Chap13: Lips Are Sealed

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom

'All you did was walking around the mall but you didn't have time to pick any of my calls? Or texts? Did you know how worried I was when Jessi told me you were not in class, stupid?' 

'Yeah I know I was stupid. I'm sorry, babe.The mall was loud and I didn't heard it was ringing. I was going to call you back but the battery died on me.'

'That's a lame excuse! I called you so many times but you didn't heard any of them?!'

 'Tiff, calm down..'

'Calm down? How can I calm down when she was so enjoying hanging out with her new 'girlfriend' while I was worried! You even let her kissed you.'

'My new girlfriend? You meant the person that sent me earlier? That was my older cousin, Sandara unnie. About the kiss, it's just a peck on my cheek.'

'That's what happened on us. It was just a peck at first and look us now. We're a couple.'

'You mean you hate being with me?'

'No!.. That's not what i meant. It's just that.. I'm afraid one day, you two will be just like how we are now..'

'Sweetheart, I only love you.. She's just my cousin..'

'I don't know.. I think I'm going home. Good night.'



It has passed 2 weeks after SooSica anniversary that they planned and it worked. Ms.Cold did like the new ring they bought with Sandara's help. Ms.Tall explained to her everything about the reason why they were put of school. Mrs.Mushroom was pretty mad since Mrs.Byuntae didn't even have time to pick up her calls or texts when all she did was walking around a mall, searching for rings. She ignored her as a revenge and trust me. It was a hard weeks for Mrs.Byuntae without talking, hugging, kissing her.

While they were not on talking terms, 2 days ago, Mrs.Byuntae agreed with Mr.Taemin about going out of the county for a wrestling match that will be held in Japan, for about 4 or 5 days. She didn't even told or discussed about this with Mrs.Mushroom so.. Today she'll be trying her luck to talk things out with her. 

As for Mrs.Mushroom, her past few days were horrible. Was a nightmares to her. Right after they ended up ignoring each other, she was frustrated because she can't focused on studying at all, thinking and missing her girlfriend. She once accidently yell at her mother and it went bad after that. Her mother grounded her for 3 weeks, starting from today. She's an appa girl so of course her father defended her. Yelling and shouting echoed around the house until he had a heart attack and currently sick at the moment. Her mother blamed her for this and didn't talk to her just like how she did to Mrs.Byuntae.

Taeyeon told her that Mrs.Mushroom is not going to recess because she wants to be alone. For the past few days, she's not really in a good mood. She have problems with her family that she kept as a secret.

'If I were Tiffany, where would I be?'

She bite her lips and look at her surrounding. It's either the library or the field. She could be in the library if she wants to be alone cause it's quiet there. The field is not bad too. On the side of the field, there's benches to sit and they used to go there together to have some time alone. She once told Mrs.Byuntae if one place in school that she would choose to be called peaceful is the field because the winds. Whenever she goes there, she would just sit there, closes her eyes and feel the winds brushes her face.

'I'll just go to the library first then the field.'

She turn to her left and make way to the library. Before she enters, she take a deep breath and let it flow slowly out of and nose. Mrs.Mushroom could be scary sometimes when she's angry, that's why she's kinda scare right now. She knows that she will be mad about this since they've promised to each other that they will talk to each other first anything about going away or that will separate them for a long time. But few days ago, she broke the promised.

'Please make everything goes smoothly.'

With all the courage she have, she steps into the library.

To her suprise, the library is packed with people right now. Maybe the library is not a right place that her girlfriend would chose but it's not wrong if we take a look around right? Who knows if she's around.

She goes by every bookshelves, asked other pupils but no luck. She's not here. Well then, only one place now. As she was about to open the door, the bell rings which means the recess is over. 

'Oh crap.'

She hurriedly walk out from there and went straight to the field. She was just walking down the stairs to go to the field but stopped when she sees her going up, while wiping her cheeks.

'Found you.'

Mrs.Mushroom was busy wiping her tears away with her head down so she didn't notice the person in front of her. She walk right in front of Mrs.Byuntae and hit her head on stomach. She didn't even look up because she don't want anyone to see her condition right now. She just want today's classes to over fast because she needs Taeyeon. Her best friend. One person where she would always need whenever she needs a shoulder to cry.  

'I'm sorry.. I didn't see where I was going.'

Oh how much she misses her sweet voice. For other people, 2 weeks are like just nothing but to her, it's a pain. It's been so long since she talks with her.

'You might need glasses then.'



'You might need glasses then.'


It's her isn't it? My hero.

'Of all people.. Why her, God? I can't bring myself to face her.. I miss her so much.. but I just can't..'

'Taeyeon told me that you needed time alone. So.. I came here to see you.'

'How did you knew I was here?'

'Lover instinct I guess..? Does that make sense?'

I wipe my tears for the last time and look up seeing her rubbing her not itchy neck and look down too. I know she's rubbing her neck not because it was itchy but it's because of the conversation we're having right now. It's an awkward situation. Really.

'Recess is over. We should head back to cla-'

'I need to talk to you about us.'

I try to walk away but she block my way. When i try to left, she followed. When i tried the right side, she also goes the same. I push her lightly by her shoulder but she grab my arm and slowly her hand goes down along my arm, intertwined our fingers together.

'Please don't ignore me again. I'm not going to just look at you walking away from me again. All I need is a little talk with my own girlfriend. I beg you..'

She begged. She looks like she really needs it.



'I'm sorr-'


They cut each othets word while staring into each others eyes then they both stare blankly at the empty field. Mrs.Byuntae plays with her own fingers.

'I didn't mean to cut you off. You go ahead.'

Mrs.Byuntae apologized as she just hang her head low, waiting for her. Mrs.Mushroom let out a deep sigh before she open to say few words. Lots of words actually.

'I'm sorry for what I did to you for these past weeks. I couldn't bring myself to see or face you. I feel guilty.. I know my words has hurt your feeling and i'm truly sorry..'

Silence. Only birds chirping and flying on the sky. Mrs.Mushroom took that a sign that she should continue.

'I missed you.. I really do but I need some times alone for now. I have my own problems..'

Finally she look up and smile towards Mrs.Mushroom.

'You can share your problems with me. I'm here for you.'


'And I missed you too, Mushroom.'

She turn her body around and wrap her arms around Mrs.Mushroom. Her strawberry scent.. always manage to calm her down. That's why she loves to hug her.

Mrs.Mushroom misses her too so without thinking twice, she hug her back putting her arms around her neck, pulling her closer.

'Hey you two! Skipping classes eh?!'

They pull away from each other and look to security guard, hands on his waist looking all angry and mad. 

'That's our cue. Now run!'

Mrs.Byuntae pull her and shove the security guard, making him fall to the ground. They giggle to themselves before running away, hiding behind an old bus that aren't used. They squatting down, motion each other to keep quiet because the guard is around.


'Aish.. I knew they went around here somewhere..'

The two hiding girls already sitting down beside each other, on the dirty grass. Their legs are tired from squatting so long waiting for that not give up security guard.

Yes. He's still searching.

Mrs.Byuntae look to her side and wait for her to notice. When Mrs.Mushroom notice that her girlfriend is staring at her, she whispers. But no sounds.


'I'm bored.'


'Entertain me.'

She being her dork self is making her annoys again. Mrs.Mushroom give her 'daheck' look. She giggle no sound and pull Mrs.Mushroom head, facing her.

'A kiss.'

'Later. We're in trouble right now.'

'Give me a kiss or I will scream.'

Now she give her a 'are you serious' look. Mrs.Byuntae pretending that she was about to shout out. She doesn't want to get caught skipping classes so she quickly sealed her lips with a kiss. A deep one.

'I gave up. They're lucky that they escaped.'

He huff one time and left the area. Mrs.Mushroom slowly and carefully look through the broken glasses window to look for the security guard who was hunting them for 20 minutes.

'He's gone, ___. Let's go and head to class before he comes back.'

Mrs.Byuntae pull her to sit back down and force her to put her head on her chest. She won't protest though because she do like this time they're having right now after that long and horrible weeks without each other.

'There's something I need to tell you.'

'Go on. What is it?'

'Mr.Taemin told me that there's going to be a women wrestling match will be held.. And he asked me to join our team wrestlers since they were not enough.. And I agreed to it.'

'Well that's a good thing, baby.'

'But the real thing I want to tell is that.. It's in Japan.. And I'll be leaving for about 4 or 5 days.'


She pull her head away. Mrs.Byuntae can see her flaw through that lips. She gulp down when she saw Mrs.Mushroom giggling. Her acting skill is so good.

'We've talked about this didn't we? We promised that we would discuss first THEN we decided.'

'I know babe I know and I'm sorry~ He said he really needs me. Besides, your girlfriend here is the best wrestler.'

'But you should've talk to me first about this.'

'How?! You were avoiding yourself from me whenever I tried to talked to you. I came to your house and your mother said you didn't want to see me. Do you know how hurt I was when she said that?'

'It was your fault for letting her kissed you that night! If not, I wouldn't ignored you nor hurt your feeling!'

'For Godness Sake, she's my cousin, Tiffany!!'

She decided to stop fighting back because she know that this would end bad. Mrs.Mushroom bite her lips seeing how Mrs.Byuntae is holding herself from bursting out of anger.

'But you're my girlfriend..'

She mumbles softly without even looking up. Her head hanging low. And again an awkward situation where only the silence rule the place. Lips are sealed.

'I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled you.'

'It's okay I guess. We're both equal since I've yelled at you too.'

'Come here.'

She pat her chest again and she just follow what she asked to do. She intertwined their hands together and pull it up to her lips, giving it a quick peck. Also one on her cheek. This time it's longer than Sandara gave one to Mrs.Byuntae.

'Trust me, Mushroom. I only love you. There's no one else except for you.'

'Me too. You're the only one for me.'

And for the rest of the last two periods, they just hang there kissing each other and spending time together.


Mrs.Mushrooms and her mom are already fine now thanks to Mrs.Byuntae. She herself went to her house and explained everything. Mrs.Mushroom also finally has accepted the fact that her girlfriend is going.

They are now in front of the airport, sending the two wrestlers. They got like 3 hours more before the flight and waiting for Mr.Taemin and the rest. Her parents didn't come as well because they already said goodbye and kisses at home.

'Make sure you'll take care of yourself while you're there. And make sure I'll not see any girls near you. If I did, you better be prepare when you're home.'

'Geez you're scary, Ppany.'

'Don't worry, Fany. I'll make sure she's still a when she's back.'

Ms.Pearl said as she checked ownself since she's going too. Yoona also help her with checking all her things.

Back to the main, Mrs.Mushroom pouts as she help Mrs.Byuntae with her shirt collar. Once she's done, she put her hand on her chest.

'There. You look beautiful.'

Mrs.Byuntae gaze her lips and lean down, capturing her lips. She guide Mrs.Mushroom's hand to around her neck. After few kisses, they pull away heavy breathing.

'Why you look so sad hmm?'

'Shouldn't I be sad that my girlfriend said she's leaving me for 5 days but it turns out to be 3 weeks.'

Mrs.Byuntae sighs as she rest her forehead with hers.

'Don't be sad, baby. I'm not going to leave you forever. Just for 3 weeks. I misheard him I guess. I was too busy thinking about my sulking Cutie .'

'I told you to stop calling me that.'

They're both ended up giggling to each others. They had few more kisses and then Mr.Taemin arrived with the rest of the new wrestlers.

'Alright you two. Enough of that. We got a flight to catch with. Checked your stuffs for the last time, I'll be waiting inside.'

'Alright sir.'

'Aye aye captain.'

The rest just followed him leaving the best friends. They hug each other for the last time, tightly. Yoona even cried a little but Ms.Pearl sooth her already. She waits for the best for the last, her girlfriend.

'I'll be back. I promise. Wait for me okay? I love you.'

'I love you too.'

With one last kiss, they bid their goodbye and went inside to find Mr.Taeming. Both Mrs.Byuntae and Ms.Pearl could hear them shouting.

'Take care of yourself there. Make sure you guys come back in one piece!'

'Don't try anything funny there!'

'We love you!'



'I'll be back. I promise. Wait for me okay? I love you.'

'I'll hold onto your promise,___. '

Once I was just about to went back home, my phone rings. It's an unknown number. Who knows it might be important right? So I answered the call.

'Hello? Who's this?'

'It's me, Suho.'

'Suho? How did you got my number?'

'Tiffany, wherever you are, go to the XXX hospital. Your mother and I are heading there with an ambulance right now. Your dad had a heart attack.'


Three weeks heh?.. Lots of things can happen in those three weeks with Suho is in the area now. I'm actually revealing this on the next chapter but i changed my mind.

Suho is her ex-boyfriend.

When your ex came back in your life, being all kind towards your family and without your lover beside you.. Anything can happen..

I'll update more. See ya later~ 











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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
30 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....