
Not Alone




“Just don’t embarrass me,” my older sister said firmly. “You better hope your power is more than talking to dogs or,” she said before crossing her neck with her thumb. I just nodded.

My mind was elsewhere to say the least.

I mean being told by your parents that you were going to a brand new school six thousand miles away from home in two days was one thing, but being told you were going to this new top secret boarding school because you had a super power that you never even knew about was a whole different story…

I still didn’t believe it.

My sister and I dropped our luggage off at the main office earlier like we were told to so it could be delivered to our rooms and now we were heading to an orientation… as if I didn’t have a splitting headache already.


We walked out of the office and then easily found our way to a courtyard just like the office aide had explained. We were supposed to walk straight through it and down the hall at the other end, but I just could not get over how pretty this place was. Don’t get me wrong, Korea had beautiful buildings too, but this was insane.

It looked like one of those old mansions I always see in American movies but like four times bigger.


I didn’t know if I should actually call it a mansion or not though because it looked kind of like a castle too. Not the whole draw bridge and mote kind of thing obviously, but the size and outside brick walls… I don’t know! Everything just gave off a weird yet awesome old school medieval vibe that was somehow completely modernized at the same time. The wooden floors were brand new just as the plastered walls on the inside made you totally forget the place was made of rock. The office we were just in had so many fancy computers and technical gadgets that it almost looked like it was from the future. Even the door to the courtyard seemed high tech as it whooshed open just as we stepped in front of it.

It totally defeated the purpose for the doorknob that was still connected, but oh well!

I loved it.

The courtyard itself had flowers everywhere and even a fountain. There were tables with umbrellas set up on the right side too and I totally knew where I was going to eat lunch at every day.

We walked through another whooshing door in silence and back into the building. We soon went through another doorway, but this time it was different. There was now a long hallway in front of us and it definitely didn’t seem old school anymore.

‘Heol’ was the only thought running through my throbbing head as the beige walls ceased to exist, leaving now a slick metal in its place.

This was seriously like something out of a movie… or maybe a spaceship.

The first two doors that we came upon were directly across from one another and read ‘11th Grade’ and ‘12th Grade’ respectively.

Great. This is where we had to split up.

“Don’t screw up,” my sister advised before entering the door marked ‘12th Grade’ without even looking back.

I sighed.

I guess I was totally on my own now. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Here goes nothing.

I opened the door marked 11th grade in front of me and-

Ho-ly crap.

There had to be at least fifty other people in here!

Some were sitting in the chairs set up in what seemed to be a small gymnasium. Some were standing around in small groups and some were even- oh my god. Some of them were freaking hovering.

Like off the ground…

I definitely wasn’t in Korea anymore.

I know I’ve seen some of the super heroes on TV fly and even shoot webs from their hands and stuff but seeing it up close like this was… was-

Wait… did that mean all of- oh my… all of these people have powers? Heol… and this was only my grade. There were three other grades full of people like this!

I couldn’t believe it… No, I didn’t believe it.

I still didn’t even believe I had powers in the first place! I seriously thought my mom and dad were trying to play a really bad joke on me at first. I mean even if they were serious, how could I have super powers and not even know about it? Wouldn’t I be able to do something by now?

It just didn’t make any sense… but then Hyoyeon cloned herself three times right in front of my eyes and I started to think that they might be telling the truth after all…

After I stopped freaking out about my sisters power, which also included super speed or something, I tried to ask them what my power was but they didn’t have any idea. At all.

They said that they almost never know what power the child of two super humans will be. My father also said that only rarely does the child have the same power as the parents and honestly I wasn’t all too mad about that one. I mean my mom’s ability is similar to that of changing into a werewolf… just instead of a wolf it’s a freaking dinosaur!


She could spontaneously grow a tail, tough skin, huge claws, and razor sharp teeth at will…

Yeah, I’ll gladly pass on that one.

She said it started at a young age for her but I don’t remember doing anything too out of the ordinary ever as a kid. I was slower than most of the kids I went to school with and a hell of a lot weaker. I obviously can’t fly or do anything fun like shoot lasers from my eyes or breathe underwater. Heck, I can barely even swim!

How could I, Kim Taeyeon, be any kind of ‘super’?

Maybe the ‘super’ gene missed me or something… that is a thing right? Like a recessive gene or something? Ohh~ I don’t know. I just seriously didn’t understand why I-


Oh right! I totally had to ch-check in or… or-

“Y-yes?” My eyes were wide and I knew it, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“We need you to sign in and get your evaluation number,” the purple skinned lady behind the small table said.

Pur-purple… She’s… her skin is… no way.


“Ah,” I said after shaking out of my rather rude stare. “Yeah, okay.”

I felt a little bad but she had to be used to that though… right? Like there was no way sh-

“What’s your name?”

“M-my name is Kim Taeyeon.” She flipped through a few sheets of paper before scribbling something down really quick.

“Very, well miss Kim. Here is your number,” she said while handing me a small sheet of paper. “You’ll be right after Miss Jung.”

Uhm? Like that was any indicator…

“Who?” She raised a brow briefly before letting out a loud laugh.

“Good one Miss Kim. Go have a seat with the rest of the kids, they’ll call you up when it’s your turn.” I nodded again, but I really had no idea who ‘Miss Jung’ was. Was I supposed to?

While my sister has been attending these special schools all her life, this was my first time… ever… which is another question I wanted to ask my parents.

If they knew this whole time that I had some kind of a power why wouldn’t they send me here from the start like Hyo? I could be so good at doing… uh whatever it is I can do by now!

I would also know for sure what it was that I can do in the first place!

Ugh, whatever. I took the numbered card that the purple lady gave me and headed straight for the back corner of the gym.

I saw a guy literally crawling up the wall to my right and my jaw dropped.

Okay, so I’ll admit that this was SO much cooler than seeing the heroes on TV.

I wanted to look at everyone else to see if they were doing anything crazy amazing like him, but as soon as I turned toward the left a splitting pain shot through my head once again.

I unconsciously in a bit of air to somehow try to ease the pain, but it didn’t help. I’ve had a headache since I woke up in the hotel this morning, but ever since we got to the school it’s only gotten worse and worse.

Whatever, once this orientation is over I’m sure they’ll have gone over where the nurses office is. I can just get a Tylenol or two afterward.

I took a seat and started to worry about the even bigger question floating around in my head.

What the hell was my power?




I hope that was okay for a first chapter!

Thank you all for reading<3
I hope you enjoyed it!




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Kim_shaela05 #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.