
Not Alone

Tiffany POV





Oh my god.

I think I could literally hear a pen drop on the other side of the auditorium and super hearing isn’t even my ability. The room soon filled with whispers and I totally understood. If I wasn’t still in shock I’d probably be talking to Jess about it right now.

Level Zero?! I just couldn’t believe it… and according to Sooyoung neither did the teachers.

“They’re arguing,” she informed quickly.

“About,” Yuri asked.

“Her level Yul, duh,” Sooyoung said sassily. I smirked. I really don’t know why Jess dislikes Yuri’s friends so- never mind.

Yes I do.

After they finished bickering, Sooyoung finally told us what was going on.

Apparently Mr. Jones, who was in charge of our grade’s evaluations, was telling Mrs. Park to re-test Taeyeon. She said he said something about how it was impossible for her to go unknown this whole time if she really was Level Zero… which made total sense.

Level zero is the rarest and most powerful level of them all. There have only been like twelve people to be ranked that high ever. That kind of power couldn’t have been easily concealed… but I guess being the daughter of Kim Jongwoon doesn’t hurt.                                                      

 Sooyoung then told us that Mrs. Park said she didn’t even have to put her hand on Taeyeon’s forehead like usual and that she could feel Taeyeon’s energy from her wrist alone.

Wow… just wow… This was incredible and I couldn’t wait to find out what her ability was… if we ever get to find out that is. The other Level Zero girl at our school is shrouded in so much secrecy that we barely know her name!

Gah, their abilities must be so impressive though, I couldn’t even imagine. I mean Yuri’s, Jessica’s and even my own abilities were pretty above average on the known power spectrum, but level zero is infinitely more powerful than us. They had so much potential that I- Ugh! Why didn’t I talk to her more when she was over here? I could kick myself in th-

“What the,” Sooyoung said, puling me from my thoughts. “That’s weird.”

She quickly told us about how after a different teacher on the panel brought up who Taeyeon’s parents were, the conversation dropped off almost completely.

While it was strange, I guess it did also make sense too. The students couldn’t have been the only ones to know about the rumor of Hyoyeon’s little sister, hell the teachers probably even knew that it was true the whole time.

Talk about high-profile…

O-Okay now everyone settle down,” Mr. Jones announced with his mega-voice. “Settle… se~ttle… SETTLE,” he finally yelled, causing the whole room to vibrate… and everyone inside it to groan.

Ow, seriously? Does he always have to use his ability like that? It really hurts…

Thank you,” he said once the groans started to fade out. “Miss Kim, we don’t usually have the Level Zero Students execute their control over their ability since they go straight into Class Zero, but since you’re already in grade eleven and we have no previous record of you or your power I’m afraid we’ll have to ask you to show us.

“Psht, more like he wants to see her ability before the other teachers,” Sooyoung scoffed. Sunny hummed.

“This is definitely not protocol…”

While they were probably right, I was definitely not going to protest it. I was just as excited as him to see her ability… maybe even more. I mean come on, she was Level Zero… ZERO. It’s not every day we get to interact with one… actually I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with one. I-

“Should we call in… reinforcements,” Mr. Jones asked hesitantly. “Just to be safe?”  

No way…

Was he was afraid of her? I know his sonic voice was definitely no match for well… even Sooyoung, but a few of the other teachers in here were definitely powerful… and he was still worried?

Heol… was she really that powerful?

My eyes shot to Taeyeon, eagerly awaiting her response… but what she said was not quite what I imagined… at all.

“Uhm,” she started questioningly. “I’m not really sure what you want me to do here sir. I don’t even know what my power is.”

I heard laughter from some of the other students and even saw Mr. Petrov smirk.

Mr. Petrov never smiles.

Very funny Miss Kim,” Mr. Jones commented. “Did your father come up with that one? He always was quite the joker.

 “What? No,” Taeyeon started. “I don’t think you-“

 “You can start by taking all your bracelets off Miss Kim, Mrs. Park informed me you were wearing a plethora and those certainly don’t boost your power, you should know that.” Taeyeon looked even more confused now and I started to wonder.

Did she really not know what was going on?

At first I thought she was totally clueless, I mean how can you not realize Jess’s power was ice manipulation when she was straight up making it out of thin air?

After she got labeled as zero though I started thinking it could all be a huge act. Being zero is a pretty big deal and it would definitely cause for some unwanted attention. If she wanted to come in low key and even get to know a few people before the big reveal it’s kind of understandable. She’s practically a celebrity now… in the superhuman world of course.

Seeing that look on her face and knowing everything that lead up to this point though, it made me seriously start to think that she might be telling the truth…. I don’t know how it was even possible not to know with a power level like that though.

 “You… you want me to take off my bracelets?”

I don’t know why but her reaction just made me chuckle. She looked more confused than ever, but I guess if you had no idea what was going on it did seem like a pretty ridiculous request…

Gah, I just couldn’t believe she really didn’t know! I turned to Jessica to see what she thought about it all and- oh.

Okay, never mind. I’ll ask her later when she doesn’t look like she’s about to start the next ice age.

Yes, and your earrings too,” Mr. Jones added. “From what I hear those little contraptions are quite powerful. Mrs. Park if you could help her,” he motioned toward Taeyeon. “We need to keep track of how many she’s wearing for now.”

I watched as Mrs. Park walked toward Taeyeon in center stage and then saw Taeyeon say something. Omo.

“What did she just say,” I asked curiously. Sooyoung laughed.

“She wanted to know if ‘this guy’ was for real,” she quoted. “I knew I liked this girl.” I grinned.

She definitely seems like a likable person and I was really hoping I got a chance to chat with her again too… if they don’t instantly lock her away like the other Zero of course…

After another minute or so of inaudible talking between Mrs. Park and Taeyeon, which included mostly Taeyeon telling Mrs. Park she really didn’t know what her power was according to Sooyoung, Taeyeon finally started to follow Mr. Jones’ instructions.

“Do you think she’s lying,” Yuri asked from beside me. “About not knowing and everything?”

“It’s possible,” Sunny said. “But I don’t think anyone would play that dumb.” I agreed.

If I were her I would’ve quit the gimmick when I stepped on stage and just owned it with all my Level Zero badass-ery… but that was also just me.

“It didn’t sound like she was lying earlier when I listened to her heartbeat,” Sooyoung said. “That’s why I thought we were wrong about her being Hyoyeon’s sister in the first place.” I nodded.

I looked at Jessica and again got nothing. It didn’t look like she wanted to kill the new girl this time so I guess that’s progress, but it was still starting to bug me that Jess hadn’t even said a word.

This girl was the second Level Zero recorded in years; it was kind of a big deal. By the time Taeyeon took off her fourth bracelet however, I couldn’t focus on anything but the stage.

I think everyone in the room watched her take off the fifth and six bracelets at once and I couldn’t wait. We were actually going to see a Zero in action… I’ve only seen them in old videos, never once in real life. The seventh one came off after some trouble with a clasp, but as soon as she handed it to Mrs. Park, Taeyeon’s hand flew to her head.

What the-

Taeyeon winced as she held her head and I had no idea what was happening.

Omo, wait!

Did she have some kind of mental power? I wonder if she was able to-

“Headache,” Sooyoung said randomly. I- “Taeyeon said she’s had a splitting headache all day and it’s just getting worse.”

Oh… wow. Way to overreact there Tiff… I internally laughed. Just wait and see like everyone else.


A few more bracelets were shed but just as the tenth one hit Mrs. Park’s hand, Taeyeon let out a yelp of pain.

“OWW,” Taeyeon groaned as both hands shot to her head. “I can’t...” Her words turned inaudible, but thankfully Sooyoung was there to fill us in on what was being said.

“She’s just saying ‘I can’t’ over and over again,” she shrugged. “Oh wait, Mrs. Park is going to try see if her energy is blocked up or-”

“No,” Taeyeon said quite loudly. “Don’t.” She started backing away from Mrs. Park and now we were all lost.

What is the world was going on? Why wouldn’t she let Mrs. Park help?

“Taeyeon, it’s okay,” Mrs. Park assured. “Just let me see if I can release your-“

“Please stop,” Taeyeon practically begged as she took a few more steps backward. Her voice was shaky and it almost sounded like she was about to cry now too. I didn’t know if I was more confused or concerned at this point but I think everyone felt about the same. It was back to the pen dropping silence as it was before and we were all waiting to see what happened next.

“Taeyeon just calm down and I can-“

“No, no, no,” she groaned while still holding her head. “Please don’t.”

 “Taeyeon, please,” Mrs. Park said. “I can-“

“Just STOP,” Taeyeon yelled as she ed her hand out in front of her and- holy… did she… how-

Oh my god.

I didn’t even know who to focus on since everything happened at once.

A huge burst of blueish white light came from Taeyeon’s hand but what worried me the most was how Taeyeon fell straight to the floor right as the burst ended. It didn’t look like she was moving now either which made me even more worried!

Holy… wait! Did she just pass out from using her power for that brief nanosecond? Omo, while still wearing all those ARAs?

Oh my gosh. How did she-

 “Miss Hwang,” someone shouted, pulling me from my thoughts. “Mr. Cruz! Miss Jung! Get over here and help! NOW!”

I quickly looked to where the shouts were coming from and couldn’t believe my eyes.

No freaking way.

That can’t be real.

Ugh, my eyes weren’t deceiving me though…

There was a short but thick spiky trail from where Taeyeon was laying on the floor leading to and encasing Mrs. Park completely in solid ice…





That means she-


Taeyeon is a Level Zero Ice Manipulator?

Jessica was definitely not going to like that…




If you have any suggestions/wishes/wants for the next chap please don't be afraid to tell me!
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Kim_shaela05 #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.