Chap5 LP: The Dinner Date

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom


Mrs.Byuntae move her lips and Mrs.Mushroom shut her eyes tight. Because of the wind, their hair make them pull away from the kiss. Mrs.Byuntae smile before she tug her own hair behind her ear.

Mrs.Mushroom is still standing there, like a doll with her hair still covering her face. Mrs.Byuntae giggle and help her out. She moves the hair that cover her beautiful face and cup both of her cheeks. 

'Earth to Tiffany' 

No respond. All she can see is a frozen Barbie doll. 

'You're scaring me now. If you're not going to say anything,I'll kiss you again.'

Mrs.Mushroom actually know what exactly is happening around her but she just couldn't believe about the kiss. Her mind keeps on replaying and thinking about the kiss like a roller coaster ride but this time,this roller coaster aren't stopping. 

Her mind could blow up anytime. So does her face. Her face is as red as a volcano that is trying not to explode. 

Her eyes that was shutting tight,now when wide again because she kiss her. Again. This time she realized what happened. She pushes Mrs.Byuntae by her shoulder. 

'Yahh! What do you think you're doing huh?'

'Kissing you. Why?'

She ask her. Mrs.Mushroom didn't realize that Mrs.Byuntae's hands are holding onto her waist. She pushes Mrs.Byuntae's shoulder but Mrs.Byuntae's pull her by the waist and hug her. 

She struggles in Mrs.Byuntae arms trying to slip away but she can't. 

'Stop struggling for awhile. I want to hug you too like Nickhun did.'

Hearing her words,his name,she stops from struggling and let Mrs.Byuntae hug her. When Mrs.Byuntae feels that Mrs.Mushroom has stop struggling, she hug her tighter.

Mrs.Mushroom feels guilty all of the sudden. She doesn't know why she feels like this. She feels like she has hurt Mrs.Byuntae's feeling. 

Mrs.Mushroom wants to hug her back but she already pull away from the hug. 

'Thank you for the hug. Let's go enjoy our dinner date shall we?' 

She smile before she push Mrs.Mushroom to the side a little and open the car door for her. Mrs.Mushroom get in and she close the door. 

Even though she feels annoy with her attitude like how can she just like forgot what just happened and start being an annoying person back,somehow those guilty feeling are still there. 

Her thinking was interupt by Mrs.Byuntae who is smiling,staring at her.

'So where are we going, Miss Hwang?'

She put the engine car on and turn on some turn up music. She dance a little while waiting for Mrs.Mushroom's answer. 

'I'm okay with any restaurant. As long as there's air conditioner.'

'People nowadays..Always need air conditioner'

She shakes her head and start driving. Mrs.Mushroom raise her eyebrow and ask her

'Like you would be fine eating without air conditioner.'

'I'm fine without air conditioner. Because I don't eat spicy food. I usually eat a sweet foods but there's one food that whenever I eat them I feel hot'

She rolls her eyes hearing Mrs.Byuntae's answer. 

'Sweet food that can feel hot? Like what?'

'Like eating you for sure.'


Mrs.Mushroom pinch Mrs.Byuntae's thigh. 

'Oww hey! I'm driving here!' 

She looks to her side for a second and focus her eyes on the road back, rubbing her thigh to soothe the pain away. 

'Serve you right. Make sure to treat it or your girl will leave you.'

Mrs.Mushroom smile mockingly and look out to the window, stifling her laugh. 

'Nahh I don't mind. I still have your thighs.'


She turn her head immediately and glare hard at her but as always. Her glare never scare Mrs.Byuntae. 

'HellFany exploded' 

She laugh and Mrs.Mushroom huff before she folds her arms on her chest and look out to the window. 

20 minutes past and they arrived at a restaurant. A fancy restaurant. Mrs.Mushroom had her jaw dropped when she get out from the car. Mrs.Byuntae giggle and stand beside her and push her jaw up again. 

'This is a fancy restaurant.'

'I know. Let's go.'

She hold her hand out and Tiffany gladly accept it this time. Even though her family is rich,this restaurant is like 2 times richer than her father is.

They walk into the restaurant and the worker there greets them. 

'Hello Miss Park. Welcome back.'

'Hello Min. I've reserved a table for my date today. Can you bring me to my table?'

'Sure. Anything for you. Right this way'

They follow the waiteress and whenever they pass a few table,people greets Mrs.Byuntae saying hi and compliment about the dishes they're having.

As usual,Mrs.Byuntae being a gentlewoman pull the chair for Mrs.Mushroom.

'You may sit down,my Queen.'

She playfully said as she bow. Mrs.Mushroom knock her head and sit down. Mrs.Byuntae walk to the other side of the table and sit down too with her hand rubbing her head.

One of the waiter come and gives them the menu. He left them to gives them some times to choose their dinner. Mrs.Byuntae is whistling while looking through the menu but she stops when she look over the table and Mrs.Mushroom just stare at the menu.


She call her name and she blink her eyes rapidly before she hum and look towards Mrs.Byuntae.

'You're done looking through the menu or you haven't?'

'I did but l think i'll just follow what you'll order'

Even though Mrs.Mushroom hates and annoy with Mrs.Byuntae,she is a type of person who doesn't like to trouble people.

'Don't be like that. This is our first date and i want you to enjoy this. Just choose okay?'

She smile and put the menu up infront of Mrs.Mushroom. She hesitate at first but she just sigh and follow what she said. She open the menu and the food really is expensive. She sighs and look up to say something to Mrs.Byuntae but Mrs.Byuntae shakes her head. 

'Just choose anything.'

She sighs before she look back to the menu and choose. The waiter come back and they tell him their order and he wrote them down. He smile and leave them. 

'So Tiffany Hwang Miyoung. Can I ask you something?'

She put her arm on the table and lean forward.


'What's with the sudden date?'

'Nothing. Just feels like I want to get to know you better.'

'Are you finally falling for me?'

At first she really did feel like she wants to get to know her better but now when Mrs.Byuntae said that, she regret saying it. 

'Even though you're the last person on Earth, I will never fall for you.'

'But you just did.'

She arch her eyebrow and give 'what do you mean' look towards Mrs.Byuntae. 

'When I kissed you.'

She grin like an idiot but Mrs.Mushroom just keep quiet and look around trying not to look her silly face right now.

'Who were those people that greeted you?'

'They are regular customers here'

She answer her question and Mrs.Mushroom just nod

'So that means you're a regular customer too?'

Mrs.Byuntae giggle and smile. Mrs.Mushroom have a confused look on her face. She looks like a lost puppy. 

'Yes. I'm a really really regular customer here and please don't be so cute. I might can't control myself from kissing you right now.'

Mrs.Mushroom mutter the word 'Byuntae' before she kick her leg under the table making a 'thump' sound. 

'Yah that hurt'

'Say those again and I'll make sure you can't walk tonight'

'Oh dear. I'LL the one who will make sure YOU can't walk tonight if you kick me again.'

Mrs.Mushroom groan in annoy and Mrs.Byuntae have a victory smirk on her face. Their order arrived and they start digging into it. 

The atmosphere is like you're alone. In a cave. Eating a rock and sitting right in front of a bonfire. Looking straight through the fire.

It's so quiet.

Mrs.Byuntae who always being the talkative one break the silent and ask

'So...Are you seeing someone?'

'Should I answer it?'

Mrs.Mushroom ask and Mrs.Byuntae nod rapidly. She put her fork down and answer her

'At the moment no. How about you?'

'I'm seeing you now for sure.'

Mrs.Byuntae smile sweetly but Mrs.Mushroom just scoff as she pick her fork back. 

'Are you always talking like this with other girls who has been your victim?'

'I usually with them. Not sweetly like this. So you should be grateful I'm not straddling you and eating this food instead of eating you.'


She said lowly and point the fork towards her. Mrs.Byuntae laugh before she put both of her hand up. 

'Okay okay. I'll stop'

'She huff before she slowly put her fork down and continue eating.

Suddenly the waiter come again.

'How's the food Miss Park? Is your dad's recipes are good to go?'

'Yeaa I think this one will be a good one.'

Mrs.Mushroom choke on her food and quickly take her drink and drink it. Mrs.Byuntae and the waiter look over her, worried.

'Are you okay Tiffany?'

'Are you alright Miss?'

She coughs a few times before she put a thumbs up, making the two worried person sigh in relieve. The waiter bow to them and left them. 

'Your dad's recipes? Does this mean this restaurant is yours?'

'Not mine but my father.'

'Why you didn't tell me?'

'I though you understand what I meant earlier by saying that I'm a really really regular customer here but you're actually quick slow aren't you?'

She laugh and groan when she feel like someone kick her leg under the table. 

'Shut up..'

She ignore the groaning kid and continue eating. They both finished their food and Mrs.Byuntae pays the bill. They walk out from the restaurant and Mrs.Byuntae take a deep breath and release them. 

'I'm so full. I'm getting fat'

She pat her stomach and Mrs.Mushroom look at her stomach. She shakes her head 


'Wow. I'm getting a lot of nicknames from you. First stupid and then byuntae. Now dork. What's next? Baby? Hubby is better though'


Mrs.Mushroom yell at her and Mrs.Byuntae just laugh as she open the door for her Mushroom. She send her home because she came to school with her so of course she have to send her back. They talk and tease each other in the car. 

When the car stop right in front of her house, Mrs.Mushroom quickly wear her bag because she couldn't stand being teased by her and open the car door but Mrs.Byuntae hold her hand. 

'Thanks for tonight but you still haven't told me why you suddenly ask me out.'

She couldn't just tell her that it's a challenge right? That sounds so wrong and Mrs.Byuntae will surely get mad if she tells her the truth. So a little twist of a lie and a truth isn't wrong right? 

She kiss Mrs.Byuntae on the cheek and says

'Taeyeon said that I should hang out with you. So I did what she said and it's not that bad. Okay I've answered your question, bye.'

She get off from the car and walk inside. Leaving Mrs.Byuntae smiling like an idiot because she got a kiss. She dance and drive back to home with a smile plastered on her face and her glowing face. 








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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
30 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....