Chap13 P2: Whistling Heart

Ms.Byuntae and Ms.Mushroom


'Umma. Where's appa?'

She asked the sobbing older woman who is sitting beside her but she didn't answer because she was hiccuping.

'Uncle is still in the emergency room.'

Mrs.Mushroom eyed Suho from up to toe before turning her head back to her mother. She can't stand seeing her mother crying so little by little her tears also start forming in her eyes.

Suho pull out his handkerchief from his pocket and pass it to Mrs.Mushroom. She stare at it for a while and shakes her head as she wipes her tears using the back of her hand. Suho sighs and lean his back on the wall.


Her mother has already asleep while Suho sat down on a seat, one seat away from Mrs.Mushroom. He did tried to sit beside her but Mrs.Mushroom put her handbag as a fence that separate them from coming closer.

She was trying very hard from falling asleep. It's been an hour waiting. 

'I can lend you my shoulder if you want to sleep.'

'No thank you. There's no need for that.'

Mrs.Mushroom folds her arms across her chest and stare at the emergency room. While she does that, Suho also stare but not at the room, but at her.

'Why did you come back?'

He was snapped back hearing her stern voice. 

'I came to visit your family.'

'After what happened, you still manage to come here and act like you care about my family? Don't you feel ashamed after what your father did to my father?'

'It was mine. Not my father. Don't try to blame my father.'

Mrs.Mushroom turns her head towards him with a glare firing him.

'You said it yourself before you went to Japan. Your father told you to try and be friend with me, make me fall for you then become close to my family just to take my dad's company. You came to me and confessed to me. You lied to me. And now look what you did to my father! Because of your presence, he had heart attack again!'

She scream lowly, doesn't want to wake her mother up. Suho move her handbag away and sit right beside her. He try to take her hand but she was quicker to pull her hands away.

'I do love you back then and until now. That's why I came back.'

She snorted and shakes her head, clearly annoys and couldn't and will never believe his words again.

'Our parents already set us an arranged marriage.'


'Mr.Hwang's family?'

The doctor came out from the emergency room, still wearing his mask. She immediately stood up and so does Suho.

'Me. I'm her daughter.'

'He is fine. Just please don't try to make him mad or sad or tired. He could die because of this heart attack. Luckily you brought him fast here.'

'May I go and see him?'

'Yes you may but one person at a time. We don't want to pressure him. I'm taking my leave now, good evening Ms.Hwang.'

'Thank you doctor.'

'Thanks doc.'

They both bow and hurriedly walk inside but Suho hold her wrist. She turn around and pull her hand harshly.


'Don't touch me.'

She yanked her wrist away and glare at him. He grit his teeth and just stare her. He's tries to make an eyes contact with her but he just can't find her eyes.

'Don't try to see him. I won't forgive you if something happen to my father again.'

Suho just watch how she slowly walking away from him. He took a seat beside the sleeping woman, waiting again.


'I'm surprise Fany let you come with me.'

They settle themselves down on the seat with Mrs.Byuntae on the left side near the window and Ms.Pearl on the right.

'And I'm also surprise Yoona is your girlfriend now. Why does everyone always keep it from me? First Soo and Sica and now you.'

'Um hello, you were being lovey dovey with Fany in the hallway? You didn't tell us too so we're fair now.'

As they were talking and talking and lecturing each other, an older woman stand near them and accidentally fall on top of Ms.Pearl while she was trying to put her bags.

'I'm so sorry.'

She pull herself up holding the seat.

'It's fine. Let me help you.'

Ms.Pearl smile and help her with the bags. Mr.Taemin and the others, including Mrs.Byuntae just watches her. She thanked Ms.Pearl for the help.

'Thank you and sorry again for falling on you.'

'No problem.'

She smiles back at the smiling wrestlers. What a coincidence, she sits in the front of Mr.Taemin who is beside them. Ms.Pearl sits back down and she felt someone tapping her elbow.


'She was checking you out while you're putting her bags, Yul.'

Both of them eyed the girl who is crossing her milky white legs, wearing denim tight shorts.

'She's hot.'

'Say that again and I'll call Fany.'

'I was just stating the truth ~'

The girl suddenly turns her head towards them because she heard Mrs.Byuntae's whines. She felt embarrassed when she whined earlier and now she just got all of the passenger's attentions. A while later, they all goes back to what they were doing.

'How old are you? Ten? Your whines was so loud.'

'Can't help it when I'm with you.'

She links her arm with Ms.Pearl's, putting her head and rubbing her head on her shoulder in cute way. Ms.Pearl push her face away to look at her.

'What is wrong with you?'

'Shush. I'm trying to sleep, baby.'

'I will lend my shoulder for you but you can't and never will call me baby.'

'Whatever, Yul babe. Now..'

She lean her head on her shoulder, finding the most comfortable position and spot on it. When she found it, she smiles as she slowly dozed off to dreamland. Ms.Pearl shakes her head as she chuckle looking at Mrs.Byuntae's sleepy face. 

It's cute actually.


 'Thanks for sending us home, Suho. Tiffany and I are going inside now.'

Mrs.Mushroom basically linking her arm with her mother so when her mom start walking to their front house, she also have to follow her.

'Wait Mrs.Hwang, can I talk to Tiffany for awhile?'

She tilt her head to her mother and shakes her head, hoping that her mother understand that she doesn't want to be near with him. Her mother rubs her upper arm and smiles.

'Just talk to him, honey.'

Mrs.Mushroom sighs and just agreed with her. Her mother turns around.

'Be quick and don't try anything funny to my daughter.'

'Yes Mrs.Hwang.'

They both stay silenced until Mrs.Hwang are inside the house. When the door has been closed, Suho started their conversation.

'Can we have a breakfast together tomorrow? I need to talk to you about us. If you don't feel comfortable about going alone with me, you can bring your friend.'

'Please leave me alone Suho, there's nothing to talk about us.'

'I beg you, Tiffany. We need to talk. This is urgent. I'm not staying long here because I will be going back to Japan soon.'

'Only talk. I don't want any business with you.'

Suho's face lighten up as a smile slowly creeps on his face, feeling happy that Mrs.Mushroom wants to have breakfast with him, even though it is forced.

'Okay I'll pick you up at 9. Goodnight Tiffany.'

She didn't even reply that as she just walk to her the front door, completely shutting the door, not even bother to look at him. 

Suho goes into his car with a smile on his face and drive to his house.

She sighs and take off her coat, didn't notice her mother standing on the first step of the stairs, waiting and was watching them from the window.

'What were you guys talking about? We don't want him to be near our family again.'

'I don't want to be near him too umma, he just wanted to ask me to have breakfast with him tomorrow.'

'What for?'

'He said he wanted to talk about us. Don't worry, I'll bring Taeyeon with me so we wouldn't be alone together.'

Mrs.Mushroom walk pass her mother, going upstairs to her room to get her beauty sleep.




After hours sitting in the airplane, I might can't walk nor stand right now because I think I'm having a cramp but I need to go to the toilet right now.

She softly shakes Ms.Pearl's shoulder, waking her up.

'Hmm what do you want now?'

She asks with her eyes close. 

'Yul, can you help massage my ? I think I'm having a cramp.'

' cramp? I've never heard about cramp before.'

'You have two options. Carry me to the toilet or massage my for me.'

Ms.Pearl sighs and turn her body facing her.

'Give me your .'

'How can I give my to you?'

'Take a knife and cut your off so that I can cook them and make soup.'

Mrs.Byuntae look at her, all confused whether she's talking seriously or jokingly.

'What I meant is that turn around, stupid and face your to me.'


She carefully tilt her back and , facing Ms.Pearl.

'Please be gentle with me cause I might moans because of your handy hands.'

She put her palm on her and slowly massages her .

'You know I had a crush on you before so don't to me, ____. Something might happen to us and we both have a girlfriend already.'

Mrs.Byuntae chuckles.

'You didn't admitted you had a crush on me before when I asked you. Now you admitted.'

Ms.Pearl rolls her eyes and pinch her .

'What's your intention talking to me like this, ____? Either way, your charms won't work on me because I've enchanted by Yoona's charms.'

'You're so full of yourself, Yul. My intention is not flirting with you, I was just joking with you and by the way, I've enchanted by Fany's charms too. Goshh she's so beautiful.'

'Talking about them, I think we're both missing our girlfriends already.'

'I do, Yul. I think I'm going to call her after I've went to the toilet.'

She thanked Ms.Pearl for the massage and went to the toilet to release herself. After she's all clean, she went back to her seat and take out her phone, start searching her girlfriend's number.

'Hye baby!'

'Hey, sweetheart. You sounds so happy. Anyways, why aren't you sleeping yet or did I wake you up?'

'Of course I'm happy because my lover calls me. I was actually waiting for your calls. I need to hear your voice before I went to sleep. I miss you already, ____.'

'Really? Aww sorry for making you wait and I miss you too, Mushroom.'

'It's okay. Are you still in the airplane or in bed? I can hear snores through the calls.'

'I'm still in the airplane, maybe for few more hours. Oh and the snores? It's Yul's.'

'Yul snores? Yoona doesn't like snoring people. You should tell her to stops snoring, baby.'

Her giggles at the end though,

Is so beautiful. I miss those cute giggles.

Okay I'll tell her that. But baby, I snores too. When we're married one day, we'll be sleeping in one bed. Will you still be with me?'

'I don't dislike snoring people, I hate them. I heard your snores before but yours are cute, baby. When you were sleeping at my house, they sounds so cute and low so I don't mind married with you.'

'You like my snores because they're cute? My girlfriend is weird today.'

'Because you left me sleeping alone tonight and I miss you. These are the effects.'

Even though we're talking through phones, I can imagine her pouting over it, looking all cute and stuff. I miss her too. If only I'm with her, I'd has bite that lips of hers.

'Only for few weeks, baby. Ill be back in no time. I promise you, those weeks will end very fast and I'll be home cuddling with you in bed all day. Some exercises would be great too since I've gained weights.'

She giggles again. Gosh.. Such a nice and calm melody.

'Okay, if you say so. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight baby! I love you! Call me or texts me when you've arrived in Japan.'

'I'll call you everyday. Alright then, goodnight and dreams about us okay? I love you too.'

By that our call ended with smiles. Then my phone buzz, meaning a text comes in.

From: Mushroom <3

A quick reminder for you, don't try to do anything funny there. I have a spy around you. You're dead if I know you're flirting or being all ert with other girls. *smirk*

My girlfriend could be scary sometimes. Gosh.. Well I met her at first she does look scary but cute at the same time actually. Until now, she's cute.

Tiffany Hwang Miyoung. 

My Mushroom.

My Cutie .

I love her so much~


Does this chapter look short to you guys? Hmm anyways, I hope you enjoy :) I'll continue writing this story and update more but I won't promise you the updates will be as fast as before. So I'm sorry for the late updates.. 















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Wow it's been so long since the last time I read this
Chapter 45: God I missed this story soooooooo much!! Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 45: Okayyyy that was adorrrrrrrkable *wiggles eyebrows* you get it??! Adorable with a bit of a dork ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
K-Reader28 #4
Chapter 44: I can't wait till your next update. The mushy moments you put in there are so adorable author-nim.
Chapter 44: It was cute, I love this fanfic so much that I’m going to read it again right now.
Werpa123 #6
Chapter 44: It was cute and a little bit cringe to the mushy stuff haha,and it's nice, please update more author-nim
Chapter 43: Go away Suho shoo shoo~~~~~ nobody wants you here~~~~
JooKaka #8
Chapter 43: Woah that's great.. Just come to Tiffany's family and tell them..
29 streak #9
Chapter 43: Nice to be back author-shi.... I please update more of this's been awhile that you're in hiatus....