♕ GoodBye ♕

♕ The Princess Protection Program ♕
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Taeyeon took a deep breath and then put the mask on. She walked up to the rooftop once she open the other upstairs door she saw a helicopter waiting for her there. Taeyeon saw a man with uniform who she was guessing had to be Takeo the man who was looking for Tiffany.


She walked up to him slowly trying to look as girly as Tiffany seem to be once in front of Takeo she didn't say anything at all. He laugh once he had her in front of him. "I see you decided to just come to me by yourself. Well that makes me the most happy my dear."-Takeo walked to the helicopter while holding Taeyeon's arm thinking she was Tiffany.


But they heard a door open from behind them Taeyeon was surprise to see it was Yuri, Jessica and Tiffany standing there frozen looking at what was happening. Tiffany walked in front of the other two girls. "Taeyeon?"-She spoke, which Takeo immediately recognized that voice.  


"Tiffany? Then who is this?"-Takeo took Taeyeon's mask off reveling their her face to everyone. "Aww isn't this sweet, your friend was trying to help you."-Takeo pushed Taeyeon away, Tiffany run to Taeyeon. They were now looking at each other in the eyes.


"You knew?"-Tiffany felt like crying right now. Taeyeon nodded. Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand. "Why did you do that? It would have worked, he would haven't known it was not you until it was too late!"-Taeyeon felt angry at Tiffany. "I am grateful you would do this for me, but is not fair I can't let you risk your life for me."


"Sorry to interrupted your sweet moment but.....it's time we go Tiffany."-Takeo grabbed her hand and pulled her harshly towards the helicopter, Taeyeon was about to do something but the door open once again this time reveling many police man, including Mr. Kim who was looking at Takeo with a serious expression while pointing a gun at him.


"If you weren't aware the laws that apply in your Kingdom do not apply here."-Mr. Kim got closer to Takeo. "Now put your hands in the air you are arrested for attempt of kidnapping."-Mr. Kim finished off he had a smirk on his face.


Taeyeon quickly reacted and took advantage of the situation she grabbed a hold of Tiffany then pushed Takeo to the ground while he was too focused on Mr. Kim. She was able to successfully set her princess free from him. Takeo felt down on the floor, Mr. Kim quickly run to him and jumped on top of him before he could react. Mr. Kim quickly handcuff him the moment he could.


"You can't do this!"-Takeo cried, Mr. Kim laugh at him. "Thankfully, yes I can."-Mr. Kim then looked at Taeyeon and Tiffany who were looking at him with a smile on their faces, other police man came and took Takeo away. "Why didn't you tell me Taeyeon?"-Mr. Kim asked.


"Dad I swear I didn't know he was coming to get Tiffany, I was trying to make sure that didn't happen but someone else called Takeo, I couldn't let him take her away."-Taeyeon turn to look at Tiffany who hugged after hearing what she just said.


"Taetae~~"-Tiffany said softy. "I care about you.......I was only pretending to be with Kai because I didn't want anyone to take you away. He doesn't mean anything to me-----"-Taeyeon was cut off by a pair of lips on hers. "Go Taeyeon!"-Yuri said from behind them. Meanwhile Mr. Kim looked away feeling awkward seeing his daughter being kissed in front of him.


Taeyeon open her eyes after Tiffany stopped kissing her. "I wanted to do that for so long."-Tiffany admitted while smiling and hugging Taeyeon. "I've been dying for you to do that."-Taeyeon chuckle feeling really shy. "This was my first kiss, I'm glad it was with you."-Tiffany smile shyly, while Taeyeon smile like a dork and hugged her.


"So?"-Mr. Kim finally spoke, Taeyeon finally remember her dad was there the whole time and just saw them kiss. "OH! dad cra-- I mean.....Well."-Taeyeon didn't really know what to say to her dad about this. "I guess is pretty obvious isn't it, but I would have like to know it from you rather than see it."-Mr. Kim scratched the back of his head.


"I'm sorry about that, I just....."-Taeyeon chuckle while she hold Tiffany's hand. "I'm sorry too Mr. Kim, I got caught up in the moment."-Tiffany apologizes as she bows to Mr. Kim shyly. She felt awkward now after she realize her first kiss was in front of the dad of the girl she kissed.


He just smile at them, he saw Taeyeon smiling so brightly he hadn't seen her do so in so long at least not since her mother had passed away. He was just happy Taeyeon was happy is all it matter to him, although he was a bit shock about how al

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Chapter 18: Nice. I read this while picturing the movie in my head. So nice....^^
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 18: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
Chapter 1: I know this movie.. Tiffany played the role as demi lovato right? Haha I miss this movie/story ^-^
I had read this twice haha.. XD
Really love taeny and yulsic here...
Stephano its really funny... i agree when Tiff said its supposed to be stephan ~
Author jjang^^v
Mariabelen13 #6
ala no puedo traducir esta historia en google chrome me pide suscribirme lo hago pero no se me traduce que hago la quiero leer :(
Chapter 18: i want a sequel!~ this story can have a future dramatic plot[x like can society accept tae cuz she's only a commoner who's with the queen? how bout the king(dunno if theres one since it's untold) dunno just a thought? :o?
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 18: this story is so awesome just like a fairy tale :D
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 18: i think you need a sequel here author ssi? :D do you have pdf file? can i have a copy? tnx a lot :]