My Future Girlfriend: Part 1 (2Kim ft. JangChae)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Seoul has changed a lot despite Minju being away for a year. Buildings grew bigger, people grew many, and its ideals grew out of its traditional aspect. Nonetheless, she inhales the fresh Seoul air as she arrived at Station 2 from Incheon International Airport.

She wowed of those changes despite being in the subway. She carried her stuffy backpack and walked around town, wowing of the many new spots within the neighborhood. She stopped by tteokbokki stall for a snack when she bumped into someone, causing her to fall with her heavy bag.

Minju thought she fell from Heaven. More like the person in front of her fell from Heaven. Nonetheless, she returned to reality when the person waved at her peripherals.

“Miss, are you okay?” She waved then lent a hand. “Oh, no…I’m so sorry.”

“No. It’s okay…” Minju assured her as she tries to get up. 

“No, it’s not. I feel awful.” The person lent a hand again. “Please.”

Minju accepted the hand, her inner conscience squealing on how soft it was. She was pulled up much to her shock because the person carried her body weight and the backpack’s weight with a single pull.

“Thank you.” Minju bowed. “I’m sorry if I got careless.”

“Well, sorry too.” She chuckled. “I didn’t mean to bump into you.”

Minju chuckled and made her order; one small serving of tteokbokki with two stick of fish cakes. She scurried her hand inside her pocket for the payment when the vendor handed her orders. “It’s okay, dear. Your angelic friend paid them.”

Minju was shocked as the same person smiled while eating her own share. “I insist, Miss.”

“Thank you again.” Minju spoke before she ate.

She was happy to eat. There was food like these where she used to be at but nothing beats the original. She chewed on the cakes and slurped the sauce like a pro.

“Do you want another serving, Miss?”

“No! I’m good.” Minju assured.

“Okay.” The person smiled. “Never seen you around here before. I live around these parts. Most privileged to make your acquaintance.”

“Sounds polite.”

“Really?” She asked.


“Think you can top it?” She asked as she ate another fish cake.

“We share the same lineage. I just arrived from the pearl of the Orient and I’m honored to be helped out and be treated food in the country that I grew up in.”

“Awesome…” The person applauded. “Well done.”

“I try.” Minju spoke.

“As much as I would love to get to know you, I need to go.” She threw her waste and waved. “See you when I see you, I guess…”

Minju nodded and waved back as the person went on. The thumps on her chest became very evident – and she just arrived in South Korea after a year!

For whatever it’s worth, she hoped to see her again.


From her return, Minju made lost of the days to explore around. Vacation was still up since she’ll be going to school soon and she used the time to do anything she wanted. But mostly, exploration.

She was biking around the Han River when she noticed a familiar person. Minju stopped her cycling as she wondered about the person.

It was the same girl she met at the tteokbokki stall, sitting alone on the bench. It was shocking to see her for the second time but she was more shocked of her expression; the happy face turned into a blank one.

“What could she be doing here…” Minju mumbled to herself before cycling towards her.

“It’s you!”

Minju yelped because of her sudden call and she almost fell from her bike. Luckily, her left leg was sturdy to prevent her from falling. She hopped out, parked her bike close to the bench, and sat beside her. “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.” She spoke. “I never thought to see you again.”

“Me too…although this is different because – “

“ – I didn’t smile?” She asked, causing Minju to nod. “Considered.”

“Why are you sad, though?”

The person sighed, growing sadder. Minju cussed her inner conscience for such an idea that she apologized for her intrusion.

“It’s okay. I understand that you mean well.”

Minju nodded and sat silently, admiring the view of the river. She took some time to sightsee, almost forgetting that there was someone beside her.

Alas. When she turned around, the girl already left. But then, there was a note placed to where she sat, in which Minju grabbed and read.

Thank you – K.C.W.

“KCW? What could her name be?”

Minju sighed, puts the note in her pocket, and went to her bike to cycle back home. She sighed during the ride, feeling pity towards the girl. She was also stupid for not asking her name and depended on fate to have them meet again.



Time passed and it was the beginning of the school year. Minju was a returnee in the School of Performing Arts and most of her old classmates welcomed her back – even the professors who knew her. But for the sake of the new students, Minju had to do the introductions again.

She had her seat in the middle, just next to the seat of her best friend. Minju noticed that she was late.

Weird. Her best friend was never late.

“Jang Wonyoung.” Teacher Bae snapped. “Weird. You’re never late.”

Wonyoung just bowed and went to her seat. Her sadness turned into happiness as she got to her seat and hugged her seatmate. “Min~”

“Won~” Minju hugged back. “I missed you so much~

“Jang. Kim.” Teacher Bae called them out again. “As much as you two missed each other, we’re in the middle of a class so please, pay attention.”

The two nodded and sat still to focus on their class.


Minju and Wonyoung had lunch together. After a year of not seeing each other, they had to catch up to each other and talked a lot of things, especially about their personal lives being in different places.

“The Philippines is a hot country but the people are very hospitable, especially Kreisha’s maternal family.” Minju spoke.

“You went there to study English when I can just tutor you.” Wonyoung huffed.

“Come on. I had to visit Kreisha.” Minju added. 

Just then, two friends joined them. One was very chill while the other was very hyper that she hugged Minju like taking her breathing support.

“Ahn Yujin…” Minju coughed. “You’re strangling my throat.”

“Sorry!” Yujin made a peace sign and returned to her seat.

“How was the Philippines, Min?”

“It was nice, Leader Kwon Eunbi.” Minju smiled. “As Yujin told me last year, Boracay was lovely.”

“Word.” Yujin spoke before sipping her juice.

Just then, freshmen gathered at three girls walking by the hallway as a tour guide was with them. They wore black cardigans, gray skirts, red ties, and black shoes with white socks. 

“Exchange students from Hanlim are here~” Yujin chanted. “Who’s going to be one of the lucky SOPA classes that’ll have them as classmates?”

“Dibs on that pink-haired girl to be in our class, AhnYu,” said Eunbi.

Minju and Wonyoung looked at the pink-haired girl having a blank face as she got served crab soup. The four friends got a better look and they had their reactions.

Eunbi and Yujin were shocked, Minju gasped of seeing her again, and Wonyoung became cold and walked out of their table. The remaining three averted their shocked back at their now-walking-away friend.

“What was that about?” Minju asked.

Eunbi and Yujin shared looks and motioned Minju closer. “Don’t tell Wonyoung that we told you. She doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“Got it.” Minju nodded. “But just so you know, I already met her but I didn’t get her name.”

“What a small world.” Yujin commented.

“Anyway, remember the time Wonyoung had a girlfriend due to crossdressing?” Eunbi began.

Minju remembered bits of it since Wonyoung used to tell her through video calls. While she was away in the Philippines, Wonyoung was desperate to have a partner. At the time, crossdressing was a common activity to get a date so Wonyoung tried it out. With a brown wig, a white shirt, blue baggy ripped jeans, and black Converse shoes, she embarked on that little adventure and got a date by the name of Kim Chaewon.

Wonyoung also shared that Chaewon was a crossdresser herself – together with her duck-like classmate. She shared the same motives as Wonyoung but got a different date. It was also revealed that during that time, Wonyoung had a girlfriend by the name of Yabuki Nako. In the end, she and Nako broke up and she and Chaewon became a thing.


“So that pink-haired girl is THE Kim Chaewon?!” Minju pointed out but Eunbi and Yujin told her to shut up.

Yet, the Hanlim trio had sharp ears and heard Minju. Eunbi and Yujin face-palmed; a sign that Minju had her ‘MINJU GA DDO’ moment again. Yet, the said pink-haired girl got to their table, smile present because of Minju. “You again~”

“Let’s just say the world is small. We met thrice already but I haven’t known your name.” Minju spoke. “I’m Kim Minju, by the way.”

“Kim Chaewon. Pleasure to meet you.” Chaewon shook hands with her.

Minju felt a jolt within that touch, making her cheeks flush lightly. Chaewon grinned and spared to greet Eunbi and Yujin. The duo added. “Welcome to SOPA.”

Alas. Chaewon’s expression changed as she saw a familiar person coming. She excused herself from the girls and returned to her table with her classmates. Minju sat down, just as Wonyoung did.

“I can’t believe you guys talked to her.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 

“Was she the Chaewon you talked about, Won?”

Wonyoung hated the topic. But knowing her best friend asked, she had all the right to know.

“Yes. She’s my girlfriend…” Wonyoung spoke then scoffed. “Was, Min.”

Minju nodded and felt sorry. Wonyoung shrugs the idea and they resumed their meals. 

Minju was sorry for Wonyoung but mostly, she was sorry for herself. Her ideality of love at first sight was tossed down the drain because of Chaewon. And in the concept of exes, they were off-limits. Therefore, Chaewon was off-limits because she was Wonyoung’s ex.

Minju’s inner conscience could only sigh as the ideality of a future girlfriend is flushed away.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1762 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1762 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.