Chapter Four

Never Ending Love

Kris walked over to the music player and turned it off.

"Ok guys, we'll stop here for today." Kris said warily.

All members collapsed onto the wooden floor. And started to argue about the water. Kris sighed as he saw s wrestle each other trying to to get the water first.

"No! It was my turn Xiumin. So why did you take the water out of my hands?" Chen wailed loudly.

"Ok guys! Stop and that's enough complaining Chen. Get ready for school or we'll be late." Kris says as he eyes every single member.


Once Kris steps on school grounds, Hyo Ri comes out of nowhere and starts drooling all over him.

"Oh my gosh oppa! You were always hot but now your even hotter! Oh my gosh oppa! Will you go out with pretty please?" Hyo Ri asks batting her eyelashes. 

'Why is she like that?! I mean like she's acting like a physco!' Kris looks at her as if he didn't know who this person was. 

"Do you seriously don't know why I like IU better than you??" Kris asks impatiently.

Hyo Ri stops and looks as if someone had just slapped her. A single tear trickles down at the corner of her right eye.

"Yes! Yes I really don't know! I'm not as smart as you or IU! Do you know how hard my life has been?! When I was a child, everyone made fun of me because I was that dumb! You probably don't know what I'm talking about because you never had that experience. I was bullied, I was child abused when I didn't do anything,  I was hiding for all those years! Why?! Because nobody accepted me, nobody understood me. What do you see in IU and not me??" By now, Hyo Ri was crying so hard that her mascara was starting to smear.

Kris just stood there had looked at Hyo Ri hard. He sighed and took out his handkerchief. He put in Hyo Ri's hand.

"Use it. I can't stand the way girls cry." Kris says without looking back.

Hyo Ri just stands there confused and sniffles as she looks at the hankerchief. She unfolds the white hankerchief and holds it up to her face. She closes her eyes and smiles as she deeply breaths in Kris's scent.


"Ummm. Kris?" Says a small voice behind Kris.

Kris turns and finds himself face to face with IU. He smiles relieved that IU found him after all that drama outside.

"Uhhh. Do you have a minute?" IU says staring hard at the ground blinking back small tears.

Kris was alarmed when he saw a single tear trickle down IU's cheek and immediately asks,"What happened? Did Hyo Ri hurt you again?! Man I'm gonna teach her not to mess w..."

"It's not that!" IU says quickly. "It's just about what I saw on the way to school." 

IU sniffles.

'Uh-oh. Did IU see all of what she wasn't supposed to see? Oh dang it!' Kris's thoughts went wild.

IU sighs and says,"I don't want to be your girlfriend unless Hyo Ri is over you. Other than that I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. And I've already hurt two people."

IU looks down and stares at her feet as she twiddles her thumbs.

"So I want to make a deal. If Hyo Ri is over you I'll date you but if Hyo Ri still likes you and is willing to do anything to get you back, then you have to go to Hyo Ri and give up on me." IU says slowly.

Kris couldn't believe his ears. Was she asking him to break up with her because of that little brat? Kris sighs. He couldn't do anything because this was IU. She's a woman and he's a man.

"Ok. Then I'll also make a deal. Once Hyo Ri goes to another guy, will you still stay by me and like me just the way you like me right now?" Kris asks trying to hold in the pain.

IU freezes. She looks up and make eye contact with Kris. Kris stared deeply into IU's beautiful, round eyes. Her eyes showed that she was sincere and told Kris that IU doesn't want to do this.

"Yes. I'll stay by your side as long as you stay by mine." IU said sincerely.

Kris smiles in relief.

'You are mine. And I will stay by your side forever and ever.' Kris says lost in his thoughts.


"Yo Kris hyung!" Called Xiumin.

Kris jerked his head up to find who interrupted him. When he turns, he finds the Exo-m Boys walking towards them.

"What do want now?" Kris said annoyed.

"What are you doing there? You just missed first period and Mrs. Jung like literally freaked." Lay says in a matter-of-fact voice.

'Damn it! Boss is gonna kill me once he hears the I skipped classes. Oh what am I to do?' Kris says pacing back and forth.

"Yo hyung! Chill. You're going overboard with yourself." Chen says.

"Yeah in fact I am going crazy. First on the way to school, IU sees my conversation with Hyo Ri and sees Hyo Ri crying. Then IU declares that she's not going to date me unless Hyo Ri is over me and is with another guy. And until then, I have to stay with Hyo Ri once she's over me!" Kris says out of breath by the time he finishes.

"No offense hyung but you have such a sad life. I mean like face it. Two girls are after you and you don't know what to do." Chen says.

All the Exo-m Boys nod their heads in agreement.

Kris sighs and says,"You can say that again. My life is a mess."








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Chapter 11: Hyori is such an T_T
But Jieun is so brave!
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cute ERMIGURD I love it make plz
Chapter 9: how jerk hyori is -_-
update soon authornim~
Chapter 9: wtf hyori

LittLEpONNY #5
Chapter 9: wow!! kris " i will make you mine!!" so sweet.. ^_^
LittLEpONNY #6
Chapter 9: is it luhan hug iu??? suddenly my luhanU mode is awaken!!! nice update♥♥
Please update moreee
It's a good idea. So far... Update please authornim~
BangHimShipper #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;