Chap14: Chit Chat

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom


I only picked casual clothes out of my closet to go to meet with Suho. I'm doing this just because he said he wanted to talk to me. I actually don't know why did I agreed with him last night. The words came out from my mind.

My heart is telling me that this, is not going well later but my head says opposite. I don't know what to think. I wish I could rejected his offer, but he's on his way already.

I wish ____ is here with me.. Sighs.

'He'll be here soon so I better get downstairs.'

I walked downstairs and he's already there, sitting comfortably on the couch. He quickly stood up when he saw me.

'Good morning Tiffany. You look nice.'

I ignored the compliment as I glare at him who is already checking me up and down.

'You came early. How did you get in?'

'Your mother was here second ago but she already left to visit your father in hospital. She said to give this keys to you and lock the door.'

We walk through the door and I did as what my mother told me too. Oh how I wish I could go with my mother earlier so that I wouldn't have to go with him.

'Can we go and settle this fast?'

Suho blinked his eyes few times before he gesture me to walk first.

'Ladies first.'

And so I did. I walk past him arrogantly and goes to his car. I heard him sighs behind me and I can feel that his eyes are still checking me out from behind.

Before I know, he is already running after me and open the door for me. He's moving fast. Oh well, I got in and fastened the seatbelt myself.

'Have you fastened your seatbelt?'

'Of course I did. I don't want to die yet.'

He chuckle. What's so funny though?

'Usually you wanted me to hel-'

'That was before I know you were a liar.'

'Tiffany, please give me a chance to exp-'

'Don't start, Suho. Just drive, please.'

He bite his lips and focus his eyes fully to the road as he starts the car engine.



This is so exhausting! I wish this will end very fast. I miss my Mushroom already. 

I laid down on the bed, feeling exhausted after few matches earlier. Mr.Taemin divided the rooms and I'm sharing it with Yul. Well, I'm lucky I guess. I don't really know or acknowledged the others, it'll be awkward if I'm sharing with one of them.

'Make space for me, ____.'

Yul closed the door and throw our bags next to our bed. She slump her body next to mine and buried her face on the pillow, groaning.

'Ahh my body is aching.'

I groans as I slowly massage my waist. The last match was quite brutal. The girl was so tough that she could lifted me up and throw me across the mat. 

What a scary memory..

'I'm hungry. I'm going to order some foods, do you want anything?'

She lay on her back and stare to the ceiling while I'm already closing my eyes.

'When I'm tired, my stomach wouldn't cooperate well with foods. I'll throw up right away. You know that right?'

She slowly sits and stretches her body.

'But we only ate bread before the matches. Aren't you hungry? Trust me ____, you will wake up when we're sleeping later. Like a zombie searching for brains.'

She's right though. I've experienced that before. Quite frustrating and annoying too.

'Just get me as same as yours but please not bread. I couldn't take bread already. Get rice or something heavy.'

'Alright. I'll be right back.'

'Eh where are you going?'

I grabbed her wrist as soon as she moved.

'Get some foods?'

'Just use the phone to call room service.'

She move my hands from grabbing her wrist and wore her shoes which she left right beside the bed.

'I'm going to order a lot of foods and she won't remember them so I'm going down to tell her myself.'

'You actually wanted to flirt with the girl we had match earlier right?'

She turns her her head around to face me. Clearly shocked with my words.

'Flirt?! Hello, my eyes are set on Yoona already okay? I'm just going to apologize to her about earlier.'

'So you are going meet her? Apologize for what hmm?'

I know what she was talking about but I just wanted to . Being all playful today.  

'Stop being such an annoying detective Sherlock.'

'She was so attracted to you after what you did to her. Nice strategy there, Yul.'

I laugh when I recalled what happened. It's really amusing how rough Yul can be with a y and hot girl.

'That's why I want to meet her and explain everything! I accidentally pulled her pants okay! It wasn't my intention at all! I'm scare she'll come to me and kiss me one day..'

I burst out laughing harder seeing a panicking Yul. She look so dumb yet cute being all panic over small thing.

'Oh you better make sure that wouldn't happen or I'm telling Yoona about it.'

She put her hands on her waist and glare hard. I put on a poker face as I stick my tongue out.

'Don't you dare, Park ____.'

'Try me, Kwon Yuri.'

'Tell her and I'll tell Tiffany about you complimenting a stranger.'

'Oh you did not just said that.'

This time I'm the one who is glaring, while she's.. Ugh.. Annoying.. Sticking her tongue out..

'Oh I certainly just did. If you want, I can call her now.'

Oh God no. Not that please. I don't want to face with a pink cute monster when I come back. 

'Fine! I won't tell your girlfriend and you can't either!'

'We better keep this as a secret if we don't want our asses to get cut off.'

We both nodded and shake our hands together, as a deal to save each other's when their girlfriends turn into a monster.


'Nice forehead.'

'You complimented my forehead?'

'Yeah. It's so wide. I feel like I want to slap it.'

'No do-'

Before I could do anything, her palm landed on my forehead, giving it a nice hard slap that i have ever received. I swear this is the hardest slap ever. Sica's forehead is wider but she never received that kind of slap before! Why me!

She ran out from the room, clearly happy and satisfied cause she get to annoys me.

'I'll get you back, Kwon Yuri!!! Just you wait!'

I wanted to get off from the bed and chase after her but I heard the door already shutted.


'Order anything, I'm paying.'

He flashes his smile at me.

'Well.. You're suppose to since you're the one who wanted this..'

I said lowly as I look through the menu. I guess he happened to hear it because this what he said to me,

'Oh haha yeah I brought a lot of money today just for you so don't worry okay?'

I can feel my face is reddening feeling embarrass. He order his and asked what's mine. The waitress also waiting for me.

'I'll just get the same things as him.'

She wrote it down. Through the whole time I was looking through the menu, I can feel he has starts his staring ability. 

'I'll be right back with you orders.'

She left us and went back to the kitchen. Okay, this is it. Talking to my ex is so awkward. With him staring at me like that is so so awkward.

'Is there's a mosquito on my face or something?'

I noticed that his eyes finally met with mine. Earlier, his eyes were set on my lips. Gosh. Even though ____ is a ert, this man right here is way more ert than she is.

'No of course not. It's just that you look too beautiful right now. I couldn't take my eyes off you.'

Hmmm. That sounds weird coming from him.

'Cut the crap, Suho. You said you wanted to talk. Now talk.'

He took a deep breath and look intensely into my eyes.

'I've told you this but it seems like you didn't heard me. That's why I asked you out.'

'You mean about the marriage?'

'I thought you didn't..'

'I won't marry you. I have my own love life and I'm going to settle it with her, not you. Say anything you want but my decision is final.'

He looks at me as he gritted his teeth together.

'It's not worth it having a relationship with a girl. And you can't get pregnant and you never will. You won't have family of your own. She's a trash who is ruining you!'

'No, YOU are a trash! You're right. I can't get pregnant but at least she loves me! She gives the one thing that I mostly need, love and not a freaking traitor! A liar!'

He was about to protest back, but the meals came. We both smile towards her and went back glaring at each other once she's gone.

'____ can't love you like I can. Look at her family background. They're a mess.'

'You have no right to judge her and her family. You wanted to talk about people's family huh? Look at yours first. You should be ashamed! Money is more important than love. Your family didn't gave you enough love!'

'How dare you insulted my famil-'

'How dare i? How dare YOU!'

'You'll regret this, Tiffany.'


I was about to give him a free good slap but he's lucky that Taeyeon came and stopped me by hugging my arm. 

The customers are looking at us now. Including the workers. I called Taeyeon and told her our meeting today and she said she'll be late since she needs to help her mother prepare breakfast.

'Let's get out of here, Fany.'

I'm at the edge of crying now. When I'm mad, I'll always cry because I can't hold my anger. It just needs to release you know? And it will make me feel better once I've released it but now, I need to toughened up. I can't show him that I'm weak. I can't cry in front of him.

'Go wait for me in the car, okay?'

I nodded and walk out of there as fast as I could. Taeyeon said she wanted to have a word with Suho. I don't care what she's going to do with him.

I don't care if Taeyeon wanted to kill him, just do it. It's better.



Taeyeon stand close to him. Even though she's shorter, she brave herself to look up and glare him. Hard.

'If you dare, touch her..'

She tip toed to matches his eyes level and surprisingly, she did.

'I'll kill you.'

She shove his shoulder as she walk past him and walk out from the café, completely making the man angry.

Taeyeon sighs as she goes into the car. She was surprised to see her best friend, crying right now.

'Hey.. Don't cry.. It's not worth it crying for that jerk.'

'I'm not crying for that jerk, you jerk!'

'Great. Now I'm a jerk too? Sighs..'

Taeyeon was taken back with the sudden shout she just received. Mrs.Mushroom burst out louder as she pull out few tissues from her handbag.

 'I miss ____..'

Taeyeon's eyes immediately search hers. She can see the sadness in that tearing eyes. Taeyeon lean to her and give her a warm hug.

'I miss her.. I wish she's here with me..'

'I know.. Sshh..'

Taeyeon keeps on soothing her until she's done crying. Taeyeon asked her whether she wanted to go shopping to release her tension but all she said is that, she wanted to go home and be alone.

So Taeyeon drive her home instead of a mall. She doesn't want to force Mrs.Mushroom with her in this condition. She understand that she needs time alone but she's not feeling okay to leave her alone.

 'I'm bringing you to my house okay?'

'No TaeTae. I want to go home.'

'It's not safe, Fany. Suho threatened you earlier. He's capable to do anything to you and I promised to ____, that I'll take care you for her while she's gone.'

Mrs.Mushroom kept quiet and think for awhile.


Taeyeon smiles and took Mrs.Mushroom's hand that is resting on her thigh. She rubs her hand to assure her that everything's going to be fine.

That these three weeks without Mrs.Byuntae, will be just fine. These weeks will end fast.

Even if lots of problems and obstacles are trying to break or crash their relationship.


'You go and rest in my room. I'm going to make you a drink.'

'Thanks TaeTae.'

'No problem, Ppany.'

'Sighs.. Now you're calling me by that. You can actually pronounced my name correctly earlier.'

Taeyeon grinned like a dork showing her cute dimples.

'Only with you. Oh by the way, all our friends are coming to my house tonight. We'll be having a sleepover.'

'How come I'm not invited?'

'How can I when I planned it 1 minute ago? I'm doing this because I want to help you to release your tension since you didn't want shopping.'

Mrs.Mushroom give her a quick hug and went to Taeyeon's room. Taeyeon waited the door shut then she pull out her phone and call someone.

'Hello, ____?'


'Hello, ____?'

I recognized this cute voice.

'Oh hye Tae! It's been so long I've talk to you!'

'You sounds happy. Haha, but.. Hey.. Can i ask you something? Who's giggling?'

'Oh that giggles. They belongs to Yul. Does those sounds cute from the other line because I'm here are like dying from these.. weird.. giggles..'

'Cute..? No.. It sounds.. I don't know how to describe it. Yul giggle like that? It doesn't suits her. It's too girly for her to giggle like that. Are you lying to me?'

'It is her, Tae. I'm not lying.'

'Prove it.'

I shoved the phone to Yul's ear and motioned her to introduce herself and she scream while doing so.


I pulled by the phone and giggle.

'I hate it when she introduce herself like that..'

'Yeah.. It's annoying and now I'm stuck with her for the whole three weeks.'

'Actually I call you because I want to tell you something.'

'About what?'

'About Ppany.'

Hearing her name.. Well, even though it's not well pronounced, I feel nervous. What about her? Is she okay?

'She's been stress lately since her father got into hospital. And now he-'

'Mr. Hwang got into hospital?!'

'She didn't tell you?'

'No but I'll deal with that later. For now, I want to know what happened.'

'Okay. Suho asked her to have breakfast with him the next day and Ppany asked me to join them to avoid something bad from happening. He said he want to discuss about 'us'. I don't know what exactly happened because when I came into the café, she was about to slap him already. That look on her face, was really fiercely. I admit I was scare by her..'

Us? Is she cheating on me?

'I know what you're thinking, ____. No she's not cheating on you. She would never ever be with that jerk. No one approved their relationship before.'

Relationship before? So they have history.. She dated him?.. I was speechless and curious.. She almost slap him.. I wonder who he is.. 

'Wait who's this Suho guy?'

'Her ex-boyfriend.'

Ex-boyfriend? Hmm.. Why do I have bad feeling about their discussion?

'Did you asked her? What they were talking about?'

'No. I couldn't do it. She was crying and probably taking a nap now.. I decided to have a sleepover with the girls to release her tension a litte.. and after that, I'll ask her about it later.'

I know I can count on Taeyeon. Taeyeon knows Mushroom from inside and out. She knows how to settle things even though she act like a dork. That's why I trust her on keeping an eye on Mushroom.

It's not like I don't trust the others, but for me, Taeyeon's a little more of them. She knows her from they were little.

'He also said something about she'll regret for talking to him like that.. Hmm I guess Ppany was being rude maybe..'

'Please take care her for me, Tae. I'm trusting you on this.'

'I will, ____. I'll ring you when I've got the information. Goodbye! Oh and tell Yul that her girlfriend misses her. And so does yours, ____.'


I couldn't help but to smile. Before Taeyeon hang up, I told her to pass this to Mushroom that we misses them too. I put my phone away and continue eating.

Even after done eating, my head keeps thinking about Mushroom. I can't stop worrying about her.

'That's a long phone call. Mind to share what's that about?'

'About Fany. Tae told me some serious poop, Yul and I can't stop worrying about her.'

'Serious poop? Spill.'

I sighs and start telling her everything, from the beginning. She had the same reaction as mine when I heard about it. She suggested me to call her and ask it herself.

'She'll open up to you, ____. You're her girlfriend.'

'Yeah. I'll call her later. By the way, Yoona said she misses you.'


Ugh.. She's starting it..

'I'm going to take a nap.'

I walk to bed and cover my head with a pillow.

'I wish I could cut her tongue with a knife...'

'Yoona misses me! She misses me!! Wuhoooo!'


I thought I could take a nap because she has finally shut , but still I couldn't.

Cause she keeps on bugging me by being all childish, hugging me from behind. Whispering weird noises..


Where have all the comments been? :( huhu I miss reading comments.. Is this story getting boring and ? Am I a bad writer now? It's not interesting anymore huh? Hmm. *cry cry* lol (I'm being childish) 

Bubye^  Tiffany at the back tho! Her smile ~




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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
30 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....