
King Of Players



By JunhyungsB2UTY
*Sehun's POV*
Gah, meeting Luhan was amazing! He was with his friends but i didn't see his girlfriend.. (thank god!) I've been having Dongwoon stay over and keep me company but i've decided i want someone cuter, shorter. I like feeling tall i guess, Luhan makes me feel tall and he's the cutest. 
"Is something the matter Luhannie?" Dongwoon said, peering over at me.
", no.." i give up and call my dad in my room. I could just say to Dongwoon, 'get out, i'm bored of you',but he's like, my -friend. You know? Plus i'm a lot less heartless now because of Luhan..
"-YAH! Have you been listening to me?" sighed my probably tired dad. I tried to recall what he said.
"um, aniyo sorry appa." i said truthfully.
-huffs-"It's alright. I said Yoseob and Hyunseung are unavailable at the moment. Junhyung and Doojoon are free though." i processed this new information. I really wanted someone cute, thin and less manly, like Luhan. Oh, and short. Wait..having the opposite of Luhan will help me forget him, won't it?
"Send me Junhyung appa." i smiled to myself once again, praying that Junhyung will help me to forget about my feelings for Luhan. I chilled with Dongwoon for a while longer and made out with him, not really getting much since i was so caught up in my thoughts of Luhan.. and our current relationship. just isn't the same without love. It's like..having a cold Hot chocolate. It's not called 'hot' chocolate for nothing. Yeah, it looks the same but it doesn't feel the same, doesn't give you that feeling in your chest and doesn't make you want more for the right reason. 
-groowwl- , i'm STILL hungry?!
[3:40am, Sunday.]
To: Luhan~
From: Sehun
 I'm hungry still...
Don't ask. I felt like texting Luhannie while he's probably asleep. Luhan's tastes the best...He definitely tastes delicious, obviously, but his food actually fills me up! I've had 4 meals and i'm still not full. (my isn't any bigger either -sigh-)
"I WANT LUHAN!!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. that felt good to get that out.
"Um, mian..i'm not Luhan but you can call me that if you want." Smirked a handsome boy with some y lips. Right, Junhyung.
"aha..awkward." i smiled. "i'm Sehun. Your Junhyung right?" 
Junhyung nodded and he sat next me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and his hand rested across my chest. It was much more comforting having someone comfort you to forget your feelings of desire for someone you can't have.
"I want you to know," Junhyung started as he looked at the wall across the room with a distance look, "that nomatter what, there is someone out there for you who loves you." i sniggered making Junhyung lift me onto his lap making me blush hard.
"It's true. Your handsome, y, dedicated,faithful...well.." Junhyung laughed quietly and i whacked him on the chest. 
"Yah! And i was actually thinking that you were also handsome, y and kind." i emphasised on the word 'kind' hinting that i'm considering taking it back. Junhyung slyly pulled me closer and leaned in for kiss with a smirk. I couldn't resist a face as tempting as that. Me and Junhyung had a tongue battle which i won and he squeezed my making me squeal. 
"I win." he stated in his voice,
"uugh. I hate you." i lied as i leaned in for another, more vigorous kiss. 
[7:13am, Sunday.]
After my fondue session with Junhyung, my new ringtone 'Bigbang - We Belong Together' began to play. Junhyung smirked at how the music fitted with our mood and the lyrics were exactly how i was feeling. I picked up my phone. 
"Yah, what?" i said down the phone. Junhyung made a 'your gonna die' face by pretending to strangle himself, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. I laughed. 
"Junhyung, stop it!" i hissed while laughing. 
"..erm, it's Luhan.." i froze. ! "Is it a bad time? I can phone ba-" i whacked Junhyung off the bed. 
"You kidding? Now's fine! What you up to? Have you ate? How's your girlfriend?" i gulped on that disgusting word. 
"W-woah Sehun, too many questions at once!" laughed Luhan making me blush and laugh as well. Junhyung was observing me over the rim of the bed. 
"ahaha~ sorry Luhan. Did you want to talk to me about something?" i waited anxiously as Luhan thought about what he wanted to say.
"Yeah, jut wanted to say i'm coming back early." i fell off the bed. Junhyung laughed and helped me up. 
"How early? And why?" i was panicking. What if he's outside now? I shoved some boxers on, Junhyung already had some on.
"Like at 9am or something. Is it wrong for me to come back now?" phew, he's not here yet. Oh..
"No no no no, it's just becuase i feel bad for your girlfriend. You don't have to come back just yet, your girl-"
"We broke up Sehun. I want to come back. I missed you." Luhan whispered the last part making me grin and Junhyung took the phone off me.
"JUN-" Junhyung started talking to Luhan with his hand on my forehead as i ran unsuccessfully forward, "hello~ I'm Junhyung, Sehun's friend, i just wanted to say that Sehun cares for you a lot and he really missed you. I'm starting to think he L-" that's more than enough said so i kicked Junhyung lightly on his private making him drop the phone into my hand, "Hey Luhan, sorry about that. I'm looking f-forward to seeing you soon...bye.." I hung up  before Luhan could say anything. I slumped down onto the floor and face palmed myself repetitively. 
"Sehun it-" began a soft voice.
"wae Junhyung?" i interrupted about to cry. Junhyung came over and wrapped his protective arms around me. I didn't have the will or energy to push him off so i nuzzled into his chest feeling much calmer.
"wae what Sehunnie?" Junhyung whispered close to my ear.
"why did you tell him? I mean, i'm happy you did because i wouldn't have the courage to, but that's because i don't want him to reject me. What if..-" i blubbered. 
Junhyung began to hold me tighter and rock me back and forth. Gosh i felt like such a baby.
"Don't ever say 'what if', always think positive. How could he reject you? Sehun, i'll be here with you when Luhan comes and i promise it'll go fine. Now sleep, you look like you could use some." Junhyung cradled me some more and i fell asleep straight away..
[10am, still Sunday.] 
I woke up lying in my bed and i've never really appreciated how warm and comfy it is~ i rested for a minute longer which was Actually five minutes. Why do i feel like i'm forgetting something..or someone? Oh yeah, Junnie. I washed up and got dressed and went around the house looking for Junhyung.
"Junnie~? are you in-" i stopped in my tracks as i saw Junhyung and Luhan sitting opposite each other with a cup of coffee each. Luhan looked at me with an unreadable expression then smiled.
"I'm home Sehunnie." He said cutely as he walked towards me and hugged me close. I smiled into his shoulder feeling light headed and murmured onto his neck,
"Welcome home Luhan."

A/N: Annyeong! :) <3

I'm really sorry my chapter was nowhere NEAR as long (or good) as my maknae's CutieButDorkyVirus. She'll be writing the next chappie as usual 'cuz we take it in turns for chapters. HWAITING HER CHAPTER~~!

Kai: Her chapters are better.

Junhyung: Shut up Kai, your just biased.

Kai: so are you cokey pokey.

unnie & maknae: SHUT UP AND BUY ME SOME;

Maknae: BUBBLE TEA'S!!


Zelo: i be in this fanfiction?

Unnie: sure~


Incase you don't know, I'm Unnie/Aish in CutieButDorkyVirus's chapters and she's Maknae/Vicky :) 


Comment & Subscribe if you like our FF and you would like more chapters~ =^~^=


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Chapter 18: i want half of my life back wheres mine and kris chapter at im still waiting im not getting any younger you know i like aishahs chapters better haha still so crule for making us readers wait for 3000 readers
Chapter 14: I hate being the youngest if things... Curse my age! Hehe morning im unnie. Guess what time I woke up this time! 1am.. TT.TT
pApErLaNtErN #3
Chapter 13: Omfg are you sure this story isn't meant to be called sugar cuz I am FREAKIN DYING OF SWEETNESS. It's so romantic and I can totally tell how they both feel for eachother. ^_^
I love this!
Chapter 13: Unnie add it!
pApErLaNtErN #5
Chapter 11: Uwaaaaaah the story is awesome, you must update, bits that made me laugh:
Taemin: "I want banana milk"
"At least I didn't cry"
I loved it
Chapter 4: OMO LOOOOL XD i didn't even read this part before but i LOVE it!!!!!❤❤❤❤
"Cheondung: Look who's here~~~!!!!! 
Unnie: Get out your not in the story! 
Cheondung: I bring guuuuuum!
Unnie: I LOVE YOU!"
Gahahahaha Cheondung and Maknae know me toooo well ^~^ :D ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: oooooh~ oKai D.Okai Maknae~~~ =^~^= ❤
The GIF is sooo cute! I was actually smiling on the countdown then smiled a whole lot more when i saw cuutiee Luhan~ ❤❤❤
Can't wait for your chappie update!! ❤❤❤❤
(lol unnie feeling weird commenting on our fanfic >\\\\<) *Mir walks in and does the dance for Kara-Mister and unni feels completely normal* kehe~ ❤
And greatjob , dongsaeng's Daebak. :D
Chapter 1: Innocent!!!!
Ooooo it's good! Update soon!