Without looking back, he sees the many paths of the future

Mea Maxima Culpa

A/N - A much shorter chapter, pft, compared to my like past 3000 worded ones. But, this one was just for some fluff. And yes. Next chapter is the last one ><

@ImaVIPbaby - I love you two *chu~* Pft but what did you want me to write? Doongie POV  "I looked at the front pew, Byunghee with his arms around Hyo Jin, Durami and Changsun with laced hands and next to Cheolyang sat ImaVIPbaby, watching the wedding with wide eyes and a huge smile." Lol. Big time. Haha oops, yeah, i forget. o.o You were never invited in the first place :p jokes~~~ XD

@T4kara - Super offload of fluff in the last few chapters~ Haha, i'm imagining melting chocolate right now~

@thunbii - waaah long comment! Love it!!! Haha, ah that's coz i finally got the rest of the chapters all written so i was super eager about uploading...and...well it was a rare early upload. Ah uni~ Still 45 mins sounds far away >< I don't know coz SG is super small and going anywhere takes like um half an hour max? Which i like. Hmm hmm, I'm studying bio~ You??? 

And it's okay~ It's pretty amazing that everyone here comments already so frequently >< So i'm already blessed that you guys still take the effort to write something, especially something this long! Yup~ Fluff and Sanghyun! They go well together!!!! Pft and yeah, the Sanghyun entry was such a typical doongie-troll moment. I can imagine him doing that in real life. And the DuramixJoon is somehow my new fave~ I can totally imagine them together. And i agree, most people don't write about Durami at all >< Which makes me sad coz she's a park sibling and all. Just because she isn't an idol doesn't mean she isn't important in their lives. In fact i read a fic where Durami was put on a lower pedestal than Dara to Doongie and somehow i kinda felt sad...So i decided to make her equally important here~ And still two more chapters to go!!!

@HanSang - Yeah! The minute i saw that comment and your words, i made a note of it. And here it is!!! Super fluffy marriage yes~~~ Haha and the others will get married in time. Haha, but you read my mind about naming the babies after Hello Baby XD It might not turn out exactly the same....buuuut you will see! Omo! You remembered Lauren's friend's name?! That's amazing! >< Whenever i rewatch Hello Baby, i don't dare watch the last ep coz it seriously had me in tears, and that is rare!!!! Ahhh DraMione is a good one. Have you ever read the Draco Triology? By Cassandra Clare. There's a lot of DraMione and HarMione in there, its a seriously good fic!!! Practically a triology set of books on its own. I worship that author by the way. (she's an actual author now >< AND AMAZING!!!) okay, freak moment over. Hmmm Blaise-Luna, wow, haven't heard of that one yet, but i don't read that many HP fics. 

@ainnurdoongie - Heehee, i was smiling as well. Who wouldn't with a fluffy marriage + Doongie's return! And my double update is here!!!

@cazz_96 - ^^ I feel the same!!!

@wookielove - Heehee thanks~ I wasn't sure whether Koreans have such a western wedding, but i went with it anyway. According to research i believe they can have western weddings, but some traditions are slightly different. Or then there's the full out Korean wedding...but i'm not that familiar with it. Anyhoo, it was fluffy. Nuff said!

Chapter 64 – Without looking back, he sees the many paths of the future 

Seungho POV

It looked like Sanghyun hadn’t had enough fun with teasing us that night because after the kiss and the congratulations and the piano song he gifted us with, he surprised us with yet another present: a honeymoon trip.

Now, we hadn’t planned one initially because the wedding was one thing and a holiday whilst knowing Sanghyun wasn't there an utterly different one, but Sanghyun pushed us.

“Go! Have fun.” He grinned as he shoved us into a car and loaded suitcases with it. How he had got those I had no idea, but Ji-eun just smiled secretively and I guessed those two would make for a scarily good surprise couple. “Take some time off.” And he shooed us away.

“Wait!” Dara called out from the open top car. “Remember?” and she showed me the flower bouquet still in her hand.

I blinked and then it clicked. The throwing part.

Dara sighed, knowing we had all completely forgotten in the excitement. But the moment she stood up with her back to everyone, a huge crowd converged behind her, all hoping to catch the bouquet.

“Are you ready?” she called out teasingly and there were loud cheers from behind her. And then in one swift movement she threw the bouquet and arced in the sky before falling down like a shooting star.

I didn’t see who caught it, but I heard the squeals of glee and the laughter and the congratulations to whoever did catch it. And then Sanghyun was pushing me back into the car and waving us goodbye, his eyes a silent glare to make sure I took care of Dara, and then we were gone.

“I can’t believe he did that for us.” Dara breathed, settling down after the hype of the evening and nestling into my shoulder. 

“I know.” I agreed with her. “He’s truly accepted it now, hasn’t he?”

“I don’t know.” Dara shook her head and grinned. “For all we know he’ll be watching us from behind a bush somewhere.” I laughed at that thought.

“Actually,” Dara said, a curious glint in her eye. “Where are we going?”

I look at the driver who glanced at us in the mirror. “Check the purple file.” He advised us and only then did I catch sight of said folder. I picked it up and spilled out the contents. And then I grinned.

“So?” Dara prompted me, leaning over to scan the words.



Cheondoong POV

“Why Italy?” Chae-rin asked me after I spilled the truth, everyone’s nagging finally getting to me.

Ji-eun told her. “I thought they would like to go elsewhere. Somewhere out of Asia. Plus, they’re less likely to be spotted if we go someone unusual.”

I rolled my eyes. “Ji-eun, you didn’t mention all the other research you did.”

She blushed. “Okay, well, I admit the tourism and food is good. But they wouldn’t want to be interrupted would they?” she smacked my shoulder with one hand. I gave her an impish grin and we walked outside.

The sky was a dark velvety blue already, the first stars just appearing. Ji-eun and I sat down outside the church watching people slowly leaving after the food had been eaten and the conversations stilled.

“Do you miss her?” Ji-eun asked me and I knew who she meant.

“I do.” I confessed. “But I know Dara-noona is beyond happy. And,” I looked down at her, white-washed under the moonlight and soft church lamps. “I have you now.”

Ji-eun’s smiled and her entire face lit up. “That you do.” She said as she scooted over to snuggle into me and my arm went around her waist.

“So,” she then said after a moment of silence and savoring the cool night air. “You put everything to rest?”

“I did. I made the amends I needed to make and I think I let go of all my demons.”

“So you won’t blame yourself anymore?”

I shook my head. “No more. I’ll stop regretting the past and focus on a better future.”

Ji-eun looked up at me with a huge grin. “Good. Because there’s a pretty bright future ahead for you.” And then she stood up and revealed her right hand which she had hidden and what she had been holding: the bouquet flowers.

My mouth fell open and she laughed at my expression. "You caught them?!" I said, more of a statement than a question. 

“My turn to get one up on you.” She said lightly and danced away.

I shook my head. She would always be one up on me. I stood up and complained as she wandered away. “Hey!” but she was running down the stony path, the flowers grasped firmly in one hand and her lilac dress swaying in the breeze.

I rushed after her, giving chase and quickly caught her with my longer legs. I bundled her into a hug and she protested as I pulled her down so that we both fell onto the soft, green grass of the hills. The flowers fell out of her hand to rest next to us and I held her close, feeling her heartbeat through my white shirt.

“Did you ever imagine it would end like this?” Ji-eun asked me quietly.

I spoke back equally hushed, feeling like the night air demanded reverence. “Never. But I’m glad it did turn out this way. Maybe it wasn’t a happy ending for everyone,” and I was thinking of Ji Young and Ji-yun and maybe even my father. “But we are a lot better off than we were a year ago. We’ve learned so much, changed so much.”

“Nothing is over yet. Things can still get better.” Ji-eun said. 

“Things could get worse.” I also said and Ji-eun acknowledged it.

“They could. But then from worse, you can always make it better.”

I looked at her, tucked under my chin and let out a sigh of contentment. “That we can.”

Ji-eun grinned. I could feel the movement against my skin. “That’s right, it’ll always be a ‘we’ from now on.”

I smirked. “So confident are we?” and then my hands ran down her waist to start tickling her. Ji-eun squeaked as I found her tickle zone and she wriggled, trying to get to my tickle zone and soon enough we were laughing hard and sweaty and panting.

And then we just lay side by side, catching our breaths and listening to each other. And even if one year ago I had never imagined this ending, I was happy with it. I was beyond blessed with this sort of ending; I had Ji-eun, I had happiness. What more would I want?

There were so many paths that I could have followed, so many ending that I could have walked to. I could’ve fallen in love with Ji-yun, I could’ve ended up alone. I could have even ended up with cold dirt and a grave for company. Instead, I had gotten this warm, bright future. In doing so, I guess I proved that even if fate twists and turns and it feels like you are in a dark tunnel with no way out, there is always the chance to achieve that happy ending. Everyone has the power to decide their own futures.

And even if the choices you make aren’t the right ones, there is always the future still looming ahead like an endlessly thick book. There are unblemished pages to write on; all you need is a pen and ink and the will to put things behind you and strive for a better day. 

That power, that will, is all that matters. That, and the ability to look forwards.

We both stared up at the dark sky and suddenly a blaze of white shot across the dark canvas.

"A shooting star!" Ji-eun gasped and pointed. She then turned to me and smiled. "Make a wish."

And I did. 

And no, I'm not telling.

A/N - >< Short i know, but hmmm it had some cute content~ Haha, yes yes I know i picked Italy. Gods, i actually had to go google 'good honeymoon spots' for this fic. Am i just glad my parents did walk in on me researching or else they would be worried like hell XD 

Tomorrow! Last chapter~~~~ Anticipate it!!!

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thunbii #1
Hi its been a long time! Suddenly I have an urge to re-read this masterpiece of yours. So opened your profile and looked at your other stories. I see that you've been writing yoonmin stories and I totally ship them. So after I'm done reading this I'm gonna read your other stories and maybe comment on them hehehe and lastly thank you for writing this story :)
Chapter 5: while reading cl's pov, suddenly i remember their if i were you song in their ceish album which cl compose. i've been a blackjack since day one and i've never seen cl give attention to any guy. i mean in a romantic way except teddy whp she said her ideal type. and now reading this chappy im like did cl has something to dara? ahahahaha forgive me for being delulu i just cant help it.
SeungHodaebak #3
Chapter 5: oh I thought CL loves cheondung and dara and she faced the same problem with dara XD
I'm wrong
SeungHodaebak #4
Chapter 2: new reader in 2014 here XD
why I just found this now TAT
maybe I'm going to comment every chapter here.
my comment for chap 1 : urgh, so many er for SeungxDara XDDD
Sweetboo #5
i totally agreed with everyone here. this story is increadible. it so increadible that it make's me wanna cry one moment, and scream and suprise or even yell just reading this. you should give your self around of apppluase for writing this. you totally did a tremendeous work.
Chapter 65: waw... amazing story...
make me crazy for finished read it...
_viviansantoso #7
You're a great writer! I cried omoo so sad
findhamarizka #8
Chapter 65: awesome story! really couldn't stop reading it because of all the mysteries, anyway, great fanfic!
Chapter 66: I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS STORY~ Everyone's lives were somehow connected and stuffff. IT WAS SO PLANNED OUT AND GENIUS~ LET MEE LOVEEE YOUU. ;D LOL. ♥
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