
Not Alone

A/N: I have gone back and made minor changes in the previous chapters mainly just because i wasnt fully happy with it, but now I am more happy with it and promise not to change it again!
Seriously though they are very minor and you really don't need to go re-read the chapters!


Jessica POV




After hearing the obvious result of my evaluation I flashed a brief smile to the teacher and walked my way off the stage… only to see Yuri chatting happily with her annoying friends again.

UGH. Didn’t we JUST get rid of them?

Seriously, this is why I wanted to get her away from her friends in the first place. I usually don’t care that she hangs out with them so much because despite their many flaws they have been great friends to my Yuri all these years… With that being said though, I still think she should totally spend more time with me.

I glanced at my best friend, who was pretending not to hear the conversation happening behind her even though she obviously was, and cleared my throat.

“Ahem,” I over exaggerated. She looked up from the ground instantly and I watched her smile disappear in a flash.

“Don’t look at me Jess, they came over here on their own.” I shook my head again.

How annoying…

“Oh, Sica,” Yuri finally greeted with a warm smile. “You were perfect just like we practiced babe.”

Ugh, I was really trying my hardest to be angry but her smile was ridiculous.

Why was she so attractive?

“I was just explaining to our new friend Taeyeon what your ability was,” Yuri said excitedly as she looked at the dark haired girl beside her.

“More like bragging,” the human form of silly putty chimed in.

Ugh, the real question was how were her friends so annoying?

“Whatever,” Yuri sassed. “It’s her first time ever coming to a school like this and I thought I’d explain it a little better.” I nodded, but that definitely sparked my attention.

Her first time ever? In eleventh grade?!

After I thought about it for a second I knew that couldn’t real. I knew she was Hyoyeon’s mystery sibling and all, but Hyoyeon was level 2 and she’s been going here ever since I can remember. There’s no way they’d let their other daughter go to normal people schools… unless she had amazing control or something but even then... Omo… or what if she just had little to no power at all. HA. I had to try to keep my laugh contained.

That would totally explain why her family kept her hidden away for so long though, I mean I’d be embarrassed if that was my daughter too.

Psht, and there was some kind of nonsense rumor about how she was super powerful or something. I was relieved. I don’t think I’ll have to give up my ‘number one’ title anytime soon… I grinned but then another thought quickly filled my mind. Since her family was fairly similar to mine I guess it’s possible that she could’ve had a personal teacher at home too.

Ugh, whatever. I’ll just have to wait and see.

“Taeyeon this is Jessica my girlfriend, Jessica this is Taeyeon,” Yuri introduced after pulling the girl toward me.  “You know, the one I told you about,” she grinned.

I obviously knew, but it was hard not to smile back. My Yuri was so precious.

“Ah, that’s right,” I said aloud as I looked her up and down once more. “I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you,” I commented truthfully. The girl’s brows furrowed and I quickly followed up… like she didn’t know already. “You are Kim Hyoyeon’s little sister aren’t you?” All eyes turned to her and-

“Yeah,” the new girl responded shortly. “How did you-“

Attention students,” the teacher interrupted with his abnormally loud voice. My eyes instinctively rolled. “We’ll be taking a short break with evaluations. Feel free to leave if you’ve already been evaluated, but please return before five for orientation. If you plan on sticking around to watch your fellow classmates I must ask you to continue to be respectful and behave yourselves… Taeyeon Kim will be first up when we return, Miss Kim please be prepared. Thank you.”

“I’m up next,” she said as soon as the teacher shut up. She sounded almost worried too…

“Hold on,” Sooyoung started again. “You’re actually Hyoyeon’s little sister?” Taeyeon nodded and now I was a little confused.

How could Sooyoung not know that? Yuri was the one that told me and I know she had to have told them too.

“Yeah… Why,” Taeyeon asked confusedly. “Is that a problem? Is she-”

“No, it’s not a problem,” Sooyoung interrupted. “It’s just that you know like seriously nothing about all this… I don’t understand.” Taeyeon laughed.

I hate to admit this but Sooyoung had a good point.

I didn’t know for sure how much Taeyeon actually knew or didn’t know, but from the sound of Sooyoung’s voice and knowing the fact that Yuri was just explaining my ability, which I thought was pretty straightforward, it didn’t sound like she was exaggerating.

Taeyeon started telling us about how her parents didn’t want to tell her anything about it until they were sure she had some sort of power, but that still didn’t make sense.

Now I was even more confused.

Taeyeon’s family was pretty well… known in the super human world and that’s probably an understatement. To grow up and live this long without having a single clue about what your family actually does is… I can’t even think of a word that describes that.

It’d be like Beyoncé’s children growing up and not knowing that their mom was freaking Beyoncé! Sure maybe the first ten or so years they could get by but once they were older they would almost have to know… Why didn’t she?

If I remember right neither of her parents had a memory erasing ability either so this was truly puzzling. Was she a total moron or something? I guess it could be like I said before though too.

If her power is super weak she might not even know she has one in the first place. One of her dad’s infamous bracelets could easily conceal the ability completely and she’d never even have to worry about it… ugh, that wouldn’t explain her lack of knowledge about everything else though.

My eyes trailed down to her wrist out of curiosity and- Oh my god.

I almost didn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were all the ARAs her dad created, but she sure did have quite a few bracelets on in general.


Taeyeon Kim. Taeyeon Kim please report for your evaluation,” the announcer said loudly.

“Omo,” the girl said breathily. “I’m up?”

“You’re up,” Stretch said encouragingly.

“B-but I don’t even-“

“Yah, just go get it over with,” my Yuri said. “It’s not as bad as you think.”

“She’s right,” Sunkyu said. “You’ll feel better once it’s over so just go. We’ll be right here waiting for you.” Taeyeon nodded.

“Right,” she said as she put her hair behind her- holy moly!

She had to have at least five piercings in her ear… and I thought my two were a lot.

 This girl’s accessory game was no joke. I- Wait-

Were those…

“Oh my god,” I said aloud.

They were.

I knew I had seen one of those earrings before but I just couldn’t remember where until now.

Now I really didn’t know what to expect.

“Did you see that,” I asked with a small hit to Yuri’s side as Taeyeon got farther away from us.

“Ow Sica, see what? My new bruise,” she laughed, but I had no time for jokes.

“No her ears pabo, did you?”

“Oh! You mean her piercings?” I nodded. “Then yeah. I saw them earlier,” Yuri grinned. “She said she had like six in each ear or something. Isn’t that crazy?”

Oh my god. SIX? In each ear?!

No way.

“Do you know what those are,” I asked incredulously. Yuri shook her head and now I seemed to have garnered the attention of the other three that were with us too.

“I don’t know, maybe earrings,” the giant said sarcastically. “What’s the big deal?”

“Yeah Sica,” Yuri said. “Let’s just watch her evaluation first; I’m curious to see what her power is.” I shook my head.

“No you guys don’t understand,” I stated. “At least two of those earrings were the brand new ARAs… The ones that are twice the strength of these bracelets…” Yuri’s eyes shot to my wrist and then back to me, clearly catching on. Even her friends looked a little startled.

“Ar-are you sure?” I nodded.

I was 300% sure.

“That was the same exact earring Krystal had to wear so she wouldn’t grow gills when we went to the beach this summer. I wouldn’t forget it.”

“Maybe they just looked the same,” my best friend Tiffany suggested. “I heard Mr. Kim copies popular designs to make the ARAs look almost exactly like the ones normal people wear. You know, so we don’t stand out?” Sunny soon agreed and I took a deep breath.

That was a little reassuring; I mean it takes quite a few of the ARAs to render me powerless but if all her bracelets and earrings were in fact ARAs she’d have at least double my limit…

That would make her like… insanely powerful, right?

Now I was more curious than ever.

We watched from the side in a weird, unsure silence as Mrs. Park placed her hands on Taeyeon’s wrist and forehead respectively. She closed her eyes and reopened them within half a second.

Wait a minute… that usually takes at least a few seconds.

“She just said ‘that can’t be right’,” Sooyoung informed. I saw her ear that was at least three times larger than normal and instantly knew she must be listening in.

The one time she comes in handy.

“She’s trying again.”

I turned back toward the two on the stage and just seconds later when the big screen behind them lit up, my worst dream came true.

Taeyeon Kim; Power Level Zero




Taeyeon's level finally revealed!

Now what is her power eh?!


OMG I am so sorry that it's been literally forever.
A lot of stuff has come up and gotten in the way but hopefully I can start to update this along with my other stories a lot faster than I have been.

Please don't give up on me!

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Kim_shaela05 #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.