
Not Alone

Sooyoung POV




Sunny and I sat down with the new girl and I figured one of us was gonna have to say it.


“Uh, sorry about all that,” I said hesitantly. “You didn’t need to experience Hellsica on your first day here. That’s definitely a second day encounter for sure.”

“At least,” Sunny added with a grin. Taeyeon chuckled.

“Hellsica? Is that what you call her?” I nodded.

“It totally fits right?” She hummed.

“That’s perfect,” she laughed.

I knew I liked this girl.

“But uh, what is this whole evaluation thing,” Taeyeon asked. I- what? Really? “Like what do the levels and stuff mean?” I looked at her and I sort of didn’t even believe that came out of .

Is she serious? Was this girl really Kim Hyoyeon’s sister? Like… how did she know nothing about any of that when her family was so famous and clearly full of powers?

I mean not knowing some things is normal I guess since she said she’s never been to the schools, but she should at least know about the levels, right? She has to at least know her own. I- Oh god.

What if she doesn’t?

“If you don’t mind me asking,” she added nervously.

“Oh, no,” I said while shaking my head. “It’s fine, just uh… Do you know your level?” Taeyeon shook her head from side to side.

“I have no idea.”

Heol… I was a little taken back honestly, but I guess if she’s never been to a school like this there really was no way for her to know for sure. I mean sometimes you can get a good guess, but you never know exactly, right?

Dang she was a lot more ‘new’ to this than I originally thought.

“Well you’ll find out today then,” I said cheerfully. “Sunny and I are both in class three and Yuri will probably be in class one.” Sunny hummed.

“Yeah, if you get put in either of those you’ll already know someone, so that’s a plus,” she laughed. Taeyeon grinned.

“That would be nice,” she commented. “What do the different numbers mean though? Like are they by type or skill or…”

“Well, they’ll give you two numbers here from one to five,” Sunny started. “One being the highest.”

“DENG,” I sounded at Sunny’s misinformation. They both looked right at me and I grinned. “Zero is the highest.” Taeyeon looked confusedly back at Sunny and Sunny just rolled her eyes at me… again.

That midget!

“Ugh,” she groaned. “There’s only been one girl that’s level zero in the past fifteen years Soo, she doesn’t need to worry about that one. Let her try to understand the other five levels first.”

That might be true, but whatever! I was just trying to help…

 “Anyway,” Sunny said dramatically, obviously focused on me. “The power level is basically just how powerful your power is and has the potential to be.” I nodded.

It wasn’t that hard of a concept really.

“It takes in to consideration of your physical appearance and a few other things too but that’s the gist.” Taeyeon nodded. “Since it’s your first year at a school like this you’ll probably have to take this freshman course that explains everything in detail so don’t worry too much.” I hummed.

Sunny was probably right too. Even though we’ve been going to schools for people with abilities since we were kids we had to take the class along with all the newcomers freshman year.

It’s pretty much a refresher course for us, but it would definitely come in handy to a friend like this who has no previous knowledge… at all.

“Yeah, I think so too,” I added. “The second number they’ll give you will just be the class you get put in though,” I explained. Taeyeon nodded like she understood, but Sunny kept on talking…

Aish, that girl!

“Usually whatever level you’re in is what class you’re put in, but if you can’t control your power that well or something they might demote you a class until you’re good enough to get back in where you’re supposed to be.”

Okay, so I guess that was a kinda important fact… especially this year!

“Omo, yeah,” I said excitedly. How could I forget that already? “One of the top ranked kids got demoted a class because she can’t control her ability as well as she should be able to.” I laughed.

Gah I just don’t know why that was so funny to me.

“She’s only telling you that because it was one of Jessica’s friends,” Sunny explained to Taeyeon. I laughed again.

Okay, so that might be why... Too bad it wasn’t Jessica though, that would’ve been hilarious.

“Sorry, it’s all kind of confusing, huh,” I heard Sunny ask, shaking me from my head. Taeyeon didn’t even have to speak though, I could see the response on her face.

“Very.” We laughed.

“We’ve been going to school here since we were six though Taeyeon,” Sunny comforted. “It’d be confusing to us if you did know all the stupid little rules on your first day.”

“Unless you have one of those super brain abilities,” I added.

Some of those people could literally flip through the pages in a book and know exactly what it was about in seconds.

“That’s true,” Sunny said in agreement. Taeyeon shook her head though.

“I don’t think I have to worry about that one,” she started. “I failed chemistry last year... hard.” I laughed just as the teacher made another announcement. I probably would have ignored it again like the one before, but I couldn’t miss this.

“Yuri Kwon. Yuri Kwon please report for your evaluation.”

“So what is your power Taeyeon,” I heard Sunny ask. As much as I was curious too, that would have to wait until later!

We couldn’t miss this!

“I actua-“

“Shht,” I shushed. “Yuri’s about to be up.” Sunny perked up.

“Oh really?” I nodded. “Let’s move up then,” Sunny suggested. “If you thought my ability was cool just wait until you see hers Taeyeon. Yuri is one of the best.”

“Really,” she asked excitedly. I could almost see Taeyeon’s eyes form into little hearts.

I hummed. Yuri was always in the top ten of the school no matter what grade she was in. Not only was her power just down right awesome, but she had complete control over it always.

It was ridiculous and totally unfair… but incredibly awesome at the same time.

The three of us moved closer to the stage, but we weren’t the only ones either. Since she was pretty famous around school, everyone wanted a chance to see her close up I guess.

I could tell Taeyeon was excited too and it was kind of adorable. She was seriously like a little kid in a candy store. Everything was so new and interesting to her and with that I decided right then and there that she couldn’t be the missing ‘Kim’ sibling.

This girl was just way too clueless.

The whole Kim family has super abilities, there’s no way she’d be this out of the loop if she was a part of it.

Mystery Kim or not, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with her again for sure though! She was really laid back and pretty fun to talk to. I really hoped she got put in our class for real.

Yuri’s evaluation started just like I thought it would as the first instructor put ‘Power Level One’ on the huge LED screen behind them.

“Huh? How’d she know that? That lady just touched her head,” Taeyeon asked bewilderedly. I grinned.

It was pretty cute how clueless she was really but Sunny thankfully then took the time to explain to her that that was that ‘lady’s’ power.

Sunny explained how her power was simply being able to detect powers. She could pick the people with powers out of a room full of normal people and then it got even more precise when she touched the individual’s head and wrist. She was able to determine exactly how powerful the person was.

Now she couldn’t tell exactly what the power itself was, but I don’t think that would be too hard to figure out in most cases.

The next part of the evaluation then was basically just a display of their ability. This would help the professor in charge of our grade see how well they could control their power and then ultimately put them in a class.

Taeyeon stood on her tippy-toes and I really couldn’t blame her. I was pretty excited to see Yuri’s power too. Like Sunny said before, she’s one of the best.

Yuri stepped up to the mark and the teacher gave her the go ahead to start.

“Yuri fighting,” I called out over the low murmurs. I watched her smile before taking a deep breath and finally the show began!

Actually I don’t know if it was more amusing to watch Yuri or watch Taeyeon watch Yuri as she pulled the earth up through the stage to form two basketball sized boulders. Taeyeon’s eyes locked on Yuri and her jaw straight up dropped. I laughed.

Sunny did warn her though…

I looked back at my friend on stage and watched her send the boulders flying around her with just the flick of her wrist.

It was awesome and it got even better seconds later. The basketball sized boulders were slowly morphing together while orbiting their maker and taking on a whole new shape altogether.

There were ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s coming from the crowd and I kinda felt proud. ‘That’s my best friend up there’, I wanted to shout. I however kept it to myself; I didn’t need any more glares from the teacher in charge.

The now large blob Yuri had created was slowly but surely flattening out into a thick oval shape as it continued to orbit, but I had no idea what she was going to do with it. I remember last year she did really cool yoga moves that incorporated her Geokinesis abilities and it was amazing. This time she- Holy moly…

It all happened within a second and I didn’t even believe it at first. I’ve never seen her do that before.

There was a loud gasp that came from the audience, and especially Taeyeon, as Yuri sent the small rock formation flying around her once again before jumping on top of it.

Oh my gosh, Yuri was literally using her rock structure as a hover board.

“Wow~,” I heard someone behind me marvel, but that was only the tip of the ice burg. Yuri then used her abilities to send herself higher and higher on the rock formation and even out over the crowd a little.

This was amazing!

She used her rock creation as a flying carpet and I’ve seriously never seen her do anything cooler.

Now obviously I’ve seen people flying around before, but that was a part of their ability unlike Yuri who was never able to fly before, at all.

It was totally different now though! She used her power and thought up a way to make herself soar through the air on her own!

Gah, Yuri was seriously the best.

She seemed a little more drained than usual after she came back down, but once the teacher made his announcement, the smile was back on her face.

“Yuri Kwon, Power Level One, Class One. Thank you Miss Kwon.” Yuri bowed to the teacher and quickly headed off stage. Since Jessica was the next one called up to get evaluated, I figured there was no better time than now to go congratulate her either.

“Let’s go!”



Wow! Thank you all for your fantastic comments!<3
It really means a lot to me!

I hope things aren't too confusing!
I'm trying to make it the least confusing that I can, but definitely tell me if something is too weird!
I'll fix it right up!

If you have any suggestions don't be afraid to tell me!
Also who's POV do you want next? I'm torn between, well... all of them.



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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.