
Not Alone











“And now we’ll go live to our very own Yoo Doyoung for a breaking story,” the news anchor said before the screen cut to another reporter.

“Yes, thank you Sojin-ssi. I’m live from in front of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Station where they just finally captured and arrested the monster responsible for the string of serial robberies.” I cringed at the term ‘monster’ but I guess it did fit due to his actions yesterday… “Choi Seunghwan used his inhuman abilities to break into and rob over thirteen banks, the most recent being yesterday in the early hours of night. That was also where his crime escalated and he murdered two bank guards with his bare hands. The names of those guards have not yet been released.”

“Ah that’s good to hear,” my wife said as she came into the room. “That they caught him… not that he killed the guards,” she corrected herself. “Obviously…” I grinned. She always knew how to make light of a situation, but what the reporter said next though, did the exact opposite..

“The nonhuman responsible for helping capture Choi Seunghwan has also been taken into custody due to the destruction of property that took place during his brawl with Mr. Choi and for not having been previously registered as a non-human as the NHRA clearly calls for. The name of that non-human has also not yet been released.”

I think he was about to say something else but I didn't listen… I couldn’t!

“Ridiculous,” I unknowingly said aloud as I turned the TV off. “They would've never been able to stop him on their own and yet they punish the guy that did their job for them? Unregistered or not.” I scoffed. “Typical.”

The world was getting riskier and riskier for super humans to live in so having my two super human children being in one of the safest locations for people like us now was a big relief.


Oh? I heard my phone vibrating on the coffee table and quickly answered when I saw the caller ID.

Speaking of the kids...

“Henry, I was expecting your call. How did everything go today?”

Henry Lau was the Dean of West Trinity High, where my girls are attending, and also a very close friend. We were part of a team back in the day that helped put many bad humans in jail where they belong; super or not.

“Uh, sir,” he said hesitantly. “We need to talk about Taeyeon.” My stomach dropped and I think my worst fear was about to come true.

I was actually hoping to hear from Taeyeon herself since today was her first day of school. I knew she was nervous and I was too! It was her first real experience in our world and I was anxious to find out just how it went, but by the sound of his voice I knew it wasn’t good. I also knew the evaluations were today too so that made me even extra worried… and even more curious. `

“I’m afraid she’s even more powerful than we all imagined.” I took a deep breath. Even though I already knew the answer, I had to ask.

“What was her level?”

“Zero sir, but Mrs. Park said she had never felt anything like it… not even with, you know-”

“I figured,” I said, cutting him off.


Being Level Zero was a blessing and a curse. On one hand Level Zeroes were the top of the chain. There weren’t many non-zero teams who could win against a Level Zero, let alone a single individual. On the other hand though Level Zeroes are always sent to the most dangerous missions. Being Level Zero doesn't mean you're invincible either, heck even having the invincibility ability doesn’t mean you're totally invincible. Everyone has a weakness; I mean I don't know that many people who can survive a nuclear explosion… seriously, just a handful really.

We knew from an early age however that Taeyeon had the potential to be very, very powerful and it was even more evident as she grew up. Even with my neutralizing ability we had to make that child wear so many ARAs, I’m surprised she didn’t catch on… well she would've had to know what an ARA was in the first place I suppose.

Ugh, I felt so bad keeping her out of the loop all these years, but I knew I had to do it. It was safer that way.

“Right,” Henry said, interrupting my thoughts. “And the teachers involved in this situation are being reprimanded, but there was an… incident during her evaluation.” I could tell he was trying to be careful with his words but it did not help. My heart skipped a beat.

An incident?!

“The teacher in charge of the eleventh grade evaluations had Taeyeon use her ability for class placement and-”

“The-they did WHAT,” I interrupted this time. “They are aware of the risk of having untrained Zeroes use their powers, right?!? They don’t get evaluated with the rest of the class for a reason!”

How could they even think that was an okay idea? I was livid.

“They should've known better sir,” he said quickly.

YEAH, you don’t say...

Oh my goodness. My heart and brain were racing.

That could've easily been more than just an incident! It could've been a catastrophe! It could have been 1998 all over again! Oh my, my head hurt just thinking about it.

Depending on Taeyeon’s ability she could've- omo.

Then it hit me.

“What was her power?”

“Huh?” Aish~!

“You said she used her ability, what was it?”

For all these years my wife and I speculated what her ability could be and now I was finally about to find out. It was kind of exciting actually.

We had her blood tested as a child but it always jumped all over the place, as it does normally in some high level children. Sometimes it even said that she had no power at all, but we knew that was a lie.

“Oh!” It seemed like a lightbulb had finally gone off. “I’m having Dr. Snow look at it now,” he paused. “But as the teacher behind this incident told her to take off her ARAs during evaluations,  she displayed an ice ability, similar to that of Jessica Jung’s… Yunho’s daughter.”

I knew who Jessica was of course, that’s not why I had to pause. Of all the abilities my wife and I had thought up, ice was definitely not one of them... ice? Really?

“You're sure it was an ice based ability?”

That just didn’t make any sense…

“Uh, yeah I’m pretty sure sir. During the evaluations she… uh... “ He clicked his tongue, obviously finding it hard to tell me this too.

Oh no…

“She uh froze one of our staff members... solid.”

My jaw dropped and didn't close for the next minute straight as he told me about Taeyeon passing out shortly after using her ability and being in the infirmary as we speak. I asked him to have Skipper open a portal for my wife and I to come there right away, but he assured me that she was really just resting.

“Jongwoon, seriously she’s just asleep,” Henry pleaded. “Denzel said that she must have exhausted herself creating the ice blast, because I mean it was a very powerful one, and that along with the jet lag… ugh. She’s just resting. I promise.”

I felt a little better hearing his words and I knew his promise was solid, but I was still pretty worried.

“Okay,” I said after taking another deep breath. “Just keep me posted, okay?”

He agreed to but it was actually my daughter Hyoyeon who broke the happy news to me a few days later.

“Hello?” There was no response… “Hello~,” I tried again, but there was still nothing.

Hmm maybe she didn’t mean to call me at all? I went to hang up the phone but then heard the all too familiar voice.

“Dad? Hey, can you hear me?” I smiled.

“Yes Hyoyeon, I can hear you. Whats going on?”

“Well I don’t know if the nurse already called you or not, but Taeyeon just woke up,” she said excitedly.

“Omo, thank goodness. We were so worried. Is she okay? How is she,” I asked curiously.

The nurse nor Henry hadn’t said anything to us yet so this was great news! I quickly relayed the message to my wife who had apparently heard me react from the next room. She gasped.

“Can we talk to her?” I shrugged and asked our daughter on the phone.

“Probably, but I’m on my way to class right now.” I nodded. “She probably doesn't want to talk to you guys right now though. She’s pissed.”

“Kim Hyoyeon,” I said sternly. She knows she shouldn’t use that kind of least not around us.

“What,” she asked as if she did nothing wrong. “She is! She yelled at me because you guys didn’t tell her anything.” I sighed.

“You know it was for the best Hyoyeon. We had to keep her as out of the loop as possible. She-”

“I know~,” Hyoyeon said annoyedly. “But she doesn't know like… anything. She didn’t even know what being level Zero meant dad… You should've taught her at least the basics, jeesh. People are going to think she’s an idiot now…it’s embarrassing.”

“Don't talk about your sister like that Hyoyeon,” I scolded. “But you're right.”I hated to admit it but she was.

We could've helped prepare her a little more but it was all really short notice for us too. We didn't hear back from the committee until the day before we told Taeyeon about our powers. We all decided that it was probably time for Taeyeon to start attending the proper school though since she was almost eighteen and it was getting harder and harder for me to subdue her power. The ARAs helped but with the increasing side effect headaches she was experiencing due to either being exposed to them for so long or having her power repressed this much, I knew it was time.

“We could've helped more, but we barely had enough time to even convince her she had powers… Taeyeon is a stubborn one you know.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Hyoyeon said sarcastically. “Can I at least tell her some of the basics? So she doesn't seem as clueless, you know?” I nodded.

“That seems reasonable,” I replied. “But you know what not to tell her, right?” She scoffed.

“Of course dad, I’m not an idiot,” she sassed. I had to smile. “Plus I don’t wanna be the one to tell her that anyway.” I heard her chuckle. “She turned the teacher who was trying to help her into an ice cube, who knows what she’d do to the person who tells her that… HM-MM. It won't be me.” I started to reply, but she quickly cut me off. “Anyway, I have to go to class now. I’ll talk to you guys later. Love you~!”

Before I could even start to reply I heard the line go dead.

Oh Hyoyeon, what are we going to do with you?




I heard my phone going off again, but I knew that it couldn't be my alarm. It was still pitch black outside, there was no way it was seven in the morning!

I sat up in bed and read the clock on the wall that in fact read five thirty-two.

Who the heck was calling me at five thirty in the morning? I picked up my phone to check, but when I saw the number was from the states, I immediately answered it.


“Ah, hello? Mr. Kim?”

“Yes yes, this is him.”

“Who is it,” my half asleep wife asked. I couldn’t tell her though because I wasn't even sure. I shrugged.

`“Ah great. Sorry to wake you, but this is Denzel Snow from West Trinity High.”

Omo. I perked up immediately.

He’s the doctor at our children’s school!

Oh no, wait a minute… that didn't mean one of my kids got hurt or something, right?

“Sorry again for calling you so early, but Dean Lau told me to call you if I find any more information about Taeyeon’s ability. Is this a good time?”

Did he really think I’d say no?

“No, it’s fine. What did you find out?”

“Great and well it’s actually really curious sir. I’ve never seen or heard about anything like it so I’m not sure if I’m even correct yet.”

Awesome, I said internally. One of the smartest minds in genetics and super human biology doesn’t even know? That’s promising...

“She is a telepath and that’s one thing I’m sure of.” I nodded. That wasn’t much of a surprise. “I don’t know just how deep it goes and whether telekinesis and everything else is involved since I can’t read her mind, but at least we know how to train that.”

That was true. Although telepathy and telekinesis are on the rarer side of the ability spectrum, it was fairly easy to practice… from what I’ve heard of course.

“The other thing… I’m just not sure of at all sir. I've been messing around and doing tests for the past hour or so and it’s all been leading me to one conclusion.” I held my breath. “I think Taeyeon can copy other people’s abilities and then also use them.”

I… I-

“What? Are you serious?”

He didn’t just say that, did he?

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” he replied. “Earlier Mr. Ming brought her from the level training class along with our other level zero Seo Joohyun and told me that Taeyeon replicated Joohyun’s power. I didn’t believe him, but watching Taeyeon’s DNA change on screen right in front of my eyes definitely made me a believer.”

“Oh my-”

“I know. So now I’m beginning to think that when she used the ice ability a few days ago Ms. Jung must have been near her.” I couldn't believe this. “Now why it was her power instead of anyone else's I don't know? Maybe Taeyeon picked up on the strongest power near her or something, I’m not sure. I wish I could tell you more right now, but I’ve never seen this ability or have ever read about even the probability of this power existing so I’m at a total loss.”

“I… I don’t even know what to say,” I said truthfully.

I knew her ability would be something impressive, but this? This was unheard of, this was impossible! It was incredible! She even copied another level zero’s ability? Holy...

I've seen telepaths use their mind control ability to make another superhuman use their ability for them, but I've never heard of one being able to just use them as they please! Not even-

“It was a lot for me to take in too,” Denzel said, cutting off my thoughts. “I’m going to keep researching it though don’t worry. I might be able to help her in her training too since I’m the only other telepath here.” I nodded again.

“That’s a good idea, I would really appreciate it.”

Since she’s already so behind in everything else she could use all the help she could get.

“It’s no problem sir. I’ll keep you updated with anything else I find out, so please don’t worry. She’s in good hands here.” I agreed.

There was no place better or safer for her to be than right where she was… now I just had to worry if it was safe enough for everyone else.





I'm SO sorry it's taken me so long to update this story :[
I'll really try harder to write the next chapter quicker!
(please don't hate me)

Thank you for commenting, voting, and especially reading!
It really means so much to me especially since I've been such a horrible author.


ALSO. I'd like to give a big special THANK YOU to @shadowknight1 for making a cover photo for the story! It looks 1000% times better than the one I tried to make!

You're the best!


Let me know what you guys want to see next or what you think about this chapter in Hyoyeon's and Taeyeon's dad's POV!
I hope I threw you guys off a little at least! ;p
Some of you are so good at guessing what I'm gonna do next!

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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.