Chap15 P2: This Is How GG Do Sleepover

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom

Author is back for a short update! A few notes at the end of the chapter. Please read it. Thanks, now enjoy!





"TaeTae, stop doing that and don't do that again." I pushed Taeyeon's hand which were my exposed thighs. I was sitting in between her legs with her arms slid under mine, pulling my body closer to hers making me lay my back on her front. From the beginning of the movie, she kept disturbing me. I told her to stopped doing so and focus on the movie but she said the movie is boring, she prefer annoys me more. And so on, until the end of the movie, she kept doing her stuff making me hard to focus on the movie. 


"You should've focus on the movie, TaeTae. You were so eager to watch it when it came out." I looked at the other, already sleeping and snoring. Jessi and Soo looked so cute together. With her sitting on Soo's lap sleeping peacefully on her chest, Soo's head leaned on hers. They looked like a koala and a tree, it hanging tightly onto a tree. A tall and skinny tree. Looking at them reminds me my ____. 


"I can always play it again. I thought it was a good one so I bought it. Never knew it could be this boring. Such a crappy movie." She mumbles the last sentence lowly as if she was disappointed.


"It's not crappy. It was fun and romantic. You didn't pay attention." I said. It was fun. A little. The romantic stuff was the real fun. I imagined it was me and ____. Gosh, I miss her.


"Trust me, I did try but it's just too much of a crap." She put her hands up and slightly put them back on my thighs, caressing making small circles. 


"They're already asleep." I changed the subject to them, nudging her to look at them. 


She looked and sighed, "It's supposed to be a sleepover. A late one but they already fast asleep. I thought about playing games after this."


"Sleepover doesn't mean we have to stay up late and do stupid stuff together. Just enjoy having a night together, the feeling of sleeping together with our loved ones."


She rolled her eyes, "For them, sleepover means me spending money, they eat and snores. The end of our sleepover." 


I giggled, "Let's wake them up. You do Sunny and Hyo. I'll do the rest."


I pushed her hands away from my thighs and pushed myself up from sitting. I looked at them deciding which one should I wake up first? Yoona and Seohyun are more of a polite one, so I'll just wake them up first. Besides, the others are sleeping using pillows or each others bodies but these two youngest are sleeping with their head hanging. 


"Seohyunnie, wake up." I moved a strand of hair that covered her sleepy face. She's not a heavy sleeper so she wake up easily with only one try. I waited for a while until she blinked a couple of times then I move onto Yoona. 


"Yoon." Putting one hand on her shoulder, I called her name out.


"Hmm?" She hummed and smiled a little with both of her eyes still closing.


"The movie has ended. Let's go to bed." I pat her shoulder. She yawned and stretches. Lmao, Yul and Yoon are so alike. Always does stretches. What a perfect couple. Sunny has already awake and she went to TaeTae's room with Yoon and Seohyun first. The only ones left is a couple and Hyo.


"Jessi, Soo wakey wakey." 


"Go watch your crappy movie, Tiff." Jessi snuggled into her chest. Soo was already awake when she heard me calling her name. She was smilling happily when Jessi rubbed her face on her chest. 


"Finally, someone agreeing with me about that crappy movie." Taeyeon voiced out. I looked around to see Taeyeon. She was struggling to take the pillow away from Hyo who's covering her face with it. 


"It's not crappy and it's already end. Now wake up. God, wake her up, Soo. Please." I rolled my eyes. 


I was done. That's my last people that I should wake up. I turned my body to check on Taeyeon. I watched them silently. Jessi and Soo has finally woken up and now standing beside me, watching the scene in front of us.


"Please go away, short." Hyo said sleepily. Taeyeon was squatting in front of her, still trying to take the pillow away.


"Wake up, Hyo! God!" TaeTae shouted on her face when she got the chance to snatched the pillow away.


Hyo pushed her by her shoulder, making her stumbled down, landing on her . 


"What's living in your mouth, Tae? They smell horrible. God, I wanna throw up." Hyo groaned.


"Excuse my , I brushed my teeth three times a day okay. I even uses mouthwash." She protested cutely, sounded like a small kid.


"Are you sure you used mouthwash instead of poop water?" 


"Oh yeah, I forgot I usually took a cup with me when I goes into the bathroom and filled it with poop water. Then I gargled them and swallowed them." She shot back.


All three of us laughed while TaeTae glared at Hyo who's actually trying to keep her straight face.


"Was it good? Who's poop was it?" She sarcastically said back t annoys her. 


Taeyeon groaned and stood up, "I'm so done with you. Bye guys, I'm going to sleep." 


When she left, Hyo and I changed a look. 


"Hyo you stupid." 


"I agree." She nodded and chuckled before we both followed the rest to sleep. 


What a nice night. It'll be nicer if ___ was here though. It'll be warmer if she's sleeping beside me, holding me so close to her like she always did. Please make these months goes smooth and fast. It's only been a day but I miss my girlfriend so much already. 






After a wild match with Russia, Myanmar, Malaysia, I collapsed my body onto the bed followed by my best friend. She didn't even fight today but she's the one who looked so tired. Since I've been winning these past rounds, I got into final easily. This trip was supposed to be over 3 months, included practices and stuff but it changed. I'm going to leave this place in 3 more weeks with a trophy in my hand. If I win, I'll be bringing a big trophy with me. I won't have to attend the practices, I was allowed to go home. Home into my loved one's arms. My mushroom's warm embrace.


"We should call them and inform them about us going home early. It's been so long since we last talked to them. I miss Yoona." She pouted.


"I'll just call my girl later, maybe on the dinner. Now I've got other stuff to do." I tried to close my eyes but Yul's voice stopped me. 


"I can't believe we actually got into final." Yul said, sounded so exhausted.


"Yeah, you look exhausted. You did a great job today." I mocked her, hoping she actually notice it. I want her off the bed so I can spread my legs. My legs felt like jelly whenever I walk. 


"Don't mock me like that, ___. I did took a few matches alright and I won all of them." 


I chuckled, "Alright, alright. Now off my bed. I need to get some sleep." I tried to push her body off but she whined and wrapped her arms on my waist.


"Let's sleep together." She smiled and hugged me close. 


"Yul, you have your own bed so go to your own. I need this bed all to myself now." I closed my eyes, ready to catch a nap before going out later to celebrate. I need to attend the dinner. I'm the one who got into final so my presence is important. 


When there's no response or movement, I looked over to her. She was already snoring as usual her. 


"Sweet dream, weirdo." I unconsciously smiled.






I was full. I ate a lot. Mr.Taemin and the other insisted and kept putting foods on my plate, trying to make me feel bloated. And I am feeling it now.


"Excuse me, I need to make a phone call." With a groan, I stood up while putting a hand on my stomach. I feel like my stomach will explode anytime soon. I feel so full.


I went outside of the restaurant to call my Mushroom. She's probably asleep by now but who cares, I'm gonna try make a phone call. I miss her sweet and girly voice. If she's not answering, then I'll just send a text or something.


I waited for almost a minute then she picked up. I was so happy and excited to hear her voice.


"Hey, babe." I greeted her first right after I heard the other line has picked up.


"Baby, I missed you so freaking much! Why didn't you call me?" She whined through the phone. I can imagined how she looked by now. 


"Sorry. I've been a little busy. I had a few matches, sweetheart and guess what?" I asked her, trying to stay calm as possible.


"What?" She asked, sounding desperate to hear. 


I chuckled and smiled, "I'll be coming home in 3 weeks. That means no 3 months without each other, Mushroom." 


She sighed, "Still doesn't change anything. You're still leaving me alone here with your weird.. friends. Can't you just come home now?"


She must be pouting right now. Hearing her plead like that, makes me hard not to just run away and went home, into her arms. Sighs. That'll have to wait though. I can't just run off like that and leave the final match. I'll disappointed many people, especially them who's counting on me on bringing big trophy to school by the next 3 weeks. They want me to win this competition this year.


"I would like to run off but I have to do this baby. I've come this far and got into final, I can't just leave like that." I explained to her with guilty feeling slowly gaining my mind and heart. I don't want to say that but I just have to.


"Alright then. I'll just wait for you to come home." Thank God. I have such an understanding girlfriend. God, I love her.


"I got to go now. I love you, Tiffany." 


"Already? Hmm. I love you too, ____. Call me when you're free again." Her voice sounded sad.  


Our call ended. I said I will call her later but I'm not sure when that later is. I might be busy and tired for the whole 2 weeks of training so it'll be hard for me to find the right time to call nor text her. Tae told me on the phone call that Fany is currently having a problem and I know I need to find the right time to hear her voice. I'll try to steal some time to talk to her more from now on. I need her to know that I'm always there for her even though I'm miles away.






I gotta admit, I was scared with the whole Suho situation yesterday. He threatened to hurt me just to get me to marry him but after the talk with my love, I feel calm and relaxed a little. Even on the phone, hearing her voice always managed to give me the chill and sweet feeling. One of the reason, I fell for her because her sweet voice. She once sang to me before we went to sleep. It was so lovely and sweet. The way she sang while staring straight into my fragile eyes made me fell in love with her over and over again. Like I couldn't get enough of her. She's just too perfect for me. She's the most perfect woman I've ever met and I feel grateful, lucky that my fate is with her. I do feel insecure sometimes but once she kissed me, that feeling has been replaced by love. 


"Stop daydreaming, Ppany. Open your mouth, munch and munch and munch, then swallow." Taeyeon said showing her cute way of eating. 


"What are you saying.. anyone understand baby language?" Yoon joked while raising her arm.


"Stop teasing me! Ugh you've been teasing me from yesterday!" She whined and Yoon apologized.


Well, not a real apologize though, no. She's such a mischievous girl. Creative yet weird pranks are always playing on her mind. 


"Tiff, you better eat or your girlfriend will nag at us for letting you starve to dead." I heard Taeyeon groaned, agreeing with Jessi's words.


"Don't worry, I'll protect you guys." I giggled, pulling the plate closer to me. I picked up the fork and started eating. 


"She might slap my so protect my please. It's too precious." Soo said chuckling.


Then Hyo interrupted, "___ won't slap it. You don't have one, stupid long human stick." We all laughed with Hyo's nickname for her. Seohyun too did laughed. Like really low volume one. If someone pays attention they might can actually hear her laughing. Well, we all probably heard her pretty clear. It's pretty weird she laughs at such an adult topic. She hates talking about or whatever body part there is.


"Oh you're laughing at me too?" Soo glared at her. 


"No, I was just giggling." She mumbled. Hyo then came to the rescue, rescuing her crush. Little did she know, that I knew she has a crush on my innocent baby Seohyunnie. It's pretty obvious. But at the time, she's with Nicole though. 


"Hey, it was funny okay. Of course she would've laugh. Your girlfriend did too." We all looked at Jessi.


"Huh?" A confused Jessica Jung.


"Come on, Sica. Admit it. It was pretty funny." Sunny raised her eyebrows, smiling cheekily.


Jessi looked up to Soo who's already pouting, "Yeah, it was, kinda funny. What she said was pretty much true." 


"Yah! You're supposed to be on my team, protecting my !"


Throughout the morning, all I heard was their ranting and loud voices. It was a cheerful situation and I'm glad TaeTae planned this hangout. After the call, the sleepover, the happy feeling are fully wrapped to me now. And I know, today will be a good day. With them. No my byuntae girlfriend's morning sweet actions for a while. Just studying and hanging out with them. I'll just stay close to TaeTae while ___ is not around so that Suho won't be able to come near me.


I hope he won't be able to.






AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey! Sorry I disappeared without telling you the reason. I actually had a little problem with the internet and still are :( but I've already wrote lot of chapters for both of my story while I was away. I'll just have to find the time to copy and paste them! So I'm sorry if the updates are slow.  That's all for now :)

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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
29 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....