
Not Alone

Taeyeon POV




“But Denzel hear me out,” I heard Mr. Ming say before walking into Dr. Snow’s office.

Mr. Ming, Seohyun, and I all left the classroom almost immediately after I shot those purple bolts out of my hand… and after I put back on my heap of ARAs of course. Seohyun actually tried to get out of it at first, but then Mr. Ming said she had to come along.

For what? Don't ask me.

He didn't say anything else to us until we got to the infirmary and then he only told us to ‘wait here’.

My head was spinning.

We could see the two of them talking inside due to the giant glass walls that made up his office but I had no idea what in the world was going on. Gah why did they have to soundproof everything?! I had no idea of what to actually think either so my brain jumped to literally every other possible conclusion it could… seriously.

Did I have another power? Besides ice AND possibly being telepathic?

I truly hoped not.

I can't even do anything with my first two supposed powers let alone add on a third… heol.

I thought it was probably a pretty good guess though seeing as how every other bad thing that could possibly happen to me has... but there was just something that bugged me about that idea. Mr. Ming looked way too surprised after I did that for it to be normal. Had he never seen anything like it before or something?

I- Omo, on second thought, what if he has seen it before and it wasn't a good sign… like at all?

Oh god… I felt my stomach drop.

I’m totally getting locked in the basement with Seohyun from now on.

Ugh, just great.

“So,” Seohyun said from beside me… quite frankly scaring the crap out of me.

I might’ve jumped.

“H-have you ever done that before?” I shook my head.

“Not even kinda… the only thing I’ve ever done with my ability is something I can't even remember,” I explained. She nodded.

“Well,” Seohyun started. I quickly looked at her again in hopes she could even kind of tell me whats going on with me… but I think I might’ve scared her this time.


“We-well you know I-”

“Ms. Kim,” I heard a loud voice boom from in front of me. “It’s nice to see you again so soon.”

Oh my-

Sorry Seohyun, whatever you had to say can wait.

“Ah, yeah hello,” I greeted Dr. Snow. “Can I ask wh-”

“Why don’t you have a seat over here so we can run a few more tests,” he said, cutting me off.


“Then I might be able to answer your questions Ms. Kim.” He flashed one of those toothpaste commercial grins again and motioned for me to sit down.

Aish… I totally forgot this guy could read my mind.

“Sorry about that”, he said, clearly reading my mind again. “I’ll try to keep it at a minimum today.” I faked a laugh and moved to the chair that looked like it was straight out of a dentist’s office.

“So now what,” I asked. “Like wh-what tests are you going to run?”

To be honest I was kind of afraid…I had no idea what was going on and I mean did they know what was going on with me or what? Oh my god. They weren't going to cut me up like some alien science experime-

“No,” Dr. Snow laughed. “We’re not going to cut you up Taeyeon, we just need to take one quick sample of your blood here so I can examine it again. Okay?” I nodded and let him poke me with the small needle in his hand.

It didn't take long since apparently he didn't even need that much blood to run the test with… heck I probably could've just poked my finger with something for that.

“Okay,” he said happily. “I just want you to know I ran the test earlier myself and the results came back just like I figured, but I’ll run it again just for you Mr. Ming.” I heard Mr. Ming laugh but wait...

Just like he figured?! What was that supposed to-

“You are a telepath Taeyeon… or a telekinetic. The tests aren’t 100% certain but your DNA has the same genetic markers as mine and every other telepathic and telekinetic person ever tested.”

Heol… my mouth dropped.

He started to explain how since telepathy and telekinesis were very similar DNA wise or something it was too hard to tell which one it was exactly until the person actually used the power I guess. I don’t know. I couldn’t really pay attention since my mind was going crazy!

“I can’t tell you the extent of your telepathic or telekinetic ability but I just know for a fact that you have one.”

Oh my gosh…I couldn't even imagine it. Me? Levitating things? Reading people’s minds? How in the-

“Not all of it is necessarily reading minds Taeyeon. In the telepathy category alone there’s also mind control, mind editing abilities, or you could be able do what I do and project images into people’s mind,” Dr. Snow explained. “And that’s barely scraping the surface.”

Holy- mind control?! How does that even- No. No, no no Kim Taeyeon. As if I really needed to think about all that right now what the-

“Right. Right,” Dr. Snow said. “Back to my point. Mr. Ming seems to think you have another ability as well and that’s what I’m going to be looking for today.” I nodded.

At least I was right about having another power… if that was even a thing to be happy about…

Dr. Snow put the little sample of my blood into this machine that was connected to his computer and after hitting a few buttons it started to whirl.

“So while we wait for the sample to be analyzed,” he started with a huge grin. “Let me go ahead and pull up your results from earlier to show Mr. Ming here.” I nodded.

It’s not like I could say no anyway…

“Alright then,” he said after a solid minute of messing around on his computer. “Here is Taeyeon’s results from earlier a-”

“Ho-ly crap,” I accidentally said aloud… causing everyone to look at me again.

Aish! Who cares? That huge picture on the wall in front of us that I was totally convinced was an actual painting just turned into a giant screen… no freaking way.

That was fake this whole entire time? How the heck did I miss that?! It even had a frame! Ho-

“It’s okay Ms. Kim, almost no one catches that it’s fake the first time,” he laughed. “Now back to what I was saying.”

Oh right… my results or something. I guess that's more important...

“Yes, your test is on the left there and mine is on the right.”

I looked up at the screen and nodded.


Was I supposed to be seeing something significant or something? It just looked like two double helix DNA things side by side to me… like literally straight out of the biology book I used last year in school.

“That’s right,” he commented. “They look like any normal strand of DNA, but when we run the scan to test for superhuman genetic markers watch what happens.”

I kept my eyes glued to the screen as the doctor typed into his computer again and- huh?

That was it? I don’t know what I expected to happen honestly, but I definitely thought it would be more exciting than that.

I could see the DNA on the screen and a white line moving up and down like it was scanning but all of a sudden one little spot on both DNAs turned orange… and I really mean little.

My orange spot was a little bit bigger than Dr. Snow’s but I guess that’s because I’m level zero and he isn't? I didn’t really-

“That’s right Taeyeon,” he agreed, after clearly reading my mind. Ugh.

Just wait until I can do that dude, you’ll be-

“I know, I’m sorry, but you’re right. Because Taeyeon is level zero, the change in her DNA is bigger than most. Remember what yours looked like Seohyun?” She nodded.

“Yes Professor Snow,” she replied. “But mine were down farther on the strand wasn’t it?” He hummed.

“Yep, that’s right. The location on the strand helps us figure out what kind of power someone has. For instance every single telepath and telekinetic has their marker in the same area as we do. The Jung sisters have their marker in the same place as well since they both have water based abilities.” I nodded. That was simple enough to follow. “It is odd that you have no second marker indicating your ice ability,” he commented. “But some secondary abilities don’t show up unless they’re actively being used and you potentially could be shielding it somehow with your telekinetic ability. Level Zero’s are truly amazing.”

It was kinda interesting how this all worked like it did but I was still far more concerned about that purple junk that shot out of hands than these orange dots that meant nothing to me right now.

I mean seriously, what is going on with me?

“Right, the test,” Dr. Snow said. I internally groaned.

I’m giving up.

“Ah yes go ahead Seohyun. The restroom is out the door and down the hall to your right,” Dr. Snow said before turning right back to his computer.

What the-

Did he?

“I’ll be right back,” Seohyun said with a nod.

Hold up, she can't be serious. Was I really the only one freaking out about having my mind read at this school?!

That’s such a weird thing though, right?! Someone in your head all the time knowing exactly what you’re thinking or whatever?! I just didn’t- ugh… I’m done.

At least I wasn't the only one I guess...

It was going to take me awhile to get used to this place that’s for sure.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself kid,” Dr. Snow said. “Ninety-five percent of the students here knew about their powers from very early ages. Some of them didn’t know about their powers I’m sure, but almost all of them were somehow familiar with this world…You… you’re just part of the very small percentage kept in the dark until the last possible second,” he laughed. “You’ll get there… Oh and it looks like the computer just finished uploading the sequence into the computer too so let me pull it up on the screen and let it scan.”

He typed away the computer beside me again and not too long after I watched another strand of DNA pop up on the screen and the white line started rolling up and down, and up and down, and up and-

Uh... what? Wh-what’s going on?

The same dot that meant I was a telepath was there again on this strand… but this time there was one more.

Another orange dot.

I wasn't the only one seeing this was I? I looked around and-

“That isn't possible,” Dr. Snow said to himself… poorly.

My stomach dropped.

That’s just about the last thing I ever wanted to hear from a doctor.

“That’s not even where the marker for water based abilities is,” Dr. Snow said in disbelief.


“I knew it,” Mr. Ming practically cheered after walking closer to the screen. What the- “Look at that Denzel. I told you.” Dr. Snow stood up and started walking closer himself while my heart just went faster and faster.

What did that dot mean? That I had another power or something? I mean i-it wasn’t a bad thing, was it?

“I just don’t believe this,” he said.

Okay, and that wasn’t helping.

“I tested her earlier myself… How could this… Do you feel any different right now Taeyeon?”

Besides wanting to run away and hide for forever-

“No,” I said as I shook my head. Dr. Snow sighed and then turned right back toward the screen on the wall.

“Then what could be causing this,” he asked himself… Mr. Ming answered though.

“I think it’s exactly what I told you in your office Denzel.” Dr. Snow sighed.

“That’s impossible Ming, no one has ever had that ability before. I don’t even know if it’s possible.”

“Well it clearly is Snow. Look at that,” Mr. Ming said as he pointed right at the second orange dot on my strand of DNA. “That’s exactly where my marker is.”

Huh, I said loudly in my head.

Hold up. Did that mean… Did that mean I have the same power as Mr. Ming then?! I was trying to follow the conversation as best as I could, but most of it didn't make sense.

How could I have Mr. Ming’s power? What even was Mr. Ming’s power? I had no idea!

Omo! It wasn’t that purple junk that-

“No, it doesn't mean you have Mr. Ming’s power Taeyeon,” Dr. Snow said firmly. I nodded.

Okay then wha-

“It just-”

“It definitely means she has my ability Denzel, she-”

“Don’t confuse her anymore Ming,” Dr. Snow started, cutting him off again... but I think that worry was a lost cause because I was too far gone at this point.

I had no idea what they were talking about and even if I did I think I would still be confused. Dr. Snow must've been reading Mr. Ming’s mind too because there were literally two different conversations happening with the same two people at the same exact time right in front of me…

How do these people keep things straight?

The two of them went back into Dr. Snow’s office to continue their… discussion, and I was honestly a bit relieved. It hurt my head to listen to them so I decided to just wait for them to finish and come and tell me what the hell was going o-

“What’s going on,” Seohyun’s voice came out of nowhere. Oh my… she has really got to stop scaring me like that. She’s like a ninja! “Why are they-”

“Mr. Ming thinks I have his power too and Dr. Snow thinks I don’t… I don’t really know, our dots matched,” I tried to explain as I pointed to the screen.

“Huh,” she asked genuinely. I heard the machine next to me start whirling again and had to laugh.

“You and me both.” She shook her head.

“No, I mean like how is that possible? People’s DNA doesn't just change Taeyeon… how did yours in the matter of hours?” I shrugged again.

“I am literally the last person you should be asking about all this. I have no Idea,” I said as if it wasn't obvious enough before. “All I know is that I had one dot and now I have tw-what?” My hand that was pointing up to the screen dropped dead down to my side in complete shock.

“I,” I started aloud. “Now…”

That can’t be real.

“Wh-why are there five?!”





AH~ I finally updated! 
I know it's been forever TT_TT

Let me know what you think? I hope it wasn't too bad!
Oh and who's POV should be next? Taeyeon needs a break^^

Also you guys are too good at guessing haha a bunch of you have already guessed what Taeyeon's power is. I'm impressed!
(I just hope it doesn't spoil the story too much >_<)

Thank you guys for subscribing, voting, reading, and especially commenting! 
Seeing that you all like this story so much really means a lot! I had no idea!


ps. I'm still in need for a good cover page idea, the one I made isn't very good, I'll admit.
(if you have one or even kind of one I would appreciate it forever)

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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.