Chapter Seven

Never Ending Love

"Yo Kris!" Chen calls, "Why didn't y...." 

Chen stops when he sees Kris turn with his arm wrapped around IU.

"What? Oh I had some business to take care of." Kris says smirking when he sees Chen's face.

"W...w....w....wait! B....b...but why is she??" Chen stumbles as he points at IU. 

IU blushes. Kris looks at her and she nods in approval.

"Chen, didn't you hear from the boys? I asked her out yesterday. Surely you didn't miss out, did you?" Kris says.

Chen's face drops.

"So you guys are going out now?" Chen asks looking at his feet.

'Well, I'm not surprised. Now I kinda feel bad for the little guy. I mean like you know, maybe I should apologize?' Kris thinks hard.

"Look buddy, I know you love g...." Kris didn't have a chance to finish. 

Chen looks up a wide grin and bright eyes and says,"Congrats hyung!!! Now we're even square!"

Kris and IU stands still confused.

"Did you know that Hyo Ri asked me out yesterday? Hm? Hm? Hm? I said no at first but then she burst into tears. So I had to say yes!" Chen says jumping up and down.

Chen walks away when the boys show up. As he went over to the group he was still shaking his head laughing.

Kris's heart over joys and he responds by kissing IU in front of everybody.

'Oh not again! Especially in front of a crowd!' IU says as she pinked.

"Ooooooooooo!" The crowd went wild.


"Kris! Why didn't you come to school?!" Mrs. Jung says disapprovingly,"You're gonna get some span..." 

Mrs. Jung stops dead when she sees IU come in with Kris.

"IU? Oh god please don't make me get you involved? Can I please have an explanation?" Mrs. Jung says as she covers her face with her hands.

IU looks down guiltily and explains everything from beginning to end. She explains about the car accident and how she had the flashback. She tells Mrs. Jung about how Kris was on his way to school but decided not when he saw IU laying on the floor unconscious. IU leaves out the part about the kiss and the deal breaking conversation.

Mrs. Jung's eyes were full of confusion and pain. She didn't want Kris's grades to lower for skipping school but she didn't want to give IU a punishment after she's heard about the flashback, the night her father passed away.

Mrs. Jung sighs and says two thing,"I will let you pass this one time. No more chances next time."

Even though she didn't really mean that. Like seriously, these two kids are brilliant kids and she didn't want to hurt them or their future or their family. They were too precious to throw away and leave out.

Mrs. Jung looks up to see IU and Kris waiting silently to see if Mrs. Jung had anything else to say.

"You may go to your seats." Mrs. Jung says.

They both turn and make their way through the aisles to reach their seats.


The bell rings and there's a lot of pushing and drama going on outside.

IU squeezes her way through the jumbled mess to get to her locker. IU quickly opens her locker and grabs her lunch.

"Hey IU! Over here! Kris told me to save you a spot in between us! Come on!" Chen calls waving her over.

Just as she reached the lunch table where the Exo-m boys were, Kris popped up out of nowhere. They sit down side by side and start digging into their lunch, curios what they have.

IU has kimbap while Kris has mandu.

'YES! The kimbap comes to save the day!' IU thought dreamily.

Kris interrupts her thoughts by saying,"You thinking about me?"

IU blushes and hits him lightly on the arm and says,"Who says so?"

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Chapter 11: Hyori is such an T_T
But Jieun is so brave!
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 9: Cute ERMIGURD I love it make plz
Chapter 9: how jerk hyori is -_-
update soon authornim~
Chapter 9: wtf hyori

LittLEpONNY #5
Chapter 9: wow!! kris " i will make you mine!!" so sweet.. ^_^
LittLEpONNY #6
Chapter 9: is it luhan hug iu??? suddenly my luhanU mode is awaken!!! nice update♥♥
Please update moreee
It's a good idea. So far... Update please authornim~
BangHimShipper #9
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;