Without looking back, he walks away

Mea Maxima Culpa

A/N - Okay, offically the total chapter count for the entire story is 65 + finale. In other words...we still have another 10 chapters to go. Woot~ I should finish probably just in time for my flight. After which...well i'll probably be taking a short hiatus. Buuuuut for now, just enjoy the last 'past' story! 

This chapter explains 'in my fictional world' why the Park family moved to the Philippines and why they moved back after. 

@thunbii - heeey, thanks for commenting! I missed you ^^ But i can understand the feeling, i'm prepping for uni as well. Starts in two weeks time >< Where are you going? I'm heading for chilly london (brrr, i think it was 15 degrees the last time i checked). And yay! Someone who likes Ji-yun~ I was hoping to create a bad character that everyone would hate at first and then like afterwards, and yay! I thought i didn't achieve it, buuuut you've proved elsewise. *hugs* Anyhoo, your answer will be here + the next chapter~ 

@wookielove - Yup, agreed. 

@HanSang - Ummm i think it was you coz somehow i remembered your name there. Ahh, but i have a really faint memory as well, so :p. And yeah, i wanted to portray how fate seems to control everything and everybody's actions loop around to affect one another. Each of them are pawns to fate, but at the same time they make their own choices, hence why they blame themselves so much. It's a biiiiig circle. And about Ji Young, i suppose that his choices were sinful, but a lot of people today are like that, aren't they? We see them on the news. They have bad pasts or bad moments, but it didn't have to define them as criminals or instigators of the same thing. Yet they do so. And Ji Young is exactly the same. So i guess you have to hate and pity him at the same time. Haha, and yeah about the parent and kid relationship ^^

@ainnurdoongie - hey sis, it's okay. I was a little sad when i didn't see a comment, but now i know. >< The same thing happened to me one and i was like...uh...what? Haha and you want me to stop hurting Doongie??? You, unnie??? *sharp look* 

@cazz_96 - haha oooo hot choco~~~ I'll come! Does it have a marshamallow with it? Coz i think it's a MUST with hot choco. And here's the update~

@T4kara - Haha don't worry. You and ainnur unnie are too similar! And about Ji Young, that's the point~

@ImaVIPbaby - oooo yeah, so y i know. I ran out of pics and so i went to tumblr to find more...and ended up with like twenty overly-y pics. Now i'm at a loss at which one to use. Yeah, my life is so hard, right ^^ Check out this chapter's one (just for you~)

Chapter 56 – Without looking back, he walks away  

Tae Hyun POV

Thirty years ago…

“Honey?” Ji Min stared as she watched her husband rush around the room, throwing clothes into suitcases and flying about the room. “Where are you going in a rush?”

“Yeah daddy?” Little Sandara clutched her mother’s loose pants and stared at her father who seemed to be possessed by the god of speediness. “Where are you going?”

Tae Hyun stopped his whirlwind activities to kneel down next to his daughter. “We’re moving.” He said simply.

Ji Min’s eyes flew wide open. “Sandara,” she interrupted whatever her daughter was about to say. “Go upstairs for a moment and check on Durami and Sanghyun please. Daddy and mommy need to talk.”

Eight year-old Sandara stared at the two of them with wide eyes but then nodded and silently went to her room.

“What is this all about?” Ji Min confronted Tae Hyun instantly. “Why the sudden need to move?”

“It’s because of me, isn’t it?” A dark voice drawled from the doorway. Both heads spun around to stare at Ji Young’s unexpected appearance. “Are you that scared of what I might do?” he said mockingly.

Tae Hyun stared at him. “I am scared by who you are right now.” He whispered. “And I will take no chances.”

“What is he talking about?” Ji Min demanded. “This is Ji Young!” She took one step towards him, but suddenly Tae Hyun’s hand s out and pulled her back. “Honey!” she yelped, scared by his sudden violence.

“He’s afraid I’ll make you fall in love with me.” Ji Young said in a slick voice. Ji Min stared at him; this was the young boy who had confessed to her over twenty years ago and then held her hand and smiled? No. This person was a stranger.

He lashed out and grabbed her wrist and in one swift movement, tugged her forwards roughly. Ji Min yelped as she fell into his arms and her nose wrinkled in disgust as the smell of tobacco and some undistinguishable filth.

“What happened to you?” she whispered, letting her fear become obvious in her eyes and her arms and her lips.

“Nothing, jagi.” Ji Young smirked and pulled out a cigarette. “I just grew up.”

Tae Hyun’s face darkened and he stepped forwards to snatch the cigarette right out of Ji Young’s hand, just before he could light it. “Don’t you dare light it! We have children here, did you forget?!”

Ji Young’s expression faltered for a moment as he realized what Tae Hyun meant and for a second, he looked like the caring god-father the two of them had named him as. But then he quickly recovered and the friend that the other two once knew slid away to be replaced by the face of the Syndicate leader.

“Come with me, Ji Min.” he held out one hand. “I can make you happier that Tae Hyun ever will.” His eyes stared into her. But they were the eyes of the Syndicate leader and not of the man Ji Min once loved as a brother. And so she refused.

“No Ji Young.” She said shortly and watched as pain filled his eyes and his hand dropped.

“Why?” he whispered.

“I have children. I have a husband. And I am happy here.”

Ji Young’s eyes grew hard and narrowed. “You’ll regret it.” He hissed. “Tae Hyun will never be the man for you and one day you’ll realize it. I can give you so much more.”

But Ji Min wasn’t having any of it. “I don’t think so.” She retorted.

Ji Young stared at her and for a moment JI Min thought he was going to hit her or scream and lose it or maybe both. She didn’t expect his lips to crush hers in a hard, unforgiving mockery of a kiss. It was like kissing glass – cold and unyielding. Ji Min froze.

And Tae Hyun punched Ji Young. “GET OFF MY WIFE!” he roared and shoved his once-brother away from his now-wife. As Ji Young staggered away, holding his reddening cheek, Tae Hyun pulled Ji Min’s frozen body towards him and gently wrapped her in his warmth.

“Shhhh,” he whispered to her. “I’m sorry.”

She nodded and gulped, holding back tears that threatened to rain.

Tae Hyun knew she was trying to be strong and so took his left thumb and lovingly wiped it against her lips, cleansing her of Ji Young’s toxic touch. He then bent down and kissed her the way she loved it so much: like she was made of roses that Tae Hyun loved the taste and feel of, but one he would never pluck for the selfish sake of taking home.

Whilst it calmed Ji Min down, it infuriated Ji Young.

He saw it as an act of war.

“ you, Tae Hyun.” He snarled, forcing the couple to break apart. For a moment, they had forgotten him once again and it served to light the fire inside his belly and fan his fury.

“Get out of here Ji Young.” Tae Hyun positioned himself between Ji Min and Ji Young. “Unless you can come back as the boy who was once our best friend, then don’t come back at all.”

Ji Young’s eyes glowered with a dark fire. “That boy is dead.”

“Then I don’t need to repeat myself, do I?”

Ji Young stared at Tae Hyun. “No…you don’t.” he finally said in a cold and hollow voice. It felt like the winter breeze passed over the room and all three of them shivered.

“I’ll leave.” He finally said. “But don’t think this will be the last time you’ll see me.”

It was such a dark promise that Tae Hyun found himself believing his once-best friend. Indeed, Ji Young had always been a man of his word. So Tae Hyun said nothing, knowing nothing would change his mind and watched as Ji Young stormed out of the room, leaving behind on unlit cigarette on the ground as a reminder that he would always be there, a spark ready to be ignited at the slightest provocation.

Present time…

“And so we moved to the Philippines shortly after under the pretense of setting up a new trading business. It was as good enough of a move and the three kids soon adapted.” I continued, remembering how much I hated the hot and humid country at first and despising Ji Young and myself and even Ji Min later for having to move. “I hated it. I missed Korea, I missed Seoul. I missed everything that the three of us had.”

Ji-eun said nothing. And to be honest, so lost in my thoughts I barely remembered that I was telling her this story and not just reliving the past that I regretted so much. Then she spoke. 

“Why do you sound like you regret it?” she said and broke into my stream of thoughts. Like emerging from cold water, I gasped for breath.

I frowned. “Why? Because what happened next was undeniably my fault. And therefore…the hurt that I inflicted on Ji Min, on Ji Young and most of all on my children was my entire fault.”

Around twenty years ago…

“Honey,” Ji Min stared at the warzone in her kitchen. Bottles slung on the table, on the floor and in his hand. The smell of booze filled the air and Ji Min wrinkled her nose in disgust. Her eyes, however, retained their constant love. “Stop drinking.”

Tae Hyun looked up at her blearily, his bloodshot eyes unfocused and indicating the excessive amount he had drunk. All in a day’s work. And Tae Hyun gave a rough snort.

“I mean it Tae Hyun.” Ji Min grabbed the bottle out of his hand and threw it into the bin. She then proceeded to wipe away the remaining mess. “Snap out of it. We have three kids to take care of and this is a bad example for them.”

The ‘three kids’ were at school, Sandara dutifully taking care of her two younger siblings whilst Ji Min took care of her husband.

“It was just today.” Tae Hyun groaned, feeling his head throb and the world spin dizzyingly.

Ji Min stared at him, one hand resting on her hip and sighed. “That’s what you said the last two times. Seriously, what happened?”

Tae Hyun groaned. He didn’t want to remember his failing business, his emptying bank account and most of all the continuous rain of threats. Somehow Ji Young still managed to trace him down, no matter how hard Tae Hyun covered their tracks. He was persistent, if nothing else.

“I gave you space the last two times, but enough is enough.” Ji Min said, her patience growing thin. She loved Tae Hyun, she did. But she couldn’t stand the secrets and his failing grip on reality. At the very least, she had to protect her children. “If you won’t tell me, then get out of here.”

“What?!” Tae Hyun’s head shot up.

“I’m serious.” And Ji Min’s eyes were. “Either clean up your act, or take a holiday break and sort it out. I won’t let our children get caught in…” her eyes darkened. “In our mess.”

“Our mess?!” Tae Hyun snarled, the alcohol taking control of his brain more than he would like to admit. “You mean your mess!”

“What do you mean by that?” Ji Min’s tone was clipped and controlled, with an icy breath over it.

And the words that Tae Hyun had held back for so long slipped out, the door oiled by beer and soju and as much as Tae Hyun tried to lean against the door and shove his thoughts back, those damn, incriminating, accusing words fell out. “What do you think I mean?” he snapped. “It’s all because of you that Ji Young’s been messing with my business.”

“What?!” Ji Min was shocked. This was news. Was this why Tae Hyun’s trade business wasn’t doing as well as they had predicted all those years ago. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

Tae Hyun staggered back and gripped the back of the chair for support. His mind reeled and he realized only just then what he had said. “I-I…”

“You’ve been hiding more secrets?” Ji Min screeched. “Since when did Ji Young find us?!”

“I-I didn’t say-“


Tae Hyun nodded quickly. 

Ji Min lowered her voice fractionally. “When did this start?” her tone was ice cold.

Tae Hyun swallowed hard. “Over a year ago.”

Ji Min’s eyes gained a fierce fire. “And why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“Because,” Tae Hyun gulped. “I didn’t want to burden you. I thought I could deal with it, cover up our traces…but Ji Young was more persistent that I expected.”

“What did he do?”

“He spread information that made the business gain a bad rep. Our shares have been decreasing and we’re pretty much bankrupt.”

Ji Min’s eyes widened. “And you didn’t tell me something this serious?!” she hissed. Her trust in Tae Hyun had been broken.

“I-I…I thought I could solve this myself.”

“Well,” Ji Min said in a crisp tone. “Evidently that didn’t work out. So what now?”

“Well,” Tae Hyun wondered if he should really say what he had done. But Ji Min heard his tone.

“What did you do?” she said, her voice hardening like a lake frozen over. “Tae Hyun?”

He closed his eyes. “I’ve sold off the business, I paid off the debts.”

Ji Min collapsed into the chair next to her. “So selling the business was enough?”

Tae Hyun winced. “No.” he confessed in a small voice.

“WHAT!?” Ji Min rounded on him. “You mean we still have to pay more?! How much more?! Where did the extra debt come from?”

Tae Hyun stared at his empty hand.

“Drinking?” Ji Min stared at him with wide eyes and a wide mouth. “Drinking?!”

“And a little bit of gambling.” Tae Hyun admitted, grounding his fists into his thighs and awaiting the moment of judgment he knew was about to come.

“YOU WHAT?!” she screamed. “You gambled?! When, how, why!?”

“I’m sorry!” Tae Hyun shouted in desperation, standing up to meet Ji Min’s eyes. “I didn’t mean for it to get so serious. It just started out as a night of fun, and then I thought it was possible to win back more money, but then…then it was gone and I had more debts and…”

“And you just worsened the situation, you idiot!” Ji Min buried her face in her hands, not wanting to meet the reality in front of her. “Why?” she sobbed. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I’m sorry.” Tae Hyun’s voice dropped. Remorse was clear. “I’ve quit. I’ve quit the gambling and drinking and-“

“Really?” Ji Min choked out a bitter laugh. “Then why were you drinking just now.”

Tae Hyun stopped. “That was…”

“Was what?” Ji Min asked harshly, poking and probing with an iron bar even though she knew Tae Hyun wanted to roll up like a porcupine and hide from the world. “Don’t give me these stupid excuses.”

“Because,” Tae Hyun tilted his head up like he was praying to the heaven above. For what he was about to say next. “Because of what I did to cover up my other debts.”

Ji Min lifted her head to stare at him with dark, dark eyes. “What did you do?” her tone spoke clearly that if it was something she didn’t want to hear, it was likely that the knife next to her on the kitchen table may end up very close to Tae Hyun’s throat. He swallowed awkwardly.

“I paid them off.”

“How?” she didn’t believe him. Then her eyes widened. “You didn’t go to loan sharks did you?!”

“No, no, no, no!” Tae Hyun rushed to assure her. “I’m not that stupid.”

Ji Min rolled her eyes. “Yes, because the current situation tells me that very clearly.” She turned her focus back onto him and he gulped, feeling the spotlight was a very dangerous one. “Then how?”

“I used our money.”

“Our money?” Ji Min tilted her head. “But…the bank didn’t notify me of any withdrawals….the only other bank account we have is-“

She stopped and flew open. Tae Hyun nodded, guilt staining him. “Yes.” He coughed. “I used Sandara’s account. But it’s only temporary, once I get the money back, it’ll go back to her and she’s not going to need it for another few years-“

 “Get out.” Ji Min said flatly.

Tae Hyun blinked. Had she just said what she had said?”

“Get out.” Ji Min repeated herself as if reading his mind. “I can’t trust you any longer can I? You took Sandara’s money. Her hard earned money!”

“I know, but it’s only temporary and-“

“And nothing!” Ji Min hissed, eyes cold and unforgiving. “Is this something a father does to his daughter? Steal something she gained herself? What sort of lesson would that be?”


“GET OUT!” Ji Min screamed and Tae Hyun backed into the door and out of the kitchen. She heard his skidding feet as he bumped around corners, the after-effects of the alcohol still streaming in his blood and filling the air of the kitchen. And then five minutes later she heard the slam of the front door as her husband left.

Ji Min finally walked out and into their bedroom. She noted the clothes scattered around the room - evidence of Tae Hyun’s hurried escape - and the flung open door. She noted all of this with a cold front. She would not cry, she would not cry.

And then she looked at her dressing table: there lay his wedding ring – a band of pure silver with the slightest etching of gold.

And Ji Min broke down.

She backed against the door, feeling it close and slid down to the ground. Ji Min buried her face in her hands and drew her knees up to her chin. She hugged herself as tears ran down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body. She cried as hard as she could, fully letting herself collapse. 

Because it was official – their family, their friendship, was now and forever shattered.

“Umma!” It was Sanghyun. Ji Min froze and hurriedly wiped away her tears. What would she do? What would she say? “We’re home!” he sounded so cheerful that it broke Ji Min’s heart.

In that moment, she decided what she would do.

She would lie.

She would tell a lie.

Ji Min bit back her tears and stood up. “Coming dear!” she called, hoping her sorrow was not present in her voice. She hurried around the room and scooped up clothes, haphazardly shoving them back into the wardrobe. Then she rushed to the bathroom and washed her face, hoping her swollen eyes weren’t that obvious. Finally she walked out and adopted an air of calm.

But just as she was about to open the door, her eyes fell upon the discarded wedding ring.

Ji Min felt the heat of tears threaten and she clenched her fists, allowing the pain of nails digging into soft skin to distract her. And finally, when Ji Min felt in control of herself she took and deep breath and pulled off her own wedding ring and let it drop to the floor before opening the door and greeting her three beloved children.

A/N - Phew, newarly 3000 words... Sorry for the long chapter guys, and sorry if I made Tae Hyun seem like a bit of a bad guy. He's not. I promise >< You'll see in the next chapter. For now, let me know how it went~ 9 more chapters to go!


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[Fia] Thanks for sticking around, hope you guys check our my other fics. I've got four on the run!!!


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thunbii #1
Hi its been a long time! Suddenly I have an urge to re-read this masterpiece of yours. So opened your profile and looked at your other stories. I see that you've been writing yoonmin stories and I totally ship them. So after I'm done reading this I'm gonna read your other stories and maybe comment on them hehehe and lastly thank you for writing this story :)
Chapter 5: while reading cl's pov, suddenly i remember their if i were you song in their ceish album which cl compose. i've been a blackjack since day one and i've never seen cl give attention to any guy. i mean in a romantic way except teddy whp she said her ideal type. and now reading this chappy im like did cl has something to dara? ahahahaha forgive me for being delulu i just cant help it.
SeungHodaebak #3
Chapter 5: oh I thought CL loves cheondung and dara and she faced the same problem with dara XD
I'm wrong
SeungHodaebak #4
Chapter 2: new reader in 2014 here XD
why I just found this now TAT
maybe I'm going to comment every chapter here.
my comment for chap 1 : urgh, so many er for SeungxDara XDDD
Sweetboo #5
i totally agreed with everyone here. this story is increadible. it so increadible that it make's me wanna cry one moment, and scream and suprise or even yell just reading this. you should give your self around of apppluase for writing this. you totally did a tremendeous work.
Chapter 65: waw... amazing story...
make me crazy for finished read it...
_viviansantoso #7
You're a great writer! I cried omoo so sad
findhamarizka #8
Chapter 65: awesome story! really couldn't stop reading it because of all the mysteries, anyway, great fanfic!
Chapter 66: I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS STORY~ Everyone's lives were somehow connected and stuffff. IT WAS SO PLANNED OUT AND GENIUS~ LET MEE LOVEEE YOUU. ;D LOL. ♥
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What more could a girl want?
Thank you guys~ I love you all!!!