Our Love: Part 5 (2Kim, Annyeongz, JangChae, Jinjoo)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The next day, Chaewon and Wonyoung walked to their homes. Their clothes were different from yesterday as they shopped before going to the hotel. They decided to walk to spend more time with each other.

As they got to Wonyoung’s home, they saw Yujin. Wonyoung rushed to hug her best friend as Chaewon waved at her.

“You two woke up earlier than me.” Yujin added. “But…you wore casual clothes on a morning walk?”

“Well…” Wonyoung held Chaewon’s arm. “We spent the whole night together.”

“Eh?! Where did you two go in the middle of the night?”

“Uhm…in a hotel?”

Yujin gasped and had an unpleasant reaction. Chaewon clarified that nothing happened last night and they just spent the night together.

It was then that Chaewon remembered what she saw; that she was with Minju.

“I could ask the same to you, Yujin.” Chaewon added. “Where did you and Minju go off to?”

“You saw?” Yujin asked. “How do you even know that?”

“Like you said, I saw you when I was rushing to Wonyoung for our date.”

“I bumped into her. She was crying and I decided to comfort her.”

Chaewon went stiff. She felt wrong again for judging the situation.

Minju had a hard time because of the reunion…

Because of her…

“Love?” Wonyoung nudges her to reality. “Love, are you okay?”

Chaewon got her attention. She even noticed Yujin’s eyes glaring at her.

“I just wanted to take her home. You can have the next shift.” Chaewon spoke to Yujin.

Wonyoung didn’t want her to leave but Chaewon needed to. Yujin turned away from the PDA and was reminded about what happened with her and Minju.

She explained her side but from the looks of Chaewon’s face, she was affected.


“See you soon. I love you.” Wonyoung whispered to Chaewon.

“I love you too.” Chaewon replied then patted Yujin’s back. “See you, AhnYu.”

She nodded and faced Wonyoung. Wonyoung noticed her expression then asked. “What’s the face? And what are you doing here?”

“Your mother called. It’s almost 9 AM and she said you weren’t home. I came to check what’s going on.”

“I’m here now. No need to worry about me.”

“I can’t help it. You’re my best friend.”

The door of the house opened and out came Wonyoung’s mother. She went to scold her daughter but Yujin assured her that she was safe and sound.

“Aigoo, Yujin-ah~ thank goodness you’re here.” Mother Jang gave her a hug. “Wonyoung and I wouldn’t know what would happen if you weren’t here for her. Come inside for some breakfast.”

“Oh no. It’s fine, Mrs. Jang.”

“Come inside, AhnYu.” Wonyoung held her hand. “I insist.”

In the end, Yujin agreed. Usually, she had a thick face coming to the Jang residence. The Jangs and Ahns were really close families and so was Wonyoung and Yujin. They were almost inseparable.

But with Wonyoung having a girlfriend, Yujin continued to be the best friend at a distance. Besides, she pursues a partner of her own.

Who knew that the angel made her so smitten?


In the apartment, Chaewon arrived. The place was quiet and clean. Chaewon walked to the kitchen and spotted a covered meal for her. With her growling stomach, she went to her seat and ate like an animal.

A slight sound almost choked her. A hand came to its rescue to give her a drink. Chaewon gulped and looked back to see Minju, causing her to choke again.

“Calm your , Ssamu. Jesus…”

“M-Min!” Chaewon spoke after she got herself together. “I can explain…”

“No need. Chaerin-unnie told me everything.”

Chaewon couldn’t eat anymore. Her embarrassment and guilt were slowly eating her inside. She saved the decency left in her system and talked to Minju in a proper setting.

“Min…” Chaewon faced her. “Did you cry because of last night?”

“How do you even know I cried?” Minju asked, face still mum.

“Yujin came to Wonyoung’s house. I was taking Wonyoung home when we met.” Chaewon added. “She…told me about what happened.”

“Oh.” Minju commented. “And for one moment, I thought you’d react that I was with her.”

Minju ended the discussion from there but Chaewon held her hand, stopping her. “What’s your relationship with Yujin?”

“She’s a friend. We got to know each other because I paid her meal when she didn’t have money.” Minju explained. “She’s like an innocent puppy but is a mature dog when her friends are in distress. She did that for Wonyoung as much as she did that for me.”

“Min, please don’t get too close to her. I…” Chaewon drew closer to hold her arms. “…I don’t want that.”

“And what?” Minju asked, getting angry. “I should say the same regarding you and Wonyoung.”

“She’s my girlfriend. That’s different.”

“But both of us have a responsibility!” Minju snapped. “Don’t tell me you got cheeky because our eldest siblings have a better chance than we do!”

“And what about it?! You left the dinner to go with Yujin!!”

“I left because I was hurt! I bumped into her and she comforted me!” Minju snapped again. “Don’t put words in my mouth because I didn’t put words in yours!”

Chaewon gulped. Minju didn’t want to be angry but the whole situation was too much for her. She respected the family matters yet Chaewon just throws it off because of her girlfriend.

“You think I wanted this?” Chaewon reacted. “I’m suffering as you are, Min!”

Minju gulped as Chaewon held her arms hard. She saw her angry eyes.

“You’re the problem, Min. You seem to have a comment about everything that I do. Freedom, love, and true obligation mean nothing to you!!”

“Those mean everything to me!!” Minju snapped as she drove Chaewon’s arms away. “I want all of those things too! My heart wants it so bad but I need to be reasonable. My mind and heart have to meet in the middle and I’m following it, whether you like it or not!”

Chaewon groaned and looked away. Minju couldn’t believe herself and of what happened. Never in their lives have they fought as hard as this. Minju sighed and spoke again.

“Ssamu-ya, I care for you. I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way. I’m not doing this not just because of family matters. I want this to work out without any backlash.” Minju added, her tears betraying her. “Sometimes, I think that this is all a mistake. I regret meeting you.”

Chaewon gulped as those words hit her heart. Yet, her pride took over and she faced Minju.

“I believe it is a mistake…and I hope we make it clear…” Chaewon spoke. “…that we are very different people.”

“Maybe too different…” Minju mumbled.

“Fine. Let’s go through this act for our inheritance and nothing more.”

Chaewon walked away towards the room, slamming the door close. Minju mumbled a quiet “Fine.” before crouching and crying.

All of their memories had been cut off with one argument. Chaewon may have more assurance because of her influence but Minju had nothing so she wasn’t sure of anything now.

The tie that they try to sever many times has finally snapped off.


Another day passed at the university. Students were busy with classes, extra curricular activities, and trainings. For the modelling club, it was the beginning of their activities for the school year and it was Minju’s first day, together with the other chosen models.

The said first day became unfortunate. Minju was already late and it was a pet peeve of the club president. What’s worse is that she ended up bumping onto someone, causing more delay.

“Ow…I’m so sorry – “

“You must be Minju.”

Minju looked up and she hastily stood and bowed. “Sakura-san!”

“No need to be hasty. It’s okay. Breathe.” Sakura spoke, holding her hand.

Minju follows the senior and was relieved. She thanked her with another bow.

“I’m guessing you’re nervous because you’re late.” Sakura added. “I’m heading there as well. We should go together.”

Minju thought it was a great idea so she could save face. Wanting not to pry, she thoughtfully agreed and they walk together.

During the walk, Sakura explained the details about the modelling club. It was a club to instill confidence and character through many activities, not just walking on a runaway to show appeal and visuals. It was built to prepare students to become good examples for the university and for others.

“It’s a top-notch club, Sakura-san.”

“It is. The student council were former members of this club. It also has a graduation system wherein the club lives on by letting others take over and be given the chance to showcase their confidence and character.” Sakura spoke. “And I suppose you know that Chaewon’s part of it better than anyone else…”

Minju was shocked. Could it be that Sakura was familiar with their secret?

“I won’t bug into it. It’s not my right. I apologize for any inconvenience you’re feeling right now.”

“I apologize too, Sakura-san. Chaewon and I truly know each other but the connection is confidential. I can’t disclose as to how we know each other.”

“Very well.” Sakura nodded and patted her back. “Welcome to the club.”

They arrived at the studio. Minju saw her fellow new members and her eyes caught on Wonyoung. She gulped since Wonyoung had a serious face. So much for her being her senior and yet, she’s scared of her.

“You’re late, Miss Kim.” Wooseok snapped.

Everyone was looking at her. Wonyoung added a little smirk.

“Cut her some slack, Kim.” Sakura crossed her arms. “In fact, cut some slack to the novices. Let then adjust to the environment first.”

The club officers were tensed. They were slightly scolded by a former member; a junior and a veteran of the arts, to be specific. Yet, she had the latecomer’s back. They had to obey. Nonetheless, the session was resumed. Sakura kept an eye on then like a hawk.

During the session, the first thing Wooseok did was letting the members walk to show their visuals as a warm-up. Since Minju was late, she was put into pressure to do the warm-up alone, with everyone watching her. She got nervous standing up yet some members and Sakura encouraged her. Minju gulped but relaxed and did her best. Her runway was the most impressive, even Sakura loved it.

“Perfect. Now that’s what I call good delivery.”

Minju bowed her thanks as many of them clapped. Wonyoung clapped lightly but in an unimpressive manner.

The session resumed normally. Wooseok and the other officers did lectures, made the members introduce themselves, and did groupings. There were three groups in the club: the Elite, the Class, and the Fresh.

“To discuss the groups, we would be honored to have Sakura-san discuss it.” Wooseok proposed.

Sakura nodded and got in front, receiving applause by everyone. She greeted them before discussing, leaving the members to greet back.

“It’s nice to see you all give your best to get in this club. Welcome.” Sakura began. “The groupings of the university’s modelling club are based on expertise and experience, together with confidence and character. The Elites group are at the top for they have represented the university in many aspects. The members are a force to be reckoned with.

“Sakura-san!” Somi rose a hand. “Were you part of that group?”

“I’m afraid not, Miss Jeon. During my time, I had external schedules that I didn’t attend the club sessions. I was only placed at the Class group.” Sakura spoke then pointed at some of the officers. “Your VP Jung Chaeyeon, Treasurer Park Jihoon, and Secretary Joo Kyulkyung are part of the Elites group. Another member during her time was our Student Council President Kwon Eunbi.”

The novices wowed a lot. Chaeyeon and Kyulkyung could only bow and thank her.

“What about you, President?”

“Same as Sakura-san.” He answered. “The Class group is the boundary between the Elites and the Fresh. We’ve been members in the club and we can compete to become part of the Elites. The student council decides who should be placed in the Elites group.”

“President?” Wonyoung raised. “The Fresh group is only composed of us five?”

“For now, Miss Jang. The club still offers auditions until the end of the month. There will be more of you.”

“President?” Minju got her turn to ask. “Can the Fresh group compete to be in the Elites group?”

Wooseok was shocked with the question as the other officers mumbled. Sakura snapped them off of their judgment by answering the question. “Of course, it is possible. Although it’s not easy.”

Minju nodded. Wonyoung scoffed because she agreed with the officers. It was a ridiculous question for her.

“Back in the day, only the Lee cousins made it possible.” Sakura shared a story. “Lee Suhyun and Lee Kaeun were part of the Fresh group when they were novices but quickly jumped to the Elites group. Kaeun-san was the MVP of it because she only took one evaluation round to get the title. Suhyun-nim took three.”

“And most of us took 12 or more.” Kyulkyung spoke. “It’s tough competition, kiddos. However, like Sakura-san said, it’s possible.”

“Another question.” Wonyoung raised, slightly looking at Minju before saying. “What’s the percentage for lottery winners to get through the evaluations and the Elites group?”

“About 3% of the population, Miss Jang. An example of that is our Eunbi-nim.” Chaeyeon spoke.

“That’s true…but I have a feeling there’ll be more opportunities for them.” Sakura said before calling the lottery winners. “Miss Kim, Mister Cha, do you think you can handle it?”

“We will, Miyawaki-san.” Junho said and bowed.

“We’ll try.” Minju mumbled and bowed with him.

Sakura loved that spirit and the club resumed their session once more.


The session ended well for Minju. She managed to learn many things and became friends with the other members, mostly with the guys Junho and Jinyoung. Everyone slowly left the hall except for Minju and Wonyoung since they were still preparing their stuff.

The place was quiet yet palpable. Minju had a feeling that Wonyoung was sour towards her and her feeling became real.

“Aish!” Wonyoung winced, holding her ankle as she tried to get up.

“Wonyoung!” Minju became worried. “Let me help you – “

“No! No…” Wonyoung spoke. “I’m alright.”

Minju nodded slowly before returning to get her bag. Knocks were heard and they looked to see Chaewon and Yujin. Wonyoung was happy to see them but for Minju, she felt tensed. Chaewon noticed her but didn’t greet her for she felt awkward after their argument.

Either that or she was scared.

“Hey, Angel.” Yujin waved then looked at Wonyoung. “You really need to get your ankle checked, Won.”

“AhnYu~!” Wonyoung whined. “Not in front of Ssamu~!”

“I’ll call the infirmary.” Chaewon spoke. “Can you patch her up, AhnYu?”

“Yeah. I’ll get my bandages at my locker.”

The two excused themselves. Minju asked about Wonyoung’s well-being again but Wonyoung suddenly yelled.

“I’m not okay, Minju-nim. I’m furious.” Wonyoung hissed. “How dare you make a sloppy impression in this club?!”

Minju never thought Wonyoung had such a character. She may be taller but she was younger. She looked innocent and caring and –

Two-faced. That’s what she is.

“I apologize if I ever did or say anything that could cause you distress.” Minju spoke calmly.

“You’re new to this whole thing. It’s understandable.”

Minju was relieved. She wanted to thank Wonyoung for understanding but as what she thought, Wonyoung became angry again.

“I say that the lottery thing was a joke. Getting in should be of experience and not luck.” Wonyoung added. “The likes of such people don’t belong in this club.”

“What is the meaning of this, Wonyoung?!”

They looked to see Yujin by the door, clenching onto the bandages.

“What? I was just saying the truth, AhnYu.”

Yujin wowed before getting to her and patching her ankle. Once she was done, she approached Minju.

“Are you free, Angel?” She asked. “Because I hope we can go the stall again. Let’s have some wonderful fishcakes and tteokbokki~”

Minju didn’t know what to do or react but she went with the flow as Yujin pulled her out and they walked together. Chaewon happened to pass by them and saw how they held hands.

She didn’t understand herself. Why does she feel angry? Jealous even?

“Unnie, Wonyoung needs your attention. Get to her. Stat.”

Yujin and Minju went, leaving Chaewon speechless because as Wonyoung’s best friend, Yujin wouldn’t just leave her. Chaewon and Minju had their gazes caught by each other, leaving Chaewon to freeze. Once they were far from sight, Chaewon sighed and had to get Wonyoung’s attention.


Yujin treated Minju for her share of fishcake and tteokbokki. Instead of eating at their favourite bench, Yujin decided to take Minju to her house. Minju wowed that it was also as fancy as hers. Yujin adored her reaction and they went inside.

“Young Master.” A butler bowed at her.

“Hey, Mr. Cho. I invited my friend over. Can you prepare some sodas for us?”

The butler bowed. One of the maids was shocked to see Minju, making the latter wonder.

“You’re Kim Minju! You’re the heir of K Corporate, the biggest business company of the whole world!”

“Miss Cho, where’s Head Miss Cho?”

“Right here, Young Master.” An older maid went near them. “I see you have a new friend with you.”

Minju introduced herself and everyone was obliged to meet her.

“Eomma! She’s THE Kim Minju of K Corporate!”

“I see why the Young Master called. You’re making a fuss!!” The older Cho slapped her daughter lightly on the back. “Pardon me for the sudden talk, Miss Kim. My daughter can be a blabbermouth sometimes.”

Minju didn’t mind whereas Yujin thanked her for the interruption. The maids excused themselves as Yujin escorted Minju to the fining table where the sodas are prepared.

“Yujin-ah, this is quite the preparation.” Minju got shy as she sat. “Thank you…”

“Aigoo, it’s for you, Angel.” Yujin spoke then got a glass of cider for her. “Here.”

Minju thanked her and drank. The two enjoyed their drinks and snacks. Yujin decided it that way because she wanted to talk to her properly. Once Minju got settled after eating, Yujin started to speak.

“I witnessed what happened.”

Minju sighed. “Well, your best friend had quite a point there, Yujin. I got picked because of luck and not because of my skill.”

“But that doesn’t mean you don’t belong in the club.” Yujin spoke. “What Wonyoung spoke was disrespectful, offensive, and rude. I’ll call her later to correct that.”

“Yujin, hey…” Minju calmed her. “Don’t mind it. She might be frustrated about some things.”

“I could agree to that. She’s stressed about her last date with Chaewon and of her aching ankle. I advised her not to stress herself but she can be stubborn.” Yujin spoke then sighed. “Even is she’s facing stress, those words she spoke to you are not an excuse for her behavior.”

Minju felt bad for Yujin. She really cares for people that hold dear to her that she joins with their agony. She ended up holding her hand, saying. “Don’t stress yourself out as well. We’re all growing up and we should practice in learning how to deal with things ourselves gradually.”

“You’re right. I say the same to you with regards to the modelling club.” Yujin said. “I know you’ll do great.”

Minju nodded. She couldn’t help but look at Yujin. She was too precious. And in Yujin’s case, she felt her heart thump many times. Minju was just too precious to her. Regardless of what happens, Yujin wants to always be there for her.

She had been with Wonyoung many times. It’s about time she had her own time with another.

Her own time with Minju.


Chaewon was looking up the dark ceiling of the hotel room, hearing the silence. Wonyoung was asleep and cuddled to her, unaware of what she is currently feeling. They did this little rendezvous for their sanities. Chaewon had many problems despite her perfect façade while Wonyoung was stressed due to the club.

As a couple, they were each other’s comfort and support. But for Chaewon, she was overjoyed and conflicted. How could she have the guts to have a girlfriend when she was bound to an arranged marriage in the first place?

Wonyoung’s groan interrupted her thoughts. Wanting not to disturb her, Chaewon scoots out of the cuddle and went to the window, looking at the metropolitan night. She got her phone and contacted someone.

The buzz and ring might be short but it felt long for Chaewon. She was nervous. She even felt stupid to call someone in the middle night. Nonetheless, she wanted to try.


Chaewon gulped. She sighed and spoke. “H-Hey, Min. I never thought you’re still awake.”

I’m studying. I’m also planning for the Glee Club’s auditions since Yena-unnie and Yuri requested for my help.

Chaewon face-palmed herself. She was the reason why the Glee Club’s two of the trinity asked Minju for help. She had been inactive in all the clubs she’s in after their argument.

Don’t get your head way up in the clouds. Don’t lose that perfect side of you because of what happened to us.

“I could say the same way about you…” Chaewon spoke. “Anyway, I’ll be home soon. You don’t need to prepare a meal. I’ll buy us some.”

What are you playing at, Ssamu?

She felt stupid again despite her perfect self. They swore not to get involved in any gestures. They were only bound for their inheritances and nothing more.

“I…I want us to be in peace.” Chaewon spoke. “I can’t sleep knowing I had hurt your feelings.”

Do whatever you want, Ssamu. I don’t care.

“Okay. Good night.”

Chaewon heard her hang up without saying anything. Chaewon scrolled her phone towards a folder that can only be opened by her.

Inside were pictures of her and Minju.

Initially, Minju was Chaewon’s first companion. Their families had been friends and business partners for a long time. Because of that, Chaewon and Minju grew up as friends, almost best friends. Everything changed when they grew and were arranged in marriage. The start of it was negotiable as Chaewon and Minju wanted it to work. But when Wonyoung became Chaewon’s girlfriend, Minju was left to hold onto that negotiation. Chaewon denied many times to the point Minju always got the bad end of the emotional stick.

Chaewon couldn’t bear it anymore. She can’t see Minju getting hurt because of her incompetence to become accountable for her own actions. The thought made her cry silently.

“Love?” Wonyoung woke up from her sleep, limping. “What’s wrong, my tiger cub?”

Chaewon wiped then away and turned off her phone. “I’m just stressed, love. Let’s sleep it off, okay?”

Chaewon rushed to Wonyoung’s side to help her out. Both of them cuddled to sleep while whispering their words of love.

Chaewon loved Wonyoung. Then again, she also cared for Minju. She can only question her accountability within dreamland.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.