Surviving Parenthood: Part 2 (MongMin)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was another day in the Kang residence as Hyewon and Minju were sitting across each other, doing their work. With Minju’s second trimester, Hyewon decided to work from home to watch over her wife. Minju thought it was too cumbersome for Hyewon to earn for them so she had her fair share in working from home. 

The couple decided to conduct online classes and tutorials for their different subjects. Hyewon was stricter for Minju because she wanted her to be teaching three one-hour classes.

“Love, three hours isn’t enough.” Minju pouted as she finished her first class.

“Love, too much radiation isn’t good for you and for our baby.” Hyewon spoke as she prepared for her first class. “Listen to me, okay?”

“But you always work hard for us…” Minju lowered her head. “I only do nothing.”

“You’re doing something, love. You make sure our baby Won is alive and kicking inside your belly.” Hyewon assured her. “I’ll be okay. Trust me.”

Minju nodded and proceeded with the second class. Hyewon resumed hers plus a meeting with her subordinates on which instructor will take which class. After their work, Hyewon went on a bathroom break whereas Minju went to the kitchen to gett her favorite snack.

Minju huffed as she looked at the top shelves and the top freezer. Her gummy bears and chocolate ice cream were stored there, out of the reach of her cravings. Hyewon was a very caring yet very strict husband that when it came to Minju’s food intake, Hyewon made sure she ate healthy food and controlled Minju of her cravings by storing her favorite snacks at the very top.

Climbing was a weakness in pregnancy and Hyewon was a genius to figure out and to use it at an advantage to stop Minju from overeating her craved food. It wasn’t stopping Minju, however, as she grabbed a stool and reached for the freezer and the shelves.

“Kang Minju, you get the down!” Hyewon snapped after returning from her bathroom break. 

Minju yelped. Hyewon saw what she was doing and was unleashing her inner Alpha. Minju whimpered, thinking it could soften her husband.

“But baby…I want to eat gummy bears and ice cream.” Minju whined. “Just one. Please?”

“No. Once you start, you won’t be able to stop.” Hyewon sighed, drawing closer. “I’ll serve you some fruit salad. And get down from there! You might hurt yourself!”

Minju whined loud. Hyewon was having none of it and chopped some fruits. 

“But I want to have gummy bears and – “

Minju yelped as she lost her balance. Hyewon’s senses were heightened that she dropped her knife and rushed to catch Minju. Minju landed in Hyewon’s embrace but the latter thought her bones cracked because of the sudden impact.

Hyewon knew Minju was heavy, especially with baby Won inside. Yet, she was willing to have her bones broken to keep Minju and baby Won safe from any situation.

“I told you so, Min.” Hyewon spoke.

“Okay. You told me so.” Minju lost, lowering her head yet holding Hyewon tight. “But just for today? Please, baby?”

The things I do for love…

“Just for today.” Hyewon agreed but she had a condition. “But you have to eat the salad I prepared for you. Empty the bowl and I serve you a scoop of chocolate ice cream with gummy bears for garnish. Just one serving.”

Minju became an obedient Omega and thanked Hyewon with a cute kiss on her cheek. Hyewon watched her wife walk slowly towards her workstation. She smiled and prepared her snacks.

She might reward herself some chips or an insane amount of medicinal patches for her future sores.


It was another peaceful night. Hyewon was dosing to dreamland and dreamt of finally getting some sleep.


Why did it have to be a dream, Hyewon thought.

“Minju ga…ddo?” Hyewon mumbled as she lets out a yawn. “Again with the wake-up calls.” And another yawn. “What is it?”

“I’m thirsty.”

Hyewon got up and went to the kitchen. Minju looked at the door and waited for Hyewon to return, only to see her carry a large dispenser of water and a glass. She puts the jar by Minju’s bedside table and used it to fill the glass.

“Here.” Hyewon handed the glass.

Minju drunk the glass of water like Flash and she was feeling relieved. “Thank you, baby…but why a whole dispenser?”

“So you can get water whenever you want to.” Hyewon said as she returned to her side and slept.

Minju was always amazed of Hyewon’s practicality and wit but she sighed, feeling sadly grateful for her efforts. Hyewon returned to sleep and Minju reached to cuddle her, joining her to dreamland.


Hyewon was at the supermarket on a weekend, buying groceries. She had a full cart of them and managed to push it despite having a small frame. She was an Alpha, after all. Nonetheless, she got to the cashier to pay when a call came.

“Yes, love?” Hyewon answered it.

A moan escaped Minju’s lips followed by a shrill. Hyewon was starting to panic but she jad to be calm for the groceries and for her wife. “What’s wrong, love?”

Kwangbae…my water bag has burst…

Hyewon almost crumpled her phone yet she requested the cashier to hurry up with the transaction. 

“I’ll be right over.” Hyewon answered and dialled another number. “Sakura?”

What is it, Kwangbae?

“Can you get to the house?! Minju’s about to give birth!!”

Sakura was just as frantic as her and agreed. Hyewon watched as the transaction was settled and once all the groceries were in a huge carton, Hyewon carried it like it was a feather and sprinted out of the supermarket, shocking everyone on how strong she was.

Hyewon didn’t care about that. She had to get to Minju immediately.

Another ring came just as Hyewon arrived at their gate. She answered it immediately. “Yes?!”

We’re at the hospital now, Kwangbae. We decided therapeutic birth for Minju because her stress was rising.

“Oh, come on!!” Hyewon kicked the door open and placed the carton of groceries inside. “I just got to our house!!”

Sorry, sorry. Kaeun-chan said to get her hospitalized urgently. Besides, the baby’s head was coming out.

“Alright, alright! I’ll get there!” Hyewon hung up the call.

Hyewon secured their home and ran like Flash towards the hospital. The journey was almost short-lived as she arrived. She rushed to the information area, almost frightening the clerk.

“You almost scared the out of me, Kwangbae!”

“Don’t dilly-dally with me!” Hyewon growled. “Where’s my wife, Yunjin?!”

“Labor room!” The other giraffe pointed.

“Hang on, love! I’m coming!” Hyewon screamed as she got there.

Kaeun got out with a headache and Hyewon would’ve gotten inside when the fellow Alpha stopped her.

“Don’t, Kwangbae.” Kaeun hissed, canines showing. “Minju’s pheromones are all over the place.”

“But my wife needs me – “

“We don’t have suppressants, you idiot!” Kaeun spat. “We go in there and we’ll disrupt the labor! Think about your wife and baby Won!”

There was no use denying that. Despite the closed door, Hyewon could sense Minju’s pheromones and it stirred her inner Alpha like a revving engine. With Kaeun’s words, she had to get away and calm down.

“Kaeun-sama~” Two nurses got to her, holding bottles. “We got the suppressants you requested.”

“Thanks, NakoMiku.” Kaeun spoke. “You can return to your stations.”

“We want to see the baby too, Kaeun-sama.” Nako answered.

“Can we?” Miku asked.

A familiar cry was heard. Kaeun agreed and sprayed suppressant on herself, Nako, and Hyewon. The three went inside the room and Sakura was smiling as she wrapped the newborn baby with a clean towel.

“Congratulations, Hyewon. Minju.” Sakura showed the baby. “It’s a healthy baby girl.”

The two nurses and Kaeun applauded. Hyewon got to Minju’s side as soon as Minju called for her. The couple were teary as Sakura handed the baby to Hyewon. 

“She’s so beautiful…” Hyewon’s tears dropped as she said it. “It’s baby Won. Kang Wonyoung.”

“She likes it, Kwangbae.” Kaeun pointed at baby Wonyoung holding Hyewon’s point. 

Nako and Miku had the chance to see the baby before they joined Sakura and Kaeun to clean the room up. Minju was also cleaned and transferred to her hospital room. Hyewon followed suit as Sakura got baby Wonyoung laid on her little bed that was scooted to Minju’s hospital room. Minju got to hold her baby this time and adored her. Hyewon sat by their side and adored them.

“That’s cute. We’ll take her back to the baby room later.” Sakura spoke and pulled Kaeun with her.

Hyewon’s thanks was gone with the wind. Nonetheless, she returned to focus on her family.

“She has your nose, Kwangbae.” Minju pointed. “And she has my face.”

“You’re right.” Hyewon nodded then patted Minju’s head. “I’m sorry if I was a little late.”

“Where were you?” Minju asked.

“Grocery shopping. I left it in the house before rushing here.” Hyewon answered, draping an arm around Minju. “Thank you being strong and delivering our baby to the world. I would’ve gone inside but your pheromones were all over the place.”

Minju understood. Hyewon had done so much for their family that Minju would always consider her efforts and reasoning. Hyewon got baby Wonyoung in her arms as soon as she saw Minju yawning.

“You need to rest. I’ll take care of Wonyoung.” Hyewon suggested.

Minju agreed. Hyewon placed Wonyoung on the little bed and skidded it closer to the bed first before tucking Minju to sleep. Minju took a while to close her eyes because she was holding Hyewon’s hand and was to look at longer.

“Sleep now, love.” Hyewon went to kiss her forehead. “I’ll watch over our baby.”

“Okay…” Minju nodded, cupping Hyewon’s cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Hyewon replied.

“I bet Won will be feisty like you…” were the last words Minju spoke before she rested.

Hyewon couldn’t help another kiss and returned to Wonyoung’s attention. She held the baby close to her and Wonyoung’s fingers moved. Hyewon held her point close to Wonyoung’s cute hands and the baby held it. Hyewon chuckled and sat on the chair, cradling Wonyoung to sleep while watching over a sleeping Minju.

She was the happiest woman ever. The groceries at their home can wait because she was enjoying this moment with her family.



Hyewon had her sleep disturbed for the third time of the night. She yawned and got up carefully to not disturb Minju. She looked down and there was a four-year old Wonyoung.

Four years passed so quickly. Hyewon and Minju were always doing their best to raise Wonyoung from a quiet baby to a feisty toddler. As Minju predicted, Wonyoung was feisty like Hyewon yet graceful like her. She was also a fast learner that sometimes, Hyewon was the concerned dad trying to watch over her and Minju was the calm mom who got her in control.

The very evident thing about Wonyoung was she was a bundle of tears during sleeping hours. Sometimes, the parents’ sleeping patterns were disturbed because Wonyoung cried a lot – either because she was hungry or she wanted to use the toilet. Hyewon’s sleep was disturbed the most because Minju was a deep sleeper and Wonyoung was more attached to her thus she always called for her.

Hyewon yawned as little Wonyoung tugged on her pajamas. Hyewon carried Wonyoung and whispered. “What’s wrong, my princess?”

“Daddy. Cuddles.” Wonyoung mumbled.

Cuddles were another reason. Before, Hyewon and Minju had their baby sleep on a crib inside their room and cuddled her whenever she cried. Now that Wonyoung was growing, she had a room for herself. Hyewon thought Wonyoung was smart to figure out in waking them up as she missed being cuddled by her parents.

Nonetheless, Hyewon rocked Wonyoung to sleep and the cute toddled snuggled in her Daddy’s arms. Once Wonyoung fell asleep, Hyewon returned her to her room. She slowly walked out of her room and returned to her bedroom with Minju.

“Kwangbae…where were you?” Minju was awakened.

“Lulling Wonyoung to sleep. She wanted cuddles.”

Hyewon returned to her side and was slowly drifting to sleep. Minju saw her bags and rubbed her face slowly.

“I’m getting old too quickly.” Hyewon mumbled as she relaxed. “I hope Wonyoung doesn’t wake up again.”

“I’ll take care of her next. Got to sleep now.” Minju spoke as she stopped to cup Hyewon’s face.

Hyewon nodded and slept again. Minju kissed her cheek before sleeping with her again.


Hyewon was running like a deranged ostrich, chasing a speedy Wonyoung. Minju chuckled and watched them before focusing in making their lunch.

Wonyoung’s feral skills developed quickly. She was running around and jumping onto household obstacles and Hyewon thought she was seeing a baby version of herself. It would’ve been easy to catch Wonyoung but her fatigue was tolling her energy.

Hyewon wheezed and slumped on the couch. Wonyoung pounced on her stomach and Hyewon wheezed again before pulling her for a hug. Wonyoung was still feisty and squeezed her Daddy’s face like it was clay. Hyewon could only scream as Wonyoung stretched her cheeks to see her teeth. “Daddy. Big teeth.”

Hyewon nodded. Minju saw the sight and she laughed like crazy.

“It’s not funny, love.” Hyewon mumbled and she rubbed her cheeks.

“Okay, you babies. Time for lunch.”

Wonyoung demanded Hyewon to carry her and her Daddy lifted her up and glided her like an airplane. Wonyoung ended up laughing like her mom before she was placed on her special seat. 

“Won~ Say grace~” Minju spoke.

Wonyoung obeyed her mother. Even though it sounded gibberish because she was still a baby, Minju silently joined her. Hyewon thought it was so funny that she almost bursts out laughing yet Minju kicked her knee, causing Hyewon to shut up.

Nonetheless, Wonyoung finished and they ate.


Another evening comes. The Kang residence was silent and peaceful. The couple were sleeping. Wonyoung was sleeping...

...or so they thought.

“Daddy? Mommy?”

Hyewon jolted up and flipped out about getting her sleep disturbed. Minju woke up calmly, almost as cranky as Hyewon.

“What have you got against the concept of a good night sleep, huh?!” Hyewon reacted, bags visible and eyes bloodshot.

“Daddy…” Wonyoung was close to crying. “Bad dream…”

Hyewon went soft. She face-palmed herself and lifted Wonyoung to her level, whispering her sorry for flipping out in front of her.

“Huh? What is it?” Minju woke up again after sleeping again.

“Junior had a bad dream.” Hyewon spoke as Wonyoung snuggled to her. 

Minju sighed and adjusted a space. Wonyoung also reached for and Minju got a turn to comfort her daughter.

“Awww…” Minju whispered as she rocked Wonyoung lightly. “Why don’t you sleep with us, baby?”

“Really?” Wonyoung perked to have a good look at her parents.

“Of course.” Hyewon spoke as she fixed Wonyoung’s head. “Our bed is your bed too.”

Wonyoung’s fear vanishes instantly. Hyewon and Minju moved their pillows closer so Wonyoung can place her head gently. Wonyoung was now tucked in her parents’ arms and she couldn’t be happier.

“Goodnight, Mommy. Good night, Daddy.” Wonyoung spoke.

“Good night, my little bunny. Sleep tight.” Minju added, kissing her cheek.

“Good night, princess. Dream of happiness tonight.” Hyewon added with a peck on her forehead.

Wonyoung smiled at her parents and slept peacefully. Minju and Hyewon joined her, huddling onto their daughter.

The positions shifted quickly and Hyewon was a witness of it. Fast asleep, Wonyoung moved to lie down on Hyewon, head on her chest and her body sprawled like she was still a baby. Minju pulled closer to Hyewon, leaning her head on her shoulder as she slept. Hyewon wanted to cry because she was afraid that she won’t get a good night sleep but as the minutes pass, Hyewon finally relaxed and slept with her mother and child.

As they drift to dreamland, Hyewon realized that parenthood wasn’t a cinch. It was the hardest responsibility she ever did and Minju would relate to that. But the struggle was not of utmost importance because Minju and Wonyoung were her strength.

It’s how she’ll survive everything. It’s how she’ll survive parenthood.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.