Guiltily, I sneak behind their backs

Mea Maxima Culpa

A/N - Singapore National Day today!!! Totally not being patriotic in any manner, so i'll dedicate this chapter to um Singapore. How does that sound?

@HanSang - Ack!!! Sigh, you really are a super crazy detailed reader >< After your last comment, I decided to write out a whole timeline to check everything and it fitted perfectly until you mentioned the 'Don't Go' release date was out of place....sigh.... so um let's just pretend that he recorded this early in 2010. Present time is 2010, around October now! After all, the entire 'minialbum' idea was completely fictional~ 

Ah, and you've got the song stuck in my head now as well!!! Sigh, Doongie love~

Thanks to wookielove for subscribing!!!! Woo~ Nearly at 20!

Chapter 20 – Guiltily, I sneak behind their backs


We all heard the sound of the door shutting silently.

“Is he out again?” Seungho asked wearily from the lower bunk of our shared room.

I looked out of the window to watch Cheondoong’s dark figure stroll down the street, dressed in a dark jumper to ward off the colder weather.

“Yeah. Off to see IU again I guess since he doesn’t do his afternoon jogs anymore.”

“Urgh.” Seungho groaned. “Why so late at night? Why can’t they meet like normal people for lunch?”

I stared at his retreating figure with a kind of sadness that my closest hyung couldn’t even talk to me. “Who knows?” I whispered.

Because I sure didn’t.


Chae-rin POV

“Home Sweet Home!” Bom cheered as I unlocked the door and we all stumbled in, dead tired from today’s schedule that had lasted till 2am. Coming home had taken another hour.

“I’m heading to bed.” Dara mumbled, staggering towards the room I shared with her. I watched her go with worried eyes. Since Cheondoong had come back he had been doing nothing but practice and sneak out at night, and we all watched whilst he grew thinner and thinner. And Dara had continued to worry.

Lost in my thoughts, I stumbled on the doorstep. And then all of a sudden, Dara screamed. 

“Dara!” I yelled and dashed around the corridor to see a dark figure smash through the window. I grabbed Dara who was white with shock and pulled her in close.

“What happened?” Minzy asked, skidding to a halt next to us. She took in the sight of broken glass and Dara’s pale face. Then she leaned out of the window, careful not to scratch herself and eyed the dark figure pelting its way down the street. “Damn!” she cursed.

“Who was it?” Dara whispered. “I couldn’t see his face, but it definitely looked like a male.”

I nodded to Bom, wide awake now, who took Dara in her arms. Then I opened our door and flicked on the lights. I was met with chaos.

Our clothes were scattered across the floor and wardrobes shoved aside, as if the strange figure had been looking for something. Even our mattresses were rumpled and the bathroom door open askew.

Then I pulled out my phone and dialed our manager. There was no way we were staying here any longer.


Cheondoong POV

I crept into the dorms, shaking my head like a dog to dislodge the water droplets from the drizzle outside. It was nearly 4am and I wasn’t expecting anyone to be awake.

So I was surprised to hear the sound of scraping chairs and muttered voices from the living room. I sneaked slowly down the hallway and peeked my head around the side, hoping to sneak past. But I was seen.

“Cheondoong!” came the voice of my noona. I blinked in surprise.

“Noona? Why are you here?”

She stood up and stared me down. Despite the fact she was tinnier than me, she looked fierce and imposing. “Why am I here? What are you doing sneaking in at 4am in the morning?!”

I scratched my head and tried not to wince at the movement.

“I was meeting…some…friends…” I managed to say.

Dara stared at me. “Look at me, Sanghyun and tell me the truth.”

Reluctantly, I did. Mostly because she used my real name which she only ever did when she was serious – and was shocked. My noona’s face was paler than usual, making her seem withdrawn and tired. Her dark brown hair stood out in stark contrast and her eyes were wide and wet, as if she had been crying recently.

“What happened, noona?” I asked, grabbing her frail arm and sitting her down. “Did something happen?” I checked her over. Other than looking pale, she seemed to be physically fine.

“Someone attacked the 2ne1 dorm.” Seungho explained as he entered the room with a cup of hot cocoa in his hand which he offered to noona. “So they’re staying here for the night.”

I choked. Someone had attacked the 2ne1 dorm?!

“Did they hurt you, noona?” I asked desperately. “You’re not injured right?”

“No.” she said softly. “I’m fine. But you look really thin, Sanghyun.”

“I’m fine.” I lied. “I’ve just not been eating much I guess.” More like nothing.

“Don’t lie to me, Sanghyun!” Dara yelled. Her loud voice brought out the other 2ne1 and mblaq members. They came sleepily, rubbing eyes and staring at the sight before them: one drenched, one pale and one panda-faced.

“Hyung?” Mir blinked at me. “Hyung! You're back!” he leaped forwards and grabbed me in a hard bear-hug.

“Ouch!” I hissed as his hands dug into my stomach. “Mir-“

“Hyung?” Mir let go immediately and he face turned ashen. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” I choked out, holding my stomach delicately.

“Sanghyun?” Dara took one step closer to me. “Are you okay?” she reached for my hand and I dodged it. She frowned. “Sanghyun?”

“Cheondoong.” Seungho said suddenly. “Give me your hand.”

Damn. “No.” I shook my head and edged away.

“Cheondoong!” his voice was laced with anger now. I froze. “Give me your hand.”

I gulped. And lifted my hand.

Seungho snatched it from the air and examined my crimson fingers. Silence reigned over the room as they saw the red droplets glisten on my fingertips.

“Is that…blood?” Mir whispered.

Seungho’s face darkened like a thundercloud. He took one angry step forwards and yanked off my hoodie and shirt, leaving me bare-chested in the cold room. I shivered. 

And then everyone drank in the sight of the dark, jagged wound on my chest.

Damn. Not good, I thought and gulped. 

A/N - Chapter wasn't really that exciting, probably a little predictable as well, but the story is gaining momentum. Comment and let me know what you think!


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thunbii #1
Hi its been a long time! Suddenly I have an urge to re-read this masterpiece of yours. So opened your profile and looked at your other stories. I see that you've been writing yoonmin stories and I totally ship them. So after I'm done reading this I'm gonna read your other stories and maybe comment on them hehehe and lastly thank you for writing this story :)
Chapter 5: while reading cl's pov, suddenly i remember their if i were you song in their ceish album which cl compose. i've been a blackjack since day one and i've never seen cl give attention to any guy. i mean in a romantic way except teddy whp she said her ideal type. and now reading this chappy im like did cl has something to dara? ahahahaha forgive me for being delulu i just cant help it.
SeungHodaebak #3
Chapter 5: oh I thought CL loves cheondung and dara and she faced the same problem with dara XD
I'm wrong
SeungHodaebak #4
Chapter 2: new reader in 2014 here XD
why I just found this now TAT
maybe I'm going to comment every chapter here.
my comment for chap 1 : urgh, so many er for SeungxDara XDDD
Sweetboo #5
i totally agreed with everyone here. this story is increadible. it so increadible that it make's me wanna cry one moment, and scream and suprise or even yell just reading this. you should give your self around of apppluase for writing this. you totally did a tremendeous work.
Chapter 65: waw... amazing story...
make me crazy for finished read it...
_viviansantoso #7
You're a great writer! I cried omoo so sad
findhamarizka #8
Chapter 65: awesome story! really couldn't stop reading it because of all the mysteries, anyway, great fanfic!
Chapter 66: I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS STORY~ Everyone's lives were somehow connected and stuffff. IT WAS SO PLANNED OUT AND GENIUS~ LET MEE LOVEEE YOUU. ;D LOL. ♥
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