Chap8 P2: We're Far Away

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom


The school bell rings and Mrs.Byuntae quickly stand up without waiting for her friends,she left them. The MS pack their things fast and catch up with her. Ms.Pearl who is the fastest among them all, hold Mrs.Byuntae by her arms to stop her.

'Wait ___.'

Mrs.Byuntae turn around and raise her eyebrows. She sighs and wait for the others who is jogging up instead of running.

'Why did you leave us?'

Ms.Tall ask and her breath is a little heavy since she didn't use of jogging even though she's skinny. Mrs.Byuntae sighs again before she answer them.

'I have to go to my dad's house. He had an heart attack.'

They all gasp and their eyes all when wide. Ms.Cold is the most one look so shock with this news. She always follow Mrs.Byuntae to her dad's house so she's pretty close with them.


'I don't know guys but i'm kinda in a hurry right now. I can't drive too late at night so i need to leave before midnight.'

'You're going tonight?! We're coming with you. It's dangerous for you to go alone since you're vision at night is not really fine.'

Mrs.Byuntae put her hand up and stop them from following her. She shakes her head and the other just groans.

'You don't have to. I need you guys to stay here and take care of Tiffany.'

She smile towards them a little,asking for their help to take care her Cutie . Their face have worries written on their faces but even so,they just nod. Mrs.Byuntae bow and leave them.

'Thank you! Saranghae!'

She turn around for a short time and waves her hand to them. They all did the same until she dissapear from their sight. Ms.Cutie turn her body facing her friends.

'Guys i'm getting worry already.'

'Me too. I think we should follow her.'

Ms.Cold was about to go but Ms.Blonde stop her.

'I'm worry too but i think we shouldn't follow her. She might have a reason why she wouldn't allow us follow her.'

They all look at each other,some of them look down to the ground. Ms.Cold push Ms.Blonde's hand from holding onto her arm and run to catch Mrs.Byuntae.


She ignores them calling her name that is echoing along the hallway.


Mrs.Byuntae put her bag on the back seat and put the engine on. She press the pedal but then someone stand right infornt of her car. Mrs.Byuntae quickly stop her car and her head almost hit the steering because of the sudden break. Ms.Cold look to the ground and her shoulder went up and down due to the lack of air. Mrs.Byuntae take off her seatbelt and walk out from the car. 

'What were you thinking?!'

Mrs.Byuntae scream to Ms.Cold because she was shocked with what Ms.Cold just did. She was about to hit her bestfriend. Ms.Cold look up,still breathing heavily

'I want to go with you. Just me. Please...'

Mrs.Byuntae eyes soften when she hear her pleading. She don't wan't to trouble anyone that's why she doesn't want anyone to come with her. She planned to leave them without saying anything but now they knew already. This is why she doesn't want anyone to know especially Ms.Cold because she already know things like this will happen.

'I need you to take care of Tiffany,Sica ah..'

'She have friends and you're all alone! I'm not letting you go unless i come with you.'

'I don't want you to skips school. Your dad will be mad at you.'

Ms.Cold shakes her head cutely and pout.

'Please ___.. I'm worried too.. and i miss Jaeri...'

Mrs.Byuntae sighs. She curse herself because she always lose to that pout.


Mrs.Byuntae walk to the car. Ms.Cold is still standing there,not quick catch what she said. Mrs.Byuntae was about to get in but her eyes divert to Ms.Cold.

'Jessica Jung Sooyeon.'

Ms.Cold hum loudly and look at Mrs.Byuntae confusely.

'You're coming or not?'

'Of course i'm coming!'

She quickly walk to the front passenger seat and get in. Mrs.Byuntae shakes her head and get into her car and start driving leaving the school for 3 days. With Ms.Cold. 

When the car left,someone who has been hiding behind a wall come out. 


Mrs.Mushroom bit her lips. She lost in her thoughts then a honk sound wake her from her thoughts. She blink her eyes,take a deep breath before she release it as she close her eyes. On her way home,all she keep thinking about is Mrs.Byuntae words. Her words flash back to her mind.

'I'm going somewhere'

'I'll see you when i see you.'

She try to remember back the name she heard earlier.

'Jaeri. And she went with Jessica.'

She mumbles softly as she bit her lips. She try to combine all those words and what she heard in the parking lot earlier as a complete puzzle but it didn't work. She groans when she feels frustrated because she don't know where she's going. Who is this Jaeri and why she went with Ms.Cold only.

She went to her room and take a quick shower. She wore her pajamas and got into her bed. She wanted to call one of Mrs.Byuntae's friend because she wants to know where she's going. After fighting with the negative in her mind,she finally decided to call them. She dail Ms.Tall.

'Hello Tiffany.'

'Hello Sooyoung. Sorry for disturbing you but if you don't mind,I want to ask you something.'

'No Tiffany you're not disturbing at all..Sure what do you want to ask?'

'It's about ___. Is she going to tranfer to a new school?'


Mrs.Mushroom pull her phone away from her ear. When she hear nothing,she put the phone back on her ear.

'Sorry Tiffany. I was just shocked when you said that.'

'It's okay.'

'Why did you said that?'

'We met at the library on recess earlier and she said that she's not around for a few days.'

'Ahhhh..She's going to her father's house.'

Mrs.Musroom is confuse now. 

'Are you lying? Why would she goes to her father's house? Isn't her father is still in jail?'

'Aigo Tiffany.. What i mean is her other father..Her biological father.'

Mrs.Mushroom become more confuse now. She have two fathers? Her parent is divorced?

'Her parent divorced?'

'Yup when she was.. i don't really remember but maybe when she was around 11 or 12..'

'Oh..umm..thank you Sooyoung. Good night.'

'Anything for her love. Good night to you too.'

She want to ask what she meant by 'her love' but she already hang up first. She put her phone down on her lap and think.

'Biological father's house?'

She keeps on thinking and thinking trying to understand the situation but she just can't. She's too confuse right now. She need to hear this things from the start and from Mrs.Byuntae herself. She ruffle her own hair and lay down feeling frustrated.


It has been 2 hours since Mrs.Byuntae been driving to her father's house and Ms.Cold has been trying to prevent herself from falling asleep because she want to accompany Mrs.Byuntae. Mrs.Byuntae keeps on telling her to go to sleep but she refuse.

'That's the 30th yawns.'

Ms.Cold look to her right and blink her eyes a few times since tears start to form in her eyes.

'You count?'

Mrs.Byuntae glance to her left side and chuckle.

'Yes. I've been counting from your first yawn.'

Ms.Cold nod understandly and look at the road back. Mrs.Byuntae keeps on glancing Ms.Cold. After done glancing,she finally decide to talk.

'Just go to sleep Jessica. I'll wake you up when we've arrive.'

'As much as i want to sleep,i prefer accompany you. It's already 11 p.m. and it's almost midnight. I'm not letting you driving alone.'

After she finish her words she yawn again. Mrs.Byuntae shakes her head again.

'You're so stubborn. Wonder why would Soo falls for you.'

Ms.Cold smile when she hears her girlfriend's name. 

'Because i'm kind hearted even though i look cold and because i'm pretty.'

Mrs.Byuntae scoff and raise her eyebrows.

'So full of yourself heh?'

'Of course. Once a while i'm being full of myself.'

They talk and talk. After about half and hour,Mrs.Byuntae now  is talking to herself since Ms.Cold fell asleep already. Mrs.Byuntae chuckle and stop her car on the side of the road. She open her seatbelt and got out from the car and went to the back of the car to get a blanket that she brought in case something like this happen.

She get back in her car and spread the blanket before she cover her with it. Ms.Cold move a little and sleep talk.

'Hmm..Soo..Give me the pizza..'

Mrs.Byuntae laugh softly before she pinch her cheek a little. Luckily she didn't wakes up if she did,she'll be dead before she arrive at her father's house. Mrs.Byuntae put on her seatbelt back and begin their journey again.

After about 1 hours,they finally arrived. Mrs.Byuntae park her car right infront of her father's house. She streches her body and yawn. She look at Ms.Cold who is sleeping peacefully. Mrs.Byuntae caress her cheek and get out from the car. She walk to the front door of the house and ring the bell. She heard someone said that she's coming so she just wait as she yawn again.

When the door open, no one is infront of her. She look down and sees a small girl is holding her teddy bear in her hand. is all dirty with something in red colour. Maybe it's sauce.


Screamed the little girl as she walk to her and hug her legs. Mrs.Byuntae smile and pick her up. She peck Mrs.Byuntae lips and Mrs.Byuntae did the same. Now both of their face have sauce.

'Hey Jaeri..Not sleeping yet?'

Mrs.Byuntae wipes the sauce from their lips and Jaeri shakes her head.

'I'm eating with umma..'

'Really? What are you eating?'


'Aww that sound delicious~'

'Yesh unnie! It's very delicious!'

Mrs.Byuntae giggle when Jaeri laugh because she look cute with her two front teeth is showing making her look like a rabbit.

'Oh ___ You're here.'

Both of them turn their head. Mrs.Byuntae smile warmly towards her stepmother. When Jaeri saw her mother,she quickly spread her arms asking her to carry her. Mrs.Byuntae give her to her mother.

'You're alone?'

'No i came with Jessica. She's in the car sleeping.'

Her stepmother nod and turn her head to the little Jaeri who is talking cutely with her teddy bear.

'Jaeri honey, go inside first okay? Umma need to help unnie.'

Jaeri nod cutely and her mother put her down. 

'You go and carry Jessica. I'll help you with the bags.'

Mrs.Byuntae just nod and they both went to the car. Mrs.Byuntae walk to the front passenger seat while her stepmother went to the back of the car to get their bags. Mrs.Byuntae open the door and pull the blanket slowly trying not to wake her up. She put the blanket around her neck and look at Ms.Cold.

'Hope you're not getting heavier..'

One arm hold her legs while the other one she put it behind her neck and she pull her out from the car bridal style. Ms.Cold eyes start to blinks. Mrs.Byuntae just smile sweetly and Ms.Cold look at her looking all sleepy.

'Put your arms around my neck okay?'

She put her arms around and nuzzle her face on Mrs.Byuntae's chest. Since she's loves to sleep, she fell asleep back in Mrs.Byuntae's hold. Her stepmother follow them from behind.

When they got into the house Mrs.Byuntae was about to lay her on the couch but her stepmother call her stopping her from doing that.

She told her to go upstair so she just do as what she said. They went into the guest room and Mrs.Byuntae slowly lay her on the bed. Her stepmother put the bags on the table and look at her step daughter.

'Rest okay? You must be tired.'

'I'm going to see appa first.'

'He's asleep already. See him in the morning. Now rest.'

She walk out from the room and close the door not forgetting to say good night. Mrs.Byuntae open her shoes and put it beside the table. She look at the beautiful figure who is sleeping. She sit on the edge of the bed and take Ms.Cold's heels off.

She lay beside her and tug both of them with the warm blanket. Mrs.Byuntae turn off the light and close her eyes.


Bonding times for Mrs.Byuntae and Jessi while for Mrs.Mushroom..Hmm we'll see soon kekekeke xD

Kk TEHEE. Please do comment! :D



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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
30 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....