Chapter Five

Never Ending Love

Heavy rain drops plattered against IU's window. IU sighed and climbed out of bed slowly. IU looked at the clock. 6:50. 

"IU yah~! It's time for school! Get dressed quickly and don't forget your umberella! Or you'll be soaked~!" Her mother's singing voice came from the kitchen.

IU quickly got dressed into her fresh smelling uniform and dug around her room for her umberella.

"Umma! Have you seen my umberella?" IU called.

"I thought I put it by you alarm clock!" IU's mother replied.

IU quickly snatched her pink umberella and headed toward the kitchen.

"Come and your breakfast. I made your favorite pancakes." IU's mother said.

Her voice sounded like Rapunzel's stepmom and that freaked IU out a little. IU sat down and started stuffing her face with homemade korean pancakes.

"Mmmm. Hmmmm."IU closed her eyes as she chewed her delicious breakfast.

'Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo. Will she ever mind her manners?' Mrs. Lee thought jokingly but she was actually pleased that IU loved it.

"Okay umma. I'm going to school now! Bye! Sarreanghae!" IU called and slammed the door behind her. 

IU started rummaging through her purse looking for her umberella. IU undid the strap to the umberella and opened it up. As she closed the gate door, she a small sound of 'SPLAT'. IU turned to see if she was being followed but she found no one. 

'Must be my imagination.' IU thought as shook her head.

IU headed toward the direction of the school. She was half way there when she heard a piercing scream. IU quickly turned around alarmed. The scream happened to come from a driver who's car was spinning then flipped at least two times and landed upside down. The screaming had stopped. IU saw that the driver was a woman and she was bleeding as she rested her head on the steering wheel motionless. IU started to back away and dialed 119.

"Police! Police! Help there was a driver and her car flipped and now she's bleeding to death hurry and call the ambulance!! What? Oh where am I? Oh ummm I'm at Seoul Bridge Drive." IU listened intently and answered,"Yes, yes. Ok thank you but hurry!!"

IU paced back and forth hoping that the ambulance would come quickly. Suddenly there was the sounds of sirens wailing and honking at cars to get out of the way. A police car pulled up in front IU and started asking questions.

"Ok. Thank you for calling quickly. Oh and where do you live?" The police officer said.

"Oh my address is 74 Seoul Bridge Drive." IU replied.

The police nodded his thanks and got back into the police cruiser and drove away.

IU sighed and hoped that the woman would make it out alive. Suddenly she had a flashback of the night her father died. IU stopped and dropped her umberella with wide eyes. There was a younger version of her in the car with her father laughing and smiling as her father drove. His focus was on IU the whole time and didn't know that he crossed the line. There was a truck honking and there was her and her father screaming as they crashed into the truck.

She could remember there were rescue people shouting commands. The ambulance took her into a big stretcher and rushed her to the hospital.

When she awoke, she found herself sitting in the hospital bed. 

"Where's my father?" She asked quietly. 

The doctor's only answer was a solemn nod.

IU was now fully awake and started screaming for her father,"Daddy!!!!! Daddy! Where are you?! DADDY!!!!"

IU broke into a sob. The did her best to calm IU down.

"IU, honey, your father is dead..." The doctor said shuddering.

Then it hit her. 



Kris was walking down the road when he saw IU lay motionless on the sidewalk. 

'Is that IU? What in the world happened to her?!!' Kris thought worriedly. 

Kris ran over to IU and first checked her pulse. 

Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. 

'Good. She's still alive. Something must have caused to faint,' Kris thought. 

All of a sudden IU wakes up coughing and screaming.


Kris jumped from where he was sitting and let out a little yelp.

"IU! IU! Snap out of it! Please! Your scaring me!" Kris said as he shook IU awake.

IU opens her eyes as she starts sobbing.

"Why? Why? Why daddy? Why?" IU says in between the sobs.

"Shhhhh. It's ok. Please just snap out of it," Kris says soothingly.

IU looks up into Kris's eyes and asks," Why Kris? Why? Why did my father have to die?"

 Kris was speechless as he was in shock. 

"You know, I've had that same experience. My father also died because of a fight he got involved in. He got hit in the head by the gang that was against him. I miss him the same way you miss you dad you know," Kris said quietly. 

IU stops crying and stares at Kris.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. But at least we understand each other. Right?"

Kris smiles and nods.











Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting for the update. Just couldn't find the time to write. Sorry again!

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Chapter 11: Hyori is such an T_T
But Jieun is so brave!
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cute ERMIGURD I love it make plz
Chapter 9: how jerk hyori is -_-
update soon authornim~
Chapter 9: wtf hyori

LittLEpONNY #5
Chapter 9: wow!! kris " i will make you mine!!" so sweet.. ^_^
LittLEpONNY #6
Chapter 9: is it luhan hug iu??? suddenly my luhanU mode is awaken!!! nice update♥♥
Please update moreee
It's a good idea. So far... Update please authornim~
BangHimShipper #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;