Chapter Three

Never Ending Love

As Kris slowly awakens, he remembered the long day yesterday.

'Tee~hee. She's mine now and forever.' Kris smiled at the thought of that.

"Yo, hyung." Said a familiar voice, pulling him out of his precious thoughts.

Kris jumped into the air bumping his head on the bunk on top of him.

"Could you at least knock before you come in, Chen?!" Kris asked furious as he rubbed his head gingerly. 

Chen's face fell and he looked hurt.

"Your mom just said to wake you up so I did. You don't have to be so mad, Hyung!" Chen said sounding hurt.

Kris stopped rubbing his head and looked at Chen. Kris could obviously read his expression. He was jealous that IU had asked Kris out not Chen. Kris suddenly felt guilty for hurting . He wouldn't want their group to split.

"Hey, dude. I'm sorry. It's just that I was thinking of something I didn't want to interrupted by anyone. That's why I was so furious. I didn't know I was that harsh." Kris said trying to make eye contact with Chen.

"Its ok." Chen said. "But lets hurry to school. I want to know what happened to Hyo Ri after what happened yesterday."

"Okay. First let me change, eat breakfast, then we'll catch the bus. Okay?" Kris asks.

"You got it bro! But before we catch the bus, don't we have to pick up your girlfriend?" Chen asks.

"Right." Kris smiled.

Even though he's young, Chen never forgets about girls. Kris smiles and does 'the handshake', is what they called it, with Chen.


IU kisses her mom goodbye and heads out the door. There stood two handsome men waiting for her. She recognized them right away. Kris and Chen. IU smiles as she walks toward them. 

"Ready to go to school and have a long hard day at school?" IU asks.

Chen looked scared.

"We have a long hard day ahead of us?! Cuz I didn't see that written in my calendar!" Chen says in a shrilly voice.

IU and Kris both laughed.


The school bus screeched to a halt. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors tumbled out of the school bus. They spotted Hyo Ri talking with her girlfriends. When she caught sight of them, she hurried away.

"What's up with her?" Chen asks raising an eyebrow.

"I really don't know and I really don't care." Said Kris as he put his arm around Chen and IU. "Cuz I have IU."

IU pinked. Even the tip of her ears turned bright red. Then suddenly IU stopped and her nose wrinkled. She sniffed the air twice.

'Damn! She is cute! Stop it Kris. You barely know her.' Kris thought as he glanced at IU.

"Uhhh... Kris oppa?" IU called.

Kris and Chen stopped dead in their tracks. Kris swiveled around. Did IU just call her oppa?

"D..did you just call me oppa?" Kris asked shocked.

IU pinked and just realized that she called him oppa.

"S....s...sorry." IU stuttered.

"No, no! It's fine. You can call me me oppa. I was just wondering if I misheard you." Kris said embarrassed. "Ahem. Anyways as you were saying?"

"O...oh. I don't know if I should say this or not." IU said not making eye contact with Kris.

"You can tell me. It's fine." Kris said curious about what she had to say.

Her nose wrinkled and she said,"Uhhh... kinda smell." 

IU pinked again. Chen started to burst laughing. Kris started smelling himself.

"I know right? I was wondering where that smell from. And it was you hyung!!" Chen says as he wipes a tear away from laughing so hard.

'Damn it! These are my dance practice clothes! What was I thinking this morning?!' Kris says under her breath. 'And now I made myself look stupid in front IU!'

"It's ok. I just thought you'd like to know." IU says embarrassed.

"Well, I guess I'll need to ask the nurse for some new clothes." Kris says still sniffing himself.

"Thanks for telling me. I wouldn't want to ruin my first impression in front of you." Kris whispers in her ear.

IU pinked.

"Well I guess I'll go to class now. See you in class. Sorry." IU says quickly and hurries away.


When IU arrived at her classroom door, there was someone that was waiting for her. Someone that despised her very much. Someone that she didn't want to deal with. Yes... It was Kim. Hyo. Ri.

IU walked right past her but Hyo Ri stopped her.

"Who told you to go inside that classroom, idiot? Who told you to steal my man? Who told you to like Kris?" Asked Hyo Ri with a taunting voice that scared IU.

Before IU could answer, Hyo Ri slapped hard in the face. IU stumbled back and fell as IU touched her cheek where stung. A single tear trickled down IU's face. All her books fell out of her bag. Everyone around her laughed at her and said that she didn't belong here. No. IU's nightmare was coming true. She looked at Hyo Ri who just smirked.

But then a huge powerful voice yelled,"STOP! WHO'S MESSIN WITH MY GIRL?" 

Kris came through the crowd. s had told him about Hyo Ri's revenge.

"Kris oppa... How did you know?" Hyo Ri asked.

Kris was furious.

"You don't have the right to me oppa. You don't deserve it. You're just a girl who wants to act all popular and get everyone's attention. You were always bad to me, never good. Bad." Kris says furious.

Hyo Ri was shocked and said,"What? You.. You..."

Kris bent down and made IU stand on her feet.

Kris eyed Hyo Ri,"You hurt her again, it ain't gonna be pretty."

By now Hyo Ri's mascara was running down her cheeks. But Kris didn't care. His focus was on IU now. He was worried. Her cheek had started to swell. And she look like she was about to faint.

Hyo Ri was furious at IU.

'Why does that little wimp always get the attention?' 

Hyo Ri looked at her manager long and hard.

"Yes, ma'am?" Her manager questioned.

"Get it ready. Get it ready for tomorrow. I'm gonna deal with her alone and outside campus." Hyo Ri said.

Her manager eyed her with suspicion.

"No." Said her manager and turned and walked away.

Hyo Ri looked around to see if anyone was looking. Instead, they were all avoiding her.

'Why does this always happen to me?!' Hyo Ri cries in her mind.

Hyo Ri so badly wanted to know the answer but she didn't know. She screams in frustration. But this time, nobody looked surprised. They just walked past her as if she was a nobody.

"Why?!" Hyo Ri cries.




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Chapter 11: Hyori is such an T_T
But Jieun is so brave!
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cute ERMIGURD I love it make plz
Chapter 9: how jerk hyori is -_-
update soon authornim~
Chapter 9: wtf hyori

LittLEpONNY #5
Chapter 9: wow!! kris " i will make you mine!!" so sweet.. ^_^
LittLEpONNY #6
Chapter 9: is it luhan hug iu??? suddenly my luhanU mode is awaken!!! nice update♥♥
Please update moreee
It's a good idea. So far... Update please authornim~
BangHimShipper #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;