
Not Alone

Taeyeon POV







I made him repeat it again, but I swear my mind was still going crazy.

“Why,” I asked without even thinking. “I mean, how? You said no one has ever had this power before? Are you sure?” Everyone nodded.

Oh... great. Was I an idiot for not knowing or something? Dr. Snow laughed.

“Of course not. It’s just… we would have definitely heard if someone had a power like that… but we’re not even entirely sure that was your original power which is the even more interesting thing,” Dr. Snow said, confusing me even more… somehow. He laughed.

“We already explained this to your parents,” he started. I nodded, but that only made me think of how much of a help my family HASN’T been this whole time… I- UGH. “Ahem,” Dr. Snow coughed.

Ah right! Okay, I said mentally.

“Yes, so because your powers have been repressed for so long due to the numerous ARAs and your father’s ability on top of that we think that they have matured with no true identity.”


That totally sounded like a roundabout way of saying ‘you’re screwed.’

Dr. Snow laughed again.

“Quite the opposite actually Taeyeon. Since your abilities have been trying to find their own identity and haven't been able to, they’ve been going out and latching on to whatever power’s are near them. It does seem as if you have to be fairly close to someone to copy their ability; which is why Jessica’s ice manipulation ability was nowhere on your scan,” Dr. Snow added quickly. “But because you can initially and innately read minds, your mind has essentially been reading abilities instead and making them their own. It’s truly remarkable.”

“It’s probably why you’ve been able to go without training for this long as well,” Dr. Satoya commented. “You’ve more than likely been copying the power of your father up until now.”

I think my jaw dropped.

Holy crap. I don’t know much about the logic of superpowers and stuff but this all made total sense… if I can copy powers and I copied my dads it would seem like I had no powers at all!

Heol… that was-

“Exactly our thinking Taeyeon” Dr. Snow commented. “So-”

“But wait,” I had to stop him. “Why haven’t I copied my mom’s or Hyoyeon’s then? And why Jessica’s? Everyone in that room had a power, right?” He smiled.

“Well, simply put… we don’t know. We thought about that ourselves.”

O-oh, great. So I am kinda screwed...

“Like we said Taeyeon, this is a new thing even for us,” he said with a smile. “You more than likely never copied your mom’s or sister’s though because they were also being clouded by your father’s ability which reigns over them. If he’s around they have no power hence being the only power you can copy.”

Ah~. Now that made sense.

“As for Jessica... we honestly don’t know; I wish we could give you an answer. It could've been that she is probably one of the most powerful kids here or just because she was the ability that you saw last. From what I understand she was evaluated right before you, correct?” I nodded. “Right, so we don’t know exactly all the details yet, but we can start right away with training.”



Wait, seriously?!

He didn’t say what I think he did, did he?

“I sure did,” he grinned. “That is why Mrs. Devlin is here with us today actually. We’ve already discussed everything with her and made a sort of plan to see if we can help you finally get on track with learning your ability,” he said kind of proudly. “You’re going to train with her today and try to use her ability.”

I… I-I don’t know what to say. My mind was actually blank this time.

Did they really think I could just copy a power like it was no big deal? I didn’t even know what her power was, how was I supposed to-

“Her power, while being very impactful, is one of the most common and easiest to practice from what I understand.” She nodded.

“There’s really not much to it Taeyeon. I’m sure you’ll grasp it in no time.” Her smile was encouraging and her accent was fun, but it wasn’t enough to convince me. Dr. Snow nodded.

“Right, well Dr. Satoya and I will be leaving now, he has to get back to China and I have to leave for a meeting. Call me if you need anything Jane, but I think you’ll do just fine on your own. Taeyeon, good luck,” he said knowing fully I was freaking out in my head.

Was he serious?!? They drop all this news on me and then LEAVE?!

What- why- HOW? How was I supposed to do this? What if it didn’t work?!

Why today?!

Couldn’t they give me a day to process this or something?!

As I heard the door close behind them, I can only assume the answer was no.

I hate this school.

“I know this all must be a little overwhelming, but we can take it as slow as you want Taeyeon. I won’t try to rush you.”

Ugh, I sighed.

I’m sure this wasn’t her idea of a fun time either so I can’t really blame her.

“Ah, yeah,” I replied. “Thank you…-”

CRap what was her name again?

“Mrs. Devlin.”


“Mrs. Devlin… sorry.” She laughed.

“Don’t be… but whenever you’re ready you can take off all your ARAs.” I froze.

“S-Seriously? Won't I-” She shook her head.

“I’m the only other person down here Taeyeon. Unless you copy my ability or use your own, you shouldn’t be able to pick up on anyone else.” I nodded.

That was promising… and I doubt I could hurt her with her own power… right? Is that how it works? I-

“And I know they didn’t mention this, but Professor Snow was never much of a teacher,” she laughed. “He doesn't know how to give proper explanations outside science-y things so he left it all to me.” I grinned.

At least I’m not the only one being left for dead here…

“The reason they’re doing all this though is so that you can learn to use the abilities around you. They explained to me that they think that’s part of the reason you’re having such bad headaches too. Your brain is trying to essentially download all these new powers at once and it’s quite like a computer having a data overload.” I nodded. That actually made complete sense to me.

If I opened up a hundred or so different programs on my computer at the same time it would totally blow up, I’m sure of it. Heck when I open just a couple my laptop sounds like its about to blow… no wonder I passed out.

I just wish I wouldn't have attacked a teacher while doing so… ugh.

“And exactly how a computer would explode, you exploded with ice, probably as a defense mechanism more than anything… sorry, my husband is a computer guy. I know too much about those machines because of him,” she laughed. I grinned and kind of started to feel like I was getting the hang of things here… but also not at all at the same time.

Everything was so confusing, but at least this was starting to make sense.

“So,” I started. Hold up. “So wait, I’m learning to control them one at a time so I won't be overloaded?” She nodded.

“I think their hope, and mine too of course,” she added with a sweet smile. “Is to help you get to the point where you can sense the other abilities around you and use them, but not let them overwhelm you. Actually this ability is quite incredible, Taeyeon. You should be proud. You’re surely destined for greatness, I can feel it.” I nodded, taking in her kind words.

That actually meant a lot to me.

Even before stepping into this school I was worried about what would happen. I mean, I have no idea what I’m doing and the doctors don’t even really know what’s happening with me... how could she have such blind confidence in me?!

I was kind of touched and maybe even a little extra motivated.

All right, I said mentally. She wouldn’t know that though… stupid Dr. Snow.


The plan sounded good and I was excited to try… I just don’t know how well or even if I’ll be able to copy her power at all.

Which reminds me...

“Ah thank you,” I said in response to what she said before. “And I’m starting with yours?” She nodded with a bright smile. “Which is…?” Her eyes almost doubled in size and her brows rose in a snap.

“Oh! I forgot tell you, didn’t I?” I faked a smile. “Well my power like Dr. Snow said, is very simple.”

Okay…. she sure knows how to drag it out. Just get on with it!!!

I watched her move more toward the back of the room where I finally noticed some bigger objects and- oh my.

Holy, she just… she did the damn thing.

I knew my mouth was probably wide open, but she just lifted a whole freaking table with one hand like it was made of paper… it was a big wooden table too!

That was awesome… and impossible for me to do.

“Super strength,” Mrs. Devlin said cheerfully. I internally laughed.

Well no duh Sherlock. I think I figured that one out on my own.

“Easy to learn, easy to use. Just lift.” I had to laugh aloud at that one.

She might be as crazy as everyone else here after all.

“Easy for you maybe,” I said. “How the heck am I supposed to do that?” She smiled.

“Well start by taking off your ARAs, you're not going to get anywhere with those on.”

I sighed.

Here goes nothing...




And nothing it was.

I wasn’t going to complain about being kept away from everyone for my training, I totally understood. I felt a little better about it to be honest. If I copied the wrong power by accident and I don't know, set fire to the whole school for instance, it would not be the best for anyone.

Keeping Seohyun away was probably an even better idea. If I copied someone supposedly as powerful as they get, things would be probably even worse than a fire. I still don’t know what her power was, but I’m guessing it was the purple bolts that came out of my hand yesterday… or that could’ve been Mr. Ming too.. ugh, I just- Whatever.

I was even okay with them taking me out of real classes and making me focus only on training… okay so I was EXTREMELY okay with that part. I hated chemistry with every bone in my body.

Actually, I was even kind of excited. I couldn’t wait to figure out how to use this amazing power I somehow got stuck with BUT this… this can't be it.

I have been trying to push a six hundred pound rock for over an hour. Seriously,  I think I actually pulled a muscle.

“Okay but like how do you do it,” I asked Mrs. Devlin… again. She checked her watch and nodded a few seconds later.

“All right Taeyeon,” she said brightly. “Professor Snow said to give you fifteen minutes to see if you could figure out on your own, but now I can-”

“Ho-hold on,” I said breathily. “It’s only been fifteen minutes?” She nodded.

What the hell?

I was so tired though… and a little out of breath.

My body actually hurt.

Holy crap Taeyeon, I told myself. We need to seriously get in shape. I mean I know I was trying to push a six hundred pound boulder but still… it’s not like it moved.

“Yes it has… and you don’t feel any different?” I shook my head.

“No,” I questioned.

What am I supposed to feel? Strong? I had to hold back my laugh. How do you even feel strong?

“You don’t feel sort of heavy or more tired than usual?” I- wait.

“Well,” I started. “I do feel kind of exhausted.” Her eyebrows rose. “But isn’t that because I’ve been pushing this thing the whole time?” I pointed to the boulder and-

“Not necessarily,” she replied, looking a little happier than before. “That could be your body adjusting to my ability, but- wow that’s seriously incredible.”

Okay, now she lost me.

Does being super strong make her forever tired or something? That kinda .

“You see the doctors before thought it might be some sort of mental mimicry, you know your mind locks on to my power and replicates it there in combination with your telekinesis, but now I… I think your whole body might be adjusting to be able to withstand super strength. This is fascinating.” She looked at me with big eyes, but I was still confused.

I think she could tell though.

“You see for me to be able to lift a six hundred pound anything my muscles and bones have to be immensely stronger and more dense to even be able to stand it. There’s no way a regular person could lift thousands of pounds over their head even if they had super strength. Their body wouldn't be able to take it and I think yours is adjusting right now.”

I… wait. Really?

“Wha-what does that mean?” She smiled.

“Well for starters if I had to guess, I’d guess that you weigh about twenty to thirty pounds more than you did fifteen minutes ago.”

Excuse me I wHAT? She laughed.

“Don't look so worried Taeyeon, my ability won't stick with you forever- and just be glad. I've met with a scientist that said I should actually weigh hundreds more than I do to balance out the weight I can lift, but due to my supergene I only weigh roughly forty pounds more than anyone the same size as me.”

Heol… hundreds?!?! Now THAT’S insane.

“Now before you try to move it again, I want you to do something for me.” I nodded.

Oh boy~!


“Pick up the end of this table,” she said referring to the one she picked up earlier. Was she kidding?

“But I-”

“Not the whole table of course. Just the end here.” Uhm… okay?

I went to the end of the table like she said, put my hands underneath and lifted! I raised up the end of course, I could do that much with no powers. Getting one end of a table up a couple inches off the ground was no- OH-

“This, right here,” she said as she pressed on my arm muscle. “Do you feel your muscles tightening as you lift?” I hummed.

“Yeah?” She nodded and motioned for me to set the table back down.

“Okay now go to the rock.” I almost laughed.

It was a boulder to me but merely a rock for her, I mentally laughed. She must be one strong lady.

I did as she said though and moved to the ‘rock’.

“All right. Now just like when you lifted the table, I want you to try to move the rock. When you feel that tightness, try to push that even farther. I know you could've pushed more with the table and lifted even higher and that’s what I want you to do with the rock. Really believe in yourself too Taeyeon; to see it is to believe it.” I nodded.

Okay, while that last part seemed like some Disney mumbo-jumbo pep talk, it seemed simple enough.

I put my hands on one side of the boulder and tried to push it with all my might. I could feel my muscles tightening just like she said and I tried to push it even harder. I got my whole body behind it and let loose.

“URRGH,” I sounded aloud as I gave one big push and- OOMF. I froze.

No freaking way. I looked at Mrs. Devlin and she looked just as surprised as I probably did.

“Oh my gosh,” she said in shock. “Th-that was amazing! I didn’t think you’d get it so fast.”

Neither did I...

Omo, I… I just used-

Holy crap, wait a minute.

“Did I really-”

“You moved it Taeyeon, congratulations.”

I can’t believe it… I mean I obviously remember pushing it and I definitely remember it moving- but WHAT? How was that even possible?

The boulder felt heavy when I was pushing it, but not as heavy as it did five minutes ago… wait.

I tried pushing it again and-

“AHH,” I might’ve sort of screamed. “I-its light?” She nodded with the biggest grin on her face.

“It is! Taeyeon, this is incredible!”

You’re telling me, I said in my head. This was beyond incredible.

I still didn't believe it.

Okay obviously I believed it, but I just couldn’t get over how cool this all was!

It felt unreal.

My ability is actually the ability to copy others.

HO-LY CRAP. My heart was beating so fast!




“OWW~! What the-”

In my short lived celebration, I did a little jump because I was so happy… but that little jump sent me into the ceiling.

The metal ceiling. I swear I could feel the bruise growing on my head by the second.

“Oooh,” Mrs. Devlin said after in a bit of air between her teeth. “Ouch, we’ll have to work on that.” I nodded.

That we would…

Oh my~ that hurt.

I guess super strength doesn't just happen in your arms though… I’m an idiot.






Taeyeon's first training session went (fairly) well! 
(you don't think I'll take it thaaat~ easy on her though do you?)


If you have any suggestions or comments (positive or negative) please don't be afraid to post them below! 
(Or if you simply just want to say hi!)

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Thank you all for reading! 
I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint! 



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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.