Chapter Two

Never Ending Love

IU awakens and stretches. She could feel herself smiling. Suddenly she stopped smiling. Was she smiling because of Kris? 

'Oh no! I'm falling for this guy that I really don't know!!!' IU groaned.

"IU! Time for breakfast!" Her mother's cheery voice called.

"Coming!" IU calls.

She quickly gets dressed, grabs her backpack, and heads toward the kitchen. There stood her mom making her favorite breakfast, korean pancakes.

"Yum! Thanks mom but I gotta catch the bus so can you save it till after school? Please?" IU pleads as she eyes the clock.

"Ok. Well have a great day at school!" Her mom says.

"Kay, thanks mom. Sarranghae!" IU calls as she dashes out the door.

As soon as she was outside, something stopped her. She peers over at her next door neighbor. Kris closes the door and heads toward the bus stop. Her eyes widened.

"Kris?" IU says out loud with out thinking.

Kris stops in his tracks and turns shocked to see IU.

"What are you doing here?" They ask each other in unison.

IU blushes. Kris laughs. She didn't intend to ask him the same time he asks her.

"I'll answer first." Kris says breaking the awkward silence. "I live here. And you?"

IU's eyes widen. 

"I live here too!" IU says.

IU pinks. She did not mean to sound that excited. 

"Come on! Lets sit in the bus together or we'll miss the bus!" Kris said.

IU and Kris hurry toward the bus.

"After you." He says.

Once they get in, IU searches for a seat and sits down once she found an empty seat. She scoots as close as she can to the window. 

"Thanks." Kris says as he takes his seat.


The bus stops in front of the school building. 

"Well I'll see you in class!" Says Kris as he hurries off toward the Exo-m Boys.

"Yeah okay!" IU calls. 

As she turns she finds herself grinning. It may seem like a small moment but it was a big moment to her. 

Hyo Ri spies on Kris and IU aparting.

'Perfect! Now here's my chance to ask Kris oppa out!' Hyo Ri says to herself.


As IU enters the building, she goes and looks for her locker. But she was interrupted when a strong hand grabs her wrist and pulls her into a janitor's closet.

"W..what do you want?!" IU shrieks looking around frantically trying to find the person that pulled her out.

The light turns on to reveal Xiumin.

"You do know that Hyo Ri is going to ask Kris out, right?" Xiumin asks in a hushed voice.

IU lies saying that she didn't know.

"Anyways, to prevent that I want you to stop Hyo Ri. Why? Because I've seen how Kris treats you and he doesn't treat other girls like this." Say Xiumin.

"What can I do?" Asked IU in a weak voice. "I'm just a weakling."

"Don't say that!" Xiumin snaps. "Anyways you can prevent it by asking Kris out first. Okay? Fighting!"  

Xiumin turns and leaves quickly rejoining the Exo-m Boys.

IU gulps. Why her?


"Kris oppa! I have something to ask you!" Hyo Ri calls.

Kris stops dead in his tracks and turns to become face to face with Kim Hyo Ri.

"Oppa. Will you go out with me?" Hyo Ri asks batting her eyelashes at him.

The crowd goes wild but settles down because it hadn't finished yet.

'What am I supposed to say?!?!?!?! I don't want to say yes or no and I don't want to say that I like her because I really dont!!!!!" Kris's mind goes wild.

Just then, Xiumin pushes IU in between them. The crowd starts asking each other why IU is in the middle of a proposal. 

"What are you doing here, ?" Hyo Ri asks then she quickly covers .

Did Hyo Ri just say the 'b' word?!

IU looks at Xiumin with hopeful eyes. Xiumin nods his head no and gives a signal to do it now.

IU takes a deep breath and asks,"W..Will you g...go out with m...m...." IU struggles to find the right words.

But Kris seemed to get the message.

"Will I go out with you?" He asks IU quietly.

IU nods. Kris felt over joyed! Did the newbie just ask Kris to go out with her? Yes! Yes! Yes! This was his way to get away from Hyo Ri  and get closer to IU! 

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kris says overjoyed as he scoops up IU.

IU pinks as he puts her down. IU looked relieved to get this over with, Kris was overjoyed, but Hyo Ri was jealous and angry!

'Since when did the newbie had the guts to ask the hottest guy out? Since when had she liked Kris? SINCE WHEN HAD KRIS LIKED IU?! When!!!!! It just doesn't make sense!' Hyo Ri screams.

With all these questions in her mind, Hyo Ri screamed with frustration. All the shuffling, the whispers, all the gossiping had stopped.

What happened to the Hyo Ri that could hold everything in?



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Chapter 11: Hyori is such an T_T
But Jieun is so brave!
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cute ERMIGURD I love it make plz
Chapter 9: how jerk hyori is -_-
update soon authornim~
Chapter 9: wtf hyori

LittLEpONNY #5
Chapter 9: wow!! kris " i will make you mine!!" so sweet.. ^_^
LittLEpONNY #6
Chapter 9: is it luhan hug iu??? suddenly my luhanU mode is awaken!!! nice update♥♥
Please update moreee
It's a good idea. So far... Update please authornim~
BangHimShipper #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;