
Not Alone

Taeyeon POV




 I watched the guy on the mini platform quite literally go up in smoke and I seriously didn’t believe it. If I would’ve known anyone here I would’ve asked them to pinch me.

Of course I knew that powers and everything existed, I mean superheroes are on the news all the time, but I just never knew about places like this!

A whole school just for kids with powers? Gah… That was insane!

No wonder they had to keep it such a secret from the government… and apparently me. If they found out about a whole school of people with powers they would have a field day. I don’t know how they’ve kept this place a secret for so long, but I was more than excited to fi- I-

Omo. What the?

While I was taking a quick look around at all the other students I caught the stare of one in particular. At first I thought it was just one of those awkward moments when you accidentally lock eyes with a stranger so I looked away, but when I looked in that direction again I could see that that wasn’t the case.

Uhm… who is that and why is she staring right at me? I looked away and-

Oh god. It wasn’t just her though. There were two people right beside her looking at me too!

What the- Not only were they looking, but now they were walking… toward me too. Holy! They were getting closer and closer and- heol… They-

“Hi,” the tallest one said cheerfully. I quickly nodded, but I was still confused.

“Uh, hi,” I replied hesitantly.

Why would they all come up to me like this? There had to be plenty of other people in here to talk to, right? People that they actually knew?

“We couldn’t help but notice you were new so we wanted to come over and welcome you to Trinity High.”

Oh gosh, duh Taeng. That made complete sense.

They must be some kind of welcoming committee or something. I quickly looked at the other girl, who was pretty good looking, and then to the shortest of the three and- Oh?

Wasn’t she…?

Oh my, she totally was!

“I uh, saw what you did with the plants up there,” I said as I pointed to the mini stage. “That was really cool.” The girl grinned.

“Thanks, it was nothing though,” she said. I almost laughed.

Nothing? Was she serious?

Her power was probably the coolest one I’ve seen here so far… I mean I’ve only seen like four, but still!

If I could make plants grow and then move just by thinking about it I wouldn’t be the least bit mad about my power. That would be awesome!

When she was on the stage she took a small tree seed and then made it grow so big that I thought it was going to burst through the ceiling. Seriously, it had to be at least thirty feet high!

Gah, if that was ‘nothing’ I couldn’t wait to see the people that were ‘something.’

“My name is Sunny, this is Yuri and this is Sooyoung,” she said while pointing to everyone respectively. I nodded with each name to see if it could help me remember all of them better and-

“And this is Yoona,” the girl named Yuri added while pointing to the empty space beside her. I-

Wait, what? There were only three people here thou- OH my god.

That didn’t just happen.

 “Aw man~,” whined the girl that was materializing right in front of my eyes.

I… She… Holy crap. If I wouldn’t have been in such a shock I probably would’ve jumped back at least ten feet.

That… was… AMAZING!

“I thought I was safe because of the floor,” Yoona pouted. The one named Yuri smirked.

This girl… I just. She was invisible! She can turn invisible!

Wow… Sorry Sunny, this one totally wins.

 “I can still feel you under the floor dummy,” Yuri said before knocking on the paler girl’s forehead.


“Just stop and introduce yourself to our new friend, okay,” Sunny urged.

 “That really hurt you know~,” she whined while rubbing her forehead. “And to think I snuck all the way in here just to tell you guys about that girl in my grade… Ugh, my ability wasted yet again~,” she said dramatically before bowing a little. “My name is Yoona and I advise you to stay away from this one here. She- AHK- HA,” Yoona laughed as Yuri’s fist went right through her. “Who’s the dummy now?”

Oh my god. Wait… did that… It totally did.

Yuri and Yoona continued to go back and forth at each other, but I still couldn’t believe what I just saw.

This girl’s power was seriously awesome! Being able to become invisible is one thing, one totally amazing thing obviously, but being able to become intangible was a whole added degree of cool!  

Yuri’s fist went right through her… like RIGHT.

Heol, does that mean she can walk through walls and stuff too? I’d-

“Yah cut it out will you? The new girl doesn’t want to hear about which one of you is more stupid, okay,” Sunny sassed. “Ugh, I’m sorry about these two uh...uhm…  what was your name?”

“Oh no, it’s okay… really,” I insisted. I could watch people use their powers up close like this all day. It was so interesting to me! The only place I’ve ever seen it is on TV and in movies… and when my family broke the news to me of course, but still! It almost made me forget about my raging migraine too!


“My name is Kim Taeyeon and it’s my first time coming to a school like this… It’s amazing.” The tallest one smiled.

“Yeah, it is pretty cool huh,” Sooyoung laughed. The others were smiling now too and it felt nice. Maybe this place won’t be so weird after all. They seemed totally normal… despite the whole tree growing and turning invisible thing of course.

I was pretty worried about fitting in seeing as how I wasn’t that much of a people person at my old school and the fact that I literally just found out about all this, including my potential power, two days ago. I mean Hyo has been going to schools like this and practicing her power since she was in elementary school. She had no problem with it!

These four seemed really nice so far though. I definitely wouldn’t mind hanging around them more. Maybe they could even help me get used to… well everything about this place.


KWON YURI,” a shrill voice shouted from behind them, stopping Sooyoung mid-sentence.

Man that was actually really sharp though… If my head already wasn’t in migraine mode, that would’ve put it there for sure. I winced.

“Ugh,” Sooyoung groaned. “Speaking of cool…”

I didn’t understand what she was talking about at all, but I don’t think the comment was intended for me anyway.

Sooyoung moved a little bit away from Yuri to reveal the newly arriving girl behind her and holy crap was she pretty.

She legitimately looked like a doll… a rather angry doll now that I look at her a little closer.

“New girl, Stretch, Miracle Grow,” she mocked while looking at us. “You,” she directed toward Yoona in disgust.

Okay so this girl also seemed like a total . Her expression was sour and I totally take back what I said before. She might be pretty but her actions were definitely not.

“It’s nice to see you again too Jessica,” Sooyoung said obviously sarcastically. Jessica’s eyes rolled.

“Ugh, Yuri just come on. You’re next after this guy and then it’s me; I just looked at the list.” Yuri looked surprised.

“Oh really?” The one named Jessica hummed.

“You’ve spent enough time with your friends too,” she pouted somewhat cutely. “It’s my turn now.” Her eye lashes fluttered and I seriously didn’t know what was happening anymore.

Who was this girl?

Were they all friends or enemies because right now it seems like it could be either… One minute she’s calling them names and now she’s acting cute?

 “BLERRHG,” Yoona sounded as she pretended to throw up. Sooyoung and Sunny burst into laughter with her and Jessica took a deep breath. She didn’t say or do anything afterward though and I was so lost.

Were they friends and just playing with each other or did they honestly not get along? I mean this was America and Americans always seemed a little more… well, brisk than people from other countries. Her name was Jessica too which is a dead giveaway and woah!

Wait, what in the world? Suddenly it felt like it was ten degrees colder than it was and it was still getting colder. I could feel the hairs standing up on my arm and-

“Jessi stop,” said a huskier voice from behind Jessica. I couldn’t see much of the person, but I could tell that whoever it was had long dark hair. “You know we’re not supposed to use our powers like that.” Jessica blinked and just as quickly as it happened, the temperature seemed like it was warming back to normal.

Oh my god, wait. Don’t tell me this girl can control the weather or something because that’s gotta be the coolest power yet… Even if she is a total .

“Whatever,” Jessica sighed. “Yuri lets go.” She flipped her long blonde hair and started to walk away way too dramatically. I shook my head as the dark haired girl followed her off.

Whoever that was, was way too much for me. I really, really hoped she wasn’t in with this circle of friends… That might make me reconsider a few things about the whole ‘wanting to be friends’ thing.

“Sorry, I’ll talk to her,” Yuri apologized. “I better go before she starts the next ice age though.”

They all quickly said their goodbyes before Yuri took off in the direction of Jessica and her friend. Yoona left almost right after Yuri too saying something about having to get back to her grade’s evaluation room before anyone missed her? I don’t know, but that did totally remind me.

While these welcome committee people were still here I had a few questions.

First and foremost, what was all this ‘evaluation’ nonsense? People were getting put in different classes and ranks and I didn’t know what any of it meant! Hyoyeon being the great older sister that she was, of course didn’t explain a single thing to me either… other than what she’d do to me if my power was ‘dumb’ of course...

She was a huge help.




Thank you all for reading<3
I hope you enjoyed it!


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Kim_shaela05 #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.