ViKai is 'history'

King Of Players


By JunhyungsB2UTY
A/N: heyyo readers~ mian, i haven't updated this or any of my fanfics in a while >.< me and my cutie co-Author dedicate this chapter to SayWhat ^^
*Sehun's POV*
"Should we go and crash Vicky and Kai's  date?" Luhan said as he looked at me. 
"Sure. Lets bring the guys too." i grinned back. 
"Haha lets go!" Luhan screamed. We ran up to all the boys' rooms telling them to hurry and get changed. 
I began jumping up and down whilst talking to Chen about me and Luhan finally becoming an object. I paused and looked up at none other than my boy wonder, Luhan who was looking at me with this seductive dazed expression. I excused myself as Chen nodded and ran off to search for Xiumin. i walked over to Luhan with a small smirk.
"What?" i said bluntly earning a whack on my arm. 
"." he smirked making me blush and the Krispy Lay couple turn around and gawped.
"Excuse me hyung?!" i said feeling small and vulnerable, mainly shocked. 
"Next time, as , i want to be Gotouda Aki and you can be Ueda Tomoharu from my favourite Manga, okay?" Kris and Lay walked out giggling and ran off while i was still trying to think what the hell he was thinking by saying something like that in front of Kris and Lay. What did he mean anyway? I've never heard of those characters before..
"..Which manga is that?" i asked, now curious. 
"Yah!? You don't know?" Luhan pretended to be really sad and i believed him so i begged him to forgive me for not knowing enough about him which made him laugh and i flicked his forehead moodily.
"Owwie! Mianhae Maknae~ the manga is Honto Yajuu, you should read it sometime." And with that, Luhan winked and ran off to jump in the car with the rest of the guys. I was left there, completely confused and wondering how on EARTH i ended up with such a cute, random and short boyfriend?
Chanyeol began by saying, "..Hey, is that-"
"ViKai date. Hoo Ha Ha!" Baekhyun said in a deep voice making us all laugh like dying hyenas. 
Kris hushed us all and we all knew the plan. 
a) 6 of us go into the restaurant with our caps low
b) 5 of us walk in casually, making sure ViKai don't see us yet
c) time it so both Vicky and Kai have some food (preferably drink) in their mouth and we all scare them by shouting our magic words.
"Anyone need the plan repeated?" Tao asked and we all shook our head apart from Xiumin who was too busy playing with Chen's hand. 
"Well, let's go~" whispered Suho eagerly as Luhan, Me, Kris and Lay followed him into the restaurant calmly with our caps pulled low. We sat scattered around the targeted couple. We kept our cool and didn't look at ViKai too much. Suho signalled for the other guys to come in and Kyungsoo (D.O), Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao, Xiumin and Chen walked in and walked in on Vicky and Kai from different sides of the room. We all stood up and started for ViKai. Me and Luhan grinned at eachother and we all timed it perfectly as we shouted, "VIKAI DATE ELIMINATED!!" 
Vicky spat her bubbletea all over Kai's face and new shirt...
Kai choked on a bit too much Pho soup that he had tried to gulp down...
Vicky was annoyed that she wasted her bubbletea of Kai's "mean face and cheap shirt"...
...Kai was hurt. Kai got angry. Kai got pissed. Kai was RAGING! 
D.O picked Vicky up and slung her over his shoulder as we all ran as fast as our skinny legs could take us back to our car. We got there before Kai, jumped in and then the laughter kicked in which was uncontrollable! 
"That was hilarious!" marvelled Tao as we all tried to stop laughing which only made us laugh more. 
"I know right?!" D.O cooed as flashbacks probably flooded his mind since we looked at eachother and we began laughing all over again.
"Who's idea was this? To crash ViKai's date?" asked a now much calmer Baekhyun.
"It was Sehun's idea!" smiled Lay as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. wasn't my idea! I looked to an upset Luhan. I began to protest, "Hey guys it wasn't my-" 
"Three cheers for Sehun~!" Xiumin's voice rang out as the 9 members cheered for me. I tried to tell them that it was actually Luhan's idea but no one was listening, the were too busy laughing about Kai's reaction and apologising to a crying Vicky. I tried smiling at Luhan but he turned his head away and looked out the window. I was not going to sleep well tonight.
We all got ready for bed and i finally explained to the boys that they should have credited Luhan on the idea to crash Vicky and Kai's date since it was Luhan's idea, not mine. Luhan had locked the door to the bedroom that i was supposed to be sleeping in with him. I tried asking around if anyone would share their room with me but of course;
Kris was with Kay,
Tao was with Suho,
Xiumin was with chen,
Baekhyun was with Chanyeol,
D.O was with Kai (Kai thought Vicky was in on the 'scare-Kai' task)
and finally, there was aishky, Aish and Vicky - the only girls that us boys know are cray and have an awesome friendship.
Aish and Vicky actually let me in, unlike the other members -.-' 
"There are only two beds hyung, but you can sleep on mine if you like" Vicky offered kindly. 
"Aw thank you Vicky~..but where will you sleep?" i replied concernedly. 
Vicky smiled, 
"Aish's bed~!" she got off her bed and jumped onto Aish's bed. 
"EH?! Where's Aish gunna sleep..? Wait, you guys aren't gunna share..-"
"Of course not!" Aishky said in unison. 
"I'm sleeping on the futon." Aish grinned and went to the low wooden sofa bed having a type of soft matress, called a futon. It looked cosy enough for Aish so i happily got ready for bed and snuggled in Vicky's soft bed. 
"Hyung." Vicky whispered as i opened my groggy eyes to see her peering down on me, holding her teddy close. 
"Get out." she said and gestured for me to sleep on Aish's empty bed where Vicky was sleeping before.
"Fair enough. This is your bed after all." i yawned and went into Aish's warm bed. 
"ahhhhhh~~" i snuggled further into the heated bed and fell back to sleep, wondering how Luhan is doing....
-11 am-
Opening my heavy eyes took a fair bit of effort but i managed it. I looked up and realised that i'm in aishky's room..and Luhan slept all alone. My poor hyung~ i'll go check-...oh. He locked me out last night. He should apologise to me first. I won't say sorry first Because i always apologise first, infact, i won't talk to Luhan until he at least talks to me first. 
A/N: i hope you enjoyed it, even if you only like it a bit lol. I will try harder with the next chapters! (i struggled with this chapter >_<)  Please feel free to COMMENT away, give feedback and stuff :) 
Maknae: Pretty please? *holds Junhyung out as a offer*
unnie: NOO!! *grabs Junhyung back and replace the offering with Kai*
D.O: NOOO!! *grabs Kai and replaces with bubble tea* 
maknae: FINALLY! *skips off with what she came for, her precious bubble tea*
Guys! Sehun is adorably handsome! Luhan is a total cutie pie! HUNHAN~! That is all.
=^~^= ♥
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Chapter 18: i want half of my life back wheres mine and kris chapter at im still waiting im not getting any younger you know i like aishahs chapters better haha still so crule for making us readers wait for 3000 readers
Chapter 14: I hate being the youngest if things... Curse my age! Hehe morning im unnie. Guess what time I woke up this time! 1am.. TT.TT
pApErLaNtErN #3
Chapter 13: Omfg are you sure this story isn't meant to be called sugar cuz I am FREAKIN DYING OF SWEETNESS. It's so romantic and I can totally tell how they both feel for eachother. ^_^
I love this!
Chapter 13: Unnie add it!
pApErLaNtErN #5
Chapter 11: Uwaaaaaah the story is awesome, you must update, bits that made me laugh:
Taemin: "I want banana milk"
"At least I didn't cry"
I loved it
Chapter 4: OMO LOOOOL XD i didn't even read this part before but i LOVE it!!!!!❤❤❤❤
"Cheondung: Look who's here~~~!!!!! 
Unnie: Get out your not in the story! 
Cheondung: I bring guuuuuum!
Unnie: I LOVE YOU!"
Gahahahaha Cheondung and Maknae know me toooo well ^~^ :D ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: oooooh~ oKai D.Okai Maknae~~~ =^~^= ❤
The GIF is sooo cute! I was actually smiling on the countdown then smiled a whole lot more when i saw cuutiee Luhan~ ❤❤❤
Can't wait for your chappie update!! ❤❤❤❤
(lol unnie feeling weird commenting on our fanfic >\\\\<) *Mir walks in and does the dance for Kara-Mister and unni feels completely normal* kehe~ ❤
And greatjob , dongsaeng's Daebak. :D
Chapter 1: Innocent!!!!
Ooooo it's good! Update soon!