
Not Alone

Taeyeon POV











I woke up to the sound of a loud beeping an- oh no… I wasn't in the infirmary again, was I? What did I-

“Ahh~,” I sounded aloud.

Who knew I’d be comforted by seeing this much pink as soon as I woke up… I’d take it over all that white in the infirmary any day though.

I started stretching in bed a little to motivate myself to get up, but once the sudden feeling of needing to pee hit me, I was more awake than ever. Oh my-

I quickly hopped out of bed and headed out to the bathrooms down the hall, making it with little time to spare. Feeling a hundred time better as I stepped back into my room, I was met with two smiling eyes. Omo, had she been there the whole time… oh wait. Nevermind, that was a dumb question.

“That was quick,” she teased. I awkwardly laughed.

“Yeah, I drank way too much water right before bed.”

I won't make that mistake again, I told myself. I checked the clock on the wall and since it was so early I decided to get back in bed an-

“Breakfast starts in half an hour, aren't you coming with?” Uhh, I shook my head.

Actually I thought about going because I am pretty hungry, but I just didn't want to deal with everyone staring at me again. That was worse than finding out I was also somehow telepathic to be honest… and then there’s also the whole 'I’m not allowed to go' thing too...

A little while after Tiffany left for dinner last night, there was a knock on my door. When I answered it, much to my surprise, I saw Dr. Snow and some other guy that I later found out to be the dean of the entire school standing in front of me, holding pizza… I know. It was nuts.

I thought I was getting kicked out for sure, but actually they were just coming to tell me that it was probably not the best idea for me to go to dinner or be in a group of people like that until I can control my powers better… or at all in my case.

It kind of hurt a little hearing that, I mean I don’t know what person would like hearing they’re a danger to society but it still felt like I had been hit in the stomach by a bus. I already hated the fact that I couldn't do anything with these abilities and now they don't even want me near people because of it!

That’s why they brought the pizza.

Speaking of though, I told them that I went to lunch earlier in the day and nothing happened, but they said that it was probably a combination of the new ARAs they put on me, that I had no idea about until then, and the drugs still in my system from earlier when I was in the infirmary… or you know, luck.

The drugs apparently were supposed to wear off at around ten last night though and they’re worried that I might be able to overpower the bracelet things and accidentally hurt someone again if I’m around that many people… which was my number one fear honestly.

I had a lot of time to think about this last night actually.

I wasn’t afraid of having a super power… not even one supposedly as powerful as mine. It was kind of awesome to just think about, right? Me, normal, boring Kim Taeyeon having special abilities? Who would've ever thought?

I liked the idea of having a super power, but the reality of it all is a little… well~, ty. I wasn’t afraid of having the power itself necessarily, I was just afraid of having the power to potentially accidentally hurt everyone around me…

Not being able to control this monster inside of me was the problem and I decided then and there that I would do anything it takes to do just that.

The first step in doing so according to Dr. Snow and Mr. Lau meant that instead of attending the regular classes with everyone else, I would be going straight to Level Zero’s Training room from now on and taking all my classes with Seohyun… until I’m ready to be around people that is.

They worded it a lot nicer last night but that’s honestly the truth. I was dangerous for people to be around and I hated it.

I didn’t want to tell Tiffany that just yet though so I said something else that would make sense.

“Nah, I think I’m gonna skip i-”

“What? You can’t,” Tiffany said kind of angrily. “You skipped dinner last night Taeyeon, you have to eat.”

While that was true, she also didn’t know about the special pizza delivery last night either… whoops! I didn’t like lying to her, but I couldn’t go to the cafeteria and eat with everyone else even if I wanted to. Since I was trying not to freak out my roommate though, I quickly made up another excuse.

I told her that I was going to try to get something in between classes but she didn't seem to like that response any more than the last.

“That’s silly, just come down and eat with everyone.” I shook my head again.

The ‘everyone’ was exactly why I couldn’t go.

Doctor Snow said that I should be okay around a few people and being in the dorms should be fine too since they had some type of barrier? I don't know. It didn’t really make sense to me, but what did was knowing the cafeteria and classrooms were off limits to me for the time being… I kinda felt like I was on probation or something.

Is this what being on house arrest feels like?

“It’s really okay. I’ll just pop in between classes Tiffany, it won't take me long. It’s no big deal.” She kind of angrily sighed again but then she continued to get ready.

I had to sigh too.

I was thankful that she was trying to make sure I ate and didn't die but I was also trying to make sure no one died today!!

She asked again a few minutes later if I was sure I didn’t want to go with her and I nodded.

“I’m sure.” She nodded back. I could tell she was less angry this time and maybe even a little concerned, but she didn't let it show for long. Soon a beautiful bright smile spread across her face and- “Okay well I’ll see you in class later.” I internally disagreed before saying my goodbyes and less than a minute later she was gone... and I was back to sleep. I still had an hour and a half before class started so why not take advantage? Unfortunately I only managed to doze off for around thirty minutes or so but hey, thirty is better than none.

As the time dwindled though I tried to play games on my phone to keep my mind off of everything, but I just couldn't help but worry about what’s to come out of these classes. Would I ever be able to learn to control… whatever it is I can do?! Dr. Snow didn’t even tell me what all those extra tests were for yesterday!

I tried to call my parents to see if they had anything to say- more like apologize for, but they didn’t answer either!

Ugh, boy did I have some words for them next time I talk to them…







Nine o’clock was ten or so minutes away when I finally talked myself into leaving.

I can do this, I told myself again. I have to do this.

No, that didn’t sound right either. I gave it a little more thought and found the answer deep inside my brain.

I wanted to do this. I really did.

Ever since I was a little kid I remember always wondering ‘what if I had superpowers’. What kid didn’t? I even  always dressed up as a superhero for Halloween, usually my favorite super hero White Prism actually. She had the ability to fly and shoot bright white light beams from her hands so I would carry around flashlights with me and pretend I was her!

Thinking about it now, I bet my parents knew her and never even told me about it. Omo, I wonder if I ever met her? I do remember going with my dad to his office a few times...

Whatever, seeing all the real life superheroes saving people on the news was so awesome! People flying around, putting out fires with their breath, and stopping robbers with a look… gah, it was amazing.

The world has been really cracking down on it in the more recent years but it was still always cool to watch it on TV… and now I’m here living it!!

Nine year old me would be in Heaven, but right now I was in Hell.

I stepped into the main building and felt a sudden stabbing pain in my head.

“Oww,” I quickly winced. My palm pressed against the spot on my head where it came from and I had to groan.

Oh great, not again… Just what I needed on this already exhausting day.

A migraine.

I took a left down the kind of familiar hall and suddenly a loud buzzer like sound filled the air… momentarily stopping my heart.

HO-LY CRAP! That scared the-

“Ah, wait... Perfect,” I said to myself after realizing what that sound was. There shouldn't be many people in the halls now since that was the class bell and that means there will be less people to notice me too.


I walked past the cafeteria next and up toward the front of the school where the lady in the office recognized me immediately.

“Hello Miss Kim,” she greeted with a smile… showing off a huge pair oF FANGS.

Like actual vampire fangs…


“You can go on down,” she said again, breaking my train of thought- er well surprise. I nodded.

“Ah, ye-yeah, thank you,” I said awkwardly before getting on the elevator. I shook my head.

How the heck did I not notice those yesterday? Well, now that I’m thinking about it I don’t think I noticed anything besides the secret elevator hiding in the wall yesterday. Gah I really need to be more observative here...

I was trying to think up what her power could possibly be as the elevator descended, but as soon as I reached my destination my brain stopped.

Oh god, here I go…

I walked down the bright metallic hall, past a couple of doors and stopped right in front of the one that read ‘LEVEL 0’ just like yesterday.

I could almost hear my heart pounding in my chest since it was beating so hard, and I don't even want to talk about how my stomach felt. I really might throw up out of pure nervousness.

Ugh~ but I have to do this… I need to do this, I said to myself once more.

Right. Just be thankful you're only going to be in a room with Seohyun, another level zero.

Exactly, I agreed with myself. I could've easily been in a class with twenty people staring at me the whole time and now I’m in a class with just one person who doesn’t really give a crap about me!

Wah~ it was actually kind of refreshing to think about it that way. Heck, maybe I prefered staying in the Level Zero class… it already sounds a lot less stressful.

Either way I was eventually going to have to go in so I took a deep breath, put my hand on the knob and-

“Oh…,” I said as soon as I stepped inside. I didn’t know quite what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

I figured I’d see Seohyun and Mr. Ming obviously, but neither of them were in sight. Instead I saw Dr. Snow and two people I’ve never seen before… what the heck was going on now?

Don't tell me more tests?! I was so done wi-

“Ah, Taeyeon! Good morning,” Dr. Snow cheerfully greeted. “Don’t worry, no more tests today.” I kind of awkwardly returned his smile

“Yeah, H-hi,” I managed to mumble out. Everyone was focused on me at this point, but I had a quick question.


“Seohyun won't be joining us today,” Dr. Snow said.

Uhmm... what? I was confused.

Why wouldn’t she be here? I thought we were supposed to be in the same class? I-

“Yes, I’ll explain that all very soon Taeyeon, but first I’d like you to meet a few people here.” I nodded and took a few steps closer as he motioned. “This is Doctor Tatsuya Satoya from Japan, who like me is obsessed with genetics and all things superhuman.” I smiled a little at his introduction and quickly bowed to greet the man.

“Hello I’m Taeyeon Kim, it’s nice to meet you.” The older guy smiled.

“It’s even nicer to meet you Taeyeon. We at Trinity High West were all very excited to hear a new Level Zero had been discovered.”

I… Trinity High West?

“That’s right Taeyeon,” Dr. Snow said. “He works at our sister School in China. We had him teleported in yesterday so he could help me go over your case.”

“Yes and what a case it is,” Dr. Sa-something said… but my head was already spinning.

Sister School?! Did that mean there was another school full of kids with- no wait… TELEPORTED!?!?


“Yes, Taeyeon,” Dr. Snow laughed. “There are a handful of people that have been known to be able to teleport. It’s even more rare than telepathy actually.”

Heol… was the only thought running through my head right now.

“But, we’ll get more on that in a minute. I’d also like you to meet Mrs. Devlin. She works here as a senior advisor and usually helps with the physical training of our students.”

Okay… it wasn’t as cool as being teleported from China, but I still greeted her just the same.

“It’s nice to meet you too Taeyeon, I can't wait to work with you today.”

I smiled, but internally panicked.

Hold up- I wasn’t doing like hardcore gym class or something was I? I think I’d rather try Chemistry…

Dr. Snow laughed again, and- UGH. He was going to be so sorry when I figured out how to read minds.

“You’re right,” he laughed again. “I probably will be, but for now no physical training and no chemistry.”

My heart jumped hearing the words ‘no chemistry’, but wait... really? Chemistry was on my schedule for second period though and-

“It was yes,” Dr. Snow commented. “But I’ve been in contact with the Super Hero Society and the higher ranked officials and we all seem to agree on one thing.” He paused, which kind of scared me a little, but I was practically sitting on the metaphorical edge of the seat waiting for him to continue. “You learning to control your ability is at the utmost importance.”

It felt like a bag of bricks fell on my shoulders.

Talk about pressure…

“Oh we’re in no way trying to pressure you Taeyeon,” Dr. Snow commented. “But being Level Zero unfortunately comes with a certain level of expectations. You’re supposed to be the best of the best, an example to the other super humans even.”

Whoa, whoa, whoa there… I could understand how I’m supposed to be the best because my level is the highest, but an example to other people? No freaking way. I did not sign up for that. I-

“I know you didn’t sign up for it Taeyeon, but it is a responsibility that has fallen on you. Your father was the same way. He-,” Dr. Snow stopped himself and sighed. “All I’m saying is that we have to help you control your powers. Even if you decide to do nothing with them, you need to be able to control them to live a normal human life.”

“He’s right,” Mrs. Devlin agreed. “Superhero or not, we can’t have our Level Zeroes running around with no control of their powers.”

“She’s exactly right. If you can't control your power not only are you a danger to yourself, but a danger to everyone around you and even potentially the super human community.”

Heol… I didn't even think about hurting the community as a whole… but I guess if I started turning people into ice cubes there would definitely be some people out there looking for me. Dr. Snow laughed.

“That is for sure. We’re not asking you guys to decide if you want to take the hero path right here and now either, but you and Seohyun both will be doing a lot of work this year to simply get caught up to the Level One students. Not to even mention Level Zero standards yet.” Dr. Satoya chuckled.

“We’ve been telling you all for years that you’ve been going too easy on these kids,” he commented. “Taeyeon might be an exception for now, but that other zero should be out there knocking the socks off everyone with eyes.” He sighed.

I could tell Dr. Snow and Mrs. Devlin looked a little annoyed, but that didn't stop the dude from talking.

“Anyway, I’m here because Mr. Snow here wanted a second opinion and with Level Zeroes, we never take it lightly.” I nodded.

Okay… and what does that mean?

“He wanted to be a hundred percent sure in telling you this, which is quite understandable. Your ability is one we’ve never seen before. Denzel,” he urged. Dr. Snow nodded.

I held my breath.

“Yes Taeyeon. We’ve gone over your results multiple times and the two of us stayed up for hours last night researching.”

Ah, now that he mentioned it, he did look a little less prince-like today. He usually looked like the prince of any given fairy tale movie, but today it was like the prince’s rough older brother. He chuckled a little.

Oh- wait… did he- crap.

I totally forgot.

“Well thank you for that visualization, but we’ve come here to tell you that you don’t have an ice ability at all.”

“Huh,” I had to say aloud. “How?” That didn’t even make sense. “I literally froze that tea-”

“That you did,” Dr. Snow cut me off. “But you don’t have ice abilities; Jessica Jung does.” I had to laugh a little.

Okay? Then how the hell did I-

“You borrowed it.”

“Borrowed it,” I had to question. “Borrowed what? Her ability to freeze people solid? Yeah ri-”

“Precisely,” Dr. Snow said, cutting me off again. I-

Wait… what?

“Taeyeon we’re one hundred percent convinced that you have the ability to use and control other people’s powers.”


My mind was going a thousand miles a second but at the same time frozen in shock. If I was a robot I surely would have exploded with all this new information coming in.

I can do WHAT?

Holy SH-





DUN DUN DUN~ Taeyeon finally knows!!!

I think a training session is in store for our favorite clueless hero... :p


Let me know if you have any suggestions or criticisms of how I can do better, or just let me know what you want to see next! 


ps. I think I fiured out how to unbold the whole chapter (thankgoodness)

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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.