
Not Alone

Sooyoung POV



“This school is so much nicer than the one that was in California,” Yuri commented as we sat down. I laughed.

“It better be. It took them a whole year to renovate this place. Do you know how long that is for us?”

Seriously, that was like forever in the normal world…

 “I know~, but it already feels nicer,” she grinned.

“Sunkyu Lee,” the announcer said loudly over everyone else’s chatter.

“I heard they-“

“Shht,” I said cutting her off. “There about to announce Sunny’s rank.” Yuri stopped talking and-

“Power Level Three, Class Three,” the man with the loud voice announced. “Thank you Miss Lee.”

I watched the girl on stage smile and I knew I couldn’t hide mine either.

“Assa~,” I cheered. “We’re in the same class again.”

“Congrats Soo,” Yuri said sarcastically as the announcer called another name to begin their evaluation. “Maybe this year you’ll actually confess to her like you’ve been planning for two years.” An immediate shock of horror shot through my body.

Me confess my feelings to Sunny?

“Yeah… we’ll see about that.”

Sunny soon rejoined our small group just as the next kid stepped on the tiny stage created for today’s evaluation.

“Oh? I’ve never seen him before,” she commented. I nodded. I don’t remember seeing him at the school in California either, but I also don’t recall seeing a lot of these people there.

Last year there were nine schools for students like us all throughout the world but now there are only three. One in London, one in China, and the one in New York… which is where we were of course.

The unofficial leaders of the Super Human Society decided that we shouldn’t be so spread out and unprotected in the tiny schools we were in since it was becoming more and more dangerous for us. So they took time to build three new state of the art schools for us all to be divided into over the past year.

Well I guess they didn’t technically build this school since it used to be an old college that shut down, but they did renovate it and added quite a few new things… including a pool that I have been dying to check out.

“Yeah there are going to be a bunch of kids we don’t know this year,” Yuri stated. “Like that girl back there.”

Huh? Could she be any less specific?

“Which one?” Yuri tilted her head to the side again but there were literally ten different girls it could be.

“All the way in the back… in the blue shirt.”


Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, I repeated in my head until I spotted- Oh!

“Yeah, you’re right. I haven’t seen her before either,” I said as I looked at the pale girl with dark black hair. Yuri grinned again and I knew there was something going on now.

Come to think of it, why did she point her out amongst all these other new kids? I mean she was kinda cute but- Omo! Was she someone famous’ daughter? I did hear something about Super-

“Why,” Sunny asked from beside me. “What’s that smirk for Kwon Yul?”

“Oh no reason,” she grinned. “I just found it surprising since I saw her come with Hyoyeon.”

Huh? Wh-what? That was it?

Dang, I got excited for nothing.

So what? She came with a senior, big deal.

Kim Hyoyeon was a really popu-

“Oh my god.” I froze, suddenly remembering. “You don’t think…”

“What? That the rumors of her having a secret little sister are true?” I nodded.

There had been a rumor for a couple years now that Kim Hyoyeon had a little sister with crazy powers, but no one had ever seen her.

I know it doesn’t sound like anything important, but Hyoyeon comes from a very powerful and very important family. She might only be a Level 2 super human, but her dad alone has saved so many of our lives that it was seriously impossible to think about life without him.

Her dad’s power was literally the power to turn other people’s abilities off.

Now it wouldn’t last forever and he couldn’t stop someone half way across the world from using their power, but if you were close enough to him you might as well be a regular, normal human.

He used to be on one of the most famous and powerful superhero teams back in the day and even though he doesn’t go and stop the corrupt super humans these days, he still helps all of us keep our secret powers just that; secret.

He created a technology in the shape of a bracelet, and sometimes other small wearable items, called an  Ability Restraining Apparatus or ARA for short that helped suppress our abilities.

The guy was a genius but couldn’t come up with a better name?


While wearing the bracelet it makes it so much harder if not impossible to use our abilities. It really helps the people who haven’t fully grasped their power keep it in check and it also helps the people, like me, who just honestly forget sometimes. I mean if a normal person saw me make my eyes bigger because I wanted to see something far away or maybe even stretch myself up a little higher to grab something off a top shelf they would have a cow… and probably have me arrested too since having super powers was kinda illegal.

I looked at the girl in the back corner once again and grinned.

“There’s only one way to find out.”



Thank you to everyone who subscribed, upvoted, and commented! It means a lot.
I'm glad you liked the first chapter and I hope this one is even better!



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Kim_shaela05 0 points #1
Kim_shaela05 #2
Am here again. Update please
zhenxiaobiiee #3
Chapter 16: I re-read this again after so many years.. im still hoping for it to be updated no matter how long it takes..
taenguucyeon #4
Chapter 16: My last comment was a year and a half ago. Just re-read the chapters today. Still hoping the author decides to continue this! This is seriously the most interesting snsd supernatural themed stories I’ve read. I hope you can update in conjunction with snsd’s 15th anniversary comeback <33
taenguucyeon #5
Chapter 16: I agree this is such a good story. I've visited every now and then in the past 2 years hoping the author finds the will to continue this exciting story.
Chapter 16: This is really a good story but sadly this was last updated 3 years ago i hope the author found it in her/himself to continue this story. This is really good to be honest.
Kim_shaela05 #7
Chapter 16: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
Kim_shaela05 #8
Chapter 13: Omo! I just realized something here after reading this thousand times already. (What's wrong with me? ^^')

What if taeyeon actually not biologically their daughter? What if she was actually adopted? Oh my God... That would make sense with her over powerful power.
Kim_shaela05 #9
Chapter 2: Helloooooooooooo where are you?????
dl-ghost #10
Chapter 16: hi author, i hope you're not dead. if you aren't, i hope you're in good health and can someday find the motivation to continue with this story, but know that you're health and happiness come first and foremost. if you really are dead, then i hope you'll rest in peace, though i don't know you. i'm sure you're pretty dope.