Chap16: Face-Off

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom

This is not a message. It's an update! Enjoy!



That night was such a blessed night. It made me feel better because the girls were all super fun. Suho has been bugging me by calling and texting me nonstop ever since that evening. I was a bit stressed out. Taetae then called them for another sleepover and it was a blast as we did lots of weird stuff. I'm blessed with such a wonderful group of friends.

But still, I missed ______. I couldn't stop thinking about her every time I thought about Suho's words that day. He said that I'm supposed to get married to him but hell that wouldn't happen. I can't marry him and I don't want to marry him. My love is only for ______.

And I'm not planning on leaving her, ever. I love her.


I looked over to Taetae and she was giving this warm smile as her hand held out a phone. Her phone.

"Someone wants to talk to you." She walks over the couch and took a seat beside me. She passed me her phone. It's an unknown number though.

"Someone who?" I asked.

"Don't worry, it's an unknown number but it's a known person." She chuckled and nudged me to hurry up because the person on the other line was waiting. 

Could it be Suho persuade me through phone calls now? But Taetae hates him too. She wouldn't have picked  up the phone if it's him. 

"Hello." I slowly said. 

"Hello. Is this Tiffany speaking?" It's a female voice. So it's not him. The voice sounds familiar though. I looked over to Taetae but she was playing with her nails. I didn't know whether to answer her question so I asked her back with a question.

"Who's this?" I sounded cold.

I didn't mean to but I had to. It could someone trying to prank me. I can't believe Taetae much, she's a prankster.

"Do you happened to know Park ______? Because she said she misses you. She tried calling for you but couldn't get to you so she called her best friend."

My baby! My byuntae! 

I knew I've heard that voice before. No wonder it's so familiar.

"Babeeeeee! I missed you too! I'm sorry I didn't picked up, I turned off my phone." I explained. God I wanted to cry from this overwhelming feeling.

That feeling where you held in too much thoughts all by yourself and finally found something that actually helps you to release all the worries and forget your problems for a while. That's how I feel. 

Hearing her voice somehow managed to calm me no matter what.

"Why would you turned off your phone Mushroom?" She asked. 

Oh my God. What should I say? I haven't told her about Suho yet. 

"Taetae called the girls for a sleepover and I didn't want to get distracted by it as I will focused on it too much instead of enjoying the fun." I said. Half true, half lie.

I turned my phone off because I didn't want Suho to disturb my mood by calling and testing me. It's not because I don't want to tell her about him, I think it's better if I tell her when she's back from Japan. It's easier to explain to her face-to-face. She might react negatively and thought I'm cheating on her, so if that happen I will sit on her lap and kissed her all day to prove her I love her. 

That'll be fun though. Spend a day being all touchy with my babe. 

"Ah alright Mushroom, anyway I have good news and bad news." 

"Tell me the bad news first then we'll get into the good one." I said over the phone. 

I heard her giggled on the other line. "I thought you're going to start off with something good first but straight up for the bad one eh? So rare babe." 

I will instantly smile over little things like this, when she calls me babe or baby or etc. It feels warm and nice.

"I like to get sad or angry over the bad news then cool down with the good news." 

"Tsk. Typical Hwang. What a weirdo." 

I thought that was ______ saying, but it was Taetae. Forgot she was still here beside me.

"Shut up, Kim." I said and then back to my girlfriend. 

"Whatever Miyoung, whatever."

I sneered at Taetae and put back the phone near my ear. My baby asked me what's wrong and I said there was a dog barking next to me. That earned me Taetae's cute little kid whine. She pouted but I ignored her.  

She's a cute dog thought. Period.

"The bad news, I somehow lost my phone at the airport." 

"So who's phone are you using right now?" 

"I bought a new one already." She answered and laughed. Her laugh was so cute! I can't wait to hug her! 

So she lost her phone at the airport and bough-- wait. She was at the airport?

"The good news is, I'm back in Seoul!" 

Is she really? Is this one of Taetae's prank on me that she's working with ______? 

"And I'm in front of Tae's house." 

Taetae who was playing with the hem of her shirt, jolted up as she too heard what ______ just said. Her face looks.. shook.

"She better not be pranking or I'm gonna stuff her car with alive pink pigs with makeup on." She trailed her voice. She sounded speechless. 

But hey! Pink pigs with makeup on? She's mocking me! 

"You're outside?"

"Come by the window and look." I hurriedly walked over to the front window with Taetae trailing behind me like little girl. It's true. She's there, right in front of the house, leaning on her car looking as beautiful as ever as she waved her hand.

She's back! She's finally back!

I shoved the phone to Taetae and wasted no time by running out of the house and threw myself on her. 

​​​​​"Woah," She laughed but held onto me gently. It feels so nice having her this close to me again, to have her in presence. If possible, I want to just cling onto her all day. Not a single second I would let her go. If it wasn't for her keeping her balance well, we would've bwen lying on the ground, hugging each others off.

She wrapped her arms around my waist as the hug got tighter. ​​​​​​I didn't care if this going to suffocated me. I don't mind dying on her. I just missed her so so much and I need this hug. 

"God I missed your cute ." She nibbled my earlobe. That tickles! 

I moved my head away from her neck and faced her. "And I miss your soft lips, baby." I pecked her lips one time. She looked down to my lips and back up to meet my eyes.

"My Mushroom has gotten cheesier and sweeter." She smiled wider. 

"That's because I missed you too much. It's been so long I've last get to be all sweet with you." I pouted and felt like I was going to cry so I wrapped my arms around her neck and hid my face on the crook of her tempting neck. 

"Aww I missed you too Mushroom. All the time." She kissed the top of my head. I then felt two pair of hands on my . "Your has gotten bigger too!"

"Yah!" I whined and playfully bit her neck. 

We both laughed and keep hugging each other for a while until..

"Tiff baby." 

I recognized that voice so I unclasped my arms and hurriedly held onto ______'s arm. 

"Who's this guy?" 

"Who's this, baby?" 

He called me 'baby' again and I feel like diarrhea. I wanted to throw up in his mouth. 

I glanced at my babe's reaction when he called me baby and expected her to get this pissed off expression but she looked calm and bored. Like really, bored. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to take you to the wedding shop to search our wedding outfit, love." He took a step closer to me. Hell no! 

I ran behind ______ and she too automatically lightly pushed me to her back. 

"Come on baby. We hav--" Before he could finish, she cut him off. 

"Dude stop calling her baby. You're not her dad." 

"You're not either so don't call her baby too." He looked at ______ now, pissed. 

"I don't call my girl using that lame nickname." She chuckled. 

"Your girl?" He emphasized back. He stood close to her. I just realized she's taller. Haha! 

"Yeah, mine." Shortly answered. Her claiming me feels so right. It gives me this tingling feeling. 

God, I'm so in love with her.

He chuckled and smirked. "Sadly not for long. Tiffany and I are getting married." 

"Don't talk gibberish, Suho. That won't happen. Ever." This time, I'm the one who answered back. I feel like I want to turn into a pink hulk just by looking at his ugly smile! 

"Gibberish what Tiffany? Our parents already agreed." He said confidently. 

"They doesn't know I'm in love with someone else." I said back. 

"You mean this 'rubbish' standing right here?" He said. 

That was rude. 

"Watch what you're saying, you won't be able to speak anymore because I'll rip your tongue and feed it to your two legged dogs." She warned, but still looked bored. 

"I don't have any dogs at home." He chuckled,

"You don't have friends? Poor you, a lonely two legged dog you are." She too chuckled. Okay, that was funny and awesome. At first, I didn't quite catch her meaning but then I noticed the sarcasm. 

Her badass attitude is heating up. Is it weird I found her y and hot like this? Suho on the other hand, look hot too. That hot where you burn! He's pissed! Hah! 

"Listen here disgusting woman. Your relationship won't last long and I will make both of you won't be able to enjoy yourselves. You'll regret for calling me a dog, ugly bitc--"

Oh my God! She kicked his manhood! That was amazing! I didn't see that coming! 

Eat that Suho! Your words were too spicy.

He fell down onto the ground, holding his crotch.

_____ looked at him. "Man, you should've watched your words like how I told you to. I don't have a knife to cut your tongue so I just did that." 

He cursed at her repeatedly through gritting his teeth, completely in pain. 

"May your seeds can still swim well. Let's go Mushroom," 

Wait we're leaving him here?

"Babe, we can't just leave him here." 

She pulled out her phone and dialed someone's number. She also put it on speaker. 

"Hello." That's Taetae's voice. Why would she call that kid? 

"Hey tae, Suho came to your house and he was being rude." She said. 

"Yeah, I know. I was about to come out and greet you but then I saw you three talking. I didn't want to get involved so I went back inside and eat marshmallows." She laughed as if it's really funny. Weird Taetae. 

"I kicked his balls, he's lying on the side of the road right now."

Taetae laughed like a maniac. "Nice! A feet for balls, feetballs!" 

"Taetae, we are going to get lunch. Can you help us handle him?" I looked over to him and there he's still holding it. Must've hurt a lot. Dang, but if he wasn't so rude, that won't have to happened.

"Sure, you guys go ahead, I'll handle him after about 2 hours. Nickledeon time!"

I whined, "Taetaee!"

They both chuckled hearing my whine. "I'm just joking. I'm already at the door." We tilted our heads and she was standing at the door, one hand holding a bowl of marshmallows. 

"Thanks Tae. I'll treat you a nice meal later!" _____ winked and waved at her. 

"You better, woman!" She replied and laughed. 

"Let's go." She ended the call and we got inside the car. Once we've settled in, I looked over to her because I felt her staring at me. "We still haven't kiss properly." 

I blushed but still smiled. "Come here and claim." 

She leaned on me and locked our lips together. We had a long deep kiss and then I wanted to pull away but she hummed and clasped our lips back, deeper this time. After about some times, we had finally able to take our mouths away from each others. It was hard, really. She's a good kisser. She knows how to make girls feel wanted. 

"Debrey Café?" She raised her eyebrows and stole another peck. I nodded and she started the engine then drove to my favourite place, Debrey Café, where fate brought us together. 


A badass at the scene! What do you think Suho's condition will be? What will he do to them? Comment your opinion! 











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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
22 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....