Chap5 P3: Someobody New

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom


Mrs.Byuntae is now driving to Mrs.Mushrooms house. Thanks to Taeyeon she got her address. She beam a smile happily as she sings

'If you feeling happy come on and clap your hands'

She let both of her hands off the steering and clap like a happy child. She laugh after she realise how childish she is right now. She stop right outside the house and get out and lean on her car. 

She look at her watch and realise she came early. Taeyeon told her that Tiffany always leave home at 7:30 but she came 2 minutes early. She count as she wait


And the gate open right away as she sees man standing there. He walk to her and ask her. 

'Hello miss. May I know why are you here?''

'Hello umm I'm here to pick Tiffany'

'But miss...'


'Miss ___,Miss Tiffany ssi will be send to school by me'

Before Mrs.Byuntae want to talk, someone interrupt them. 

'It's okay, Mr.Gerald. I'll handle her. You can go inside'

Mrs.Mushroom walk to them and stand right infornt of Mrs.Byuntae,wearing a black skinny jean with a red sweater,looking very cute and flawless.

The man bow and leave them. Mrs.Mushroom watches him go and turn to Mrs.Byuntae who is smiling like a dork.

'Why are you here and how in the world you got my address?'

'Good morning to you too and i have my ways,Mushroom'

'Is it Taeyeon again?'

'Aish don't blame her again. This time it's not her' 

'Then who?'


Mrs.Mushroom scoff and look at her watch. 

'I have to go now. I'll see later at the dinner date'

'Let's go together.'

'No I'm going with my driver'

'I'll be your driver.'

'Don't be silly. Now move your car'

'Not until you take my hand and come with me to school'

Mrs.Byuntae offer her hand but Mrs.Mushroom rolls her eyes and went back inside to inform the driver that she's going with Mrs.Byuntae. When she comes back,Mrs.Byuntae still offer her hand,waiting for her.

'Let's go'

'Take my hand and we'll go'

Mrs.Byuntae smile sweetly and wait. Mrs.Mushroom sighs and put her hand in hers. Mrs.Byuntae grin from ear to ear and walk to her car happily. She open the door for Mrs.Mushroom and went to the other side.

They both got in and wear seatbelt. Mrs.Mushrooms seems like have trouble with the seatbelt so Mrs.Byuntae lean to her and help her. Mrs.Mushroom was about to protest but when she realise how close they are,she freeze there.


Mrs.Byuntae smile and start driving but as for Mrs.Mushroom,she still can't move on from what just happened just now. She shakes her head then Mrs.Byuntae speaks.

'To the Debrey Cafe first?'

'Yes and how do you know?'

'Well you told me that day when you were wet because of me'

Mrs.Byuntae smirk as she turn her head for a second to look at her then she focus her eyes on the road back.

'Shut up. Just drive..'

'Aye aye goddess' 

Mrs.Byuntae chuckle while Mrs.Mushroom roll her eyes and look out to the window. She looks at the building,the sky and smile.

'Morning Seoul..'

She said lowly and lean her head on the seat and continue looking out to the window. Mrs.Byuntae take glances to her side,trying to see what her Cutie is doing. 

'What are you looking at? Are you dreaming about me?'

'Ugh way to go and ruin my morning mood'

So you were dreaming about me?'


Mrs.Byuntae laugh looking at her cute glare. Mrs.Byuntae didn't feel scare at all whenever Mrs.Mushroom glare at her. She doesn't even know why.

'Your glare is so cute,Mushroom.'

'Just drive,stupid'

'Shy heh?'

Mrs.Byuntae because she can see her pink reddish cheeks. Mrs.Mushroom just keep quiet until they arrived at the cafe. 

Mrs.Byuntae park the car beside the cafe and turn to Mrs.Mushroom. 

'I'll go and order. What do you want?'

'Such a gentlewoman but no. I'll go by myself'

She smile mockingly and left. Mrs.Byuntae quickly follow her inside. Mrs. Mushroom walks to the counter, followed by Mrs.Byuntae from behind. 

'Hey Tiffany! Good morning' 

A man greet Mrs.Mushroom as he walk out from the counter and hug her who gladly do the same, making someone feels jealous and uneasy. 

'Morning Nickhun. Is my order done already?'

'Of course. I'll go and get it for you'

He smiles and walk back to the counter. 

'Where's Mrs.Yiyeon?'

'She went out for awhile so I have to handle for now'

'Who is he? He hug Tiffany and she gladly hug him back?'

Mrs.Byuntae thoughts as she watch he give Tiffany the order and smile sweetly towards her Cutie . She pretend as she doesn't care when he touching her but inside.. She already explode. 

'Thanks Nickhun'

'Anytime for a beauty. Why don't you just eat here while it's still hot?'

He touches her and Mrs.Byuntae can see that Mrs.Mushroom seems uncomfortable. Mrs.Byuntae already cursing him inside her mind. 

'No it's fine. Besides I'm with my friend today.'

She push his hand away which was on her hand and call Mrs.Byuntae. When Mrs.Byuntae is close enough with her, she quickly put her arm Mrs.Mushroom's shoulder.

Mrs.Mushroom didn't even protest or anything as she just let it. She can feel that Mrs.Byuntae rub her hand slowly on her shoulder. Mrs.Byuntae smile before bow. 

'Nickhun, ___. ____,Nickhun.'

'Nice to meet you, Nickhun-ssi'

'Nice meeting you too, ___ and please. Just call me Nickhun'

He smiles and she just smiles back. 

'Umm sorry Nickhun but Tiffany and I really have to go now.'

Mrs.Byuntae look at Mrs.Mushroom who nod agreeing with her. Nickhun nod and smile while looking at Mrs.Mushroom. 

'Alright. See you tomorrow Tiffany. And nice meeting you, ___.' 

Mrs.Byuntae didn't even reply to him and take Mrs.Mushroom's hand into hers guiding her out from the cafe. 



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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
29 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....