Day 2 of Break 2 more to go

King Of Players


* Luhan POV*
 I wake up to something heavy o my chest. I fully wake up and find Kai hugging me while he's sleeping. "Can this kid get any fatter now? He's the air out of me" I suddenly then notice his phone goes off. 
Oppa~~ wanna got to the amusement park? I miss you.
"Oh . He's screwed if Vicky finds out." I left his phone right where it was. I went and picked up my phone to check up on Sehun. 
-ring ring. Ring ring-
 Sehun: Oh yeah oh yeah. Right there Dongwoon. 
Luhan: Um...
Sehun: You're so close!
Luhan: SEHUN! What the hell!?
Sehun: Oh ehehehe sorry about that Lulu but that was Dongwoon giving me a back massage. My back been hurting lately. 
Luhan: oh... Do you need me to go back to work? 
Sehun: no it's alright go have fun with your girlfriend. 
Luhan: you sure? 
Sehun: yep. 
Luhan: okay thanks if you need me call me. Bye
I got dressed into some nice blue jeans with a black wife beater and a nice cardigan of a shade of purple. I walked into the kitchen to find Xiumin awake cooking breakfast with BaekHyun. "Hey princess had fun with Kai?" "Shut up Baek. I don't remember what happened... At all..." "Well everyone went to sleep and I saw Kai leave the house and he didn't come back until what seemed like 2:30 in the morning." Xiumin said serving breakfast. "Go call Kai out to eat" 
-With Kai and Luhan- 
All I heard was talking from inside my room "But you promise me scary oppa! It's our anniversary!" I heard a high pitch voice. "I'm sorry. But please keep your voice down I don't want to get caught." "Ugh fine. Just promise me that you'll see me." "Yeah yeah bye" I waited for 2 minutes to walk in. "Kim Jongin wake up its time for breakfast." "Ugh five more minute please" "no" "pleasssse" *SLAAAP!* "ow what the hell!?" An angry Kai said while rubbing his . "Wake up. Hyung make us breakfast and we're going out so get ready." "Um okay but Hyung I gotta go to my family meeting at 12..." "Okay. Ill get something for you. But your lost TaeMin is coming along too with Maknae (Vicky) " "Oh... Okay" Kai went into the bathroom. That jerk I can't believe that he would cheat. Stupid kid. I'm so bored. -SHINee Love Like Oxygen- 
Aish: Goodmorning Prince Lulu! How's your morning going? Miss you. 
Luhan: Goodmorning Princess Aish! It's doing awesome now that I'm talking to you. I miss you too.
Aish: Are we still going to the beach or park today? I can't wait to see Xiumin and BaekHyun oppa! ^^
Luhan: Yep. TaeMin and Vicky are coming too. Imma see if Tao and Kris wanna come too. 
Aish: okay I gotta go oppa bye bye!! 
Luhan: bye! <3
I turn around to see a half covered wet Kai. I blushed and turned around. "Sorry I forgot that I was in your room." Kai said. "Eh oh well. Just do your thing. Then come out"
-down stairs -
"Baekhyun got you crackhead!" Xiumin screamed loudly while chasing a very special Chanyeol who was running around the kitchen with a strainer on his head and a wooden spoon in his hand. "STOP ALL YE LOSER AND FEED THY PRINCE AD PRINCESS OF BREAKFAST!" Chanyeol said while standing proudly with his mouth opening wide with Baekhyun locked in his arms. "I swear he's on something and why do I always gotta be the princess?" While Baekhyun said while trying to get out of the taller boys grip. "You're short, cute, beautiful voice, and crazy in bed." Chanyeol said while gripping the boy tighter and winking at him while te taller boy is kissing the shorter boy's head. "You idiot shut up." Baekhyun slapped the older boy blushing. "Awe look at the Breakfast Couple. Eggyeol and Bacon." Luhan said while snapping a picture. "This is too cute." Luhan said. Keep snapping pictures. "Get a room I'm here eatin you know. I don't want anything disturbing in my breakfast." Kai said dressed up in dark grey  jeans with plaid shirt. "Ayyyo what's upppp!!" "Hi everybody! We're here!" The cute couple Kris and Tao walked in hand-in-hand. "How is everyone today?" Tao said while taking a glass cup from the self. "Good until you came in..." Chanyeol said. "Jez get a room for yourself 'yeol." Baekhyun said eating. "Are you guys hungry?" Xiumin said while eating his breakfast. "Nah we're alright. We ate before coming here since we're always up early we decide to go to that new coffee shop next to that small flower shop" Kris said. "Well that's nice hyung but I got to go now its almost 12. Thanks for breakfast Xiumin." Kai said then left running. "That stupid jerk." Luhan said. "What's wrong Hyung?" Tao said. "Oh nothing. Just nothing..." I felt kinda lonely without Sehun. I can't hear his voice and I can't see him... Wait what the heck Luhan! You have a girlfriend already. You're not gay! Not gay not gay. "Hyung? Hyung? HYUNG!" "WHAT!? What happened!?" I said scared. "You zoned out on us." Tao said. "Are you alright? Do I need to bring you to the doctors?" Xiumin said while cleaning up the dishes. "No I'm alright. Let's get going to te park now. We don't have much time." "Okay let me get changed first then." Xiumin said and Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran too to get dressed. 
-4mins later-
"On the count of six everyone get into your car! 
Okay good lets get going." Kris said. 
-In car with Luhan, Xiumin, and Chanyeol-
-Love Like Oxygen-
Aish: Sorry Oppa can't come today got an exam practice today bye. 
Luhan: good luck. bye.
"I want my Bacoooon!" "Shut up Chanyeol. Last time you did this we caused traffic and it wasn't nice. When we got into trouble." Xiumin said. "Oh..." Chanyeol said then looked down to play with his IPod. I looked down at my phone hoping Sehun would call me saying that he misses me like how I miss him. It's hard to say that I'm falling in love with my boss... But I have a girlfriend... She don't deserve me. I rarely call her or text her now these days. It's just her who does that. "So what up with Kai these days? He's been sneaking out at night now. I know he wouldn't be visiting Maknae so what's up?" Xiumin said. "DAMN IT! THIS GAME IS CHEATING!" Chanyeol said about his game Angry Birds. "Umm I don't know." I lied I didn't want my friend to die... Yet. "Tell the truth." Xiumin said while looking for a parking spot. "Well... Umm... Umm... IThinkKaiIsCheatingAndIDontWantYouToKillHim." I said very fast hoping that a call from Sehun or someone would call now. "Wait what did you say I wasn't listening."I said IThinkKaiIsCheatingAndIDontWantHimToDie." I said once again. "You got to be kidding me Hyung. You may be talking fast but remember I'm a rapper and I heard all of that... It's not true is it?" Chanyeol stopped playin his game. "Oh look we're here!" I said running out of the car until I can see Kris, Tao, Baekhyun and two familiar people. "He should keep his mouth close around Tao and TaeMin if he was smart. He's just lucky I don't know where Kai is right now." Chanyeol said while Xiumin looks blank at what just happened. 
-At the amusement ticket stand- 
"Baekhyuuuun!!" "Crackie!!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran to eachother. I wish that was me and Sehun. I hope that happens when I come back. Xiumin and Kris are talking. TaeMin, Tao, and Vicky are talking and laughing. Poor girl if only she knew whats happening. 
-Exo History-
Luhan: Hello?
??: Ah! Luhan! How's break going?
Luhan: Oh it's good Sehun. What are you doing? 
Sehun: I'm out of the house right now enjoying time with a friend you?
Luhan: Same. Oh and thanks for the break. 
Sehun: You deserve it since you wanted time with your girlfriend. 
Luhan:[yeah girlfriend] haha yeah. Any ways I got to go. Bye
Sehun: Bye! 
-inside park- 
"I wanna go to the bumper cars!!!" Vicky and Chanyeol said pulling Kris and Tao. "Noooo. We gotta go and wait for the others." Kris said. "Ugh stop you kids." Tao said trying to eat his blue cotton candy that Kris bought for him. "Hyung! Let's got" TaeMin and Baekhyun said while pulling me with them. "Bumper caaaaars now!" Chanyeol said while Vicky just sits next to Tao eating cotton candy. "Let's go to the fast roller coaster." I said all happy running with Xiumin's hand. "Yay! Lets goo!" Xiumin said running. "Well guess I'm gonna go too." Baekhyun said. "You all go I'll wait here." Vicky said eatting Tao's cotton candy. "You sure?" TaeMin said. "Yep" "Okay then. Bye!" All of the boys left her sitting eatting cotton candy happy. 
-Roller coaster-
"O_____O OMG I THINK BREAKFAST IS COMJNG BACK UP!" Chanyeol screamed. "MY HAIR! I'M GETTING DIZZY!!" Baekhyun said. "CRAP! MY SHOE!" Tao scream. "I want some banana milk..." TaeMin said calmly. "I WANNA GET OFF! I WANNA GET OFF!!" Xiumin scream. "OH MOTHER OF DEERS THIS CRAP IS SCARY!"Luhan screamed. "WHOA! DON'T LOOK DOWN. DON'T LOOK DOWN. DON'T LOOK DOWN." Kris said to himself calmly but scared. "HYUNG I DON'T WANNA DIE!" I said screaming and hugging Xiumin's arm. 
-With Vicky-
She could hear all of their loud screams. She laughs silently. She then spots a familiar person. 
-Off Coaster-
"Hyung... Never again will i go on a roller coaster like that again. I see stars!" Tao said whining to Kris and Chanyeol. While getting his lost shoe back. "Your fault." Baekhyung said. "Shut up at lease I didn't cry" Tao said. "Man TaeMin didn't even flinch at this ride. All he did was say that he want banana milk. "Let's go back to Vicky. I bet you she heard you scream Baekhyun. Hahaha!" Kris said laughing. "You said to yourself to not look down." All of them laughing. "Hey wheres the kid? All of a sudden TaeMin's phone started to ring. "Hello?, Wait what!?, Hold up, stay there, Im coming" TaeMin said and ran away saying "Thanks for the fun talk later!" TaeMin said. "Okay that's weird." I said. "Anyway I'm hungry!!!" Luhan said rubbing his stomach. He saw a small familiar figure... "SEHUN!! SEHUN!!" I said screaming and running towards the boy. "Sehun I didn't know you were here!" I said happy and hugging him. "Oh hey Luhannie!" He said hugging back. I felt like it was heaven when he hugged me. "Who are you here with?" I asked. "I'm with my friend Dongwoon." Sehun said pulling the man. "Who are you here with?" Sehun said. "Oh I came with my friends too." I turned around. "Come here guys!" I scream towards the guys."This man here is Xiumin. Next one is Crackyeol or his real name Chanyeol right next to him is his boyfriend Baekhyun. Then these two are Kris and Tao. Kris is the blonde head and Tao is the black head." I said pointing. "Hi I'm Luhan's boss Oh Sehun!" He said smiling. "Hey isn't your dad-" "Oh well look at the time we gotta go before it gets too dark by Luhannie!" Sehun said. "Bye." Luhan said. "Let's go home I smell" Chanyeol said. "Did you just notice that?" Baekhyun said. "Shut up" Chanyeol said. 
Luhan: Hey is everything alright?
??: Yeah
Luhan: What's wrong with the kid? 
TaeMin: The idiot named Jongin
Luhan: oh did she tell you story?
TaeMin: yeah it took a hour to calm her down. She said she saw his faces with another girl and ended it. 
Luhan: ouch. Well I'll come over with flowers what's her favorite type?
TaeMin: It's alright just bring over 2bubbletea Avacado and chocolate. 
Luhan: okay ill see you later. ^^ 
-Xiumin's House-
"DIBS ON SHOWER!" I screamed and ran as fast as I could until I forgot a door was there and was locked. *Boom!* I hit the door hard with my body. "Damn stupid door. XIUMIN OPEN THE DOOR ALREADY!" I screamed. "We're in the back!" Chanyeol screamed. I walked in the back to find that Xiumin was holding a spare key. "I forgt my keys inside so yeah. Hehe." We all walked in. I walked into the bathroom to shower and get ready to visit Aish and then TaeMin. 
-after shower- 
I might see if I can stay over. 
Luhan: hey mind if I stay over?
TaeMin: sure. (:
Luhan: thanks 
I packed up my day clothes which was my Adidas jogging pants in black with some Nike black low cut shoe with a white shirt and my black Adidas jacket. I stuffed it in my tan MCM bag that Lay got for me. I dressed myself in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt with a bubble jacket since at night Korea is cold.  "Bye guys. I'm staying over at Minnie's house for the night. Text me if you need me." I said to the guys in the living room. I walked to Xiumin's room. "Hyung can I borrow your car for the day? Promise ill take care of it." I asked using ageyo. "Sure. I trust you. " Xiumin said while getting into his bed. "Thanks. Bye." I said. "Text me when you get to his house." "Okay." I then walked out and started the car. 
-Exo What Is Love-
Luhan: are you sleeping?
Sehun: no just got home from the fair. Keke. It was fun. 
Luhan: it was scary for the roller coaster. It was so fast!
Sehun: haha. That's what she said. 
Luhan: shut up. Anyways did you eat dinner yet?
Sehun: no I wanna going to eat some ramen. 
Luhan: No you should eat something that the cook can make you. 
Sehun: oh yeah I forgot about them haha. Imma ask for a big steak with mashpatato with lots gravy and lots and lots of Mac n Cheese. ^*^
Luhan: you're such a pig
Sehun: go to sleep. 
Luhan: can't I'm getting bubble tea for TaeMin and his cousin. 
Sehun: oh. Well dinner is ready bye! ^^
Luhan: bye
I drove to the nearest bubbletea shop and ordered a Avacado and chocolate bubble tea and a hot chocolate for me. "Thanks you" I said and bowed. Lucky no one was here. 
-Exo History-
Sehun: •picture of his dinner and him smiling• Look how yummy it looks!! ^^
Luhan: Get eating skinny
Sehun:•picture of him shoving food in his face• Yum
Luhan: hahaha. Stop that. Your gonna make me crash Xiumin's car. 
Sehun: •duck face• sorry then muster -diva tone-
Luhan: imma die soon because of this
Sehun : okay okay okay bye 
Luhan: bye 
-SuJu sorry sorry-
Luhan: I'm at TaeMin's
Xiumin: okay night
Luhan: night 
I came to a stop in front of a medium sized house... What can I say TaeMin's parents are hard working too but they are very rich  they don't spend it on things they don't need. Next thing you can hear a bunch of laughter conning from inside. I looked in the window. It was filled with 4 other boys. All looked like in their twenties. I knocked on the door. "Hey Luhan!" TaeMin said letting me in. "Who else is here?" I asked. "Oh well my friends dropped off and I guess they stayed too long that another friend comes and stay-" Taemin was cut offed "so we all decided to sleep here. Hi I'm Key." I stood there shocked that THE Key was infront of my face. "Haha. Did he scare you? Hi I'm JongHyun" I stood there still again. "Stop scaring the boy you idiots." A boy who was eating chicken then chocked on it. I rushed to help him. "Thanks for helping. Those idiots and the dummy would just stare at me. I'm Onew." "What's all that commotion down there?" I saw THE Minho. I stared at the famous song writer, fashion designer and famous athlete. "Haha don't be surprised to see us. We'll be here often. It's like our house. Minnie's parents don't care as long as you meet them and they like you a lot they'll give you a key and a room here." Key told me. "So what's your name?" Onew said. "We'll I'm Luhan TaeMin's and Vicky's friend" I said shy looking down blushing now I know I'm starting to lose interest in Aish. "Yeah we can tell." Jonghyun said while pointing to the bubble teas. "Those are like her drugs. They make her happy and crazy... But I don't know if they are strong enough to make her happy again." Minho said sad. Just then I notice something... Sehun and Vicky are both a lot alike. Bubble tea is their drug. "Bub Tea" *swosh* "oooooooh I want some" Vicky said out of breath with a swollen eyes from crying too much I guess. 
-Love Like Oxygen-
Aish: Luhan I think we should end it... I got too much stuff to worry about. I just found out that I have to study more. The school kicked up the exams date and question. The exams starts in a week and the questions are up to 350 and we only have 3hours to take the exams. I'm sorry. But still friends right?
Luhan: oh... Okay. Still friends but don't think I'll still cheer you on! ^^ study hard! If you keep studying hard and pass I might have to by you a life time supply of gum! 
Aish: okay! Thanks. ^^ bye
Luhan: Bye~~~
"Okay back to where we left of- hey where's the bubble tea?" I asked looking around. Finding the kid drinking it. "Oh my gosh oppa! BUBBLE TEAAAA! Jonghyungie oppa let's play dinosaurs! Rawr!" Vicky said screaming and playing with Jonghynn. "Who let her drink bubble tea this late!?" Key said mad. "But atleast she's not sad." Key said. 
-Exo History-
Sehun: *picture of a fat cat* my belly is full but I want thirds. 
Luhan: O.O you had seconds!? 
Sehun: yes? Is something wrong? 
Luhan: yes. Your a tiny kid and your eating that much! 
Sehun: eh itll all go to my . 
Luhan: Bubble tea. 
Sehun: I WANT SOME! Brb while I tell the cooks 
I looked at the 6. They all seemed like a family. Key and Minho the parents Onew and Jonghyun the two crazy uncles. Maknae and Taemin the siblings. One day me and Sehun will be like this. Wait what am I saying!? Jez this is gonna be a long crazy night. 
-luhan before bed 12am-
-exo history-
Luhan: night Sehun. Sweet dreams. *sleeping beauty picture*
Sehun: you too. *mulan picture*
"Great since maknae fou out let's just pray Kai isn't dead nor the girl..." Luhan said shaking his head. Luhan plugged in his iPod to the dock to play some smoothing songs to go asleep by. 
Sehun: I'm hungry still...
Authors Note 1
Vicky: Yay! BaekYeol is in here! ^^ who can love them!? 
Baekhyun: I sound like a drama queen in this story! 
Lay: Atlease you get somelines unlike others 
Vicky: Aye! Your too cute. You'll ruin the story like how Kai ruined my bias list in exo. 
Kai: nobody can beat me! 
Vicky: ... Actually my top 5 bias in the kpop world is Taemin, Sandeul, Zelo, Sehun and Tao oppa. And JJ Priject. *fans self with fan*
TaeMin: YEAH! I'm first! 
Vicky: I like Bubbletea more than you. 
Zelo: can I have a part? 
Vicky : *pinches cheeks* your too cute and tall. Ask unnie. 
Zelo: Yo! Aish lemme have a part in the next chapter. 
Aish: *busy chewing gum behind a bookshelf*
Miss A Suzy: Shut up people are trying to sleep here. 
Zelo: sorry noona. *ageyo*
Suzy: awe your too cute. Okay your off the hook. 
Sandeul: Where Baro? I miss him. 
Baro: Im here! Deulie! *runs toward him. 
Vicky: no nice this i getting out of control. Suho help!
Suho: Please stop 
Vicky: Thanks Key! ^^
Key: no problem. 
Kai: I'm bored!
vicky: go play jump rope with the oothers
Kai: too lazy *leans weight on Vicky *
vicky: can't.   Breath. Tao. Help me
Tao: too buzy poking Kris
End Of Author Note 1
Yes I did use out name in the story. Yes some facts in there was true about both author but another sad thing that has happen is that Kai got pushed at the air port but fans. Pictures got out and it's really sad. All of the members faces but mostly Sehun's facial. It almost seem like he was about to cry along with Suho. Is it me or is it but Kai is getting hurt every month. Scary but I think it's starting to come true. I hope that he'll make it throughout with this crazy year. I hope he gets better. ^^
But Bye Bye While I Go Cry About That Because Im A Loser. 
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Chapter 18: i want half of my life back wheres mine and kris chapter at im still waiting im not getting any younger you know i like aishahs chapters better haha still so crule for making us readers wait for 3000 readers
Chapter 14: I hate being the youngest if things... Curse my age! Hehe morning im unnie. Guess what time I woke up this time! 1am.. TT.TT
pApErLaNtErN #3
Chapter 13: Omfg are you sure this story isn't meant to be called sugar cuz I am FREAKIN DYING OF SWEETNESS. It's so romantic and I can totally tell how they both feel for eachother. ^_^
I love this!
Chapter 13: Unnie add it!
pApErLaNtErN #5
Chapter 11: Uwaaaaaah the story is awesome, you must update, bits that made me laugh:
Taemin: "I want banana milk"
"At least I didn't cry"
I loved it
Chapter 4: OMO LOOOOL XD i didn't even read this part before but i LOVE it!!!!!❤❤❤❤
"Cheondung: Look who's here~~~!!!!! 
Unnie: Get out your not in the story! 
Cheondung: I bring guuuuuum!
Unnie: I LOVE YOU!"
Gahahahaha Cheondung and Maknae know me toooo well ^~^ :D ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 3: oooooh~ oKai D.Okai Maknae~~~ =^~^= ❤
The GIF is sooo cute! I was actually smiling on the countdown then smiled a whole lot more when i saw cuutiee Luhan~ ❤❤❤
Can't wait for your chappie update!! ❤❤❤❤
(lol unnie feeling weird commenting on our fanfic >\\\\<) *Mir walks in and does the dance for Kara-Mister and unni feels completely normal* kehe~ ❤
And greatjob , dongsaeng's Daebak. :D
Chapter 1: Innocent!!!!
Ooooo it's good! Update soon!