffany was breathing heavily and still laughing after being tickled for so long that it had become almost painful to laugh now. Jessica lazily lay down her body besides the still laughing Tiffany.


There were a few minutes of silence while Tiffany was catching her breath. Jessica closes her eyes falling sleep again, The Princess saw this and took this opportunity to sit on top of Jessica's flat stomach. Jessica opens her eyes to find a smirking Princess on top of her.


"YOU shouldn't have dare me"-The princess said before leaning down and kissing Jessica.


"YAH!"-Jessica pushed Tiffany off her.


"HAHAHA....see I told you I would kiss you"-Tiffany merong.


"Don't ever do that again *shivers*"-Jessica said


"You know you liked it *pouting*"-The princess looked really cute


"NO! I didn't you kiss me on the cheek and you know how much I hate kisses on the cheek"-Jessica said cleaning the area where Tiffany kisses her.


"*giggle* I know"-Tiffany said evilly


"YAH! You little bra"-Jessica slap Tiffany .


"Don't slap my ! It hurts"-Tiffany was massaging her while pouting.


"*chuckle* is that the real reason or is it because it only belongs to whoever you were about a few minutes ago? *smirk*"-Jessica tease


"O_O WHAT!? I wasn't "-Tiffany defended her dignity.


"HAHAHAHA.....yes you where I heard "hhmmmm~~~" very clearly"-Jessica made the same sound as Tiffany wanting to tease the princess more.


"NO! That's not true....I don't recall anything"-Tiffany cross her arms and walked to the bathroom fast not wanting to be tease by Jessica anymore.


"HAHAHA...then why are you walking away"-Jessica yelled from the back


"I AM NOT!"-Tiffany shouted then locked the door.


"Was it a dream with your knight and shining blue armor again?"-Jessica tease


"SHUT IT!"-Tiffany said from inside the bathroom.


Jessica was laughing her booty off after that. A few minutes later she got up and exit the Princess room making sure no one sees her. She slowly walks downstairs to her room. "Where have you been!?"-Someone yelled from the back making Jessica stop on her tracks.


Jessica panic "Oh I was.....you know waking up the princess....duh! Is my job"-Jessica said sarcastically.


"Insolent child!"-One of the maids shouted, she was about to slap Jessica when she heard someone yelling from the stairs.


"Don't you dare lay a hand on Jessica"-Tiffany walked down stairs with an angry expression.


"Princess Tiffany"-The maid bows


"Don't ever try to hurt Jessica again.....this goes to everyone."-Tiffany said in a serious tone.


"But miss she's not doing her job well and she has no manners"-The maid said looking at Jessica.


"Neither are you......is not your job to hit Jessica or scolder her...your just a maid.....Jessica is my friend."-Tiffany grabs Jessica's hand.


"Yes Princess Tiffany"-The maid said bitterly.


"Good....because no one is allowed to hurt Jessica or threat her bad."-Tiffany and Jessica walked up stairs holding hands leaving the maid behind about to explode in anger.  




Once the two girls enter the room Jessica hugged Tiffany from the back and starts crying. Tiffany immediately turn her around to hug her tightly. She kisses the top of Jessica's forehead. "It's okay Jessie"-Tiffany pats Jessica's back softly.


"Thanks....."-Jessica manages to say between her sobs.


"Don't thank me.......I did it because I love you"-Tiffany said looking at her in the eyes.


Jessica only smile and hug Tiffany "Your more than my friend Jess....your my sister and will do anything for you"-Tiffany said hugging Jessica back.


"I love you too.....My Princess Sister "-Jessica poke Tiffany on the cheek.


Both girls started laughing with each other making funny faces, until someone came from the back and interrupted them. "Excuse me Princess Tiffany...but your mother has requested to speak with you"-The servant said.


"Where should I meet mother?"-Tiffany asked standing up from the bed.


"The garden Princess"-The servant said looking down to his feet.


"Thank you.....Joseph you may le

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Chapter 18: Nice. I read this while picturing the movie in my head. So nice....^^
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 1: I know this movie.. Tiffany played the role as demi lovato right? Haha I miss this movie/story ^-^
I had read this twice haha.. XD
Really love taeny and yulsic here...
Stephano its really funny... i agree when Tiff said its supposed to be stephan ~
Author jjang^^v
Mariabelen13 #6
ala no puedo traducir esta historia en google chrome me pide suscribirme lo hago pero no se me traduce que hago la quiero leer :(
Chapter 18: i want a sequel!~ this story can have a future dramatic plot[x like can society accept tae cuz she's only a commoner who's with the queen? how bout the king(dunno if theres one since it's untold) dunno just a thought? :o?
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 18: this story is so awesome just like a fairy tale :D
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 18: i think you need a sequel here author ssi? :D do you have pdf file? can i have a copy? tnx a lot :]